Name Strings
Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA (mjk 'at' nvidia.com)
Roger Allen, NVIDIA
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
Chris Dalton, NVIDIA
Pierre-Loup Griffais, NVIDIA
Chris Hebert, Samsung
Scott Nations, NVIDIA
David Chait, NVIDIA
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Bas Schouten, Mozilla
Sandeep Shinde, NVIDIA
Released in NVIDIA Driver Release 275.33 (June 2011).
Substantially optimized in NVIDIA Driver Release 301.42 (May 2012).
Further optimized in NVIDIA Driver Release 314.xx (February 2013).
Version 1.3 functionality shipping in NVIDIA Driver Release 337.88
and on (May, 27 2014).
Last Modified Date: September 9, 2014
Version: 35
OpenGL Extension #410
OpenGL ES Extension #199
This extension is written against the OpenGL 3.2 Specification with
Compatibility Profile but can apply to OpenGL 1.1 and up.
When used with a Core profile or OpenGL ES context, certain
functionality is unavailable (see "Dependencies on Core Profile and
OpenGL ES" section).
This extension depends on ARB_program_interface_query.
EXT_direct_state_access commands are used in specifying portions
of this extension but EXT_direct_state_access is not required to
implement this extension as long as the functionality implemented
is equivalent to the EXT_direct_state_access commands.
EXT_separate_shader_objects is recommended.
ARB_program_interface_query is recommended.
Conventional OpenGL supports rendering images (pixel rectangles and
bitmaps) and simple geometric primitives (points, lines, polygons).
This extension adds a new rendering paradigm, known as path rendering,
for rendering filled and stroked paths. Path rendering is not novel
but rather a standard part of most resolution-independent 2D rendering
systems such as Flash, PDF, Silverlight, SVG, Java 2D, Office
drawings, TrueType fonts, PostScript and its fonts, Quartz 2D, XML
Paper Specification (XPS), and OpenVG. What is novel is the ability
to mix path rendering with arbitrary OpenGL 3D rendering and imaging.
With this extension, path rendering becomes a first-class rendering
mode within the OpenGL graphics system that can be arbitrarily mixed
with existing OpenGL rendering and can take advantage of OpenGL's
existing mechanisms for texturing, programmability, and per-fragment
Unlike geometric primitive rendering, paths are specified on a 2D
(non-projective) plane rather than in 3D (projective) space.
Even though the path is defined in a 2D plane, every path can
be transformed into 3D clip space allowing for 3D view frustum &
user-defined clipping, depth offset, and depth testing in the same
manner as geometric primitive rendering.
Both geometric primitive rendering and path rendering support
rasterization of edges defined by line segments; however, path
rendering also allows path segments to be specified by Bezier (cubic
or quadratic) curves or partial elliptical arcs. This allows path
rendering to define truly curved primitive boundaries unlike the
straight edges of line and polygon primitives. Whereas geometric
primitive rendering requires convex polygons for well-defined
rendering results, path rendering allows (and encourages!) concave
and curved outlines to be specified. These paths are even allowed
to self-intersect.
When filling closed paths, the winding of paths (counterclockwise
or clockwise) determines whether pixels are inside or outside of
the path.
Paths can also be stroked whereby, conceptually, a fixed-width "brush"
is pulled along the path such that the brush remains orthogonal to
the gradient of each path segment. Samples within the sweep of this
brush are considered inside the stroke of the path.
This extension supports path rendering through a sequence of three
1. Path specification is the process of creating and updating
a path object consisting of a set of path commands and a
corresponding set of 2D vertices.
Path commands can be specified explicitly from path command
and coordinate data, parsed from a string based on standard
grammars for representing paths, or specified by a particular
glyph of standard font representations. Also new paths can
be specified by weighting one or more existing paths so long
as all the weighted paths have consistent command sequences.
Each path object contains zero or more subpaths specified
by a sequence of line segments, partial elliptical arcs,
and (cubic or quadratic) Bezier curve segments. Each path
may contain multiple subpaths that can be closed (forming
a contour) or open.
2. Path stenciling is the process of updating the stencil buffer
based on a path's coverage transformed into window space.
Path stenciling can determine either the filled or stroked
coverage of a path.
The details of path stenciling are explained within the core
of the specification.
Stenciling a stroked path supports all the standard
embellishments for path stroking such as end caps, join
styles, miter limits, dashing, and dash caps. These stroking
properties specified are parameters of path objects.
3. Path covering is the process of emitting simple (convex &
planar) geometry that (conservatively) "covers" the path's
sample coverage in the stencil buffer. During path covering,
stencil testing can be configured to discard fragments not
within the actual coverage of the path as determined by
prior path stenciling.
Path covering can cover either the filled or stroked coverage
of a path.
The details of path covering are explained within the core
of the specification.
To render a path object into the color buffer, an application specifies
a path object and then uses a two-step rendering process. First, the
path object is stenciled whereby the path object's stroked or filled
coverage is rasterized into the stencil buffer. Second, the path object
is covered whereby conservative bounding geometry for the path is
transformed and rasterized with stencil testing configured to test against
the coverage information written to the stencil buffer in the first step
so that only fragments covered by the path are written during this second
step. Also during this second step written pixels typically have
their stencil value reset (so there's no need for clearing the
stencil buffer between rendering each path).
Here is an example of specifying and then rendering a five-point
star and a heart as a path using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
path description syntax:
GLuint pathObj = 42;
const char *svgPathString =
// star
"M100,180 L40,10 L190,120 L10,120 L160,10 z"
// heart
"M300 300 C 100 400,100 200,300 100,500 200,500 400,300 300Z";
glPathStringNV(pathObj, GL_PATH_FORMAT_SVG_NV,
(GLsizei)strlen(svgPathString), svgPathString);
Alternatively applications oriented around the PostScript imaging
model can use the PostScript user path syntax instead:
const char *psPathString =
// star
"100 180 moveto"
" 40 10 lineto 190 120 lineto 10 120 lineto 160 10 lineto closepath"
// heart
" 300 300 moveto"
" 100 400 100 200 300 100 curveto"
" 500 200 500 400 300 300 curveto closepath";
glPathStringNV(pathObj, GL_PATH_FORMAT_PS_NV,
(GLsizei)strlen(psPathString), psPathString);
The PostScript path syntax also supports compact and precise binary
encoding and includes PostScript-style circular arcs.
Or the path's command and coordinates can be specified explicitly:
static const GLubyte pathCommands[10] =
'M', 'C', 'C', 'Z' }; // character aliases
static const GLshort pathCoords[12][2] =
{ {100, 180}, {40, 10}, {190, 120}, {10, 120}, {160, 10},
{300,300}, {100,400}, {100,200}, {300,100},
{500,200}, {500,400}, {300,300} };
glPathCommandsNV(pathObj, 10, pathCommands, 24, GL_SHORT, pathCoords);
Before rendering to a window with a stencil buffer, clear the stencil
buffer to zero and the color buffer to black:
Use an orthographic path-to-clip-space transform to map the
[0..500]x[0..400] range of the star's path coordinates to the [-1..1]
clip space cube:
glMatrixOrthoEXT(GL_MODELVIEW, 0, 500, 0, 400, -1, 1);
Stencil the path:
glStencilFillPathNV(pathObj, GL_COUNT_UP_NV, 0x1F);
The 0x1F mask means the counting uses modulo-32 arithmetic. In
principle the star's path is simple enough (having a maximum winding
number of 2) that modulo-4 arithmetic would be sufficient so the mask
could be 0x3. Or a mask of all 1's (~0) could be used to count with
all available stencil bits.
Now that the coverage of the star and the heart have been rasterized
into the stencil buffer, cover the path with a non-zero fill style
(indicated by the GL_NOTEQUAL stencil function with a zero reference
glStencilFunc(GL_NOTEQUAL, 0, 0x1F);
glColor3f(1,1,0); // yellow
glCoverFillPathNV(pathObj, GL_BOUNDING_BOX_NV);
The result is a yellow star (with a filled center) to the left of
a yellow heart.
The GL_ZERO stencil operation ensures that any covered samples
(meaning those with non-zero stencil values) are zero'ed when
the path cover is rasterized. This allows subsequent paths to be
rendered without clearing the stencil buffer again.
A similar two-step rendering process can draw a white outline
over the star and heart.
Before rendering, configure the path object with desirable path
parameters for stroking. Specify a wider 6.5-unit stroke and
the round join style:
glPathParameteriNV(pathObj, GL_PATH_JOIN_STYLE_NV, GL_ROUND_NV);
glPathParameterfNV(pathObj, GL_PATH_STROKE_WIDTH_NV, 6.5);
Now stencil the path's stroked coverage into the stencil buffer,
setting the stencil to 0x1 for all stencil samples within the
transformed path.
glStencilStrokePathNV(pathObj, 0x1, ~0);
Cover the path's stroked coverage (with a hull this time instead
of a bounding box; the choice doesn't really matter here) while
stencil testing that writes white to the color buffer and again
zero the stencil buffer.
glColor3f(1,1,1); // white
glCoverStrokePathNV(pathObj, GL_CONVEX_HULL_NV);
In this example, constant color shading is used but the application
can specify their own arbitrary shading and/or blending operations,
whether with Cg compiled to fragment program assembly, GLSL, or
fixed-function fragment processing.
More complex path rendering is possible such as clipping one path to
another arbitrary path. This is because stencil testing (as well
as depth testing, depth bound test, clip planes, and scissoring)
can restrict path stenciling.
Now let's render the word "OpenGL" atop the star and heart.
First create a sequence of path objects for the glyphs for the
characters in "OpenGL":
GLuint glyphBase = glGenPathsNV(6);
const unsigned char *word = "OpenGL";
const GLsizei wordLen = (GLsizei)strlen(word);
const GLfloat emScale = 2048; // match TrueType convention
GLuint templatePathObject = ~0; // Non-existent path object
wordLen, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, word,
wordLen, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, word,
wordLen, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, word,
Glyphs are loaded for three different fonts in priority order:
Helvetica first, then Arial, and if neither of those loads, use the
standard sans-serif font. If a prior glPathGlyphsNV is successful
and specifies the path object range, the subsequent glPathGlyphsNV
commands silently avoid re-specifying the already existent path
Now query the (kerned) separations for the word "OpenGL" and build
a set of horizontal translations advancing each successive glyph by
its kerning distance with the following glyph.
GLfloat xtranslate[6+1]; // wordLen+1
"\000\001\002\003\004\005\005", // repeat last letter twice
1.0f, 1.0f,
Next determine the font-wide vertical minimum and maximum for the
font face by querying the per-font metrics of any one of the glyphs
from the font face.
GLfloat yMinMax[2];
glyphBase, /*count*/1,
Use an orthographic path-to-clip-space transform to map the
word's bounds to the [-1..1] clip space cube:
0, xtranslate[6], yMinMax[0], yMinMax[1],
-1, 1);
Stencil the filled paths of the sequence of glyphs for "OpenGL",
each transformed by the appropriate 2D translations for spacing.
glStencilFillPathInstancedNV(6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV, xtranslate);
Cover the bounding box union of the glyphs with 50% gray.
glStencilFunc(GL_NOTEQUAL, 0, 0xFF);
glColor3f(0.5,0.5,0.5); // 50% gray
glCoverFillPathInstancedNV(6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV, xtranslate);
Voila, the word "OpenGL" in gray is now stenciled into the framebuffer.
Instead of solid 50% gray, the cover operation can apply a linear
gradient that changes from green (RGB=0,1,0) at the top of the word
"OpenGL" to blue (RGB=0,0,1) at the bottom of "OpenGL":
GLfloat rgbGen[3][3] = {
0, 0, 0, // red = constant zero
0, 1, 0, // green = varies with y from bottom (0) to top (1)
0, -1, 1 // blue = varies with y from bottom (1) to top (0)
GL_RGB, &rgbGen[0][0]);
Instead of loading just the glyphs for the characters in "OpenGL",
the entire character set could be loaded. This allows the characters
of the string to be mapped (offset by the glyphBase) to path object names.
A range of glyphs can be loaded like this:
const int numChars = 256; // ISO/IEC 8859-1 8-bit character range
GLuint glyphBase = glGenPathsNV(numChars);
0, numChars,
0, numChars,
0, numChars,
Given a range of glyphs loaded as path objects, (kerned) spacing
information can now be queried for the string:
7, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "OpenGLL", // repeat L to get final spacing
1.0f, 1.0f,
Using the range of glyphs, stenciling and covering the instanced
paths for "OpenGL" can be done this way:
glStencilFillPathInstancedNV(6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "OpenGL",
GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV, xtranslate);
glCoverFillPathInstancedNV(6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "OpenGL",
GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV, xtranslate);
The "stencil" and "cover" steps can be combined in a single command:
glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV(6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "OpenGL",
GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV, xtranslate);
XXX add path clipping example to demonstrate glPathStencilFuncNV.
New Procedures and Functions
void PathCommandsNV(uint path,
sizei numCommands, const ubyte *commands,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
void PathCoordsNV(uint path,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
void PathSubCommandsNV(uint path,
sizei commandStart, sizei commandsToDelete,
sizei numCommands, const ubyte *commands,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
void PathSubCoordsNV(uint path,
sizei coordStart,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
void PathStringNV(uint path, enum format,
sizei length, const void *pathString);
void PathGlyphsNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
sizei numGlyphs, enum type,
const void *charcodes,
enum handleMissingGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
void PathGlyphRangeNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
uint firstGlyph,
sizei numGlyphs,
enum handleMissingGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
enum PathGlyphIndexArrayNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
uint firstGlyphIndex,
sizei numGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
enum PathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
sizeiptr fontSize,
const void *fontData,
sizei faceIndex,
uint firstGlyphIndex,
sizei numGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
enum PathGlyphIndexRangeNV(enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale,
uint* baseAndCount);
void WeightPathsNV(uint resultPath,
sizei numPaths,
const uint paths[], const float weights[]);
void CopyPathNV(uint resultPath, uint srcPath);
void InterpolatePathsNV(uint resultPath,
uint pathA, uint pathB,
float weight);
void TransformPathNV(uint resultPath,
uint srcPath,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
void PathParameterivNV(uint path, enum pname, const int *value);
void PathParameteriNV(uint path, enum pname, int value);
void PathParameterfvNV(uint path, enum pname, const float *value);
void PathParameterfNV(uint path, enum pname, float value);
void PathDashArrayNV(uint path,
sizei dashCount, const float *dashArray);
uint GenPathsNV(sizei range);
void DeletePathsNV(uint path, sizei range);
boolean IsPathNV(uint path);
void PathStencilFuncNV(enum func, int ref, uint mask);
void PathStencilDepthOffsetNV(float factor, float units);
void StencilFillPathNV(uint path,
enum fillMode, uint mask);
void StencilStrokePathNV(uint path,
int reference, uint mask);
void StencilFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum fillMode, uint mask,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
void StencilStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
int reference, uint mask,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
void PathCoverDepthFuncNV(enum zfunc);
void PathColorGenNV(enum color,
enum genMode,
enum colorFormat, const float *coeffs);
void PathTexGenNV(enum texCoordSet,
enum genMode,
int components, const float *coeffs);
void PathFogGenNV(enum genMode);
void CoverFillPathNV(uint path, enum coverMode);
void CoverStrokePathNV(uint path, enum coverMode);
void CoverFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
void CoverStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
void StencilThenCoverFillPathNV(uint path, enum fillMode,
uint mask, enum coverMode);
void StencilThenCoverStrokePathNV(uint path, int reference,
uint mask, enum coverMode);
void StencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType,
const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum fillMode, uint mask,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
void StencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType,
const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
int reference, uint mask,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(uint program,
int location,
enum genMode,
int components,
const float *coeffs);
void GetPathParameterivNV(uint path, enum pname, int *value);
void GetPathParameterfvNV(uint path, enum pname, float *value);
void GetPathCommandsNV(uint path, ubyte *commands);
void GetPathCoordsNV(uint path, float *coords);
void GetPathDashArrayNV(uint path, float *dashArray);
void GetPathMetricsNV(bitfield metricQueryMask,
sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
sizei stride,
float *metrics);
void GetPathMetricRangeNV(bitfield metricQueryMask,
uint firstPathName,
sizei numPaths,
sizei stride,
float *metrics);
void GetPathSpacingNV(enum pathListMode,
sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
float advanceScale,
float kerningScale,
enum transformType,
float *returnedSpacing);
void GetPathColorGenivNV(enum color, enum pname, int *value);
void GetPathColorGenfvNV(enum color, enum pname, float *value);
void GetPathTexGenivNV(enum texCoordSet, enum pname, int *value);
void GetPathTexGenfvNV(enum texCoordSet, enum pname, float *value);
boolean IsPointInFillPathNV(uint path,
uint mask, float x, float y);
boolean IsPointInStrokePathNV(uint path,
float x, float y);
float GetPathLengthNV(uint path,
sizei startSegment, sizei numSegments);
boolean PointAlongPathNV(uint path,
sizei startSegment, sizei numSegments,
float distance,
float *x, float *y,
float *tangentX, float *tangentY);
void MatrixLoad3x2fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoad3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMult3x2fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMult3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void GetProgramResourcefvNV(uint program, enum programInterface,
uint index, sizei propCount,
const enum *props, sizei bufSize,
sizei *length, float *params);
New Tokens
Accepted in elements of the <commands> array parameter of
PathCommandsNV and PathSubCommandsNV:
Accepted by the <format> parameter of PathStringNV:
Accepted by the <fontTarget> parameter of PathGlyphsNV,
PathGlyphRangeNV, and PathGlyphIndexRangeNV:
Accepted by the <fontTarget> parameter of PathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV:
Accepted by the <handleMissingGlyph> parameter of PathGlyphsNV and
Returned by PathGlyphIndexRangeNV:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of PathParameterfNV,
PathParameterfvNV, GetPathParameterfvNV, PathParameteriNV,
PathParameterivNV, and GetPathParameterivNV:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of PathParameterfNV and
Accepted by the <fillMode> parameter of StencilFillPathNV and
COUNT_UP_NV 0x9088
Accepted by the <color> parameter of PathColorGenNV,
GetPathColorGenivNV, and GetPathColorGenfvNV:
PRIMARY_COLOR 0x8577 // from OpenGL 1.3
PRIMARY_COLOR_NV 0x852C // from NV_register_combiners
SECONDARY_COLOR_NV 0x852D // from NV_register_combiners
Accepted by the <genMode> parameter of PathColorGenNV, PathTexGenNV,
Accepted by the <coverMode> parameter of CoverFillPathNV and
Accepted by the <coverMode> parameter of CoverStrokePathNV and
CONVEX_HULL_NV see above
Accepted by the <transformType> parameter of
StencilFillPathInstancedNV, StencilStrokePathInstancedNV,
CoverFillPathInstancedNV, and CoverStrokePathInstancedNV:
AFFINE_2D_NV 0x9092
AFFINE_3D_NV 0x9094
Accepted by the <transformType> parameter of TransformPathNV:
TRANSLATE_X_NV see above
TRANSLATE_Y_NV see above
TRANSLATE_2D_NV see above
TRANSLATE_3D_NV see above
AFFINE_2D_NV see above
AFFINE_3D_NV see above
Accepted by the <type> or <pathNameType> parameter of
StencilFillPathInstancedNV, StencilStrokePathInstancedNV,
CoverFillPathInstancedNV, CoverStrokePathInstancedNV,
GetPathMetricsNV, and GetPathSpacingNV:
UTF8_NV 0x909A
UTF16_NV 0x909B
Accepted by the <coverMode> parameter of CoverFillPathInstancedNV:
CONVEX_HULL_NV see above
Accepted by the <coverMode> parameter of CoverStrokePathInstancedNV:
CONVEX_HULL_NV see above
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetPathParameterfvNV and
Accepted by the <value> parameter of PathParameterfNV,
PathParameterfvNV, PathParameteriNV, and PathParameterivNV
when <pname> is one of PATH_END_CAPS_NV, PATH_INTIAL_END_CAP_NV,
Accepted by the <value> parameter of PathParameterfNV,
PathParameterfvNV, PathParameteriNV, and PathParameterivNV
when <pname> is PATH_JOIN_STYLE_NV:
ROUND_NV see above
Accepted by the <value> parameter of PathParameterfNV,
PathParameterfvNV, PathParameteriNV, and PathParameterivNV when
Accepted by the <fontStyle> parameter of PathGlyphsNV,
PathGlyphRangeNV, and PathGlyphIndexRangeNV:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Accepted as a bit within the <metricQueryMask> parameter of
GetPathMetricRangeNV or GetPathMetricsNV:
// per-glyph metrics
// per-font face metrics
Accepted by the <pathListMode> parameter of GetPathSpacingNV:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetPathColorGenivNV,
GetPathColorGenfvNV, GetPathTexGenivNV and GetPathTexGenfvNV:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetPathColorGenivNV and
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetPathTexGenivNV and
Accepted by the <programInterface> parameter of GetProgramInterfaceiv,
GetProgramResourceIndex, GetProgramResourceName, GetProgramResourceiv,
GetProgramResourcefvNV, and GetProgramResourceLocation:
Accepted in the <props> array of GetProgramResourceiv:
PATH_GEN_MODE_NV see above
Accepted in the <props> array of GetProgramResourcefvNV:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Add to the end of Section 2.12.1 (Matrices) with
EXT_direct_state_access language applied...
