Name Strings
Daniel Kartch
Daniel Kartch, NVIDIA (dkartch 'at' nvidia.com)
Version 6 - October 27, 2016
EGL Extension #112
Extension Type
EGL display extension
Requires the EGL_KHR_stream extension.
Modifies the EGL_KHR_stream_fifo extension.
Modifies the EGL_KHR_stream_consumer_gltexture extension.
Modifies the EGL_EXT_stream_consumer_egloutput extension.
Interacts with the EGL_KHR_stream_cross_process_fd and
EGL_NV_stream_remote extensions.
This extension is written based on the wording of version 26 of the
EGL_KHR_stream extension.
The base stream extension requires that, once the producer inserts
the first frame into the stream, at least one frame is always
available to be acquired by the consumer until the stream
disconnects. However, there are some use cases in which the producer
or the consumer may wish to allow the stream to empty without
permanently disconnecting.
An example of a use case where the producer may wish to empty the
stream is a security or rear-view camera which temporarily stops
producing new frames, perhaps due to a hardware reset. Continuing to
display the last frame available would produce a false impression of
the current state, and should be avoided for safety reasons. A
better solution would be to let the consumer know there was no
available image, so that it could take appropriate actions, and then
recover when the camera begins streaming again.
This use case could be handled with existing functionality by
disconnecting and destroying the stream and then recreating and
reconnecting it when new frames are available. However, this can be
burdensome, particularly when the producer and consumer reside in
separate processes.
An example of a use case where the consumer may wish to empty the
stream is an image processer which operates on each frame exactly
once. After processing, it will not waste resources operating on the
same frame a second time. This use case can be handled by carefully
monitoring the availability of a new frame before performing an
acquire operation. But returning the buffer(s) as soon as they are
no longer needed allows for better resource management.
This extension allows a stream to be completely drained of existing
frames by the consumer or flushed of existing frames by the producer
without disconnecting, so that processing may continue again when
new frames are produced.
New Functions
EGLBoolean eglResetStreamNV(
EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLStreamKHR stream);
New Tokens
Accepted as an attribute in the <attrib_list> parameter of
eglCreateStreamKHR and the <attrib> parameter of eglQueryStreamKHR:
To table " EGLStream Attributes", add entry
Attribute Read/Write Type Section
-------------------------- ---------- ------ ----------
EGL_SUPPORT_REUSE_NV io EGLint 3.10.4.x+1
Modify entries in the list of state transitions in " EGL_STREAM_STATE_KHR Attribute"
Occurs when the producer inserts the first image frame and any
subsequent frame after the stream has been drained.
Occurs when the producer inserts a new image frame and only
previously consumed frames are available.
Occurs when the consumer begins examining the last unconsumed
frame and reuse of old frames is enabled.
Add entries to the list of state transitions in " EGL_STREAM_STATE_KHR Attribute"
Occurs when the stream is reset.
Occurs when the stream is reset or, if reuse of old frames is
disabled, when the consumer begins examining the last unconsumed
Add new sections at the end of section "3.10.4 EGLStream Attributes"
3.10.4.x EGL_SUPPORT_RESET_NV Attribute
The EGL_SUPPORT_RESET_NV attribute may only be set when the stream
is created. By default, it is EGL_FALSE. If set to EGL_TRUE, the
stream will allow restoration of the stream state back to
EGL_STREAM_STATE_NEW_FRAME_AVAILABLE_KHR, releasing existing frames,
as described in section 3.10.5.x.
Not all consumers are required to support stream resets. Attempting
to attach a consumer which does not support resets to a stream with
EGL_SUPPORT_RESET_NV set to EGL_TRUE will fail with an
Not all producers will provide a means to reset streams themselves,
but any producer may be connected to a stream which supports resets
and may be used with the eglStreamResetNV function.
3.10.4.x+1 EGL_SUPPORT_REUSE_NV Attribute
The EGL_SUPPORT_REUSE_NV attribute may only be set when the stream
is created. By default, it is EGL_TRUE. If EGL_TRUE, then when the
consumer acquires the last available image frame from the stream, it
will be held for reuse until a new frame is inserted to replace it.
If EGL_FALSE, no frames will be available to the consumer until the
producer inserts a new one.
Modify third paragraph of " EGLStream operation in mailbox mode"
The consumer retrieves the image frame from the mailbox and
examines it. When the consumer is finished examining the image
frame it is either placed back in the mailbox (if the mailbox is
empty, supports reuse of frames, and has not been reset) or
discarded (otherwise).
