Name Strings
Daniel Kartch
Jeff Vigil
Ray Smith
Daniel Kartch, NVIDIA Corporation (dkartch 'at' nvidia.com)
Version 4, May 16, 2018
EGL Extension #128
Extension type
EGL display extension
Requires EGL 1.5 or EGL 1.4 with EGL_KHR_fence_sync
Interacts with EGL_KHR_reusable_sync
Interacts with EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync
Interacts with EGL_NV_cuda_event
This extension is written against the wording of the EGL 1.5
The original EGLSync extensions separated sync objects into two
types: fence sync objects signaled by one time events in an
API command pipeline; and reusable sync objects signaled by commands
which can be issued again and again. However, this conflates
reusability of the event triggering a sync object with the EGLSync
object itself.
Although the event associated with a fence sync object will only
occur once, there is no reason that it can't be replaced with a new
event. Doing so would avoid unnecessary allocation and free
operations in an application that repeatedly waits for events. With
the current interfaces, such applications must constantly create and
destroy new EGLSync objects.
This extension allows all sync objects to be reusable. When a sync
object is in the signaled state, it can be reset back to an
unsignaled state, regenerating or reevaluating the events that
trigger them. For fence sync objects, this means generating a new
fence in the current API. For OpenCL event sync objects, this means
waiting for a new OpenCL event handle. This mechanism also allows
sync objects to be created in the signaled state with no associated
fence/event, and have one applied later. Thus all EGLSyncs required
by an application can be allocated up front, before any rendering
operations have begun.
New Types
New Tokens
New Procedures and Functions
EGLBoolean eglUnsignalSyncEXT(
EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLSync sync,
const EGLAttrib *attrib_list);
Replace text of subsections of 3.8.1 through of EGL 1.5 Specification. Existing tables are preserved.
3.8.1 Sync Objects
In addition to the aforementioned synchronization functions, which
provide an efficient means of serializing client and native API
operations within a thread, <sync objects> are provided to enable
synchronization of client API operations between threads and/or
between API contexts. Sync objects may be tested or waited upon by
application threads.
Sync objects have a status with two possible states: <signaled> and
<unsignaled>, and may initially be in either state. EGL may be asked
to wait for a sync object to become signaled, or a sync object