


Name Strings



Sam Holmes
Maurice Ribble
Daniel Koch
Tobias Hector
Jan-Harald Fredriksen
Sourav Parmar


Maurice Ribble (mribble 'at' qti.qualcomm.com)




Last Modified Date: November 30, 2018
Revision: 5


OpenGL ES Extension #221
OpenGL Extension #534


OpenGL ES 3.0 or OpenGL 1.2 is required.

This extension is written against the OpenGL ES 3.1 and
OpenGL 4.6 (Core Profile) specifications.

This extension interacts with ARB_texture_view.

This extension interacts with EXT_texture_view.

This extension interacts with OES_texture_view.

This extension interacts with ARB_direct_state_access.


This extension introduces SR8_EXT as an acceptable internal format.
This allows efficient sRGB sampling for source images stored as a separate
texture per channel.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted by the <internalformat> parameters of TexImage3D, TexImage2D,
TexImage1D, TexStorage3D, TexStorage2D, TexStorage1D, TextureStorage3D,
TextureStorage2D, and TextureStorage1D:

    SR8_EXT    0x8FBD

Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL ES 3.1 Specification [GL 4.6 core specification] (Textures and Samplers)

The following table entry is added to Table 8.2 (Valid combinations of
format, type and sized internalformat):

    Format    Type             External Bytes per Pixel    Internal Format
    ------    ----             ------------------------    ---------------
    RED       UNSIGNED_BYTE    1                           SR8_EXT

The following table entry is added to Table 8.13 [8.12 in the GL 4.6 core
profile] (Correspondence of sized internal color formats to base internal

    Sized Internal Format    Base Internal Format    R    G    B    A    S    CR    TF    Req. rend.    Req. tex.
    ---------------------    --------------------    -    -    -    -    -    --    --    ----------    ---------
    SR8_EXT                  RED                     8                              X                      X

The following table entry is added to Table 8.22 in the GL 4.6 core profile
(Compatible internal formats for TextureView):

    Class              Internal formats
    ---------------    ----------------

The following table entry is added to Table 8.24 [8.24 in the GL 4.6 core
profile] (sRGB texture internal formats):

    Internal Format

Dependencies on OpenGL

If OpenGL is not supported, ignore all references to 1D textures,
including TexImage1D, TexStorage1D, and TextureStorage1D.

Dependencies on OpenGL 4.5 and ARB_direct_state_access

If neither OpenGL 4.5 nor ARB_direct_state_access are supported,
ignore all references to TextureStorage3D, TextureStorage2D, and

Dependencies on ARB_texture_view

If ARB_texture_view is supported, add SR8_EXT to the Internal formats
column of the VIEW_CLASS_8_BITS row in Table 3.X.2.

Dependencies on EXT_texture_view

If EXT_texture_view is supported, add SR8_EXT to the Internal formats
column of the VIEW_CLASS_8_BITS row in Table 8.X.2.

Dependencies on OES_texture_view

If OES_texture_view is supported, add SR8_EXT to the Internal formats
column of the VIEW_CLASS_8_BITS row in Table 8.X.2.



New State


Revision History

Rev Date Author Description —- ———- ————– ——————————— 1 1/9/2015 Sam Holmes Initial revision. 2 1/21/2015 Maurice Ribble Cleanup minor issues 3 1/22/2015 Tobias Hector Removed "GL_" prefix and somewhat confusing version language. 4 1/28/2015 Sam Holmes Remove redundant specification of errors and clean up internal format name. 5 11/30/2018 Sourav Parmar Add GL interactions and register for GL.