"The command
void MatrixLoad3x2fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
is equivalent to:
const float equiv_3x2matrix[16] = {
m[0], m[2], 0, m[4],
m[1], m[3], 0, m[5],
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
MatrixLoadTransposefEXT(matrixMode, equiv_3x2matrix);
The command
void MatrixLoad3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
is equivalent to:
const float equiv_3x3matrix[16] = {
m[0], m[3], 0, m[6],
m[1], m[4], 0, m[7],
0, 0, 1, 0,
m[2], m[5], 0, m[8],
MatrixLoadTransposefEXT(matrixMode, equiv_3x3matrix);
The command
void MatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
is equivalent to:
const float equiv_3x3matrix[16] = {
m[0], m[1], 0, m[2],
m[3], m[4], 0, m[5],
0, 0, 1, 0,
m[6], m[7], 0, m[8],
MatrixLoadTransposefEXT(matrixMode, equiv_3x3matrix);
The command
void MatrixMult3x2fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
is equivalent to:
const float equiv_3x2matrix[16] = {
m[0], m[2], 0, m[4],
m[1], m[3], 0, m[5],
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
MatrixMultTransposefEXT(matrixMode, equiv_3x2matrix);
The command
void MatrixMult3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
is equivalent to:
const float equiv_3x3matrix[16] = {
m[0], m[3], 0, m[6],
m[1], m[4], 0, m[7],
0, 0, 1, 0,
m[2], m[5], 0, m[8],
MatrixMultTransposefEXT(matrixMode, equiv_3x3matrix);
The command
void MatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
is equivalent to:
const float equiv_3x3matrix[16] = {
m[0], m[1], 0, m[2],
m[3], m[4], 0, m[5],
0, 0, 1, 0,
m[6], m[7], 0, m[8],
MatrixMultTransposefEXT(matrixMode, equiv_3x3matrix);"
Modify the ARB_program_interface_query language as follows...
Add to the "query properties of the interfaces of a program object"
paragraph, so the "supported values of <programInterface>" includes:
* FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV corresponds to the set of active input variables
used by the fragment shader stage of <program> (if a fragment
stage exists). (This may be different from PROGRAM_INPUT except
when the first shader stage is the fragment stage when they will
be identical.)
Change this sentence about when locations are assigned to include
FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV so it reads:
"When a program is linked successfully, active variables in the
or in any of the subroutine uniform interfaces, are assigned one or
more signed integer /locations/."
Amend Table X.1 "GetProgramResourceiv properties and supported
interfaces" to add FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV to all the properties that
allow PROGRAM_INPUT. Specifically:
* IS_PER_PATCH (will always be false for FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV)
Further amend Table X.1 "GetProgramResourceiv properties with two
more properties for fragment input path generation state:
Property Supported Interfaces
--------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Amend the discussion of GetProgramResourceiv properties, adding:
"For the property PATH_GEN_MODE_NV, a single integer identifying
the path generation mode of an active variable is written to
<params>. The integer returned is one of NONE, OBJECT_LINEAR,
ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV last specified the program resource's
path generation mode. The initial state is NONE.
For the property PATH_GEN_COMPONENTS_NV, a single integer identifying
the number of generated path components an active variable is written
to <params>. The integer returned is between 0 and 4 based on how
ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV last specified the program resource's
path generation number of components. The initial state is 0."
Amend the list of tokens supported for the <programInterface> parameter of
GetProgramResourceLocation to include FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV so the relevant
sentence reads:
"For GetProgramResourceLocation, <programInterface> must be one
After the discussion of GetProgramResourceiv, add:
"The command
void GetProgramResourcefvNV(uint program, enum programInterface,
uint index, sizei propCount,
const enum *props, sizei bufSize,
sizei *length, float *params);
operates in the same manner as GetProgramResourceiv expect the
returned parameters values are floating-point and the only valid
value of <programInterface> is FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and the only valid value
for the elements of the <props> array is PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV; otherwise
INVALID_ENUM is generated.
For the property PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV, sixteen floating-point values
are written to <params> (limited to writing <bufSize> floating-point
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification (Rasterization)
Append to the end of the "Shader Inputs" subsection of Section 3.12.2
"Shader Execution":
The command
void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(uint program,
int location,
enum genMode,
int components,
const float *coeffs);
controls how a user-defined (non-built-in) fragment input of a
GLSL program object is computed for fragment shading operations that
occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV.
/program/ names a GLSL program object. If /program/ has not been
successfully linked, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated.
The given fragment input generation state is loaded into the fragment
input variable location identified by /location/. This location
is a value returned either by GetProgramResourceLocation with a
/programInterface/ of FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and a given fragment shader
input variable name or by GetProgramResourceiv with FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV
for the /programInterface/ and LOCATION for the property for a given
fragment input resource index.
If the value of location is -1, the ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV command
will silently ignore the command, and the program's path fragment input
generation state will not be changed.
If any of the following conditions occur, an INVALID_OPERATION error
is generated by the ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV, and no state is changed:
* if the size indicated in the /components/ of the
ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV command used does not match the
size of the fragment input scalar or vector declared in the
* if the fragment input declared in the shader is not
single-precision floating-point, or
* if no fragment input variable with a location of /location/
exists in the program object named by /program/ and location
is not -1, or
* if the fragment input declared in the shader is a built-in
variables (i.e. prefixed by "gl_").
When covering paths, fragment input variables are interpolated at
each shaded fragment based on the corresponding fragment input
generation state specified by ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV for
each respective fragment input.
The /genMode/, /components/, and /coeffs/ parameters are used to
generate the fragment input variable values identically as the
PathTexGenNV command's corresponding parameters except it is a
fragment input that is generated rather than a texture coordinate set
discussion in section 5.X.2.2 "Path Covering"). Because there is
no associated texture coordinate set, the sc, tc, rc, and qc values
when discussing PathTexGenNV are always zero when generating fragment
input variables.
When covering paths, if a fragment input variable has not had its
path fragment input generation state successfully generated, it as
if the values of this variable are always initialized to zero when
the fragment shader is executing.
Also when covering paths, GLSL fragment shaders support the following
built-in fragment input variables:
in vec4 gl_TexCoord[gl_MaxTextureCoords];
in vec4 gl_Color
in vec4 gl_FrontColor;
in vec4 gl_BackColor;
in vec4 gl_SecondaryColor;
in vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor;
in vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor;
in float gl_FogFragCoord;
These respectively are initialized to the fragment input generated
coordinates of PathTexGenNV, PathColorGenNV for GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_NV
(front or back), PathColorGenNV for GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV (front or
back), and glPathFogGenNV."
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification (Special Functions)
– Insert section 5.X "Path Rendering" after 5.3 "Feedback"
5.X Path Rendering
5.X.1 Path Specification
Paths are specified as a sequence of path commands; each path command
has an associated sequence of floating-point coordinates with the
number of such coordinates depending on the specific path command.
Coordinates are specified in a sequence independent from the path
command sequence; coordinates from the coordinate sequence are matched
up with (associated with) commands, in the order of the command,
with coordinates extracted from the front of the coordinate sequence.
Valid path commands are listed in table 5.pathCommands. Each path
command is listed with its associated token, description, character
alias, count of associated coordinates.
As an example of how path commands associated with path coordinates,
if the command sequence was MOVE_TO_NV, LINE_TO_NV, CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV,
CLOSE_PATH_NV and the coordinates were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, the MOVE_TO_NV command would be matched to coordinates 1 and 2,
LINE_TO_NV would be matched to 3 and 4, CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV would be
matched to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and CLOSE_PATH_NV would be matched to
no coordinates.
Path commands are processed in their sequence order to generate the
path's outline. The outline generation process maintains three 2D
(x,y) state variables for each path processed: the start position
(sp), the current position (cp), and the prior end point (pep);
/sp/, /cp/ and /pep/ are initially (0,0) when a path starts being
Table 5.pathCommands: Path Commands
Character Coordinate
Token Description alias count
========================== ===================== ========== ==========
MOVE_TO_NV Absolute move 'M' 2
current point
RELATIVE_MOVE_TO_NV Relative move 'm' 2
current point
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
CLOSE_PATH_NV Close path 'Z' or 'z' 0
RESTART_PATH_NV Reset the path - 0
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
LINE_TO_NV Absolute line 'L' 2
RELATIVE_LINE_TO_NV Relative line 'l' 2
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
HORIZONTAL_LINE_TO_NV Absolute horizontal 'H' 1
RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL- Relative horizontal 'h' 1
_LINE_TO_NV line
VERTICAL_LINE_TO_NV Absolute vertical 'V' 1
RELATIVE_VERTICAL- Relative vertical 'v' 1
_LINE_TO_NV line
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV Absolute quadratic 'Q' 4
Bezier segment
RELATIVE- Relative quadratic 'q' 4
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV Absolute cubic 'C' 6
Bezier segment
RELATIVE_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV Relative cubic 'c' 6
Bezier segment
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
SMOOTH- Absolute smooth 'T' 2
_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV quadratic Bezier
RELATIVE_SMOOTH- Relative smooth 't' 2
_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV quadratic Bezier
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
SMOOTH- Absolute smooth 'S' 4
_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV cubic Bezier segment
RELATIVE_SMOOTH- Relative smooth 's' 4
_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV cubic Bezier segment
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV Absolute small-sweep - 5
partial elliptical
arc segment
RELATIVE- Relative small-sweep - 5
_SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV counterclockwise
partial elliptical
arc segment
SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV Absolute small-sweep - 5
clockwise partial
elliptical arc
RELATIVE- Relative small-sweep - 5
_SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV clockwise partial
elliptical arc
LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV Absolute large-sweep - 5
partial elliptical
arc segment
RELATIVE- Relative large-sweep - 5
_LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV counterclockwise
partial elliptical
arc segment
LARGE_CW_ARC_TO_NV Absolute large-sweep - 5
clockwise partial
elliptical arc
RELATIVE- Relative large-sweep - 5
_LARGE_CW_ARC_TO_NV clockwise partial
elliptical arc
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV Absolute conic 'W' 5
(rational Bezier)
RELATIVE- Relative conic 'w' 5
_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV (rational Bezier)
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
ROUNDED_RECT_NV Absolute rounded - 5
rectangle with
uniform circular
corners (1 radius)
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT_NV Relative rounded - 5
rectangle with
uniform circular
corners (1 radius)
ROUNDED_RECT2_NV Absolute rounded - 6
rectangle with
uniform elliptical
corners (2 x&y radii)
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT2_NV Relative rounded - 6
rectangle with
uniform elliptical
corners (2 x&y radii)
ROUNDED_RECT4_NV Absolute rounded - 8
rectangle with
varying circular
corners (4 radii)
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT4_NV Relative rounded - 8
rectangle with
varying circular
corners (4 radii)
ROUNDED_RECT8_NV Absolute rounded - 12
rectangle with
varying elliptical
corners (8 radii)
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT8_NV Relative rounded - 12
rectangle with
varying elliptical
corners (8 radii)
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
DUP_FIRST_- Absolute cubic Bezier - 4
CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV segment, duplicating
first control point
DUP_LAST_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV Absolute cubic Bezier - 4
segment, duplicating
last control point
RECT_NV Closed absolute - 4
RELATIVE_RECT_NV Closed relative - 4
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
circular arc segment
CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV Absolute clockwise - 5
circular arc segment
CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV Absolute circular - 5
arc segment
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
ARC_TO_NV Absolute general 'A' 7
elliptical arc
RELATIVE_ARC_TO_NV Relative general 'a' 7
elliptical arc
-------------------------- --------------------- ---------- ----------
Table 5.pathEquations provides for each path command, as relevant,
the command's path segment parametric equation, equations for the
updated current point (ncp) and equations for the updated prior
end point (npep). After each command in a path is processed in the
sequence, the new current point, prior end point, and start point
(if changed) update the current point, prior end point, and start
point for the next path command to be processed in the sequence. So:
cp = ncp
pep = npep
Each path segment parametric equation is parameterized by a variable
/t/ ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. So the outline is traced by evaluating
each path command's path segment parametric equation continuously
as /t/ varies from 0.0 to 1.0.
With the exception of the MOVE_TO_NV, RELATIVE_MOVE_TO_NV,
CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV commands, the commands are specified such that
C0 continuity of the outline is guaranteed at path command segment
CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV commands update the start position (sp) to
the value of these command's new current point (ncp).
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT8_NV, commands unconditionally change the start
position (sp) to value of these command's new current point (ncp) so:
sp = ncp
conditionally change sp to the command's ncp but only the sp has not
been specified by any prior command other than CLOSE_PATH_NV in the
path's command sequence since the beginning of the path's command
sequence or last RESTART_PATH_NV. When these circular arc commands
change the sp to the command's ncp, it implies the initial implicit
line these commands generate from sp to ncp will be zero length.
(This behavior is to match the semantics of PostScript.)
Moving of the start position creates a discontinuity in the outline
so starts a new subpath within the path.
Table 5.pathEquations: Path Equations
Path segment new current new prior end
Token parametric equation point equation point equation
========================== ====================================== ================== =======================
MOVE_TO_NV - ncp.x = c[0] npep.x = c[0]
ncp.y = c[1] npep.y = c[1]
RELATIVE_MOVE_TO_NV - ncp.x = cp.x+c[0] npep.x = cp.x+c[0]
ncp.y = cp.y+c[1] npep.y = cp.y+c[1]
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
CLOSE_PATH_NV x = (1-t)*cp.x + t*sp.x ncp.x = sp.x npep.x = sp.x
y = (1-t)*cp.y + t*sp.y ncp.y = sp.y npep.y = sp.y
RESTART_PATH_NV - ncp.x = 0 npep.x = 0
ncp.y = 0 npep.y = 0
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
LINE_TO_NV x = (1-t)*cp.x + t*c[0] ncp.x = c[0] npep.x = c[0]
y = (1-t)*cp.y + t*c[1] ncp.y = c[1] npep.y = c[1]
RELATIVE_LINE_TO_NV x = (1-t)*cp.x + t*(c[0]+cp.x) ncp.x = cp.x+c[0] npep.x = cp.x+c[0]
y = (1-t)*cp.y + t*(c[1]+cp.y) ncp.y = cp.y+c[1] npep.y = cp.y+c[1]
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
HORIZONTAL_LINE_TO_NV x = (1-t)*cp.x + t*sp.x ncp.x = c[0] npep.x = c[0]
y = cp.y ncp.y = cp.y npep.y = cp.y
RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL- x = (1-t)*cp.x + t*(c[0]+cp.x) ncp.x = cp.x+c[0] npep.x = cp.x+c[0]
_LINE_TO_NV y = cp.y ncp.y = cp.y npep.y = cp.y
VERTICAL_LINE_TO_NV x = cp.x ncp.x = cp.x npep.x = cp.x
y = (1-t)*cp.y + t*sp.y ncp.y = c[0] npep.y = c[0]
RELATIVE_VERTICAL- x = cp.x ncp.x = cp.x npep.x = cp.x
_LINE_TO_NV y = (1-t)*cp.y + t*(c[0]+cp.y) ncp.y = cp.y+c[0] npep.y = cp.y+c[0]
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV x = (1-t)^2*cp.x + ncp.x = c[2] npep.x = c[0]
2*(1-t)*t*c[0] + ncp.y = c[3] npep.y = c[1]
y = (1-t)^2*cp.y +
2*(1-t)*t*c[1] +
RELATIVE- x = (1-t)^2*cp.x + ncp.x = cp.x+c[2] npep.x = cp.x+c[0]
_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV 2*(1-t)*t*(c[0]+cp.x) + ncp.y = cp.x+c[3] npep.y = cp.y+c[1]
y = (1-t)^2*cp.y +
2*(1-t)*t*(c[1]+cp.y) +
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV x = (1-t)^3*cp.x + ncp.x = c[4] npep.x = c[2]
3*(1-t)^2*t*c[0] + ncp.y = c[5] npep.y = c[3]
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[2] +
y = (1-t)^3*cp.y +
3*(1-t)^2*t*c[1] +
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[3] +
RELATIVE_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV x = (1-t)^3*cp.x + ncp.x = cp.x+c[4] npep.x = cp.x+c[2]
3*(1-t)^2*t*(c[0]+cp.x) + ncp.y = cp.y+c[5] npep.y = cp.y+c[3]
3*(1-t)*t^2*(c[2]+cp.x) +
y = (1-t)^3*cp.y +
3*(1-t)^2*t*(c[1]+cp.y) +
3*(1-t)*t^2*(c[3]+cp.y) +
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
SMOOTH- x = (1-t)^2*cp.x + ncp.x = c[0] npep.x = 2*cp.x-pep.x
_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV 2*(1-t)*t*(2*cp.x-pep.x) + ncp.y = c[1] npep.y = 2*cp.y-pep.y
y = (1-t)^2*cp.y +
2*(1-t)*t*(2*cp.y-pep.y) +
RELATIVE_SMOOTH- x = (1-t)^2*cp.x + ncp.x = cp.x+c[0] npep.x = 2*cp.x-pep.x
QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV 2*(1-t)*t*(2*cp.x-pep.x) + ncp.y = cp.y+c[1] npep.y = 2*cp.y-pep.y
y = (1-t)^2*cp.y +
2*(1-t)*t*(2*cp.y-pep.y) +
SMOOTH- x = (1-t)^3*cp.x + ncp.x = c[2] npep.x = c[0]
_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV 3*(1-t)^2*t*(2*cp.x-pep.x) + ncp.y = c[3] npep.y = c[1]
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[0] +
y = (1-t)^3*cp.y +
3*(1-t)^2*t*(2*cp.y-pep.y) +
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[1] +
RELATIVE_SMOOTH- x = (1-t)^3*cp.x + ncp.x = cp.x+c[2] npep.x = cp.x+c[0]
_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV 3*(1-t)^2*t*(2*cp.x-pep.x) + ncp.y = cp.y+c[3] npep.y = cp.y+c[1]
3*(1-t)*t^2*(c[0]+cp.x) +
y = (1-t)^3*cp.y +
3*(1-t)^2*t*(2*cp.y-pep.y) +
3*(1-t)*t^2*(c[1]+cp.y) +
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = c[3]
theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
RELATIVE- x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = cp.x+c[3]
_SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = cp.y+c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = c[3]
theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
RELATIVE- x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = cp.x+c[3]
_SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = cp.y+c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = c[3]
theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
RELATIVE- x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = cp.x+c[3]
_LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = cp.y+c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
LARGE_CW_ARC_TO_NV x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = c[3]
theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
RELATIVE- x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[3] npep.x = cp.x+c[3]
_SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[4] npep.y = cp.y+c[4]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV WHEN c[4] > 0: ncp.x = c[2] npep.x = c[0]
x = ( (1-t)^2*cp.x + ncp.y = c[3] npep.y = c[1]
2*(1-t)*t*c[0]*c[4] +
t^2*c[2] ) /
( (1-t)^2 +
2*(1-t)*t*c[4] +
t^2*c[2] )
y = ( 1-t)^2*cp.y +
2*(1-t)*t*c[1]*w +
t^2*c[3] ) /
( (1-t)^2 +
2*(1-t)*t*c[4] +
t^2*c[2] ),
x = (1-t)*cp.x + t*c[2]
y = (1-t)*cp.y + t*c[3]
RELATIVE- WHEN c[4] > 0: ncp.x = cp.x+c[2] npep.x = cp.x+c[0]
_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV x = ( (1-t)^2*cp.x + ncp.y = cp.y+c[3] npep.y = cp.y+c[1]
2*(1-t)*t*(c[0]+cp.x)*c[4] +
t^2*(c[2]+cp.x) ) /
( (1-t)^2 +
2*(1-t)*t*c[4] +
t^2*c[2] )
y = ( 1-t)^2*cp.y +
2*(1-t)*t*c[1]*w +
t^2*c[3] ) /
( (1-t)^2 +
2*(1-t)*t*c[4] +
t^2*c[2] ),
x = (1-t)*cp.x + t*(c[2]+cp.x)
y = (1-t)*cp.y + t*(c[3]+cp.y)
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
ROUNDED_RECT_NV x = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4], t).x
y = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4],
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4], t).y
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT_NV x = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y, ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[2], c[3], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4],
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4], t).x
y = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y,
c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4],
c[4], c[4], c[4], c[4], t).y
ROUNDED_RECT2_NV x = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5], t).x
y = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5],
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5], t).y
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT2_NV x = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y, ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[2], c[3], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5],
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5], t).x
y = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y,
c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5],
c[4], c[5], c[4], c[5], t).y
ROUNDED_RECT4_NV x = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[4], c[4], c[5], c[5], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[6], c[6], c[7], c[7], t).x
y = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[4], c[5], c[5],
c[6], c[6], c[7], c[7], t).y
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT4_NV x = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y, ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[2], c[3], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[4], c[4], c[5], c[5],
c[6], c[6], c[7], c[7], t).x
y = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y,
c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[4], c[5], c[5],
c[6], c[6], c[7], c[7], t).y
ROUNDED_RECT8_NV x = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[8], c[9],
c[10], c[11], t).x
y = rrect(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7],
c[8], c[9],
c[10], c[11], t).y
RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT8_NV x = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y, ncp.x = C_ll.x npep.x = C_ll.x
c[2], c[3], ncp.y = C_ll.y npep.y = C_ll.y
c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7],
c[8], c[9],
c[10], c[11], t).x
y = rrect(c[0]+cp.x, c[1]+cp.y,
c[2], c[3],
c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7],
c[8], c[9],
c[10], c[11], t).y
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
DUP_FIRST- x = (1-t)^3*cp.x + ncp.x = c[2] npep.x = c[0]
CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV 3*(1-t)^2*t*cp.x + ncp.y = c[3] npep.y = c[1]
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[0] +
y = (1-t)^3*cp.y +
3*(1-t)^2*t*cp.y +
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[1] +
DUP_LAST_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV x = (1-t)^3*cp.x + ncp.x = c[2] npep.x = c[2]
3*(1-t)^2*t*c[0] + ncp.y = c[3] npep.y = c[3]
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[2] +
y = (1-t)^3*cp.y +
3*(1-t)^2*t*c[1] +
3*(1-t)*t^2*c[3] +
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
RECT_NV / (1-4*t)*c[0] + ncp.x = c[0] npep.x = c[0]
| 4*t*(c[0]+c[2]), t<=0.25 ncp.y = c[1] npep.y = c[1]
x = < c[0]+c[2], 0.25<t<=0.5
| (1-4*t-2)*(c[0]+c[2]) +
| (4*t-2)*c[0], 0.5 <t<=0.75
\ c[0], 0.75<t
/ c[1], t<=0.25
| (1-4*t-1)*c[1] +
y = < (4*t-1)*(c[1]+c[3]), 0.25<t<=0.5
| c[1]+c[3], 0.5 <t<=0.75
| (1-4*t-3)*(c[1]+c[3]) +
\ (4*t-3)*c[1], 0.75<t
RELATIVE_RECT_NV / (1-4*t)*(c[0]+cp.x) + ncp.x = cp.x+c[0] npep.x = cp.x+c[0]
| 4*t*(c[0]+c[2]+cp.x), t<=0.25 ncp.y = cp.y+c[1] npep.y = cp.y+c[1]
x = < c[0]+c[2]+cp.x, 0.25<t<=0.5
| (1-4*t-2)*(c[0]+c[2]+cp.x) +
| (4*t-2)*(c[0]+cp.x), 0.5<t<=0.75
\ c[0]+cp.x, 0.75<t
/ c[1]+cp.y, t<=0.25
| (1-4*t-1)*(c[1]+cp.y) +
y = < (4*t-1)*(c[1]+c[3]+cp.y),
| 0.25<t<=0.5
| c[1]+c[3]+cp.y, 0.5<t<=0.75
| (1-4*t-3)*(c[1]+c[3]+cp.y) +
\ (4*t-3)*(c[1]+cp.y), 0.75<t
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
CIRCULAR_CCW_ARC_TO_NV / (1-2*t)*cp.x + 2*t*A.x, t<=0.5 ncp.x = B.x npep.x = B.x
x = { ncp.y = B.y npep.x = B.y
\ arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,
\ dtheta,t*2-1) t>=0.5
/ (1-2*t)*cp.y + 2*t*A.y, t<=0.5
y = {
\ arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,
\ dtheta,t*2-1), t>=0.5
CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV / (1-2*t)*cp.x + 2*t*A.x, t<=0.5 ncp.x = B.x npep.x = B.x
x = { ncp.y = B.y npep.x = B.y
\ arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,
\ dtheta,t*2-1) t>=0.5
/ (1-2*t)*cp.y + 2*t*A.y, t<=0.5
y = {
\ arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,
\ dtheta,t*2-1), t>=0.5
CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV / (1-2*t)*cp.x + 2*t*C.x, t<=0.5 ncp.x = D.x npep.x = D.x
x = { ncp.y = D.y npep.x = D.y
\ arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,
\ dtheta,t*2-1), t>=0.5
/ (1-2*t)*cp.y + 2*t*C.y, t<=0.5
y = {
\ arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,
\ dtheta,t*2-1), t>=0.5
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
ARC_TO_NV x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = c[5] npep.x = c[5]
theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = c[6] npep.y = c[6]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
RELATIVE_ARC_TO_NV x = arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi, ncp.x = cp.x+c[5] npep.x = cp.x+c[5]
theta1,dtheta,t) ncp.y = cp.y+c[6] npep.y = cp.y+c[6]
y = arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,
-------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
In the equations in Table 5.pathEquations, c[i] is the /i/th (base
zero) coordinate of the coordinate sequence for the command; /cp/
is the 2D (x,y) current position from the prior command (for the
first command of a path object, /cp/ is (0,0)); /sp/ is the 2D (x,y)
start position for the current contour (for the first command of a
path object, /sp/ is (0,0)); /pep/ is the 2D (x,y) prior end position
from the prior end position (for the first command of a path object,
/pep/ is (0,0)); and /ncp/ is the 2D (x,y) "new" current position
that will become the current position for the subsequent command;
/npep/ is the 2D (x,y) "new" prior end position for the subsequent
command. The values /c/, /theta1/, /dtheta/ are explained in the
discussion of partial elliptical arc commands below. The values
of /rv/, /rh/, /phi/ come from Table 5.arcParameterSpecialization.
