Name ARM_texture_unnormalized_coordinates
Name Strings
Jan-Harald Fredriksen ( jan-harald.fredriksen 'at' arm.com)
Jan-Harald Fredriksen, ARM
Last Modified Date: December 17, 2019
Revision: 1
OpenGL ES 3.0 is required.
This extension is written against OpenGL ES 3.2, May 14th 2018.
This extension provides the option to switch to unnormalized
coordinates for texture lookups using a sampler parameter.
Texture lookup in OpenGL ES is done using normalized coordinates. For
certain applications it is convenient to work with non-normalized
coordinates instead. It also beneficial to keep support for bilinear
Additional restrictions apply to textures with non-normalized
coordinates that affect texture completeness and the available
texture lookup functions.
IP Status
No known IP claims.
New Procedures and Functions
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of TexParameteri, TexParameterf,
TexParameteriv, TexParameterfv, SamplerParameteri, SamplerParameterf,
SamplerParameteriv, SamplerParameterfv, TexParameterIivEXT,
TexParameterIuivEXT, SamplerParameterIivEXT, SamplerParameterIuivEXT,
GetTexParameteriv, GetTexParameterfv, GetTexParameterIivEXT,
GetTexParameterIuivEXT, GetSamplerParameteriv, GetSamplerParameterfv,
GetSamplerParameterIivEXT, and GetSamplerParameterIuivEXT:
Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification (Textures and Samplers)
Add a section after section 8.15 (Texture Magnification)
8.xx Unnormalized coordinates
If the value of TEXTURE_UNNORMALIZED_COORDINATES_ARM is TRUE, then the range of the coordinates used to lookup the texture value is in the range of zero to the texture dimensions for x, y and z, rather than in the range of zero to one.
When the value of TEXTURE_UNNORMALIZED_COORDINATES_ARM is TRUE, equation 8.9 is not used. Instead, let u(x; y) = s(x; y) v(x; y) = t(x; y) w(x; y) = r(x; y)
When the value of TEXTURE_UNNORMALIZED_COORDINATES_ARM is TRUE, results of a texture lookup are undefined if any of the following conditions is true:
- the texture access is performed with a lookup functions that supports texel offsets
- the texture access is performed with a lookup functions with projection
Add to 8.17 Texture Completeness
Add to the conditions for texture completeness below "Using the preceding definitions, a texture is complete unless any of the following conditions hold true:":
- The value of TEXTURE_UNNORMALIZED_COORDINATES_ARM is TRUE, and any of ** the texture is not a two-dimensional texture ** the minification filter is not NEAREST ** the magnification is not NEAREST ** the value of TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL is not 0 ** the value of TEXTURE_WRAP_S and TEXTURE_WRAP_T is not CLAMP_TO_EDGE nor CLAMP_TO_BORDER ** the value of TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE is not NONE
New State
Modify Table 21.12: Textures (state per sampler object)
Add the following parameter:
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec.
------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- ------- ------------------- ----
TEXTURE_UNNORMALIZED_COORDINATES_ARM B GetSamplerParameter FALSE unnormalized coords 8.xx
New Implementation Dependent State
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- ---------- -------- -----------------------------------------
1 2019-12-17 jhf initial version