


Name Strings



Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at' nvidia.com)


Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Corporation
Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA Corporation
Eric Werness, NVIDIA Corporation
James Helferty, NVIDIA Corporation
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA Corporation




Last Modified Date:         March 27, 2015
Revision:                   2


OpenGL Extension #464
OpenGL ES Extension #227


This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.3 Specification
(Compatibility Profile), dated February 14, 2013.

OpenGL 1.0 is required.

This extension interacts with EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.

This extension interacts with EXT_direct_state_access.

This extension interacts with OpenGL ES 3.1 (June 4, 2014).

When implemented for OpenGL ES 3.1, this extension interacts with

When implemented for OpenGL ES 3.1, this extension interacts with


In unextended OpenGL 4.3, minification and magnification filters such as
LINEAR allow texture lookups to returned a filtered texel value produced
by computing an weighted average of a collection of texels in the
neighborhood of the texture coordinate provided.

This extension provides a new texture and sampler parameter
(TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT) which allows applications to produce a
filtered texel value by computing a component-wise minimum (MIN) or
maximum (MAX) of the texels that would normally be averaged.  The
reduction mode is orthogonal to the minification and magnification filter
parameters.  The filter parameters are used to identify the set of texels
used to produce a final filtered value; the reduction mode identifies how
these texels are combined.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted by the <pname> parameter to SamplerParameter{i f}{v},
SamplerParameterI{u}iv, GetSamplerParameter{i f}v,
GetSamplerParameterI{u}iv, TexParameter{i f}{v}, TexParameterI{u}iv,
GetTexParameter{i f}v, GetTexParameterI{u}iv, TextureParameter{i f}{v}EXT,
TextureParameterI{u}ivEXT, GetTextureParameter{i f}vEXT,
GetTextureParameterI{u}ivEXT, MultiTexParameter{i f}{v}EXT,
MultiTexParameterI{u}ivEXT, GetMultiTexParameter{i f}vEXT, and

    TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT                  0x9366

Accepted by the <param> or <params> parameter to SamplerParameter{i f}{v},
SamplerParameterI{u}iv, TexParameter{i f}{v}, TexParameterI{u}iv,
TextureParameter{i f}{v}EXT, TextureParameterI{u}ivEXT,
MultiTexParameter{i f}{v}EXT, or MultiTexParameterI{u}ivEXT when <pname>

    WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT                        0x9367
    MIN                                         (reused from core)
    MAX                                         (reused from core)

Modifications to the OpenGL 4.3 Specification (Compatibility Profile)

Modify Section 8.10, Texture Parameters (p. 241)

(add to Table 8.24, pp. 241-243)

  Name                              Type    Legal Values
  --------------------------        ----    --------------------
                                            MIN, MAX

Modify Section 8.14.2, Coordinate Wrapping and Texel Selection (p. 254)

(add below the equations specifying the values i_0, j_0, ... beta, gamma)

... where frac(x) denotes the fractional part of <x> and may be quantized
to a fixed-point value with implementation-dependent precision.

Modify Section 8.14.3, Mipmapping (p. 259)

(modify the last paragraph in the section, p. 261)

The final texture value is then found as:

  tau = (1 - frac(lambda)) * tau_1 + frac(lambda) * tau_2,

where frac(x) denotes the fractional part of <x> and may be quantized to a
fixed-point value with implementation-dependent precision.

Modify Section 8.17, Texture Completeness (p. 263)

(modify the last two bullets in the section, p. 264)

  * The internal format of the texture arrays is integer (see tables 8.19-
    8.20), the texture reduction mode is WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT, and either
    the magnification filter is not NEAREST, or the minification filter is

  * The internal format of the texture is DEPTH_STENCIL, the DEPTH_-
    STENCIL_TEXTURE_MODE for the texture is STENCIL_INDEX, the texture
    reduction mode is WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT, and either the magnification
    filter or the minification filter is not NEAREST.