The values of /A/, /B/, /C/, and /D/ are discussed in the context
of Table 5.arcParameterSpecialization. /C_ll/ is the lower-left
end-point defined for Equation 5.roundedRectangleContour.
If a value specified for a coordinate (however the coordinate is
specified) or a value computed from these coordinates (as specified
in the discussion that follows) exceeds the implementation's maximum
representable value for a single-precision floating-point number,
the rendering behavior (discussed in section 5.X.2) of the specified
path and the value of said coordinate if queried (section 6.X.2)
is undefined. This is relevant because coordinates can be specified
explicitly but also relatively (by RELATIVE_* path commands) or
encoded in a string of otherwise arbitrary precision and range or
computed by weighting.
In all the rounded-rectangle path commands, the parametric segment
path equations in Table 5.pathEquations are expressed in terms of
the function /rrect/ that returns an (x,y) position on the rounded
rectangle when evaluated over the parametric range t=0..1. /rrect/
is a spline of alternating rational quadratic Bezier segments and
linear segments that forms a closed contour.
In addition to its parametric variable /t/, /rrect/ has 12
parameters to which geometric properties can be ascribed when these
values are positive. (No restriction precludes these parameters
to be non-positive; negative and zero values are allowed and
supported.) (x,y) is the 2D location of the lower-left corner of the
rectangle tightly bounding the rounded rectangle contour; /w/ and /h/
are the respective width and height of the same bounding rectangle.
/r_llx/, /r_lrx/, /r_urx/, and /r_ulx/ are the elliptical x-axis
radii corresponding to the lower-left, lower-right, upper-right,
and upper-left corners of the rounded rectangle; likewise /r_lly/,
/r_lry/, /r_ury/, and /r_uly/ are the elliptical y-axis for the
same corners.
Equation 5.roundedRectangleContour
rrect(x,y, / (1-t_0)*C_ll + t_0*A_lr, t=0/8..1/8
w,h, |
r_llx,r_lly, | (1-t_1)^2*A_lr + (1-t_1)*t_1*B_lr*sqrt(2) + t_1^2*C_lr)/
r_lrx,r_lry, = < ((1-t_1)^2 + (1-t_1)*t_1*sqrt(2) + t_1^2), t=1/8..2/8
r_urx,r_ury, |
r_ulx,r_uly, | (1-t_2)*C_lr + t_2*A_ur, t=2/8..3/8
t) |
| (1-t_3)^2*A_ur + (1-t_3)*t_3*B_ur*sqrt(2) + t_3^2*C_ur)/
| ((1-t_3)^2 + (1-t_3)*t_3*sqrt(2) + t_3^2), t=3/8..4/8
| (1-t_4)*C_ur + t_4*A_ul, t=4/8..5/8
| (1-t_5)^2*A_ul + (1-t_5)*t_5*B_ul*sqrt(2) + t_5^2*C_ul)/
| ((1-t_5)^2 + (1-t_5)*t_5*sqrt(2) + t_5^2), t=5/8..6/8
| (1-t_6)*C_ul + t_6*A_ll, t=6/8..7/8
| (1-t_7)^2*A_ll + (1-t_7)*t_7*B_ll*sqrt(2) + t_7^2*C_ll)/
\ ((1-t_7)^2 + (1-t_7)*t_7*sqrt(2) + t_7^2), t=7/8..1
t_i = 8*t - i
A_ll = (x,y-r_lly), h<0
(x,y+r_lly), otherwise
B_ll = (x,y)
C_ll = (x-r_llx,y), w<0
(x+r_llx,y), otherwise
A_lr = (x+w+r_lrx,y), w<0
(x+w-r_lrx,y), otherwise
B_lr = (x+w,y)
C_lr = (x+w,y-r_lry), h<0
(x+w,y+r_lry), otherwise
A_ur = (x+w,y+h-r_ury*sign(h)), h<0
(x+w,y+h-r_ury*sign(h)), otherwise
B_ur = (x+w,y+h)
C_ur = (x+w+r_urx,y+h), w<0
(x+w-r_urx,y+h), otherwise
A_ul = (x-r_ulx,y+h), w<0
(x+r_ulx,y+h), otherwise
B_ul = (x,y+h)
C_ul = (x,y+h+r_uly), h<0
(x,y+h-r_uly), otherwise
Consider /t_i/ to be a subparmetric range within /t/ where /t_i/
ranges over 0..1 for each spline segment of /rrect/. The 2D control
points /A_ll/ through /C_ul/ are shown in Figure 5.roundedRectangle,
where /ll/, /lr/, /ur/, and /ul/ correspond to lower-left,
lower-right, upper-right, and upper-left respectively.
Figure 5.roundedRectangle: Geometric interpretation of Equation
5.roundedRectangleContour parameters.
_ r_ulx _ r_urx
/ \ / \
/ \C_ul A_ur / \
B_ul .-----.-----------------------.-----. B_ur \
/| |\ |
r_uly < | | > r_ury |
\| |/ |
A_ul . . C_ur |
| | \
| | > h
| | /
| | |
A_ll . . C_rl |
/| |\ |
r_lly < | | > r_rly |
\| |/ |
B_ll .-----.-----------------------.-----. B_rl /
& (x,y) \ /C_ll A_rl \ /
\_/ \_/
r_llx r_rlx
\______________ __________________/
Note that the ROUNDED_RECT*_NV commands degenerate to the RECT_NV
command when all the radii are zero.
In all the arc-based path commands, the parametric segment path
equations in Table 5.pathEquations are expressed in terms of the
functions /arc_x/ and /arc_y/.
Equation 5.generalParametricArc
arc_x(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,dtheta,t) = cos(phi)*rh*cos(theta1+t*dtheta) -
sin(phi)*rv*sin(theta1+t*dtheta) + c.x
arc_y(c,rv,rh,phi,theta1,dtheta,t) = sin(phi)*rh*cos(theta1+t*dtheta) +
cos(phi)*rv*sin(theta1+t*dtheta) + c.y
This general form of a parametric partial elliptical arc computes
(x,y) 2D positions on the arc as /t/ ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive.
In addition to the varying /t/ parameter, these functions depend on
a 2D (x,y) center position /c/, a horizontal ellipse radius /rh/,
a vertical ellipse radius /rv/, a counterclockwise angle (in radians)
of an ellipse with respect to the x-axis /phi/, /theta1/ is the angle
(in radians) of the initial point on the partial arc, and /dtheta/
is the difference between the angle (in radians) of the terminal
point on the partial arc and /theta1/. The larger of /rh/ and /rv/
is the complete ellipse's major axis while the smaller of the two
is the complete ellipse's minor axis.
How these additional dependent parameters for /arc_x/ and /arc_y/
are determined depends on the specific arc path command as
detailed in Table 5.arcParameterSpecialization. Before explaining
how specific arc commands determine these dependent parameters,
the following discussion develops a general scheme for converting
general end-point representations of arcs to the partial elliptical
arc segment representation of Equation 5.generalParametricArc.
All the arc commands supported are specializations of this general
end-point representation. The general scheme is developed, specific
arc commands are specified as special cases of the general end-point
representation scheme for arcs.
In general, consider seven scalar values (/x1/, /y1/, /x2/,
/y2/, /phi/, /fA/, and /fS/) fully parameterizing a given partial
elliptical arc:
* a 2D position (x1,y1) at the start of a partial elliptical
arc segment
* a 2D position (x2,y2) at the end of a partial elliptical
arc segment
* /phi/ is the angle (in radians) from the x-axis of the path
space coordinate system to the x-axis of the axis-aligned ellipse
* /fA/ is a boolean (the "large arc" flag) that is true when
the arc spans greater than 180 degrees; and otherwise false
if the arc sweeps 180 degrees or less
* /fS/ is a boolean (the "sweep" flag) that is true when the
arc sweeps in a counterclockwise direction in path space
(so sweeps with increasing angles); and otherwise false
when the arc sweeps in a clockwise direction (so sweeps with
decreasing angles)
Given this parameterization, the procedure below computes the /c/,
/rv/, /rh/, /phi/, /theta1/, and /dtheta/ parameters to represent
this same arc in the general parametric form of Equation
Step 1:
x1p = cos(phi)*(x1-x2)/2 + sin(phi)*(y1-y2)/2
y1p = -sin(phi)*(x1-x2)/2 + cos(phi)*(y1-y2)/2
If /rh/, /rv/, and /phi/ are such that there is no solution
(basically, the ellipse is not big enough to reach from (x1,y1)
to (x2,y2), then the ellipse is scaled up uniformly until there
is exactly one solution (until the ellipse is just big enough)
in this manner:
lambda = (x1p/rh)^2 + (y1p/rv)^2
/ rh, lambda<=1
rp.x = {
\ rh*sqrt(lambda), lambda>1
/ rv, lambda<=1
rp.y = {
\ rv*sqrt(lambda), lambda>1
Step 2:
cp.x = fsgn*sqrt((rp.x^2*rp.y^2 - rp.x^2*y1p^2 - rp.y^2*x1p^2) /
(rp.x^2*y1p^2 + rp.y^2*x1p^2)
) * rp.x*y1p/rp.y
cp.y = fsgn*sqrt((rp.x^2*rp.y^2 - rp.x^2*y1p^2 - rp.y^2*x1p^2) /
(rp.x^2*y1p^2 + rp.y^2*x1p^2)
) * -rp.y*x1p/rp.x
/ +1, fA != fS
fsgn = {
\ -1, fA = fS
Step 3:
c.x = cos(phi)*cp.x - sin(phi)*cyp + (x1+x2)/2
c.y = sin(phi)*cp.x + cos(phi)*cyp + (y1+y2)/2
In general, the angle between two vectors (u.x, u.y) and (v.x, v.y)
can be computed as
/ arcos(dot(u,v)/sqrt(dot(u,u))*sqrt(dot(v,v))), u.x*v.y-u.y*v.x>=0
angle(u,v) = {
\ -arcos(dot(u,v)/sqrt(dot(u,u))*sqrt(dot(v,v))), u.x*v.y-u.y*v.x<0
Step 4:
theta1 = angle([1,0],
dangle = angle([(x1p-cp.x)/r.x,(y1p-cp.y)/r.y],
/ dangle - 2*Pi, fS=false AND d>0
/ dangle, fS=false AND d<=0
dtheta = {
\ dangle, fS=true AND d>=0
\ dangle + 2*Pi, fS=true AND d<0
The arc path commands allow arbitrary numeric values so when these
values result in invalid or out-of-range parameters when the above
steps are applied, the following further steps are taken to ensure
well-defined behavior.
If (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are identical, then this is equivalent to
omitting the arc segment entirely.
If either of /rh/ or /rv/ is zero, the arc is treated as a straight
line segment from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
Table 5.arcParameterSpecialization now maps the coordinate values
for each arc path command to the parameters of the arc end-point
parameterization above from which the arc's parametric representation
can be obtained.
Table 5.arcParameterSpecialization: Arc Path Command
Token (x1,y1) rh rv phi (x2,y2) fA fS
---------------------------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------- ------------------- --------------- -------
SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 c[3],c[4] false true
RELATIVE_SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 cp.x+c[3],cp.y+c[4] false true
SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 c[3],c[4] false false
RELATIVE_SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 cp.x+c[3],cp.y+c[4] false false
LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 c[3],c[4] true true
RELATIVE_LARGE_CCW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 cp.x+c[3],cp.y+c[4] true true
LARGE_CW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 c[3],c[4] true false
RELATIVE_SMALL_CW_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 cp.x+c[3],cp.y+c[4] true false
CIRCULAR_CCW_ARC_TO_NV A.x,A.y abs(c[2]) abs(c[2]) 0 B.x,B.y (c[4]-c[3])>180 true
CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV A.x,A.y abs(c[2]) abs(c[2]) 0 B.x,B.y (c[4]-c[3])>180 false
CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV C.x,C.y abs(c[4]) abs(c[4]) 0 D.x,D.y false num>=0
ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 c[5],c[6] c[3]!=0 c[4]!=0
RELATIVE_ARC_TO_NV cp.x,cp.y abs(c[0]) abs(c[1]) c[2]*Pi/180 cp.x+c[5],cp.y+c[6] c[3]!=0 c[4]!=0
A = (c[0]+c[2]*cos(c[3]*Pi/180),
B = (c[0]+c[2]*cos(c[4]*Pi/180),
and C, D, and num, for CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV, are computed
through the following steps:
Step 1: Compute two tangent vectors:
d0.x = cp.x - c[0]
d0.y = cp.y - c[1]
d2.x = c[2] - c[0]
d2.y = c[3] - c[1]
Step 2: Compute scaling factors for tangent vectors:
num = d0.y*d2.x - d2.y*d0.x
denom = sqrt(dot(d0,d0)*dot(d2,d2)) - dot(d0,d2)
dist = abs(c[4] * num/denom)
l0 = dist/sqrt(dot(d0,d0)) * c[4]/abs(c[4])
l2 = dist/sqrt(dot(d2,d2)) * c[4]/abs(c[4])
Step 3: Add scaled directions to the tangent vector intersection
/ (c[0],c[1]) + d0 * l0, denom!=0 AND c[4]!=0
C = {
\ (c[0],c[1]), denom==0 OR c[4]==0
/ (c[0],c[1]) + d2 * l2, denom!=0 AND c[4]!=0
D = {
\ (c[0],c[1]), denom==0 OR c[4]==0
Path objects can be specified in one of four ways:
1) explicitly from an array of commands and corresponding
2) from a string conforming to one of two supported grammars to
specify a string,
3) from a glyph within a font face from a system font or font file,
4) by linearly combining one or more existing path objects with
mutually consistent command sequences to form a new path.
In any situation where a path object is specified or re-specified,
the command's parameters are re-initialized as discussed in section
5.X.1.5 unless otherwise specified. However modification of path
commands and coordinates (section 5.X.1.4) does not modify path
5.X.1.1 Explicit Path Specification
The command
void PathCommandsNV(uint path,
sizei numCommands, const ubyte *commands,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
specifies a new path object named /path/ where /numCommands/
indicates the number of path commands, read from the array
/commands/, with which to initialize that path's command sequence.
These path commands reference coordinates read sequentially from the
/coords/ array. The type of the coordinates read from the /coords/
array is determined by the /coordType/ parameter which must be
otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The /numCommands/ elements of the /commands/ array must be tokens
or character in Table 5.pathCommands. The command sequence matches
the element order of the /commands/ array. Each command references
a number of coordinates specified by "Coordinate count" column of
Table 5.pathCommands, starting with the first (zero) element of
the /coords/ array and advancing by the coordinate count for each
command. If any of these /numCommands/ command values are not
listed in the "Token" or "Character aliases" columns of Table
5.pathCommands, the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if /numCoords/ does not
equal the number of coordinates referenced by the command sequence
specified by /numCommands/ and /commands/ (so /numCoords/ provides a
sanity check that the /coords/ array is being interpreted properly).
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if either /numCommands/ or
/numCoords/ is negative.
If the PathCommandsNV command results in an error, the path object
named /path/ is not changed; if there is no error, the prior contents
of /path/, if /path/ was an existent path object, are lost and the
path object name /path/ becomes used.
5.X.1.2 String Path Specification
The command
void PathStringNV(uint path, enum format,
sizei length, const void *pathString);
specifies a new path object named /path/ where /format/ must be
either PATH_FORMAT_SVG_NV or PATH_FORMAT_PS_NV, in which case the
/length/ and /pathString/ are interpreted according to grammars
specified in sections 5.X.1.2.1 and 5.X.1.2.2 respectively.
The INVALID_VALUE error is generated if /length/ is negative.
If the PathStringNV command results in an error, the path object
named /path/ is not changed; if there is no error, the prior contents
of /path/, if /path/ was an existent path object, are lost and the
path object name /path/ becomes used.
5.X.1.2.1 Scalable Vector Graphics Path Grammar
If the /format/ parameter of PathStringNV is PATH_FORMAT_SVG_NV,
the /pathString/ parameter is interpreted as a string of ubyte ASCII
characters with /length/ elements.
This string must satisfy the "svg-path" production in the path
grammar below. This grammar is taken directly from the Scalable
Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (April 30, 2009) specification.
