


Name Strings



Aaftab Munshi (amunshi@ati.com)


Copyright (c) 2004-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at

Specification Update Policy

Khronos-approved extension specifications are updated in response to
issues and bugs prioritized by the Khronos OpenGL ES Working Group. For
extensions which have been promoted to a core Specification, fixes will
first appear in the latest version of that core Specification, and will
eventually be backported to the extension document. This policy is
described in more detail at


Ratified by the Khronos BOP, Aug 5, 2004.


Version 1, August 2004


OpenGL ES Extension #12


OpenGL ES 1.0 is required.


This extension adds the ability to support vertex skinning in OpenGL ES.
A simplified version of the ARB_matrix_palette extension is used to
define OES_matrix_palette extension.

This extension allow OpenGL ES to support a palette of matrices.  The matrix
palette defines a set of matrices that can be used to transform a vertex.
The matrix palette is not part of the model view matrix stack and is enabled

The n vertex units use a palette of m modelview matrices (where n and m are
constrained to implementation defined maxima.)  Each vertex has a set of n
indices into the palette, and a corresponding set of n weights.
Matrix indices and weights can be changed for each vertex.  

When this extension is utilized, the enabled units transform each
vertex by the modelview matrices specified by the vertices'
respective indices.  These results are subsequently scaled by the
weights of the respective units and then summed to create the
eyespace vertex.   

A similar procedure is followed for normals.  Normals, however,
are transformed by the inverse transpose of the modelview matrix.

IP Status

Unknown, but believed to be none. 


Should this extension be an optional or mandatory extension

    Will be an optional extension since ARB_matrix_palette didn't
    see much usage in OpenGL.

Should we allow the ability to load the current model view matrix 
into the matrix palette

    Yes.  This will be very helpful since it makes it very easy
    to load an object heirarchy.  This will also be helpful for JSR184

Should the Matrix palette be loaded with a new LoadMatrixPalette

    No, although this provides an easy way to support arbitrary
    palette sizes, the method loses the current (MultMatrix,
    Rotate, Translate, Scale..) matrix functionality.

    Matrices will be Loaded into the palette with current
    functions when MATRIX_MODE is MATRIX_PALETTE_OES.  The current
    palette index is set by an explicit command:

Should the Matrix Palette have a stack?

    Not required, this wastes a lot of space.
Should the matrix palette be gettable?

Should MatrixIndexARB be changed to imply LoadMatrix calls to the
applicable MODELVIEW_MATRIXn stacks?

    No, the MODELVIEW_MATRIXn matrices are unused when
    MATRIX_PALETTE is enabled.

Should there be a way to specify that the modelview matrices
for two different vertex units are identical?

    Not explicitly, but indexing the matrix palette provides this
    functionality. (Both units will have the same matrix index.)

New Procedures and Functions

void CurrentPaletteMatrixOES(uint index)

void LoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES()

void MatrixIndexPointerOES(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer)

void WeightPointerOES(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);

New Tokens

Accepted by the <mode> parameter of MatrixMode, and by the
<cap> parameters of Enable and Disable:

  MATRIX_PALETTE_OES                    0x8840

Accepted by the <pname> parameters of GetIntegerv:

  MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES              0x8842
  MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES                  0x86A4
  CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_OES            0x8843

are 9 and 3 resp.
Accepted by the <cap> parameters of EnableClientState and DisableClientState and
by the <pname> parameter of IsEnabled:

  MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES                0x8844
  WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES                      0x86AD

Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegerv:

  MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_OES           0x8846
  MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_OES           0x8847

  WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_OES                 0x86AB
  WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_OES                 0x86A9
  WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES               0x86AA

Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetPointerv:

  WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_OES              0x86AC

Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL ES 1.0 Specification

- Added to section 2.8 

      void WeightPointerOES(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);

      void MatrixIndexPointerOES(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);

    WeightPointerOES & MatrixIndexPointerOES are used to describe the weights and
    matrix indices used to blend corresponding matrices for a given vertex.

    For implementations supporting matrix palette, note that <size> values for
    WeightPointerOES & MatrixIndexPointerOES must be less than or equal to the
    implementation defined value MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES.

- Added to table in section 2.8

    Command                 Sizes                       Types
    -------                 -----                       -----
    WeightPointerOES        1..MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES     fixed, float
    MatrixIndexPointerOES   1..MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES     ubyte

- (section 2.8) Extend the cap flags passed to EnableClientState/DisableClientState
   to include


- (section 2.10) Add the following:

      "The vertex coordinates that are presented to the GL are termed
       object coordinates. The model-view matrix is applied to these
       coordinates to yield eye coordinates. In implementations with
       matrix palette, the matrices specified by the indices per vertex
       are applied to these coordinates and the weighted sum of the
       results are the eye coordinates. Then another matrix, called the
       projection matrix, is applied to eye coordinates to yield clip
       coordinates.  A perspective division is carried out on clip
       coordinates to yield normalized device coordinates.

       A final viewport transformation is applied to convert these
       coordinates into window coordinates."