Insert before Section 8.23, sRGB Texture Color Conversion (p. 279)

Section 8.X, Texture Reduction Modes

When using minification and magnification filters such as LINEAR, or when
using anisotropic texture filtering, the values of multiple texels will
normally be combined using a weighted average to produce a filtered
texture value.  However, a filtered texture value may also be produced by
computing per-component minimum and maximum values over the set of texels
that would normally be averaged.  The texture and sampler parameter
TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT controls the process by which multiple texels
are combined to produce a filtered texture value.  When set to its default
state of WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT, a weighted average will be computed, as
described in previous sections.

When TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT is MIN or MAX, the equations to produce a
filtered texel value for LINEAR minification or magnification filters
(equation 8.10 and subsequent unnumbered ones) are replaced with

  tau = reduce((1-alpha)*(1-beta)*(1-gamma), tau_i0_j0_k0,
               (  alpha)*(1-beta)*(1-gamma), tau_i1_j0_k0,
               (1-alpha)*(  beta)*(1-gamma), tau_i0_j1_k0,
               (  alpha)*(  beta)*(1-gamma), tau_i1_j1_k0,
               (1-alpha)*(1-beta)*(  gamma), tau_i0_j0_k1,
               (  alpha)*(1-beta)*(  gamma), tau_i1_j0_k1,
               (1-alpha)*(  beta)*(  gamma), tau_i0_j1_k1,
               (  alpha)*(  beta)*(  gamma), tau_i1_j1_k1),

  tau = reduce((1-alpha)*(1-beta), tau_i0_j0,
               (  alpha)*(1-beta), tau_i1_j0,
               (1-alpha)*(  beta), tau_i0_j1,
               (  alpha)*(  beta), tau_i1_j1), or

  tau = reduce((1-alpha), tau_i0,
               (  alpha), tau_i1)

for three-, two-, and one-dimensional texture accesses, respectively.  The
function reduce() is defined to operate on pairs of weights and texel
values.  If the reduction mode is MIN or MAX, reduce() computes a
component-wise minimum or maximum, respectively, of the R, G, B, and A
components of the set of provided texels with non-zero weights.

For minification filters involving two texture levels
two selected levels, tau_1 and tau_2, are produced as described in section
8.14.3, but using the reductions described immediately above.  The two
filtered values will be combined to generate a final result using the

  tau = reduce((1-frac(lambda)), tau_1, 
               (  frac(lambda)), tau_2),

where tau_1 and tau_2 are filtered values for levels d_1 and d_2, and
frac(lambda) is the fractional portion of the texture level of detail and
may be quantized to a fixed-point value with implementation-dependent

If anisotropic texture filtering is enabled, a reduction mode of
WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT will produce a filtered texel value by computing a
weighted average of texel values, using an implementation-dependent set of
selected texels and weights.  When using reduction modes of MIN or MAX, a
filtered texel value will be produced using the equation

  tau = reduce(tau_1, ..., tau_N)

where tau_1 through tau_N are the <N> texels that would be used with
non-zero weights when a reduction mode of WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT is used.

If a texture access using a reduction mode of MIN or MAX is used with a
texture access with depth comparisons enabled (section 8.22.1), the
individual tau values used in the reduce() functions should reflect the
results of the depth comparison (0.0 or 1.0), not the original values in
the depth texture.

Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications



INVALID_ENUM is generated when SamplerParameter*, TexParameter*,
TextureParameter*EXT, and MultiTextureParameter*EXT is called with a
<pname> of TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT and a <param> value or value pointed
to by <params> points that is not one of WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT, MIN, or

New State

Add to Table 23.23, Textures (state per sampler object)

Get Value                   Type  Get Command     Value      Description                Sec.
--------------------------  ----  ------------  ---------    ------------------------   -----
TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT  E     GetTexParam-  WEIGHTED_     Texture reduction mode     8.10
                                   eteriv       AVERAGE_EXT   (average, minimum, maximum)

New Implementation Dependent State


Dependencies on EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic

If EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic is not supported, references to
anisotropic filtering in the discussion of texture reduction modes should
be removed.