The following notation is used in the Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
description of the grammar for an SVG path string:
* *: 0 or more
* +: 1 or more
* ?: 0 or 1
* (): grouping
* ()^n: grouping with n repetitions where n is explained subsequently
* |: separates alternatives
* double quotes surround literals
* #x: prefixes an ASCII character value followed by hexadecimal
* ..: means any of an inclusive range of ASCII characters, so
'0'..'9' means any digit character
The following is the grammar for SVG paths.
wsp* moveto-drawto-command-groups? wsp*
| moveto-drawto-command-group wsp* moveto-drawto-command-groups
moveto wsp* drawto-commands?
| drawto-command wsp* drawto-commands
| lineto
| horizontal-lineto
| vertical-lineto
| curveto
| smooth-curveto
| quadratic-bezier-curveto
| smooth-quadratic-bezier-curveto
| elliptical-arc
( "M" | "m" ) wsp* moveto-argument-sequence
| coordinate-pair comma-wsp? lineto-argument-sequence
("Z" | "z")
( "L" | "l" ) wsp* lineto-argument-sequence
| coordinate-pair comma-wsp? lineto-argument-sequence
( "H" | "h" ) wsp* horizontal-lineto-argument-sequence
| coordinate comma-wsp? horizontal-lineto-argument-sequence
( "V" | "v" ) wsp* vertical-lineto-argument-sequence
| coordinate comma-wsp? vertical-lineto-argument-sequence
( "C" | "c" ) wsp* curveto-argument-sequence
| curveto-argument comma-wsp? curveto-argument-sequence
coordinate-pair comma-wsp? coordinate-pair comma-wsp? coordinate-pair
( "S" | "s" ) wsp* smooth-curveto-argument-sequence
| smooth-curveto-argument comma-wsp? smooth-curveto-argument-sequence
coordinate-pair comma-wsp? coordinate-pair
( "Q" | "q" ) wsp* quadratic-bezier-curveto-argument-sequence
| quadratic-bezier-curveto-argument comma-wsp?
coordinate-pair comma-wsp? coordinate-pair
( "T" | "t" ) wsp* smooth-quadratic-bezier-curveto-argument-sequence
| coordinate-pair comma-wsp? smooth-quadratic-bezier-curveto-argument-sequence
( "A" | "a" ) wsp* elliptical-arc-argument-sequence
| elliptical-arc-argument comma-wsp? elliptical-arc-argument-sequence
nonnegative-number comma-wsp? nonnegative-number comma-wsp?
number comma-wsp flag comma-wsp flag comma-wsp coordinate-pair
coordinate comma-wsp? coordinate
| floating-point-constant
sign? integer-constant
| sign? floating-point-constant
"0" | "1"
(wsp+ comma? wsp*) | (comma wsp*)
fractional-constant exponent?
| digit-sequence exponent
digit-sequence? "." digit-sequence
| digit-sequence "."
( "e" | "E" ) sign? digit-sequence
"+" | "-"
| digit digit-sequence
(#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)
The processing of the BNF must consume as much of a given BNF
production as possible, stopping at the point when a character
is encountered which no longer satisfies the production. Thus,
in the string "M 100-200", the first coordinate for the "moveto"
consumes the characters "100" and stops upon encountering the minus
sign because the minus sign cannot follow a digit in the production
of a "coordinate". The result is that the first coordinate will be
"100" and the second coordinate will be "-200".
Similarly, for the string "M 0.6.5", the first coordinate of the
"moveto" consumes the characters "0.6" and stops upon encountering
the second decimal point because the production of a "coordinate"
only allows one decimal point. The result is that the first coordinate
will be "0.6" and the second coordinate will be ".5".
The grammar allows the string to be empty (zero length). This is
not an error, instead specifies a path with no commands.
Table 5.svgCommands maps productions in the grammar above to the
path commands in Table 5.pathCommands; each such path command, with
its corresponding coordinates, is added to the path command sequence
of the path object. Each production listed in Table 5.svgCommands
consumes a number of coordinates consistent with the path command
token's coordinate count listed in Table 5.pathCommands. The
"coordinate" and "nonnegative-number" productions convert to a numeric
coordinate value in the obvious way. The "flag" production converts
"0" and "1" to numeric coordinate values zero and one respectively.
Table 5.svgCommands: SVG Grammar Commands to Path Command Tokens
Grammar's prior
Production command character Path command token
------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------
moveto-argument-sequence "M" MOVE_TO_NV
closepath "Z" or "z" CLOSE_PATH_NV
lineto-argument-sequence "L" LINE_TO_NV
horizontal-lineto-argument-sequence "H" HORIZONTAL_LINE_TO_NV
vertical-lineto-argument-sequence "V" VERTICAL_LINE_TO_NV
quadratic-bezier-curveto-argument "Q" QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV
smooth-quadratic-bezier-curveto-argument-sequence "T" SMOOTH_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV
curveto-argument "C" CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV
smooth-curveto-argument "S" SMOOTH_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV
elliptical-arc-argument "A" ARC_TO_NV
If the string fails to satisfy the svg-path production, the path
object named /path/ is not changed. The production may not be
satisfied for one of two reasons: either the grammar cannot be not
satisfied by the string, or the grammar is satisfied but there still
remain a non-zero number of characters in the string. Neither
failure to satisfy the production generates an error; instead the
PATH_ERROR_POSITION_NV state is set to the character offset where the
grammar was first not satisfied or where the grammar was exhausted.
If the string was parsed successfully and the command did not generate
an error, the PATH_ERROR_POSITION_NV state is set to negative one
to indicate success.
5.X.1.2.2 PostScript Path Grammar
If the /format/ parameter of PathStringNV is PATH_FORMAT_PS_NV,
the /pathString/ parameter is interpreted as a string of ubyte ASCII
characters with /length/ elements.
This string must satisfy the "ps-path" production in the path
grammar below. This grammar is parses path specified in PostScript's
subgrammar for user paths specified by "PostScript Language Reference
Manual" 3rd edition.
The following is the grammar (using the same notation as section
5.X.1.2.1) for PS paths with special support for binary encoding modes
(as explained below):
ps-wsp* user-path? ps-wsp*
| ps-wsp* encoded-path ps-wsp*
| user-path-cmd ps-wsp+ user-path
| ps-moveto
| rmoveto
| ps-lineto
| rlineto
| ps-curveto
| rcurveto
| arc
| arcn
| arct
| ps-closepath
| ucache
numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value setbbox-cmd
| #x92 #x8F
numeric-value numeric-value moveto-cmd
| #x92 #x6B
numeric-value numeric-value rmoveto-cmd
| #x92 #x86
numeric-value numeric-value lineto-cmd
| #x92 #x63
numeric-value numeric-value rlineto-cmd
| #x92 #x85
numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value curveto-cmd
| #x92 #x2B
numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value rcurveto-cmd
| #x92 #x7A
numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value arc-cmd
| #x92 #x05
numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value arcn-cmd
| #x92 #x06
numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value numeric-value arct-cmd
| #x92 #x07
| #x92 #x16
| #x92 #xB1
data-array ps-wsp* operator-string
"{" ps-wsp* numeric-value-sequence? "}"
| homogeneous-number-array
| ascii85-homogeneous-number-array
| ascii85-string
| short-binary-string
| be-long-binary-string
| le-long-binary-string
"<" ps-wsp-chars* hexadecimal-sequence ps-wsp-chars* ">"
| hexadecimal-digit ps-wsp-chars* hexadecimal-sequence
| "a".."f" |
| "A".."F"
#x8E one-byte ( one-byte )^n
/where n is the value of the one-byte production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 255/
#x8F two-bytes ( one-byte )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
big-endian byte order/
#x90 two-bytes ( one-byte )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
little-endian byte order/
| numeric-value numeric-value-sequence
number ps-wsp+
| radix-number ps-wsp+
| be-integer-32bit
| le-integer-32bit
| be-integer-16bit
| le-integer-16bit
| le-integer-8bit
| be-fixed-16bit
| le-fixed-16bit
| be-fixed-32bit
| le-fixed-32bit
| be-float-ieee
| le-float-ieee
| native-float-ieee
#x84 four-bytes
#x85 four-bytes
#x86 two-bytes
#x87 two-bytes
#x88 one-byte
#x89 #x0..#x1F four-bytes
#x89 #x80..#x9F four-bytes
#x89 #x20..#x2F two-bytes
#x89 #xA0..#xAF two-bytes
#x8A four-bytes
#x8B four-bytes
#x8C four-bytes
base "#" base-number
| base-digit base-digit-sequence
| "a".."z"
| "A".."Z"
| be-fixed-16bit-array
| be-float-ieee-array
| native-float-ieee-array
| le-fixed-32bit-array
| le-fixed-16bit-array
| le-float-ieee-array
#x95 #x0..#x1F two-bytes ( four-bytes )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
big-endian byte order/
#x95 #x20..#x2F two-bytes ( two-bytes )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
big-endian byte order/
#x95 #x30 two-bytes ( four-bytes )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
big-endian byte order/
#x95 #x80..#x9F two-bytes ( four-bytes )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
little-endian byte order/
#x95 #xA0..#xAF two-bytes ( two-bytes )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
little-endian byte order/
#x95 #xB0 two-bytes ( four-bytes )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
little-endian byte order/
#x95 ( #x31 | #xB1 ) two-bytes ( four-bytes )^n
/where n is the value of the two-bytes production decoded
as an unsigned integer, 0 through 65535, decoded in
the native byte order/
"<~" (#x21..#x75 | "z" | psp-wsp )* "~>"
"<~" (#x21..#x75 | "z" | psp-wsp )* "~>"
#x0..#xFF #x0..#xFF
#x0..#xFF #x0..#xFF #x0..#xFF #x0..#xFF
| ps-comment
( #x20 | #x9 | #xA | #xC | #xD | #x0 )
"%" ( #0..#9 | #xB..#xC | #xE..#xFF )* ( #xD | #xA )
This grammar is not technically a pure BNF because it uses binary
encoded data to encode how many characters should be as part of
several productions (short-binary-string, native-float-ieee-array,
The processing of the BNF must consume as much of a given BNF
production as possible, stopping at the point when a character
is encountered which no longer satisfies the production.
The grammar allows the string to be empty (zero length). This
is not an error, instead specifies a path with no commands.
Table 5.psCommands maps productions in the grammar above to the path
commands in Table 5.pathCommands; each such path command, with its
corresponding coordinates, is added to the path command sequence
of the path object. Each production listed in Table 5.svgCommands
consumes a quantity of values, matched by the "number" production,
consistent with the path command token's coordinate count listed
in Table 5.pathCommands. The "setbbox" and "ucache" products are
matched but do not result in path commands.
Table 5.psCommands: PS Grammar Commands to Path Command Tokens
Production Path command token
------------ --------------------------
ps-closepath CLOSE_PATH_NV
ps-curveto CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV
ps-lineto LINE_TO_NV
ps-moveto MOVE_TO_NV
setbbox -
ucache -
The "number" production converts to a numeric coordinate value
in the obvious way. The "radix-number" production converts the
base-n integer conversion of its "base-number" production using
the base indicated by the base-10 integer conversion of its "base"
production where the base /n/ must be within the range 2 to 26.
The "base-number" is interpreted in base /n/; the "base-number"
production must contain digits ranging from 0 to /n/-1; digits greater
than 9 are represented by the letters A through Z (or a through z)
for the values 10 through 35 respectively.
The "encoded-path" production provides a compact and precise way
to encode paths with the commands and coordinates decoupled.
The "data-array" subproductions provide a sequence of coordinate
values for the encoded path's commands. The "data-array"
subproduction provides a sequence of numbers that is used by the
following "operator-string" production.
The "operator-string" subproduction is interpreted as a sequence
of encoded path commands, one command per byte generated by
"operator-string"'s "binary-string" production.
Each hexadecimal character in the "hexadecimal-binary-string"
production is a nibble (a 4-bit quantity). Each pair of characters
is two nibbles and they form a byte with the first nibble
representing the most signification bits of the byte. If the
"hexadecimal-binary-string" production contains an odd number of
hexadecimal characters, "0" is assumed to be suffixed to make an
even number of characters (so "A7C" would encode the bytes 167 for
"A7" followed by 192 for "C" which is treated as "C0" for 192).
Table 5.encodedPathOpcodes maps the values contained in the operator
string to path commands. Each command consumes from the coordinate
array supplied by the "data-array" production a number of values
for the command's coordinates equal to the path command token's
coordinate count listed in Table 5.pathCommands. If the value for
an element of the operator string is between 12 and 32 inclusive,
the grammar fails to parse at this point. If the value /n/ of an
element of the operator string is between 32 and 255, then this value
/n/-32 is treated as a repetition count and is treated as if /n/-32
repetitions of the next command are contained in the operator string
instead and the appropriate number of coordinates are consumed from
the associated sequence of coordinate values.
Table 5.encodedPathOpcodes
Opcode Name
------ ---------
0 setbbox
1 moveto
2 rmoveto
3 lineto
4 rlineto
5 curveto
6 rcurveto
7 arc
8 arcn
9 arct
10 closepath
11 ucache
The ASCII characters in the "ascii85-binary-string" production
consists of a sequence of printable ASCII characters between the "<~"
and "~>" delimiters. This represents arbitrary binary data using
an encoding technique that products a 4:5 expansion as opposed to
the 1:2 expansion for the "hexadecimal-binary-string" production.
This encoding is known as ASCII base-85.
Binary data in the ASCII base-85 encoding are encoded in 4-tuples
(groups of 4) each 4-tuple is used to produce a 5-type of ASCII
characters. If the binary 4-tuple is (b1,b2,b3,b4) and the encoded
5-tuple is (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5), then the relation between them is:
(b1 * 256^3) + (b2 * 256^2) + (b3 * 256^1) + b4 =
(c1 * 256^4) + (c2 * 256^3) + (c3 * 256^2) + (c4 * 256^3) + c5
The four bytes of binary data are interpreted as a base-256 number and
then converted into a base-85 number. The five "digits" of this number,
(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5), are then converted into ASCII characters by adding 33,
which is the ASCII code for '!', to each. ASCII characters in the
range '!' to 'u' are used, where '!' represented the value 0 and 'u'
represents the value 84. As a special case, if all five digits are
zero, they must be represented by either a single 'z' instead of by
If the encoded sequence ends with a sequence of characters that is
not an even multiple of 4, the last 1, 2, or 3 characters to produce
a special final partial 5-tuple. Given n (1, 2, or 3) bytes of final
binary data, an encoder must first append 4-n zero bytes to make
a complete 4-tuple. Then, the encoder must encode the 4-tuple in
the usual way, but without applying the 'z' special case. Finally,
the encoder must write the first n+1 bytes of the resulting 5-tuple.
Those bytes are immediately followed by the "~>" terminal marker.
This encoding scheme is reversible and the GL is responsible for
converting the ASCII base-85 string into its corresponding binary
data. White space within an ASCII base-85 encoded string is ignored.
The following conditions constitute encoding violations of the ASCII
base-85 scheme:
* The value represented by a 5-tuple is greater than 2^32-1
* The 'z' value occurs in the middle of a 5-tuple.
* A final partial 5-tuple contains only one character.
Any such encoding violation is a parsing error.
Once the ASCII base-85 string is decoded, this sequence of bytes
is treated as operator elements in the identical manner as the
elements for the "hexadecimal-string" subproduction. This means
invalid opcodes are possible and are treated as parsing errors, and
Valid opcodes and counts consume coordinates from the "data-array"
production to generate path commands with associated coordinates.
The "short-binary-string", "be-long-binary-string", and
"le-long-binary-string" subproductions of "operator-string" are
binary encodings of a sequence of operator string elements.
The "short-binary-string" has a count from 0 to 255 supplied by its
"one-byte" subproduction which indicates how many bytes follow.
These remaining (unsigned) bytes generate the sequence of operator
string elements.
The "be-long-binary-string" has a count from 0 to 65535 supplied by
its "two-byte" subproduction which indicates how many bytes follow.
These remaining (unsigned) bytes generate the sequence of operator
string elements. The "two-byte" subproduction is converted to a
count by multiplying the first unsigned byte by 256 and adding it
to the second unsigned byte.
The "le-long-binary-string" has a count from 0 to 65535 supplied by
its "two-byte" subproduction which indicates how many bytes follow.
These remaining (unsigned) bytes generate the sequence of operator
string elements. The "two-byte" subproduction is converted to a
count by multiplying the second unsigned byte by 256 and adding it
to the first unsigned byte.
The "encoded-path" fails to parse if invalid opcodes are detected
in the operator string or the sequence of numbers for coordinates
is exhausted prematurely.
If the string fails to satisfy the ps-path production, the path
object named /path/ is not changed. The production may not be
satisfied for one of three reasons: the grammar cannot be not
satisfied by the string, the string has invalid sequences (such
as ASCII base-85 violations, exhausting the coordinate data in the
"data-array" production, or invalid opcodes encountered in the
"operator-string" production), or the grammar is satisfied but
there still remain a non-zero number of characters in the string.
None of these failures to satisfy the grammar generates an error;
instead the PATH_ERROR_POSITION_NV state is set to the character
offset where the grammar was first not satisfied, violated
semantically, or where the grammar was exhausted. If the string
was parsed successfully and the command did not generate an error,
the PATH_ERROR_POSITION_NV state is set to negative one to indicate
If a parsing error occurs, the exact value assigned to the
PATH_ERROR_POSITION_NV state variable is implementation-dependent
(because the specifics of error position determination is difficult
to specify) though the determined error location should be nearby
the first error.
5.X.1.3 Font Glyph Path Specification
The command
void PathGlyphsNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
sizei numGlyphs, enum type,
const void *charcodes,
enum handleMissingGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
creates, if no error occurs, a range of path objects named from
/firstPathName/ to /firstPathName/+/numGlyphs/-1 based on the
font face indicated by /fontTarget/, /fontName/, and /fontStyle/
and the sequence of /numGlyphs/ character codes listed in the
/charcodes/ array, as interpreted based by the /type/ parameter.
However each particular name in the range /firstPathName/ to
/firstPathName/+/numGlyphs/-1 is specified as a new path object only
if that name is not already in use as a path object; if a name is
already in use, that named path object is silently left undisturbed.
A path object name is also left undisturbed if the
/handleMissingGlyphs/ parameter is SKIP_MISSING_GLYPH_NV and the
character code for a given glyph corresponds to the font's missing
glyph or the character code is otherwise not available.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if /numGlyphs/ or /emScale/
is negative.
The /fontTarget/ parameter must be one of STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV,
error is generated.
The /handleMissingGlyphs/ parameter must be one of
INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
If /fontTarget/ is STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV, then /fontName/ is
interpreted as a nul-terminated 8-bit ASCII character string that
must be one of the following strings: "Serif", "Sans", "Mono",
or "Missing"; otherwise the INVALID_VALUE error is generated.
These "Serif", "Sans", and "Mono" names respectively correspond to
serif, sans-serif, and sans monospaced font faces with the intent
that the font face matches the appearance, metrics, and kerning
of the DejaVu fonts of the same names. All implementations /must/
support these font names for the STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV target.
For the STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV targets with "Serif", "Sans", and
"Mono", all implementations /must/ support the first 256 character
codes defined by Unicode and the ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin-1 Western
European) character encoding though implementations are strongly
encouraged to support as much of the Unicode character codes as the
system's underlying font and language support provides.
For the STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV targets with "Missing", the entire
sequence of path objects must be populated with an identical box
outline with metrics matching this box.
If /fontTarget/ is SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV, then /fontName/ is interpreted
as a nul-terminated 8-bit ASCII character string that corresponds to a
system-specific font name. These names are intended to correspond to
the fonts names typically used in web content (e.g. Arial, Georgia,
Times Roman, Helvetica). The mapping of the system font character
string to a system font is assumed to be performed by the GL server.
If /fontTarget/ is FILE_NAME_NV, then /fontName/ is interpreted as
a nul-terminated 8-bit ASCII character string that corresponds to
a system-specific file name in a standard outline font format.
The specific interpretation of this name depends on the system
conventions for identifying files by name. This name can be an
absolute or relative path. The name is expected to include the
font name's extension. The mapping of the font file name to a
font is assumed to be performed by the GL client. What font file
formats are supported is system dependent but implementations are
encouraged to support outline font formats standard to the system
(e.g. TrueType for Windows systems, etc.).
If the /fontTarget/ and /fontName/ combination can not be loaded for
any reason (including the file name could not be opened, the font
name is not available on the system, the font file format is not
supported, the font file format is corrupted, etc.) and there is no
other error generated, the command succeeds silently (so no error
is generated) and the range of named path objects is not modified.
If the named path objects did not exist previously, they continue
to not exist.
The /fontStyle/ parameter is a bitfield allowed to have the
bits BOLD_BIT_NV or ITALIC_BIT_NV set; if other bits are set, the
INVALID_VALUE error is generated. The font style is used as a hint to
indicate the style of the font face. Glyphs are generated with the
font's bold or italic style respectively (or combination thereof)
if the BOLD_BIT_NV or ITALIC_BIT_NV bits are set; otherwise, the
value 0 or NONE indicates the default font face style should be used
to generate the requested glyphs. In situations where the bold or
italic style of the font is encoded in the font name or file name,
the /fontStyle/ parameter is ignored.
The generated glyphs for the path objects named /firstPathName/
to /firstPathName/+/numGlyphs/-1 are specified by the /numGlyphs/
character codes listed in the /charcodes/ array where each element of
the array is determined by the /type/ parameter that must be one of
2_BYTES, 3_BYTES, and 4_BYTES with the array accessed in the same
manner as the CallLists command's /type/ and /lists/ parameters
(though not offset by the display list base), but indicating character
codes instead of display list names.
The character codes from the /charcodes/ array are Unicode character
codes if the font in question can map from the Unicode character
set to the font's glyphs. If the font has no meaningful mapping
from Unicode, the font's standard character set is used instead
of Unicode (e.g. a font filled with non-standard symbols). For a
font supporting a character set that can be mapped to the Unicode
character set, a best effort should be made to map the specified
character code from its Unicode character code interpretation to
the closest appropriate glyph in the specified font.