If EGL_KHR_stream_fifo is present, insert at beginning of fourth paragraph of " EGLStream operation in fifo mode"
If the EGL_SUPPORT_REUSE_NV attribute is EGL_TRUE and the stream has
not been reset since the image frame was consumed, then if the fifo
is empty ...
Insert a new paragraph after the above
If the EGL_SUPPORT_REUSE_NV attribute is EGL_FALSE or the stream has
been reset, then if the fifo is empty when the consumer is finished
consuming an image frame, the frame is discarded and the stream is
left in the EGL_STREAM_STATE_EMPTY_KHR state until new frames are
Add a new section to "3.10.5 EGLStream operation"
3.10.5.x EGLStream reset
For resource management or safety reasons, it may be necessary to
invalidate and reclaim frames pending in the stream. This is only
possible if the stream's EGL_SUPPORT_RESET_NV attribute is set to
Stream resets cause any unconsumed image frames waiting in the
stream to be immediately discarded, and place the stream in the
EGL_STREAM_STATE_EMPTY_KHR state. Frames currently held by the
consumer are not immediately affected, but will be discarded once
released, even if the stream would normally hold old frames for
reuse. After the reset, new frames inserted by the producer are
processed normally.
Stream resets may be issued by some producers as described in their
specifications, and may also be triggered by the application calling
EGLBoolean eglResetStreamNV(
EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLStreamKHR stream)
On success, EGL_TRUE is returned and a reset of the stream is
initiated. On failure, EGL_FALSE is returned and an error is
- EGL_BAD_DISPLAY is generated if <dpy> is not a valid
- EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED is generated if <dpy> is not initialized.
- EGL_BAD_STREAM_KHR is generated if <stream> is not a valid
EGLStream created for <dpy>.
- EGL_BAD_STATE_KHR is generated if <stream> is in
- EGL_BAD_ACCESS is generated if <stream>'s
If a stream is already in the EGL_STREAM_STATE_EMPTY_KHR state, a
reset will have no effect.
If EGL_KHR_stream_cross_process_fd or EGL_NV_stream_remote is present, add to the list of errors above
- EGL_BAD_ACCESS is generated if <stream> represents the
consumer endpoint of a stream whose producer endpoint is
represented by a different EGLStreamKHR handle (e.g. for
cross-process streams).
If EGL_KHR_stream_consumer_gltexture is supported, modify the first sentence of the fifth paragraph of the description of eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR
If the producer has not inserted any new image frames since the
last call to eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR, and the stream has been
reset or does not support reuse of frames, then
eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR will fail. If it has not been reset and
reuse is supported, then eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR will "latch"
the same image frame it latched last time
eglStreamConsumerAcquireKHR was called.
If EGL_EXT_stream_consumer_egloutput is supported, add to the description if eglStreamConsumerOutputEXT
If the stream is reset to the EGL_STREAM_STATE_EMPTY_KHR state, any
currently displayed frame will be released, and the displayed image
will be reset to some default state determined by the display
hardware and the implementation. Possible behavior includes, but is
not limited to, displaying a black screen, displaying a default
splash screen, displaying a "no input" message, or powering off the
display. If and when the stream again enters the
EGL_STREAM_STATE_NEW_FRAME_AVAILABLE_KHR state, processing of frames
will resume as described above.
1. When this extension is present, should all streams automatically
support resetting?
RESOLVED: No. Applications which are not aware of this extension
may not be prepared to handle an unexpected return to the EMPTY
state. Therefore support for this feature must be explicitly
Revision History
#6 (October 27, 2016) Daniel Kartch
- Clean up for publication
#5 (July 23rd, 2015) Daniel Kartch
- Added interaction with cross-process streams.
#4 (July 22nd, 2015) Daniel Kartch
- Added enum values.
#3 (July 20th, 2015) Daniel Kartch
- Changed to NV specification
- Removed flush option from eglResetStream. Resetting will
always flush pending frames.
- Added EGL_SUPPORT_REUSE_NV flag to control whether released
frames are saved or discarded immediately.
- Removed reference to unpublished stream_sequence extension.
#2 (August 21th, 2014) Daniel Kartch
- Added paragraph to indicate that producers do not impose
restrictions on use of reset.
- Clarified consumer behavior on reset.
- Added interactions with GL texture and EGLOutput consumers.
#1 (August 12th, 2014) Daniel Kartch
- Initial draft