Dependencies on EXT_direct_state_access

If EXT_direct_state_access is not supported, references to these functions
should be removed:

    TextureParameter{i f}{v}EXT, TextureParameterI{u}ivEXT,
    GetTextureParameter{i f}vEXT, GetTextureParameterI{u}ivEXT,
    MultiTexParameter{i f}{v}EXEXTT, MultiTexParameterI{u}ivEXT,
    GetMultiTexParameter{i f}vEXT, and GetMultiTexParameterI{u}ivEXT

Interactions with EXT_texture_border_clamp

References to each of the following functions should be decorated with the
EXT suffix:

    SamplerParameterI{u}iv, GetSamplerParameterI{u}iv,
    TexParameterI{u}iv, and GetTexParameterI{u}iv

If EXT_texture_border_clamp is not supported, all references to the above
functions should be removed.

Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.1

Ignore any earlier changes to the "Texture Completeness" section.

In section 8.16 "Texture Completeness", Modify the last three bullets:

  * The effective internal format specified for the texture arrays is a
    sized internal color format that is not texture-filterable (see table
    8.13), the texture reduction mode is WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT, and either
    the magnification filter is not NEAREST or the minification filter is

  * The effective internal format specified for the texture arrays is a
    sized internal depth or depth and stencil format (see table 8.14), the
    value of TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE is NONE, the texture reduction mode is
    WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT, and either the magnification filter is not
    NEAREST or the minification filter is neither NEAREST nor

  * The internal format of the texture is DEPTH_STENCIL, the value of
    texture reduction mode is WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT, and either the
    magnification filter or the minification filter is not NEAREST.

Interactions with OES_texture_stencil8

Modify 3.8.13 "Texture Completeness" to change the bullet added by
OES_texture_stencil8 to the list of reasons a texture would be complete:

  * The internal format of the texture is STENCIL_INDEX, the
    either the magnification filter is not NEAREST or the minification
    filter is neither NEAREST nor NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST.


(1) What should this extension be called?

  RESOLVED:  EXT_texture_filter_minmax, as it allows for "min" and "max"
  operations during texture filtering.  This follows the precedent of
  EXT_blend_minmax, which provides similar functionality for blending
  values in the framebuffer.

(2) How does this extension interact with restrictions on min/mag filters
    textures with integer components?

  RESOLVED:  In unextended OpenGL 4.3, a texture with integer components
  (e.g., RGBA8I) is considered incomplete if used with minification or
  magnification filters that normally average multiple samples (anything
  other than NEAREST and NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST).  This restriction exists
  to avoid the need to define semantics for computing a weighted average
  of integer values with non-integer weights, which will produce an
  arithmetic result that is not an integer.  Given that the MIN and MAX
  reduction modes don't do any arithmetic and won't produce non-integer
  values, we allow these reduction modes to be used with arbitrary

(3) How does this extension interact with TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE set
    to COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE for depth textures?

  RESOLVED:  The per-sample comparison should be performed prior to the
  min/max reduction.

  This implies the MIN mode for TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT in this
  case returns a false value if *any* of the texels compare false; to
  return true, every comparison must be true.  Likewise this implies
  the MAX mode for TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT in this case returns
  a true value if *any* of the texels compare true; to return false,
  every comparison must be false.

  Note that unextended OpenGL 4.3 doesn't actually require that linear
  filtering actually average depth comparison results of 0.0 and 1.0, but
  behaving this way appears to be common practice and may be required for
  other 3D graphics APIs.

(4) Do interpolation weights figure into the min/max reductions?

  RESOLVED:  Yes.  Texels that would have a weight of zero for the normal
  WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT reduction modes should not be considered when
  performing MIN or MAX reductions.

  Note that implementations may end up quantize the interpolation weights
  to fixed-point values with implementation-dependent precision.  This may
  cause samples to be ignored in WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_EXT or MIN/MAX
  reductions.  For example, if you are using a minification filter of
  LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR and the computed LOD is 2.00001, the implementation
  may round the LOD as being exactly 2.0 and ignore the texels in level 3
  for the purposes of trilinear filtering.

(5) Should TEXTURE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXT work with stencil textures?


Revision History

Revision 2, 2015/03/27
  - Add ES interactions

Revision 1
  - Internal revisions.