Path objects created from glyphs by PathGlyphsNV have their path
object metric state initialized from the metrics of the glyph from
which they were specified. Section 6.X.3. ("Path Object Glyph
Typographic Queries") explains how these metrics are queried and
what their values mean. While the per-glyph metrics are expected to
vary from glyph to glyph within a font face, the per-font metrics
are expected to be identical for every path object created from a
given font name and font style combination.
Metrics in font space of glyphs are scaled by a value /s/ that is the
ratio of the /emScale/ parameter divided by the font's units per Em;
if the /emScale/ parameter equals zero, treat /emScale/ as if it was
identical to the font's units per Em such that /s/ is exactly 1.0.
Each glyph's outline are also scaled by /s/. The metric values /not/
these metric values are not specified in font units).
The FONT_NUM_GLYPH_INDICES_BIT_NV metric value returns -1 for path
objects created with the STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV (as such fonts are
not accessed by glyph index, only character point); otherwise, the
value is number of glyphs indices for the font, whether or not the
path object is created from a character point or glyph index.
When unknown or missing character codes in a font face are specified
and the /handleMissingGlyph/ parameter is USE_MISSING_GLYPHS_NV,
this situation should be handled in a manner appropriate to the
character code, font face, and implementation. Typically this
involves using the font's missing glyph for the unknown or missing
character code.
If the /pathParameterTemplate/ parameter names an existing path
object, that path object's current parameters listed in Table
5.pathParameters (excepting PATH_FILL_MODE_NV as explained in
the following paragraph) are used to initialize the respective
parameters of path objects specified by this command; otherwise
if the /pathParameterTemplate/ path object name does not exist,
the initial path parameters are used as specified by table 6.Y
(without generating an error).
Path objects created from glyphs by PathGlyphsNV have their
PATH_FILL_MODE_NV parameter, as explained in Section 5.X.1.5 ("Path
Parameter Specification"), initialized according to the fill
conventions of the font outlines within the font (instead of the
COUNT_UP_NV default for paths specified by means other than glyphs).
This may be one of: COUNT_UP_NV if the font's outline winding
convention is counterclockwise and its outline filling assumes the
non-zero winding rule; COUNT_DOWN_NV if the font's outline winding
convention is clockwise and its outline filling assumes the non-zero
winding rule; or INVERT if the font's outline filling assumes the
even-odd winding rule.
The command
void PathGlyphRangeNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
uint firstGlyph,
sizei numGlyphs,
enum handleMissingGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
allows a sequence of character codes in a font face to specify a
sequence of path objects and is equivalent to
int *array = malloc(sizeof(int)*numGlyphs);
if (array) {
for (int i=0; i<numGlyphs; i++) {
array[i] = i + firstGlyph;
PathGlyphsNV(firstPathName, fontTarget, fontName, fontStyle,
numGlyphs, INT, array,
handleMissingGlyphs, pathParameterTemplate, emScale);
} else {
// generate OUT_OF_MEMORY error
Advanced shaping of text renders glyphs by per-font glyph indices
(rather than Unicode code point). The commands
enum PathGlyphIndexArrayNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
uint firstGlyphIndex,
sizei numGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
enum PathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV(uint firstPathName,
enum fontTarget,
sizeiptr fontSize,
const void *fontData,
sizei faceIndex,
uint firstGlyphIndex,
sizei numGlyphs,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale);
create, if successful and no error occurs, a range of path objects
that correspond to an array of glyphs as ordered by glyph index in
a font face. PathGlyphIndexArrayNV loads the font data from a file
name or system font name while PathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV loads
the font data from a standard font format in system memory.
The commands return the value FONT_GLYPHS_AVAILABLE_NV when
successful; otherwise one of the following values is returned
depending on the nature of the failure. The unsuccessful command
returns the value FONT_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE_NV if the implementation
does not support a valid /fontTarget/, FONT_UNAVAILABLE_NV if
the font is not available (e.g. does not exist on the system), or
FONT_UNINTELLIGIBLE_NV if the font is available but cannot be loaded
for some implementation-dependent reason. FONT_UNAVAILABLE_NV will
not be returned by PathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV because the font
data is read from system memory. If the command generates an error,
that error's enum value will be returned. For example, an invalid
value for /fontTarget/ will return INVALID_ENUM. While the return
value indicates the error, the error will /also/ be generated in the
conventional way so GetError will return it and error callbacks are
generated normally.
When successful, path names /firstPathName/ through
/firstPathName+numGlyphs-1/ now are specified as path objects
corresponding to the sequence of glyphs in the font indicated
by /fontTarget/, /fontSize/, and /fontData/ for glyph indices
from /firstGlyphIndex/ to /firstGlyphIndex+numGlyphs-1/ where
/firstPathName/ corresponds to the glyph index /firstGlyphIndex/
and onward sequentially. If a glyph index does not correspond to an
actual glyph index in the font format, the respective path object is
left undisturbed. (It is the application's responsibility to know
the valid range of glyph indices for the font.) When unsuccessful
other than due to an OUT_OF_MEMORY error, no path objects are
specified or otherwise modified.
The path objects are created in the same manner described for
PathGlyphsNV in section 5.X.1.3 (Font Glyph Path Specification)
metrics are always false (because GetPathSpacingNV applies to
glyphs specified from Unicode code points). In particular, the
/pathParameterTemplate/ and /emScale/ parameters have the same
interpretation as the PathGlyphsNV command.
For the PathGlyphIndexArrayNV command, the /fontTarget/ parameter
must be either SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV or FILE_NAME_NV; otherwise the
INVALID_ENUM error is generated. The /fontStyle/ parameter is
a bitfield allowed to have the bits BOLD_BIT_NV or ITALIC_BIT_NV
set; if other bits are set, the INVALID_VALUE error is generated.
The interpretation of the /fontTarget/, /fontName/, and /fontStyle/
parameters is identical to the interpretation described in section
5.X.1.3 (Font Glyph Path Specification).
For the PathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV command, /fontTarget/ must
be STANDARD_FONT_FORMAT_NV; otherwise INVALID_ENUM is generated
(and returned). STANDARD_FONT_FORMAT_NV implies: /fontSize/ is
the size of the memory storing the font data in memory; /fontData/
is a pointer to the beginning of the font data; and /faceIndex/ is
the index of the face within the font, typically specified as zero.
The specific standard font formats supported by
STANDARD_FONT_FORMAT_NV are implementation-dependent, but the TrueType
format should be supported. Magic numbers if the font memory data
are expected to be used to identify the specific font format.
The INVALID_VALUE error is generated if any of /fontSize/ or
/faceIndex/ or /emScale/ are negative.
[NOTE: PathGlyphIndexRangeNV is deprecated in favor of
PathGlyphIndexArrayNV and PathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV.]
The command
enum PathGlyphIndexRangeNV(enum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
bitfield fontStyle,
uint pathParameterTemplate,
float emScale,
uint baseAndCount[2]);
creates, if successful and no error occurs, a range of path objects
that correspond to the complete range of glyphs as ordered by glyph
index in a font face.
The command returns the value FONT_GLYPHS_AVAILABLE_NV when
successful; otherwise one of the following values is returned
depending on the nature of the failure. The unsuccessful command
returns the value FONT_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE_NV if the implementation
does not support a valid /fontTarget/, FONT_UNAVAILABLE_NV if
the font is not available (e.g. does not exist on the system), or
FONT_UNINTELLIGIBLE_NV if the font is available but cannot be loaded
for some implementation-dependent reason. If the command generates
an error, that error's enum value will be returned. For example, an
invalid value for /fontTarget/ will return INVALID_ENUM. While the
return value indicates the error, the error will /also/ be generated
in the conventional way so GetError will return it and error callbacks
are generated normally.
The /fontTarget/ parameter must be either SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV
or FILE_NAME_NV; otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The interpretation of the /fontTarget/ and /fontName/ parameters
is identical to the interpretation described in section 5.X.1.3
(Font Glyph Path Specification).
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if /emScale/ is negative.
The /fontStyle/ parameter is a bitfield allowed to have the
bits BOLD_BIT_NV or ITALIC_BIT_NV set; if other bits are set, the
INVALID_VALUE error is generated.
When successful, elements 0 and 1 of the /baseAndCount/ array
parameter are written values /B/ and /N/ respectively where the
path names /B/ through /B+N-1/ are previously unused (i.e. there
are /N/ previously unused path object names starting at /B/) but
now are specified as path objects corresponding to the complete set
of glyphs in the font indicated by /fontTarget/ and /fontName/.
When unsuccessful (including when any error, even OUT_OF_MEMORY,
is generated by the command), elements 0 and 1 of the /baseAndCount/
array parameter are both written to zero.
The path objects are created in the same manner described for
PathGlyphsNV in section 5.X.1.3 (Font Glyph Path Specification)
metrics are always false (because GetPathSpacingNV applies to
glyphs specified from Unicode code points). In particular, the
/pathParameterTemplate/ and /emScale/ parameters have the same
interpretation as the PathGlyphsNV command.
5.X.1.4 Path Modification
Several commands allow the commands and/or coordinates of an existing
path object to be modified.
The command
void PathCoordsNV(uint path,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
replaces all the coordinates of an existing path object with a new
set of coordinates. /path/ names the path object to modify; the
error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/ is not an existing
path object.
The new path coordinates are read sequentially from the
/coords/ array. The type of the coordinates read from the /coords/
array is determined by the /coordType/ parameter which must be
otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if /numCoords/ does not
equal the number of coordinates referenced by the path object's
existing command sequence (so /numCoords/ provides a sanity check
that the /coords/ array is being interpreted properly). The error
INVALID_VALUE is generated if /numCoords/ is negative.
If the PathCoordsNV command results in an error, the path object named
/path/ is not changed; if there is no error, the prior coordinates of
/path/ are lost. If there is no error, the commands and parameters
of the path object are not changed.
The command
void PathSubCoordsNV(uint path,
sizei coordStart,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
replaces a range of the coordinates of an existing path object with
a new set of coordinates. /path/ names the path object to modify;
the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/ is not an existing
path object.
The new path coordinates are read sequentially from the
/coords/ array. The type of the coordinates read from the /coords/
array is determined by the /coordType/ parameter which must be
otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The coordinates from the /coords/ array replace the coordinates
starting at coordinate index (zero-based) /coordStart/ through
/coordStart/+/numCoords/-1 inclusive in the existing path object's
coordinate array. If /numCoords/ is zero, no coordinates are changed.
If /coordStart/+/numCoords/ is greater than the number of coordinates
in the existing path object, the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.
If either /coordStart/ or /numCoords/ is negative, the INVALID_VALUE
error is generated.
If the PathCoordsNV command results in an error, the path object named
/path/ is not changed; if there is no error, the prior coordinates
within the updated range of /path/ are lost. If there is no error,
the commands, coordinates outside the updated range, and parameters
of the path object are not changed.
The command
void PathSubCommandsNV(uint path,
sizei commandStart, sizei commandsToDelete,
sizei numCommands, const ubyte *commands,
sizei numCoords, enum coordType,
const void *coords);
replaces a range of existing commands and their associated coordinates
with a new sequence of commands and associated coordinates. /path/
names the path object to modify; the error INVALID_OPERATION is
generated if /path/ is not an existing path object.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any of /commandStart/,
/commandsToDelete/, /numCommands/, or /numCoords/ is negative.
The PathSubCommandsNV command works in two steps.
First, deleting commands in the range /commandStart/ to
/commandStart/+/commandsToDelete/-1 inclusive from the existing
path object. If /commandsToDelete/ exceeds the number of commands
from /commandStart/ to the end of the path command sequence,
all the commands from /commandsToDelete/ on are deleted. This
includes deleting the coordinates associated with these commands.
If /commandsToDelete/ is zero, zero commands and zero coordinates are
deleted. Second, /numCommands/ read sequentially from the /commands/
array are inserted into the existing path object immediately before
index /commandStart/. This includes inserting a corresponding number
of coordinates from the /coords/ array. If the index /commandStart/
is greater than the largest valid command index of the path object,
the commands are simply appended to the end of the path objects
command and coordinate sequences.
Each of the /numCommands/ commands in the /command/ array references
a number of coordinates specified by "Coordinate count" column of
Table 5.pathCommands, starting with the first (zero) element of
the /coords/ array and advancing by the coordinate count for each
command. If any of these /numCommands/ commands are not listed
in the "Token" or "Character aliases" columns of Table 5.pathCommands,
the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if /numCoords/ does not equal
the number of coordinates referenced by the command sequence to insert
as specified by /numCommands/ and /commands/ (so /numCoords/ provides
a sanity check that the /coords/ array is being interpreted properly).
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if any of /commandStart/,
/commandsToDelete/, /numCommands/ or /numCoords/ are negative.
The type of the coordinates in the /coords/ array is specified
by /coordType/ and must be one of BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT,
UNSIGNED_SHORT, or FLOAT; otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is
If the PathSubCommandsNV command results in an error, the path
object named /path/ is not changed; if there is no error, the prior
(now deleted) commands and coordinates within the updated range of
/path/ are lost. If there is no error, the commands, coordinates
outside the deleted range, and parameters of the path object are not
changed though commands and coordinates indexed beyond /commandStart/
are shifted in their sequence within the path object to make room
in the command and coordinate arrays for the newly inserted commands
and coordinates.
5.X.1.5 Path Parameter Specification
Each path object has its own set of path parameters that control
how the path object is filled and stroked when stenciled and covered.
Table 5.pathParameters
Name Type Required Values or Range
------------------------------- ------- -----------------------------------------------
PATH_STROKE_WIDTH_NV float non-negative
PATH_MITER_LIMIT_NV float non-negative
PATH_DASH_OFFSET_NV float any value
PATH_CLIENT_LENGTH_NV float non-negative
PATH_FILL_MASK_NV integer any value
PATH_STROKE_MASK_NV integer any value
PATH_STROKE_BOUND_NV float any value in [0.0,1.0]
The commands
void PathParameterivNV(uint path, enum pname, const int *value);
void PathParameteriNV(uint path, enum pname, int value);
void PathParameterfvNV(uint path, enum pname, const float *value);
void PathParameterfNV(uint path, enum pname, float value);
specify the value of path parameters for the specified path object
named /path/. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/
is not an existing path object.
Each parameter has a single (scalar) value.
/pname/ must be one of the tokens in the "Name" column of
Table 5.pathParameters, PATH_END_CAPS_NV, or PATH_DASH_CAPS_NV.
The required values or range of each allowed parameter name token
is listed in Table 5.pathParameter's "Required Values/Range" column.
For values of /pname/ listed in Table 5.pathsParameters, the specified
parameter is specified by /value/ when /value/ is a float or int,
or if /value/ is a pointer to a float or int, accessed through that
pointer. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if the specified
value is negative for parameters required to be non-negative in
Table 5.pathParameters. Values specified to be clamped to the [0,1] range
in Table 5.pathParameters are so clamped prior to setting the
specified path parameter to that clamped value.
The /pname/ of PATH_END_CAPS_NV is handled specially and updates
parameters of the path with the specified value. The /pname/
of PATH_DASH_CAPS_NV is handled specially and updates /both/ the
of the path with the specified value.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if the specified parameter value
is not within the require range for parameters typed float or integer.
The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the specified parameter value
is not one of the listed tokens for parameters typed enum.
The dash pattern of a path object consists of a sequence of path-space
lengths of alternating "on" and "off" dash segments. The first
value of the dash array defines the length, in path space, of the
first "on" dash segment. The second value defines the length of the
following "off" segment. Each subsequent pair of values defines one
"on" and one "off" segment.
Parameters to control the dash pattern of a stroked path are specified
by the command
void PathDashArrayNV(uint path,
sizei dashCount, const float *dashArray);
where /path/ is the name of an existing path object. The error
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/ is not an existing path
A /dashCount/ of zero indicates the path object is not dashed; in
this case, the /dashArray/ is not accessed. Otherwise, /dashCount/
provides a count of how many float values to read from the /dashArray/
array. If any of the /dashCount/ elements of /dashArray/ are
negative, the INVALID_VALUE error is generated.
If /dashCount/ is negative, the INVALID_VALUE error is generated.
If an error occurs, the path object's existing dash pattern state
is not changed.
The path parameters of a newly specified path object are initialized
as specified in Table 6.Y.
5.X.1.6 Path Weighting, Interpolation, and Copying
The command
void WeightPathsNV(uint resultPath,
sizei numPaths,
const uint paths[], const float weights[]);
linearly combines, as appropriate, the /numPaths/ path objects in
the array paths based on each path object's respective weight from
the weights array. The resulting path creates or replaces the
path object /resultPath/. The INVALID_VALUE error is generated if
/numPaths/ is less than one.
If the /resultPath/ name also names one of the paths in the /paths/
array, the path resulting from the linear combination of paths
replaces the source path also named /resultPath/ but not until after
the linear combination path has been determined.
This command requires all the paths in the paths array to
be /consistent/; otherwise the INVALID_OPERATION error is
generated. For all the paths to be /consistent/, all /numPaths/ paths
in the /paths/ array must have the identical count of commands and
each corresponding /i/th command in each path must have the identical
command type.
However the arc commands (specifically SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV,
RELATIVE_ARC_TO_NV) can not be weighted because the linear combination
of the curves these arc commands generate do not generally result in
a command of the same form; so if any of these arc commands appears
in a path object passed to WeightPathsNV the INVALID_OPERATION error
is generated.
The weighted path has a command sequence identical to any of the
input path objects to be weighted (since all the input path command
sequences are required to be identical).
The weighted path has a coordinate sequence constructed by weighting
each correspondingly indexed coordinate /i/ for all paths indexed by
/j/ from zero to /numPaths/-1 in the /paths/ array. Each coordinate
/i/ from path /j/ is weighted by the weight in /weights/ indexed
by /j/.
The path parameters for the weighted path are copied from the path
named by the first (0th) element of the /paths/ array. The path
metric values (as queried by GetPathMetricsNV in section 6.X.3)
are all specified to be -1 for the newly specified path object
(ignoring the path metrics for all the input path objects).
Kerning information (as queriable by GetPathSpacingNV in section
6.X.3) is also not copied.
The command
void InterpolatePathsNV(uint resultPath,
uint pathA, uint pathB,
float weight);
is equivalent to
uint paths[2] = { pathA, pathB };
float weights[2] = { 1-weight, weight };
WeightPathsNV(resultPath, 2, paths, weights);
The command
void CopyPathNV(uint resultPath, uint srcPath);
copies the path object named /srcPath/ to the path object named
/resultPath/. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /srcPath/
does not exist. The outline (commands and coordinates), parameters,
and glyph metrics and kerning information (if they exist) are all
copied without change.
5.X.1.7 Path Transformation
The command
void TransformPathNV(uint resultPath,
uint srcPath,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
transforms the path object named /srcPath/ by the transform specified
by the /transformType/ and its associated /transformValues/.
The resulting path creates or replaces the path object /resultPath/.
If the /resultPath/ and /srcPath/ names are identical, the path resulting
from the transform replaces the name after the source path is transformed.
The /transformType/ must be one of NONE, TRANSLATE_X_NV,
transformType Matrix
-------------------------- -------------------------
NONE [ 1 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
TRANSLATE_X_NV [ 1 0 0 v0 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
TRANSLATE_Y_NV [ 1 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 v0 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
TRANSLATE_2D_NV [ 1 0 0 v0 ]
[ 0 1 0 v1 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
TRANSLATE_3D_NV [ 1 0 0 v0 ]
[ 0 1 0 v1 ]
[ 0 0 1 v2 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
AFFINE_2D_NV [ v0 v2 0 v4 ]
[ v1 v3 0 v5 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
TRANSPOSE_AFFINE_2D_NV [ v0 v1 0 v2 ]
[ v3 v4 0 v5 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
AFFINE_3D_NV [ v0 v3 v6 v9 ]
[ v1 v4 v7 v10 ]
[ v2 v5 v8 v11 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
TRANSPOSE_AFFINE_3D_NV [ v0 v1 v2 v3 ]
[ v4 v5 v6 v7 ]
[ v8 v9 v10 v11 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
Table 5.transformType: Mapping from /transformType/ to a 4x4
transform matrix where v/i/ is the ith (base 0) element of the
/transformValues/ array.
The transformation of a path proceeds path command by path command.
Each path command results in a transformed path command equivalent
to what would happen if every point on the path command segment were
transformed by the transform from Table 5.transformType and had a
projective normalization applied.
Commands with absolute control points have their control points
transformed by the effective 4x4 projective matrix, and the resulting
x & y coordinates serve as the transformed command's respective
control point.
Control points of relative commands are first made into absolute
coordinates given the command's current control point, transformed
in the same manner as an absolute control point, and then adjusted
back to relative to their transformed current control point.
Horizontal and vertical line to commands are promoted to corresponding
"line to" commands if the transformed command is not an exactly
horizontal or vertical command respectively after transformation;
otherwise, these commands are not promoted but may transition from
horizontal to vertical or vice versa as the case may be.
Commands for partial elliptical arcs generate an equivalent new
transformed arc.
XXX more detail/math about arcs?
converted to transformed *_ARC_TO_NV commands if the transformed
circular arc is itself not a circular arc.
The CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV command is converted into a LINE_TO_NV
command and *_ARC_TO_NV command if the transformed circular arc is
itself not a circular arc.
The CLOSE_PATH_NV and RESTART_PATH_NV (having no control points)
are undisturbed by path transformation. The order of path commands
is invariant under path transformation.
5.X.1.8 Path Name Management
The command
uint GenPathsNV(sizei range);
returns an integer /n/ such that names /n/, ..., /n+range-1/ are
previously unused (i.e. there are /range/ previously unused path object
names starting at /n/). These names are marked as used, for the
purposes of subsequent GenPathsNV only, but they do not acquire
path object state until each particular name is used to specify
a path object.