      "... the vertex's eye coordinates are found as:

        (xe)    n-1               (xo)
        (ye)  =  SUM  w_i * M_i * (yo)
        (ze)    i=0               (zo)
        (we)                      (wo)

      where M_i is the palette matrix associated with the i'th
      Vertex unit:
        M_i = MatrixPalette[MatrixIndex[i]],
                 if MATRIX_PALETTE_OES is enabled, and
        M_i = MODELVIEW_MATRIX, otherwise.
      w_i is the Vertex's associated weight for vertex unit i:

        w_i = weight_i, if MATRIX_PALETTE_OES is enabled,
                     1, if MATRIX_PALETTE_OES is disabled,

        n = <size> value passed into glMatrixIndexPointerOES."

      "The projection matrix and model-view matrices are set
      with a variety of commands. The affected matrix is
      determined by the current matrix mode. The current
      matrix mode is set with

        void MatrixMode( enum mode );
      which takes one of the pre-defined constants TEXTURE,

      In implementations supporting OES_matrix_palette,

         void CurrentPaletteMatrixOES(uint index);
      defines which of the palette's matrices is affected by
      subsequent matrix operations when the current matrix mode is
      MATRIX_PALETTE_OES. CurrentPaletteMatrixOES generates the
      error INVALID_VALUE if the <index> parameter is not between

      In implementations supporting OES_matrix_palette,

         void LoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES();

      copies the current model view matrix to a matrix in the matrix
      palette, specified by CurrentPaletteMatrixOES.

      DrawArrays and DrawElements will not render the primitive if
      the matrix palette was enabled and the weights and/or matrix
      index vertex pointers are disabled or are not valid.

      "The state required to implement transformations consists of a
      four-valued integer indicating the current matrix mode, a
      stack of at least two 4 x 4 matrices for each of PROJECTION,
      and TEXTURE with associated stack pointers, a stack of at least
      32 4 x 4 matrices with an associated stack pointer for MODELVIEW,
      and a set of MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES matrices of at least 9
      4 x 4 matrices each for the matrix palette.
      Initially, there is only one matrix on each stack, and all
      matrices are set to the identity.  The initial matrix mode
      is MODELVIEW. 

      "When matrix palette is enabled, the normal is transformed
      to eye space by:

          (nx' ny' nz') = (nx ny nz) Inv ( SUM w_i * Mu_i)
        Alternatively implementations may choose to transform the
      normal to eye-space by:
          (nx' ny' nz') =  SUM w_i * (nx ny nz) Inv(Mu_i)

      where Mu_i is the upper leftmost 3x3 matrix taken from the
      modelview for vertex unit i (M_i),
           M_i = MatrixPalette[MatrixIndex[i]], 
                     if MATRIX_PALETTE_OES is enabled, and
           M_i = MODELVIEW_MATRIX, otherwise

      weight_i is the vertex's associated weight for vertex unit i,

          w_i = weight_i

          n = <size> value passed into glMatrixIndexPointerOES."


  INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <size> parameter for
  MatrixIndexPointerOES or WeightPointerOES is greater

  INVALID_VALUE is generated if the <count> parameter to
  CurrentPaletteMatrixOES is greater than MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES - 1

New State

(table 6.6, p. 232)

                                   Get          Initial Get Value                      Type    Command      Value   Description                     ---------                      ----    -------      ------- -----------                    MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES         B       IsEnabled    False   matrix index array enable MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_OES    Z+      GetIntegerv  0       matrix indices per vertex MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_OES    Z+      GetIntegerv  UBYTE   type of matrix index data MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES  Z+      GetIntegerv  0       stride between
                                                        matrix indices MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_OES Y       GetPointerv  0       pointer to matrix
                                                        index array

WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES B IsEnabled False weight array enable WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_OES Z+ GetIntegerv 0 weights per vertex WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_OES Z2 GetIntegerv FLOAT type of weight data WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES Z+ GetIntegerv 0 stride between weights per vertex WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_OES Y GetPointerv 0 pointer to weight array

(table 6.7, p. 233)

                                         Get         Initial Get Value                              Type  Command      Value  Description  ---------                              ----  -------      -----  -----------

MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES Z+ GetIntegerv 0 matrix index array buffer binding

WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES Z+ GetIntegerv 0 weight array buffer binding

(table 6.9, p. 235)

                              Get          Initial Get Value                   Type  Command      Value    Description  ---------                   ----  -------      -------  -----------

MATRIX_PALETTE_OES B IsEnabled False matrix palette enable MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES Z+ GetIntegerv 9 size of matrix palette MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES Z+ GetIntegerv 3 number of matrices per vertex CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_OES Z+ GetIntegerv 0 transform index of current modelview matrix in the palette, as set by CurrentPaletteMatrixOES()

Revision History

Addendum: Using this extension.

/* position viewer */
glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -7.0f);
glRotatef(yrot, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -7.0f);

glRotatef(yrot, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(zrot, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);



glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 7 * sizeof(GLfloat), vertexdata);
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 7 * sizeof(GLfloat), vertexdata + 3);
glWeightPointerOES(2, GL_FLOAT, 7 * sizeof(GLfloat),vertexdata + 5);
glMatrixIndexPointerOES(2, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, matrixindexdata);
for(int i = 0; i < (numSegments << 2) + 2; i ++)
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, i << 2, 4);