Path objects are deleted by calling
void DeletePathsNV(uint path, sizei range);
where /path/ contains /range/ names of path objects to be delete.
After a path object is deleted, its name is again unused. Unused
names in /paths/ are silently ignored.
The query
boolean IsPathNV(uint path);
returns TRUE if /path/ is the name of a path object. If path is
not the name of a path object, or if an error condition occurs,
IsPathNV returns FALSE. A name retuned by GenPathsNV, but without
a path specified for it yet, is not the name of a path object.
5.X.2 Path Rendering
Path objects update the framebuffer through one of two processes:
"stenciling" that updates /just/ the stencil buffer with the path's
coverage information, and "covering" that rasterizes fragments into
the framebuffer for a region guaranteed to cover the region of path
coverage updated by stenciling, assuming the same path object,
fill mode or stroking parameters, transformation state, and set of
accessible samples (as will be explained).
5.X.2.1 Path Stenciling
The command
void PathStencilFuncNV(enum func, int ref, uint mask);
configures the stencil function, stencil reference value, and stencil
read mask to be used by the StencilFillPathNV and StencilStrokePathNV
commands described subsequently. The parameters accept the same
values allowed by the StencilFunc command.
The command
void PathStencilDepthOffsetNV(float factor, float units);
configures the depth offset factor and units state (see section 3.6.4)
to be used by the StencilFillPathNV and StencilStrokePathNV commands
described subsequently.
The command
void StencilFillPathNV(uint path,
enum fillMode, uint mask);
transforms into window space the outline of the path object named
/path/ based on the current modelview, projection, viewport,
and depth range transforms (ignoring any vertex and/or geometry
shader or program that might be active/enabled) and then updates
the stencil values of all /accessible samples/ (explained below) in
the framebuffer. Each sample's stencil buffer value is updated based
on the winding number of that sample with respect to the transformed
outline of the path object with any non-closed subpath forced closed
and the specified /fillMode/.
If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does
nothing (and no error is generated).
If the path's command sequence specifies unclosed subpaths (so not
contours) due to MOVE_TO_NV commands, such subpaths are trivially
closed by connecting with a line segment the initial and terminal
control points of each such path command subsequence.
Transformation of a path's outline works by taking all positions
on the path's outline in 2D path space (x,y) and constructing an
object space position (x,y,0,1) that is then used as the (xo,yo,zo,wo)
position in section 2.12 ("Fixed-Function Vertex Transformation")
to compute corresponding eye-space coordinates (xe,ye,ze,we) and
clip-space coordinates (xc,yc,zc,wc). A path outline's clip-space
coordinates are further transformed into window space as described in
section 2.16 ("Coordinate Transformations"). This process provides a
mapping 2D path coordinates to 2D window coordinates and depth values.
The resulting 2D window coordinates are undefined if any of the
transformations involved are singular or may be inaccurate if any
of the transformations (or their combination) are ill-conditioned.
The winding number for a sample with respect to the path outline,
transformed into window space, is computed by counting the (signed)
number of revolutions around the sample point when traversing each
(trivially closed if necessary) contour once in the transformed path.
This traversal is performed in the order of the path's command
sequence. Starting from an initially zero winding count, each
counterclockwise revolution when the front face mode is CCW (or
clockwise revolution when the front face mode is CW) around the sample
point increments the winding count by one; while each clockwise
revolution when the front face mode is CCW (or counterclockwise
revolution when the front face mode is CW) around the sample point
decrements the winding count by one.
The /mask/ parameter controls what subset of stencil bits are affected
by the command. If the /mask/ parameter is zero, the path object's
fill mask parameter (PATH_FILL_MASK_NV) is considered the effective
value of /mask/.
The /fillMode/ parameter must be one of INVERT, COUNT_UP_NV,
is generated. INVERT inverts the bits set in the effective /mask/
value for each sample's stencil value if the winding number for the
given sample is odd. COUNT_UP_NV adds with modulo n arithmetic the
winding number of each sample with the sample's prior stencil buffer
value; the result of this addition is written into the sample's
stencil value but the bits of the stencil value not set in the
effective /mask/ value are left unchanged. COUNT_DOWN_NV subtracts
with modulo /n/ arithmetic the winding number of each sample with the
sample's prior stencil buffer value; the result of this subtraction is
written into the sample's stencil value but the bits of the stencil
value not set in the effective /mask/ value are left unchanged.
PATH_FILL_MODE_NV uses the path object's counting mode parameter
The value of /n/ for the modulo /n/ arithmetic used by COUNT_UP_NV
and COUNT_DOWN_NV is the effective /mask/+1. The error INVALID_VALUE
is generated if the specified /fillMode/ is COUNT_UP_NV or
COUNT_DOWN_NV and the specified /mask/+1 is not an integer power
of two. If the /fillMode/ is PATH_FILL_MODE_NV; the path object's
counting mode parameter is COUNT_UP_NV or COUNT_DOWN_NV; and the
effective mask+1 value is not an integer power of two, treat the
mask as zero (effectively meaning no stencil bits will be modified).
The accessible samples of a transformed path that are updated are
the samples that remain after discarding the following samples:
* Any sample that would be clipped as specified in section 2.22
("Primitive Clipping") because its corresponding position in
clip space (xc,yc,zc,wc) or (xe,ye,ze,we) would be clipped
by the clip volume or enabled client-defined clip planes.
* Any sample that would not be updated during polygon rendering
due to polygon stipple (section 3.6.2) if POLYGON_STIPPLE
is enabled.
* Any sample that would fail the pixel ownership test (section
4.1.1) if rasterized.
* Any sample that would fail the scissor test (section 4.1.2)
if SCISSOR_TEST is enabled.
* Any sample that would fail the depth test (section 4.1.6)
if DEPTH_TEST is enabled where the fragment depth for the
depth test comes from the depth plane of the path when
transformed by the modelview, projection, viewport, and
depth range transforms and depth offset (section 3.6.4)
has been applied based on the slope of this plane operating
as if POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL is forced enabled and using the
factor and units parameters set by PathStencilDepthOffsetNV
(rather than the state set by PolygonOffset).
* Any sample that would fail the depth bounds test (section
4.1.X in EXT_depth_bounds_test specification) if
And for the StencilFillPathNV and StencilStrokePathNV commands (so
not applicable to the CoverFillPathNV and CoverStrokePathNV commands):
* Any sample that would fail the (implicitly enabled) stencil
test (section 4.1.5) with the stencil function configured
based on the path stencil function state configured by
PathStencilFuncNV. In the case of the StencilFillPathNV
and StencilStrokePathNV commands and their instanced
versions (section 5.X.2.3), the effective stencil read
mask for the stencil mask is treated as the value of
PATH_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK bit-wise ANDed with the bit-invert
of the effective /mask/ parameter value; otherwise, for the
cover commands, the stencil test operates normally. In the
case the stencil test fails during a path stencil operation,
the stencil fail operation is ignored and the pixel's stencil
value is left undisturbed (as if the stencil operation was
* The state of the face culling (CULL_FACE) enable is ignored.
The command
void StencilStrokePathNV(uint path,
int reference, uint mask);
transforms into window space the stroked region of the path object
named /path/ based on the current modelview, projection, viewport,
and depth range transforms (ignoring any vertex and/or geometry
shader or program that might be active/enabled) and then updates
the stencil values of a subset of the accessible samples (see above)
in the framebuffer.
If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does
nothing (and no error is generated).
The path object's stroke width parameter (PATH_STROKE_WIDTH_NV) in
path space units determines the width of the path's stroked region.
When the dash array count of a path object is zero (dashing is
considered subsequently), the stroke of a transformed path's outline
is the region of window space defined by the union of:
* Sweeping an orthogonal centered line segment of the (above
determined) effective stroke width along each path segment
in the path's transformed outline.
* End cap regions (explained below) appended to the initial
and terminal control points of non-closed command sequences
in the path. For a sequence of commands that form a closed
contour, the end cap regions are ignored.
* Join style regions (explained below) between connected path
segments meet.
Any accessible samples within the union of these three regions are
considered within the path object's stroke.
The /mask/ parameter controls what subset of stencil bits are affected
by the command. If the /mask/ parameter is zero, the path object's
stroke mask parameter (PATH_STROKE_MASK_NV) is considered the effective
value of /mask/.
A sample's stencil bits that are set in the effective /mask/ value
are updated with the specified stencil /reference/ value if the
sample is accessible (as specified above) and within the stroke of
the transformed path's outline.
Every path object has an initial and terminal end cap parameter
one of FLAT, SQUARE_NV, ROUND_NV, or TRIANGULAR_NV. There are no
samples within a FLAT end cap. The SQUARE_NV cap extends centered
and tangent to the given end (initial or terminal) of the subpath
for half the effective stroke width; in other words, a square cap
is a half-square that kisses watertightly the end of a subpath.
The ROUND_NV cap appends a semi-circle, centered and tangent,
with the diameter of the effective stroke width to the given end
(initial or terminal) of the subpath; in other words, a round cap
is a semi-circle that kisses watertightly the end of a subpath.
The TRIANGULAR_NV cap appends a right triangle, centered and tangent,
with its hypotenuse flush to the given end of the subpath; in other
words, a triangular cap is a right triangle that kisses watertightly
the end of a subpath with the triangle's longest side.
Every path object has a join style parameter (PATH_JOIN_STYLE_NV)
or NONE; each path object also has a miter limit value. The BEVEL_NV
join style inserts a triangle with two vertices at the outside
corners where two connected path segments join and a third vertex at
the common end point shared by the two path segments. The ROUND_NV
join style inserts a wedge-shaped portion of a circle centered at
the common end point shared by the two path segments; the radius of
the circle is half the effective stroke width. There are no samples
within a NONE join style. The MITER_REVERT_NV join style inserts a
quadrilateral with two opposite vertices at the outside corners where
the two connected path segments join and two opposite vertices with
one on the path's junction between the two joining path segments and
the other at the common end point shared by the two path segments.
However, the MITER_REVERT_NV join style behaves as the BEVEL_NV
style if the sine of half the angle between the two joined segments
is less than the path object's PATH_STROKE_WIDTH value divided by
the path's PATH_MITER_LIMIT_NV value. The MITER_TRUNCATE_NV join
style is similar to MITER_REVERT_NV but rather than reverting to a
bevel when the miter limit is exceeded, instead the tip of the miter
quadrilateral is truncated such that the miter does not extend beyond
the miter limit.
When the dash array count of a path object is /not/ zero, the path is
broken up into a sequence of paths based on the path object's dash
array count, dash array, dash offset, and dash cap parameters (see
section 5.X.1.5). This sequence of paths are handled as if their
dash count array is zero so their stroked region can be determined
for this stroking case that has already been explained.
The dash pattern defined by the dash array is a sequence of lengths of
alternating "on" and "off" dash segments. The first (0th) element of
the dash array defines the length, in path space, of the first "on"
dash segment. The second value defines the length of the following
"off" segment. Each subsequent pair of values defines on "on"
and one "off" segment.
The initial cap of the first dash segment uses the path's initial
dash cap style state (PATH_INITIAL_END_CAP_NV) as the effective
initial end cap for this first dash segment; the terminal cap
of the last dash segment uses the path's terminal dash cap style
state (PATH_TERMINAL_END_CAP_NV) as the effective terminal cap for
this last dash segment; all other caps of dash segments use the
PATH_INITIAL_DASH_CAP_NV for the initial cap of the segment and the
PATH_TERMINAL_DASH_CAP_NV for the terminal cap of the segment.
The MOVE_TO_RESETS_NV value for a path's dash offset reset parameter
(PATH_DASH_OFFSET_RESET_NV) means that the dash offset resets to the
path's dash offset parameter upon a MOVE_TO_NV, RELATIVE_MOVE_TO_NV,
RESTART_PATH_NV, or RECT_NV command (an command that does an implicit
or explicit move-to) while dashing the path's command sequence.
The MOVE_TO_CONTINUES_NV value means that the dash pattern
progresses normally (without reset) when dashing a MOVE_TO_NV or
Every path object has a stroke approximation bound parameter
(PATH_STROKE_BOUND_NV) that is a floating-point value /sab/ clamped
between 0.0 and 1.0 and set and queried with the PATH_STROKE_BOUND_NV
path parameter. Exact determination of samples swept an orthogonal
centered line segment along cubic Bezier segments and rational
quadratic Bezier curves (so non-circular partial elliptical arcs) is
intractable for real-time rendering so an approximation is required;
/sab/ intuitively bounds the approximation error as a percentage of
the path object's stroke width. Specifically, this path parameter
requests the implementation to stencil any samples within /sweep/
object space units of the exact sweep of the path's cubic Bezier
segments or partial elliptical arcs to be sampled by the stroke where
sweep = ((1-sab)*sw)/2
where /sw/ is the path object's stroke width. The initial value
of /sab/ when a path is created is 0.2. In practical terms, this
initial value means the stencil sample positions coverage within 80%
(100%-20%) of the stroke width of cubic and rational quadratic stroke
segments should be sampled.
If the path object's client length parameter (PATH_CLIENT_LENGTH_NV)
value /clen/ is non-zero, prior to generating the dashed segments, the
dash pattern and dash offset lengths should be scaled by (multiplied
by) the clen/plen where /plen/ is the path object's computed length
5.X.2.2 Path Covering
The command
void PathCoverDepthFuncNV(enum zfunc);
configures the depth function to be used by the CoverFillPathNV and
CoverStrokePathNV commands described subsequently. The /zfunc/ parameter
accepts the same values allowed by the DepthFunc command.
The command
void CoverFillPathNV(uint path, enum coverMode);
transforms into window space the outline of the path object named
/path/ based on the current modelview, projection, viewport,
and depth range transforms (ignoring any vertex and/or geometry
shader or program that might be active/enabled) and rasterizes a
subset of the accessible samples in the framebuffer guaranteed to
include all samples that would be have a net stencil value change if
StencilFillPathNV were issued with the same modelview, projection,
and viewport state. During this rasterization, the stencil test
operates normally and as configured; the expectation is the stencil
test will be used to discard samples not determined "covered" by a
prior StencilFillPathNV command. The depth function, if DEPTH_TEST is
enabled, during this rasterization uses the function specified by
PathCoverDepthFuncNV (instead of the state specified by DepthFunc).
If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does
nothing (and no error is generated).
/coverMode/ must be one of CONVEX_HULL_NV, BOUNDING_BOX_NV, or
object's PATH_FILL_COVER_MODE_NV parameter value as the effective
fill cover mode of the cover command.
When /coverMode/ is CONVEX_HULL_NV or BOUNDING_BOX_NV, the subset
of accessible pixels that are rasterized are within a convex
hull or bounding box respectively (each expected to be reasonably
tight) surrounding all the samples guaranteed to be rasterized by
CoverFillPathNV. The bounding box must be orthogonally aligned
to the path space coordinate system. (The area of the bounding
box in path space is guaranteed to be greater than or equal the
area of the convex hull in path space.) Each rasterized sample
will be rasterized once and exactly once when CONVEX_HULL_NV or
BOUNDING_BOX_NV is specified.
While samples with a net stencil change /must/ be rasterized,
implementations are explicitly allowed to vary in the rasterization
of samples for which StencilFillPathNV would /not/ change sample's
net stencil value. This means implementations are allowed to (and,
in fact, are expected to) conservatively "exceed" the region strictly
stenciled by the path object.
CoverFillPathNV /requires/ the following rasterization invariance:
calling CoverFillPathNV for the same (unchanged) path object with
fixed (unchanged) modelview, projection, and viewport transform state
with the same (unchanged) set of accessible samples will rasterize
the exact same set of samples with identical interpolated values
for respective fragment/sample locations.
The command
void CoverStrokePathNV(uint path, enum coverMode);
operates in the same manner as CoverFillPathNV except the region
guaranteed to be rasterized is, rather than the region within /path/'s
filled outline, instead the region within the /path/'s stroked region
as determined by StencilStrokePathNV. During this rasterization,
the stencil test operates normally and as configured; the expectation
is the stencil test will be used to discard samples not determined
"covered" by a prior StencilStrokePathNV command. As with CoverFillPathNV,
the depth function, if DEPTH_TEST is enabled, uses the function specified
by PathCoverDepthFuncNV.
/coverMode/ must be one of CONVEX_HULL_NV, BOUNDING_BOX_NV, or
the path object's PATH_STROKE_COVER_MODE_NV parameter value as the
effective stroke cover mode of the cover command.
If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does
nothing (and no error is generated).
Analogous to the rasterization guarantee of CoverFillPathNV with
respect to StencilFillPathNV, CoverStrokePathNV guarantees that all
samples rasterized by StencilStrokePathNV, given the same transforms
and accessible pixels and stroke width, will also be rasterized by
the corresponding CoverStrokePathNV.
CoverStrokePathNV /requires/ the following rasterization invariance:
calling CoverStrokePathNV for the same (unchanged) path object with
fixed (unchanged) modelview, projection, and viewport transform
state and with the same (unchanged) set of accessible samples will
rasterize the exact same set of samples with identical interpolated
values for respective fragment/sample locations.
The GL processes fragments rasterized by path cover commands in
much the same manner as fragments generated by conventional polygon
rasterization. However path rendering /ignores/ the following
* Interpolation of per-vertex data (section 3.6.1). Path
primitives have neither conventional vertices nor per-vertex
data. Instead fragments generate interpolated per-fragment
colors, texture coordinate sets, and fog coordinates as a
linear function of object-space or eye-space path coordinate's
or using the current color, texture coordinate set, or fog
coordinate state directly.
* Polygon smooth (section 3.6.3).
* Polygon mode (section 3.6.4). Fragments generated by path
covering never result from point or line rasterizations.
Polygon stippling (section 3.6.2), depth offset (section 3.6.5), and
polygon multisample rasterization (3.6.6) do apply to path covering.
Front and back face determination (explained in section 3.6.1 for
polygons) operates somewhat differently for transformed paths than
polygons. The path's convex hull, bounding box, or multiple hulls
(depending on the /coverMode/) are specified to wind counterclockwise
in object space though the transformation of the convex hull into
window space could reverse this winding. Whether the GL's front face
state is CCW or CCW (as set by the FrontFace command) determines
if the path is front facing or not. Because the specific vertices
that belong to the covering geometry are implementation-dependent,
when the signed area of the covering geometry (computed with equation
3.8) is sufficiently near zero, the facingness of the path in such
situations is ill-defined.
The determination of whether a path transformed into window space is
front facing or not affects face culling if enabled (section 3.6.1),
the gl_FrontFacing built-in variable (section 3.12.22), and separate
(two-sided) stencil testing (section 4.1.5).
Once fragments have been generated by path covering, the fragments
are shaded in the same manner as fragments generated by polygon
rasterization with the following exception: If a GLSL program is
in use, any vertex or geometry shader linked into the GLSL program
is ignored. The fragment shader operates normally except that
user-defined inputs to the fragment shader behave as specified by
ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV. When supported, the fragment shader
could also use the built-in varying inputs: gl_Texcoord[i],
gl_Color, gl_SecondaryColor, and gl_FogFragCoord.
The command
void PathColorGenNV(enum color,
enum genMode,
enum colorFormat, const float *coeffs);
controls how the primary and secondary interpolated colors are
computed for fragment shading operations that occur as a result of
CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV.
/color/ must be one of PRIMARY_COLOR,
PRIMARY_COLOR_NV, SECONDARY_COLOR_NV to specify the indicated color
generation state for the primary, primary, and secondary color
respectively; otherwise INVALID_ENUM is generated.
/genMode/ must be one of NONE, OBJECT_LINEAR,
INVALID_ENUM is generated.
NONE means the color is not generated but rather uses the
corresponding color's current color state. OBJECT_LINEAR means that
the specified color is generated from a linear combination of the 2D
path coordinates (x,y). EYE_LINEAR means the specified color
is generated from a linear combination of path's 2D coordinates
transformed in eye space, so (xe, ye, ze, we) from section 2.12
("Fixed-Function Vertex Transformation"). CONSTANT means the specified
color is generated from the specified constant coefficients.
When covering single paths with CoverFillPathNV or CoverStrokePathNV,
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV means the specified color is generated
as a function of object-space (x,y) coordinate normalized to the
[0..1]x[0..1] range where (0,0) is the corner of the path object's
bounding box with the minimum x and minimum y coordinates and (1,1)
is the corner of the path object's bounding box with the maximum x and
maximum y coordinates. Using PATH_OBJECT_BOUND_BOX_NV for /genMode/
means generated colors are undefined if either the width or height
of the path's bounding box is zero.
When covering instanced paths with CoverFillPathInstancedNV or
CoverStrokePathInstancedNV using the BOUNDING_BOX_OF_BOUNDING_BOXES_NV
cover mode (see section 5.X.2.3), the specified color is generated
as a function of object-space (x,y) coordinate normalized to the
[0..1]x[0..1] range where (0,0) is the corner of the bounding box of
the union of bounding boxes of the set of instanced path objects and
(1,1) is the corner of the same union bounding box with the maximum
x and maximum y coordinates.
When /genMode/ is NONE, then /colorFormat/ must be NONE;
otherwise INVALID_ENUM is generated. When /genMode/ is not NONE,
then /colorFormat/ must be one of LUMINANCE, ALPHA, INTENSITY,
LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RGB, or RGBA; otherwise INVALID_ENUM is generated.
In the following equations used for path color generation, coeffs[i]
is the /i/th element (base zero) of the /coeffs/ array; Rc, Gc,
Bc, and Aa are the red, green, blue, and alpha colors of the current
primary or secondary color (depending on the color parameter) when the
path is covered; and x, y, z, and w are determined by the /genMode/.
When /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, xcoeffs[i] is the /i/th element (base
zero) of a /xcoeffs/ array generated by multiplying each respective
vector of four elements of coeffs by the current inverse modelview
matrix when PathColorGenNV is called.
xcoeffs[0..3] = coeffs[0..3] * MV^-1
xcoeffs[4..7] = coeffs[4..7] * MV^-1
xcoeffs[8..11] = coeffs[8..11] * MV^-1
xcoeffs[12..15] = coeffs[12..12] * MV^-1
xxx[0..3] is a vector form from xxx[0], xxx[1], xxx[2], and xxx[3]
MV^-1 is the inverse of the current modelview matrix when PathColorGenNV happens.
If the /genMode/ is NONE, no values from the /coeffs/ array are
accessed and the R, G, B, and A components of a covered fragment's
varying color (be it primary or secondary depending on color)
are computed:
R = Rc
G = Gc
B = Bc
A = Ac
If /colorFormat/ is LUMINANCE and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR
or PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, then 3 values are accessed from the
/coeffs/ array and the R, G, B, and A components of a covered
fragment's varying color are computed:
R = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
G = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
B = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
A = Ac
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 4 values are
accessed and the varying color components are computed:
R = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
G = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
B = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
A = Ac
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
R = xcoeffs[0]
G = xcoeffs[0]
B = xcoeffs[0]
A = Ac
If /colorFormat/ is INTENSITY and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR
or PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, then 3 values are accessed from
the /coeffs/ array and the R, G, B, and A components of a covered
fragment's varying color are computed:
R = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
G = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
B = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
A = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 4 values are
accessed and the varying color components are computed:
R = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
G = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
B = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
A = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
R = xcoeffs[0]
G = xcoeffs[0]
B = xcoeffs[0]
A = xcoeffs[0]
If /colorFormat/ is ALPHA and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR
or PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, then 3 values are accessed from
the /coeffs/ array and the R, G, B, and A components of a covered
fragment's varying color are computed:
R = Rc
G = Gc
B = Bc
A = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 4 values are
accessed and the varying color components are computed:
R = Rc
G = Gc
B = Bc
A = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
R = Rc
G = Gc
B = Bc
A = xcoeffs[0]
If /colorFormat/ is RGB and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR or
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, then 9 values are accessed from the
/coeffs/ array and the R, G, B, and A components of a covered
fragment's varying color are computed:
R = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
G = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5]
B = coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + coeffs[8]
A = Ac
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 12 values are
accessed and the varying color components are computed:
R = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
G = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we
B = xcoeffs[8] * xe + xcoeffs[9] * ye + xcoeffs[10] * ze + xcoeffs[11] * we
A = Ac
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
R = xcoeffs[0]
G = xcoeffs[1]
B = xcoeffs[2]
A = Ac
If /colorFormat/ is RGBA and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR
or PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, then 12 values are accessed from
the /coeffs/ array and the R, G, B, and A components of a covered
fragment's varying color are computed:
R = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
G = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5]
B = coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + coeffs[8]
A = coeffs[9] * x + coeffs[10] * y + coeffs[11]
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 12 values are
accessed and the varying color components are computed:
R = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
G = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we
B = xcoeffs[8] * xe + xcoeffs[9] * ye + xcoeffs[10] * ze + xcoeffs[11] * we
A = xcoeffs[12] * xe + xcoeffs[13] * ye + xcoeffs[14] * ze + xcoeffs[15] * we
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
R = xcoeffs[0]
G = xcoeffs[1]
B = xcoeffs[2]
A = xcoeffs[3]
The state required for path color generation for each color (primary
and secondary) is a four-valued integer for the path color generation
mode and 16 floating-point coefficients. The initial mode is NONE
and the coefficients are all initially zero.
As many coefficients are copied by the PathColorGenNV command
to the 16 floating-point coefficient state as are referenced by
the respective generation expression involving /colorFormat/ and
/genMode/; unreferenced coefficients in the array of 16 coefficients
are set to zero.
The command
void PathTexGenNV(enum texCoordSet,
enum genMode,
int components, const float *coeffs);
controls how texture coordinate sets are computed for fragment
shading operations that occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or
/texCoordSet/ must be one of TEXTURE0 through
TEXTUREn where /n/ is one less than the implementation-dependent
value of MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS; otherwise INVALID_ENUM is generated.
/genMode/ must be one of NONE, OBJECT_LINEAR,
is generated.
/components/ must be 0 if /genMode/ is NONE or for other allowed
/genMode/ values must be one of 1, 2, 3, or 4; otherwise INVALID_VALUE
is generated. /components/ determines how many texture coordinate
components of the texture coordinate set, how many coefficients read
from the /coeffs/ array, and the linear equations used to generate the
s, t, r, and q texture coordinates of the varying texture coordinate
set specified by /texCoordSet/.
In the following equations, coeffs[i] is the /i/th element (base
zero) of the /coeffs/ array; sc, tc, rc, and qa are the s, t, r,
and q texture coordinates of the texture coordinate set indicated
by /texCoordSet/ when the path is covered; and x, y, z, and w are
determined by the /genMode/ in the same manner as PathColorGenNV's
When /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, xcoeffs[i] is the /i/th element (base
zero) of a /xcoeffs/ array generated by multiplying each respective
vector of four elements of coeffs by the current inverse modelview
matrix when PathColorGenNV is called.
xcoeffs[0..3] = coeffs[0..3] * MV^-1
xcoeffs[4..7] = coeffs[4..7] * MV^-1
xcoeffs[8..11] = coeffs[8..11] * MV^-1
xcoeffs[12..15] = coeffs[12..12] * MV^-1
xxx[0..3] is a vector form from xxx[0], xxx[1], xxx[2], and xxx[3]
MV^-1 is the inverse of the current modelview matrix when PathColorGenNV happens.
If the /components/ is 0, no values from the /coeffs/ array are
accessed and the s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's
varying texture coordinate set for /texCoordSet/ are computed:
s = sc
t = tc
r = rc
q = qc
If the /components/ is 1 and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR or
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, 3 values from the /coeffs/ array are
accessed and the s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's
varying texture coordinate set for /texCoordSet/ are computed:
s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
t = tc
r = rc
q = qc
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 4 values are
accessed and the varying texture coordinate set for /texunit/ are
s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
t = tc
r = rc
q = qc
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
s = xcoeffs[0]
t = tc
r = rc
q = qc
If the /components/ is 2 and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR or
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, 6 values from the /coeffs/ array are accessed and the
s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's varying texture
coordinate set for /texCoordSet/ are computed:
s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
t = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5]
r = rc
q = qc
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 8 values are
accessed and the varying texture coordinate set for /texunit/ are
s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
t = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we
r = rc
q = qc
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
s = xcoeffs[0]
t = xcoeffs[1]
r = rc
q = qc
If the /components/ is 3 and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR or
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, 9 values from the /coeffs/ array are accessed and the
s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's varying texture
coordinate set for /texCoordSet/ are computed:
s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
t = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5]
r = coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + coeffs[8]
q = qc
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
s = xcoeffs[0]
t = xcoeffs[1]
r = xcoeffs[2]
q = qc
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 12 values are
accessed and the varying texture coordinate set for /texunit/ are
s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
t = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we
r = xcoeffs[8] * xe + xcoeffs[9] * ye + xcoeffs[10] * ze + xcoeffs[11] * we
q = qc
If the /components/ is 4 and /genMode/ is either OBJECT_LINEAR or
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV, 12 values from the /coeffs/ array are accessed and the
s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's varying texture
coordinate set for /texCoordSet/ are computed:
s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2]
t = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5]
r = coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + coeffs[8]
q = coeffs[9] * x + coeffs[10] * y + coeffs[11]
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR, then 16 values are
accessed and the varying texture coordinate set for /texunit/ are
s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we
t = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we
r = xcoeffs[8] * xe + xcoeffs[9] * ye + xcoeffs[10] * ze + xcoeffs[11] * we
q = xcoeffs[12] * xe + xcoeffs[13] * ye + xcoeffs[14] * ze + xcoeffs[15] * we
Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT, then:
s = xcoeffs[0]
t = xcoeffs[1]
r = xcoeffs[2]
q = xcoeffs[3]
The state required for path color generation for each texture
coordinate set is a four-valued integer for the path texture
coordinate set generation mode and 16 floating-point coefficients.
The initial mode is NONE and the coefficients are all initially zero.
As many coefficients are copied by the PathTexGenNV command to
the 16 floating-point coefficient state as are referenced by the
respective generation expression involving /components/ and /genMode/;
unreferenced coefficients in the array of 16 coefficients are set
to zero.
The command
void PathFogGenNV(enum genMode);
controls how the fog coordinate is computed for fragment
shading operations that occur as a result of CoverFillPathNV or
/genMode/ must be either FOG_COORDINATE or FRAGMENT_DEPTH; otherwise
INVALID_ENUM is generated.
If the /genMode/ is FOG_COORDINATE, then current fog coordinate is
used (without varying) for all fragment generated by covering the
filled or stroked path.
If the /genMode/ is FRAGMENT_DEPTH, then the current fog coordinate
is -ze, the interpolated negated (non-perspective-divided) eye-space
Z coordinate from transforming of path's 2D coordinates transformed
in eye space, so (xe, ye, ze, we) from section 2.12 ("Fixed-Function
Vertex Transformation").
The state required for path fog generation is a two-valued integer for
the path fog generation mode; the mode is initially FRAGMENT_DEPTH.
5.X.2.3 Instanced Path Stenciling and Covering
Path rendering often depends on rendering a collection of paths at
once. The most common case of this is rendering text as a set of
glyphs corresponding to each character of text. To support this
usage efficiently, GL includes commands for instanced path stenciling
and covering.
The command
void StencilFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum fillMode, uint mask,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
stencils a sequence of filled paths.
The /pathBase/ is an offset added to the /numPaths/ path names read
from the /paths/ array (interpreted based on /pathNameType/).
The /pathNameType/ determines the type of elements of the /paths/
array and must be one of BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT, UNSIGNED_SHORT,
or 4_BYTES; otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The /transformType/ must be one of NONE, TRANSLATE_X_NV,
otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
The /fillMode/ and /mask/ are validated identically to the same-named
parameters of StencilFillPathNV.
The StencilFillPathInstancedNV command is equivalent to:
const float *v = transformValues;
for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) {
double m[16];
GetDoublev(MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m); // save matrix
v = applyTransformType(transformType, v);
uint pathName;
bool ok = getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, pathName);
if (!ok)
return; // stop early
if (IsPathNV(pathName)) {
StencilFillPathNV(pathName, fillMode, mask);
MatrixLoaddEXT(MODELVIEW, m); // restore matrix
assuming these helper functions for applyTransformType and
const float *applyTransformType(enum transformType, const float *v)
float m[16];
switch (transformType) {
case NONE:
MatrixTranslateEXT(MODELVIEW, *v++, 0, 0);
MatrixTranslateEXT(MODELVIEW, 0, *v++, 0);
MatrixTranslateEXT(MODELVIEW, *v++, *v++, 0);
MatrixTranslateEXT(MODELVIEW, *v++, *v++, *v++);
case AFFINE_2D_NV:
m[0] =v[0]; m[4] =v[2]; m[8] =0; m[12]=v[4];
m[1] =v[1]; m[5] =v[3]; m[9] =0; m[13]=v[5];
m[2] =0; m[6] =0; m[10]=1; m[14]=0;
m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=0; m[15]=1;
v += 6;
MatrixMultfEXT(MODELVIEW, m);
m[0] =v[0]; m[4] =v[1]; m[8] =0; m[12]=v[2];
m[1] =v[3]; m[5] =v[4]; m[9] =0; m[13]=v[5];
m[2] =0; m[6] =0; m[10]=1; m[14]=0;
m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=0; m[15]=1;
v += 6;
MatrixMultfEXT(MODELVIEW, m);
case AFFINE_3D_NV:
m[0] =v[0]; m[4] =v[3]; m[8] =v[6]; m[12]=v[9];
m[1] =v[1]; m[5] =v[4]; m[9] =v[7]; m[13]=v[10];
m[2] =v[2]; m[6] =v[5]; m[10]=v[8]; m[14]=v[11];
m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=1; m[15]=0;
v += 12;
MatrixMultfEXT(MODELVIEW, m);
m[0] =v[0]; m[4] =v[1]; m[8] =v[2]; m[12]=v[3];
m[1] =v[4]; m[5] =v[5]; m[9] =v[6]; m[13]=v[7];
m[2] =v[8]; m[6] =v[9]; m[10]=v[10]; m[14]=v[11];
m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=1; m[15]=0;
v += 12;
MatrixMultfEXT(MODELVIEW, m);
default: // generate INVALID_ENUM
return v;
bool getPathName(enum pathNameType, const void *&paths,
uint pathBase, uint &pathName)
switch (pathNameType) {
case BYTE:
const byte *p = (const byte*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + p[0];
paths = p+1;
return true;
const ubyte *p = (const ubyte*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + p[0];
paths = p+1;
return true;
case SHORT:
const short *p = (const short*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + p[0];
paths = p+1;
return true;
const ushort *p = (const ushort*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + p[0];
paths = p+1;
return true;
case INT:
const int *p = (const int*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + p[0];
paths = p+1;
return true;
const uint *p = (const uint*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + p[0];
paths = p+1;
return true;
case FLOAT:
const float *p = (const float*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + p[0];
paths = p+1;
return true;
case 2_BYTES:
const ubyte *p = (const ubyte*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + (p[0]<<8 | p[1]);
paths = p+2;
return true;
case 3_BYTES:
const ubyte *p = (const ubyte*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + (p[0]<<16 | p[1]<<8 | p[0]);
paths = p+3;
return true;
case 4_BYTES:
const ubyte *p = (const ubyte*)paths;
pathName = pathBase + (p[0]<<24 | p[1]<<16 | p[2]<<8 | p[3]);
paths = p+4;
return true;
case UTF8_NV:
const ubyte *p = (const ubyte*)paths;
ubyte c0 = p[0];
if ((c0 & 0x80) == 0x00) {
// Zero continuation (0 to 127)
pathName = pathBase + c0;
p += 1;
} else {
ubyte c1 = p[1];
if ((c1 & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
// Stop processing the UTF byte sequence early.
return false;
if ((c0 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
// One contination (128 to 2047)
pathName = pathBase + ((c1 & 0x3F) | (c0 & 0x1F) << 6);
if (pathName < 128) {
return false;
p += 2;
} else {
ubyte c2 = p[2];
if ((c2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
// Stop processing the UTF byte sequence early.
return false;
if ((c0 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
// Two continuation (2048 to 55295 and 57344 to 65535)
pathName = pathBase + ((c2 & 0x3F) | (c1 & 0x3F) << 6 |
(c0 & 0xF) << 12);
if ((pathName >= 55296) && (pathName <= 57343)) {
// Stop processing the UTF byte sequence early.
return false;
if (pathName < 2048) {
return false;
p += 3;
} else {
ubyte c3 = p[3];
if ((c3 & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
// Stop processing the UTF byte sequence early.
return false;
if ((c0 & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
// Three continuation (65536 to 1114111)
pathName = pathBase + ((c3 & 0x3F) | (c2 & 0x3F) << 6 |
(c1 & 0x3F) << 12 | (c0 & 0x7) << 18);
if (pathName < 65536 && pathName > 1114111) {
return false;
p += 4;
} else {
// Skip invalid or restricted encodings.
// Stop processing the UTF byte sequence early.
return false;
paths = p;
return true;
case UTF16_NV:
const ushort *p = (const ushort*)paths;
ushort s0 = p[0];
if ((s0 < 0xDB00) || (s0 > 0xDFFF)) {
pathName = pathBase + s0;
p += 1;
} else {
if ((s0 >= 0xDB00) && (s0 <= 0xDBFF)) {
ushort s1 = p[1];
if ((s1 >= 0xDC00) && (s1 <= 0xDFFF)) {
pathName = pathBase + (((s0 & 0x3FF) << 10 |
(s1 & 0x3FF)) + 0x10000);
p += 2;
} else {
// Stop processing the UTF byte sequence early.
return false;
} else {
return false;
paths = p;
return true;
<< generate INVALID_ENUM >>
return false;
The command
void StencilStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
int reference, uint mask,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
stencils a sequence of stroked paths and is equivalent to:
const float *v = transformValues;
for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) {
double m[16];
GetDoublev(MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m); // save matrix
v = applyTransformType(transformType, v);
uint pathName;
bool ok = getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, pathName);
if (!ok)
return; // stop early
if (IsPathNV(pathName)) {
StencilStrokePathNV(pathName, reference, mask);
MatrixLoaddEXT(MODELVIEW, m); // restore matrix
assume the helper functions for applyTransformType and
getPathName defined above.
The command
void CoverFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
covers a sequence of filled paths and is equivalent to:
pathNameType, paths,
transformType, transformValues);
} else {
const float *v = transformValues;
for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) {
double m[16];
uint path;
GetDoublev(MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m); // save matrix
v = applyTransformType(transformType, v);
uint pathName;
bool ok = getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, pathName);
if (!ok)
return; // stop early
if (IsPathNV(pathName)) {
<< set fragment shader instance ID to i >>
CoverFillPathNV(pathName, cover);
MatrixLoaddEXT(MODELVIEW, m); // restore matrix
assuming these helper functions for applyTransformType and
getPathName defined above as well as:
void renderBoundingBox(enum boundingBoxType,
sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType,
const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues)
boolean hasBounds = FALSE;
float boundsUnion[4], bounds[4];
const float *v = transformValues;
for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) {
uint pathName;
bool ok = getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, pathName);
if (!ok)
return; // stop early
if (IsPathNV(pathName)) {
GetPathParameterfvNV(pathName, boundingBoxType, bounds);
switch (transformType) {
case NONE:
bounds[0] += v[0];
bounds[2] += v[0];
v += 1;
bounds[1] += v[0];
bounds[3] += v[0];
v += 1;
bounds[0] += v[0];
bounds[1] += v[1];
bounds[2] += v[0];
bounds[3] += v[1];
v += 2;
case TRANSLATE_3D_NV: // ignores v[2]
bounds[0] += v[0];
bounds[1] += v[1];
bounds[2] += v[0];
bounds[3] += v[1];
v += 3;
case AFFINE_2D_NV:
bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[2] + v[4];
bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[1] + bounds[1]*v[3] + v[5];
bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[2] + v[4];
bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[1] + bounds[3]*v[3] + v[5];
v += 6;
bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[1] + v[2];
bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[3] + bounds[1]*v[4] + v[5];
bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[1] + v[2];
bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[3] + bounds[3]*v[4] + v[5];
v += 6;
case AFFINE_3D_NV: // ignores v[2], v[5], v[6..8], v[11]
bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[3] + v[9];
bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[1] + bounds[1]*v[4] + v[10];
bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[3] + v[9];
bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[1] + bounds[3]*v[4] + v[10];
v += 12;
case TRANSPOSE_AFFINE_3D_NV: // ignores v[2], v[6], v[8..11]
bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[1] + v[3];
bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[4] + bounds[1]*v[5] + v[7];
bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[1] + v[3];
bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[4] + bounds[3]*v[5] + v[7];
v += 12;
default: // generate INVALID_ENUM
if (bounds[0] > bounds[2]) {
float t = bounds[2];
bounds[2] = bounds[0];
bounds[0] = t;
if (bounds[1] > bounds[3]) {
float t = bounds[3];
bounds[3] = bounds[1];
bounds[1] = t;
if (hasBounds) {
if (bounds[0] < boundsUnion[0]) {
boundsUnion[0] = bounds[0];
if (bounds[1] < boundsUnion[1]) {
boundsUnion[1] = bounds[1];
if (bounds[2] > boundsUnion[2]) {
boundsUnion[2] = bounds[2];
if (bounds[3] > boundsUnion[3]) {
boundsUnion[3] = bounds[3];
} else {
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
boundsUnion[i] = bounds[i];
hasBounds = TRUE;
if (hasBounds) {
boolean polygonSmoothEnable = IsEnabled(POLYGON_SMOOTH);
int polygonModes[2];
GetIntegerv(POLYGON_MODE, polygonModes);
Rectf(boundsUnion[0], boundsUnion[1], boundsUnion[2], boundsUnion[3]);
PolygonMode(FRONT, polygonModes[0]);
PolygonMode(BACK, polygonModes[1]);
if (polygonSmoothEnable) {
} else {
The GetPathParameterfvNV query, used in the code above, is introduced
in section 6.X.1 ("Path Object Parameter Queries").
The command
void CoverStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
covers a sequence of stroked paths and is equivalent to:
pathNameType, paths,
transformType, transformValues);
} else {
const float *v = transformValues;
for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) {
double m[16];
GetDoublev(MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m); // save matrix
v = applyTransformType(transformType, v);
uint pathName;
bool ok = getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, pathName);
if (!ok)
return; // stop early
if (IsPathNV(pathName)) {
<< set fragment shader instance ID to i >>
CoverStrokePathNV(pathName, cover);
MatrixLoaddEXT(MODELVIEW, m); // restore matrix
assuming these helper functions for applyTransformType,
getPathName, and renderBoundingBox defined above.
5.X.2.4 Path Stenciling Then Covering
The following command combine the stencil and cover operations on
paths into a single command.
The command
void StencilThenCoverFillPathNV(uint path, enum fillMode, uint mask, enum coverMode);
is equivalent to the two commands
StencilFillPathNV(path, fillMode, mask);
CoverFillPathNV(path, coverMode);
unless either command would generate an error; for any such error
other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated.
The command
void StencilThenCoverStrokePathNV(uint path, int reference, uint mask, enum coverMode);
is equivalent to the two commands
StencilStrokePathNV(uint path, int reference, uint mask);
CoverStrokePathNV(uint path, enum coverMode);
unless either command would generate an error; for any such error
other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated.
The command
void StencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum fillMode, uint mask,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
is equivalent to the two commands
StencilFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum fillMode, uint mask,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
CoverFillPathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum fillMode, uint mask,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
unless either command would generate an error; for any such error
other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated.
The command
void StencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
int reference, uint mask,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
is equivalent to the two commands
StencilStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
int reference, uint mask,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
CoverStrokePathInstancedNV(sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
enum coverMode,
enum transformType,
const float *transformValues);
unless either command would generate an error; for any such error
other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated.
– Section 5.4 "Display Lists"
Add to the list of commands not compiled into display lists:
"Path objects: GenPathsNV, DeletePathsNV."
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification (State and State Requests)
– Insert section 6.X "Path Object Queries" after 6.1.18 "Renderbuffer Object Queries"
6.X. Path Rendering Queries
6.X.1. Path Object Parameter Queries
The queries
void GetPathParameterivNV(uint path, enum pname, int *value);
void GetPathParameterfvNV(uint path, enum pname, float *value);
obtains the current value of the /param/ path parameter of the path
object named /name/; the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if
/name/ is not an existing path object. /value/ is a pointer to a
scalar or array of the appropriate type, int for GetPathParameterivNV
and float for GetPathParameterfvNV, in which to place the returned
Table 6.readOnlyPathParameters
Name Type Description
--------------------------- ------- ----------------------------
PATH_COMMAND_COUNT_NV int Length of the path's
command sequence
PATH_COORD_COUNT_NV int Length of the path's
coordinate sequence
PATH_DASH_ARRAY_COUNT_NV int Length of the path's
dash array
PATH_COMPUTED_LENGTH_NV float Computed path-space
length of all the
segments in the path
(see section 6.X.4)
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV 4*float tight path-space bounding
box around the path's
covered fill region
PATH_FILL_BOUNDING_BOX_NV 4*float Conservative path-space
bounding box around the
path's covered fill region
PATH_STROKE_BOUNDING_BOX_NV 4*float Conservative path-space
bounding box around the
path's covered stroke region
/param/ must be one of the tokens listed in Table 5.pathParameters
or Table 6.readOnlyPathParameters; otherwise the INVALID_ENUM
error is generated. The parameters from Table 5.pathParameters
always return a single (scalar) value. The parameters from
Table 6.readOnlyPathParameters a single (scalar) value for all the
parameters but the PATH_*_BOUNDING_BOX_NV parameters; these bounding
box parameters return a vector of 4 values. These four values are
the minimum (x1,y1) corner of the respective path-space bounding
box and the maximum (x2,y2) corner of the respective path-space
orthogonally aligned bounding box, returned in (x1,y1,x2,y2) order.
(This guarantees x1<=x2 and y1<=y2.) Float parameters queried by
GetPathParameterivNV are rounded to the nearest integer (where values
with a floating-point fraction of 0.5 round up).
The PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV bounding box is intended to bound
tightly the region of path space containing the path's outline.
The PATH_FILL_BOUNDING_BOX_NV bounding box matches the rectangle
region covered by the CoverFillPathNV command with the BOUNDING_BOX_NV
/coverMode/. With either the PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV or
PATH_FILL_BOUNDING_BOX_NV bounding boxes of a path object, a point at
(x,y) such that x<x1 or x>x2 or y<y1 or y>y2 is guaranteed to /not/
be within the filled outline of the path.
The PATH_STROKE_BOUNDING_BOX_NV bounding box matches the rectangle
region covered by the CoverFillPathNV command with the BOUNDING_BOX_NV
/coverMode/. With the PATH_STROKE_BOUNDING_BOX_NV bounding box of
a path object, a point at (x,y) such that x<x1 or x>x2 or y<y1 or
y>y2 is guaranteed to /not/ be within the stroked region of the path.
6.X.2. Path Object Varying Arrays Queries
Path objects support a variable number of commands, coordinates,
and dash lengths.
The query
void GetPathCommandsNV(uint path, ubyte *commands);
returns the sequence of commands within the path object named /name/
into the array named /commands/; the error INVALID_OPERATION is
generated if /name/ is not an existing path object. The number of
commands returned is identical to the value of the path object's
PATH_COMMAND_COUNT_NV parameter. The application is responsible
for ensuring /commands/ array has sufficient space.
Any path commands specified with a character alias value (from Table
5.pathCommands) is returned as the command's token value instead.
The query
void GetPathCoordsNV(uint path, float *coords);
returns the sequence of coordinates within the path object named
/name/ into the array named /coords/; the error INVALID_OPERATION
is generated if /name/ is not an existing path object. The number
of commands returned is identical to the value of the path object's
PATH_COORD_COUNT_NV parameter. The application is responsible for
ensuring /coords/ array has sufficient space.
Boolean coordinates such as the large/small and sweep flags for arcs
are always returned as 1.0 or 0.0 for true and false respectively.
Other coordinates are returned as they were specified.
The query
void GetPathDashArrayNV(uint path, float *dashArray);
returns the sequence of dash lengths within the path object named
/name/ into the array named /coords/; the error INVALID_OPERATION is
generated if /name/ is not an existing path object. The number of
dash lengths returned is identical to the value of the path object's
PATH_DASH_ARRAY_COUNT_NV parameter. The application is responsible
for ensuring /dashArray/ has sufficient space.
6.X.3. Path Object Glyph Typographic Queries
To facilitate proper text layout, the command
void GetPathMetricsNV(bitfield metricQueryMask,
sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
sizei stride,
float *metrics);
queries glyph metrics associated with a sequence of path objects
specified by the /glyphBase/, /count/, /pathNameType/, and /paths/
parameters. Metrics are associated with path objects specified by
PathGlyphsNV or PathGlyphRangeNV (see section 5.X.1.3).
There are two kinds of metrics:
* Per-glyph metrics that are typically different for each glyph.
* Per-font face metrics that are identical for all glyphs belonging
to a given font face.
Per-font face metrics are aggregate metrics such as the maximum
ascender or descender for all the glyphs in the font face.
/metricQueryMask/ is a bitfield constructed from the bits listed
in Table 6.perGlyphMetrics and Table 6.perFontFaceMetrics. If a bit
is set in /metricQueryMask/ not listed in these tables, the error
INVALID_VALUE is generated.
/stride/ is the byte (machine units) offset separating each group of
returned metrics for a given path object. If /stride/ is negative
or /stride/ is not a multiple of the size of float in bytes (machine
units), the INVALID_VALUE error is generated. The INVALID_OPERATION
error is generated if /stride/ divided by the size of float in bytes
is not either zero or else greater than or equal to the number of
metrics specified for querying in the metricQueryMask (based on the
number of specified bits specified in the mask) times the size of
float in bytes. A /stride/ of zero is specially handled; the value
zero is interpreted to indicate the number of bytes (machine units)
such that the all the metrics are written in a tightly packed array,
so the size of float in bytes times the number of specified bits in
the /metricQueryMask/ bitfield.
For path objects not created with either PathGlyphsNV or
PathGlyphRangeNV or non-existent, all glyph metrics return -1.
This metric information for a path object is /not/ updated if
the commands or coordinates or parameters of that path object are
Figure 6.horizontalGlyphMetrics: Horizontal Glyph Metrics
| xMin xMax
| | |
| | width |
| |<---------->|
| | |
| +============+ - - - - - - - - - - - yMax
| I I ^ ^
| I I | hBearingY |
| I I | |
hBearingX |---->I GLYPH I | height |
----O-----I------------I------*---> |
/| I HERE I | |
/ | I I | v
origin | +============+ - - -|- - - - - - - - yMin
| |
| hAdvance |
Figure 6.verticalGlyphMetrics: Vertical Glyph Metrics
|<---------| origin
| | /
| |/
| | | |
| | vBearingY | |
| | v |
yMax - - +================+ - - - - - - - - |
I | I ^ |
I | I | |
I GLYPH | I | |
I OUTLINE I | height |
I HERE| I | |
I | I | |
I | I | |
I | I v | vAdvance
yMin - - +================+ - - - |
| | | v
| * - - - - - - - - - - - -
| | |
xMin v xMax
Table 6.perGlyphMetrics
Bit number
Glyph from LSB
Bit field name metric tag in bitmask Description (units in path space)
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------
GLYPH_WIDTH_BIT_NV width 0 Glyph's width
GLYPH_HEIGHT_BIT_NV height 1 Glyph's height
GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_X_BIT_NV hBearingX 2 Left side bearing for horizontal layout
GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_Y_BIT_NV hBearingY 3 Top side bearing for horizontal layout
GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_ADVANCE_BIT_NV hAdvance 4 Advance width for horizontal layout
GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_X_BIT_NV vBearingX 5 Left side bearing for vertical layout
GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_Y_BIT_NV vBearingY 6 Top side bearing for vertical layout
GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_ADVANCE_BIT_NV vAdvance 7 Advance height for vertical layout
GLYPH_HAS_KERNING_BIT_NV - 8 True if glyph has a kerning table.
Table 6.perFontFaceMetrics
Bit number
from LSB
Bit field name in bitmask Description (units in path space)
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------
FONT_X_MIN_BOUNDS_BIT_NV 16 Horizontal minimum (left-most) of the font bounding
box. The font bounding box (this metric and the
next 3) is large enough to contain any glyph from
the font face.
FONT_Y_MIN_BOUNDS_BIT_NV 17 Vertical minimum (bottom-most) of the font bounding
FONT_X_MAX_BOUNDS_BIT_NV 18 Horizontal maximum (right-most) of the font
bounding box.
FONT_Y_MAX_BOUNDS_BIT_NV 19 Vertical maximum (top-most) of the font bounding
FONT_UNITS_PER_EM_BIT_NV 20 Number of units in path space (font units) per
Em square for this font face. This is typically
2048 for TrueType fonts, and 1000 for PostScript
FONT_ASCENDER_BIT_NV 21 Typographic ascender of the font face. For font
formats not supplying this information, this value
is the same as FONT_Y_MAX_BOUNDS_BIT_NV.
FONT_DESCENDER_BIT_NV 22 Typographic descender of the font face (always a
positive value). For font formats not supplying
this information, this value is the same as
FONT_HEIGHT_BIT_NV 23 Vertical distance between two consecutive baselines
in the font face (always a positive value).
FONT_MAX_ADVANCE_WIDTH_BIT_NV 24 Maximal advance width for all glyphs in this font
face. (Intended to make word wrapping computations
FONT_MAX_ADVANCE_HEIGHT_BIT_NV 25 Maximal advance height for all glyphs in this
font face for vertical layout. For font formats
not supplying this information, this value is the
FONT_UNDERLINE_POSITION_BIT_NV 26 Position of the underline line for this font face.
This position is the center of the underling stem.
FONT_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS_BIT_NV 27 Thickness of the underline of this font face.
FONT_HAS_KERNING_BIT_NV 28 True if font face provides a kerning table
FONT_NUM_GLYPH_INDICES_BIT_NV 29 Number of glyph indices for this font.
consulted by the GetPathSpacingNV command discussed below
The query
void GetPathMetricRangeNV(bitfield metricQueryMask,
uint firstPathName,
sizei numPaths,
sizei stride,
float *metrics);
is equivalent to
int *array = malloc(sizeof(int)*numGlyphs);
if (array) {
for (int i=0; i<numGlyphs; i++) {
array[i] = i + firstPathName;
INT, array,
stride, metrics);
} else {
// generate OUT_OF_MEMORY error
The query
void GetPathSpacingNV(enum pathListMode,
sizei numPaths,
enum pathNameType, const void *paths,
uint pathBase,
float advanceScale,
float kerningScale,
enum transformType,
float *returnedSpacing);
returns a sequence of /numPaths/-1 glyph spacing vectors in path
space for spacing the specified sequence of path object pairs.
The returned vectors are written into the /returnedSpacing/ array.
/pathListMode/ must be one of ADJACENT_PAIRS_NV,
INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
If /numPaths/ is negative, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated
/pathNameType/ determines the type of elements of the /paths/ array
otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
/transformType/ must be either TRANSLATE_X_NV or TRANSLATE_2D_NV;
otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error is generated.
In the absence of parameter errors, the following pseudo-code
implements this query:
double accumX = 0,
accumY = 0;
float returnX = 0,
returnY = 0;
uint firstPath;
bool ok = getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, firstPath);
if (!ok)
return; // stop early
for (int i = 0; i<numPaths-1; i++) {
uint secondPath;
bool ok = getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, secondPath);
if (!ok)
return; // stop early
if (transformType == TRANSLATE_X_NV) {
returnedSpacing[i] = returnX;
} else {
// transformType == TRANSLATE_2D_NV
returnedSpacing[2*i ] = returnX;
returnedSpacing[2*i+1] = returnY;
float x = advanceScale * advanceX(firstPath) +
kerningScale * kerningX(firstPath,secondPath);
float y = kerningScale * kerningY(firstPath,secondPath);
if (pathListMode == ACCUM_ADJACENT_PAIRS_NV) {
returnX = accumX;
returnY = accumY;
accumX += x;
accumY += y;
} else {
returnX = x;
returnY = y;
if (pathListMode != FIRST_TO_REST_NV) {
firstPath = secondPath;
The getPathName function is found in section 5.X.2.3 (Instanced Path
Stenciling and Covering).
The advance, kerningX, and kerningY functions operate as follows:
The advance function returns the hAdvance metric of path object
name passed to the function, but if the path object lacks glyph
metrics, the difference between the horizontal bounds of the path
object's bounding box (determined by PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV)
are returned instead. If the named path object passed to advance
does not exist, zero is returned.
The kerningX and kerningY functions return the X and Y kerning
distances respectively between the character codes of the first
(typically left) and second (typically right) path objects if they
belong to the same font face; otherwise, zero is returned. If the
vertical kerning metrics are unavailable for the font face or either
named path object does not exist, zero is returned for kerningY.
metrics are false for the first path object name, kerningX and
kerningY must return zero.)
Spacing information (horizontal advance or kerning) in a path object
is not changed if the path's commands, coordinates, or parameters
change--except in the case where the horizontal kerning value is
determined by the first path's object bounding box.
6.X.4. Path Object Geometric Queries
The query
boolean IsPointInFillPathNV(uint path,
uint mask, float x, float y);
computes the winding number of the path-space 2D (x,y) point given
by /x/ and /y/ with respect to the path object named /path/ and
returns TRUE if the winding count ANDed with /mask/ is non-zero;
otherwise the query returns FALSE. If the /mask/ parameter is zero,
substitute the path object's PATH_FILL_MASK_NV parameter value
when ANDing with the winding count. The error INVALID_OPERATION is
generated if /path/ does not exist.
This point-inside computation occurs in /path space/ rather than in
the window space as the StencilFillPathNV command operates.
The query
boolean IsPointInStrokePathNV(uint path,
float x, float y);
returns TRUE if the path-space 2D (x,y) point given by /x/ and
/y/ is within the stroked region of the path object named /path/;
otherwise the query returns FALSE. The error INVALID_OPERATION is
generated if /path/ does not exist.
The stroked region's stroke width is specified by the path object's
stroke width parameter.
The stroked region is defined as in section 5.X.2.1 ("Path
Stenciling") so accounts for the path object's current end cap,
join style, and dashing parameters.
This point-inside computation occurs in /path space/ rather than in
the window space as the StencilStrokePathNV command operates.
The query
float GetPathLengthNV(uint path,
sizei startSegment, sizei numSegments);
returns an approximation of the geometric length of a given portion
of a path object named /path/. The portion of the path measured is
from the (0-indexed) /startSegment/ through the next /numSegments/.
The returned length is measured in path-space units. The error
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/ does not exist.
The geometric length of the path's measured portion depends only
on the path's commands and associated coordinates for the indicated
range of segments and the respective coordinates of these segments.
The geometric length of the path does not, for example, depend on
the path's dashing parameters.
The MOVE_TO_NV and RELATIVE_MOVE_TO_NV commands contribute zero
units to the computed geometric length. For all other path commands,
a path segment's geometric length contribution /s/ is:
s = int(sqrt(fx(t)^2+fy(t)^2), t, 0, 1)
[[ int(f(t),t,a,b) computes the definite integration of the function
f(t) over the interval [a,b]. ]]
where /fx/ and /fy/ is the partial derivative of the command's
respective path segment parametric function found in Table
The return value, assuming no error, is the sum of all /s/ values
for segments /startSegment/ through /startSegment/+/numSegments/-1
inclusive. If /numSegments/ is zero and no error is generated,
0 is returned.
The INVALID_VALUE error is generated in any of the following
* /startSegment/ is negative,
* /numSegments/ is negative,
* /startSegment/+/numSegments/-1 is greater than the index of
the final path segment.
If an error occurs, -1.0 is returned. When no error occurs, the
return value is always non-negative.
If /startSegment/ is zero and /numSegments/ is equal to the
value of /path/'s PATH_COMMAND_COUNT_NV parameter and no error
is generated, the value returned is identical to (equals) the value
returned if GetPathParameterfvNV were used to query the value of
/path/'s PATH_COMPUTED_LENGTH_NV parameter.
The query
boolean PointAlongPathNV(uint path,
sizei startSegment, sizei numSegments,
float distance,
float *x, float *y,
float *tangentX, float *tangentY);
returns the point lying a given distance along a given portion of a
path object specified by /path/ and the unit-length tangent vector
at that point. The boolean return value is TRUE if /distance/
is within (inclusive) the arc length of the range of segments from
/startSegment/ to /startSegment/+/numSegments/-1; otherwise FALSE
is returned.
The 2D point's (x,y) position is written to the values indicated
by the /x/ and /y/ pointers respectively. The tangent vector is
written to the values indicated by the /tangentX/ and /tangentY/
points. However if /x/, /y/, /tangentX/, or /tangentY/ is a
NULL pointer, no value is written to such NULL pointers. Only the
subpath consisting of the /numSegments/ path segments beginning with
/startSegment/ (where the initial path segment has index 0) is used.
PointAlongPathNV only considers this subpath.
If /distance/ is less than or equal to zero, the starting point
of the path is used (and the query returns FALSE). If /distance/
is greater than the path length (i.e., the value returned when the
GetPathLengthNV query is called with the same /startSegment/ and
/numSegments/ parameters), the final point along the subpath is used
(and the query returns FALSE).
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/ does not exist.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if /startSegment/
or /numSegments/ are negative. The error INVALID_VALUE is
generated if /startSegment/ is greater than the index of /path/'s
final path segment. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if
/startSegment/+/numSegments/-1 is less than zero or greater than
the index of /path/'s final path segment.
Because it is not possible in general to compute exact distances along
a path, an implementation is not required to use exact computation
even for segments where such computations are possible.
Implementations are not required to compute distances exactly, as
long as the satisfy the constraint that as /distance/ increases
monotonically the returned point and tangent move forward
monotonically along the path.
Implementations should use the same distance-along-a-path algorithm
for PointAlongPathNV as is used for dashing a stroked path. (The dash
count and dashing array state of the path object is irrelevant to
the results of this query.)
Where an implementation is able to determine that the point being
queried lies exactly at a discontinuity or cusp, the incoming point
and tangent should be returned.
6.X.5. Path Color and Texture Coordinate Generation Queries
The queries
void GetPathColorGenivNV(enum color, enum pname, int *value);
void GetPathColorGenfvNV(enum color, enum pname, float *value);
return path color generation state. /color/ must be one of
requested color generation state for the primary, primary, and
secondary color respectively. /pname/ must be either PATH_GEN_MODE_NV,
If /pname/ is PATH_GEN_MODE_NV, the scalar value of the respective
color's path generation mode is written to the value referenced by
the /value/ pointer.
If /pname/ is PATH_GEN_COLOR_FORMAT_NV, the scalar value of the
respective color's path generation color format is written to the
value reference by the /value/ pointer.
If /pname/ is PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV, 16 coefficients for the respective
color's path generation are written to the array referenced by the
/value/ pointer. Assuming no error is generated, 16 coefficients
are written no matter what the path color generation mode is though
coefficients not accessed by the indicated path color generation
mode are returned as zero.
The queries
void GetPathTexGenivNV(enum texCoordSet, enum pname, int *value);
void GetPathTexGenfvNV(enum texCoordSet, enum pname, float *value);
return path texture coordinate set generation state. /texCoordSet/
indicates the texture coordinate set being queried and must be
one of TEXTURE0 through TEXTUREn where /n/ is one less than the
implementation-dependent value of MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS; otherwise
INVALID_ENUM is generated. /pname/ must be either PATH_GEN_MODE_NV
If /pname/ is PATH_GEN_MODE_NV, the scalar value of the respective
texture coordinate set's path generation mode is written to the
value referenced by the /value/ pointer.
If /pname/ is PATH_GEN_COMPONENTS_NV, the scalar value of the
respective texture coordinate set's path generation number of
components is written to the value reference by the /value/ pointer.
If /pname/ is PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV, 16 coefficients for the respective
texture coordinate set's path generation are written to the array
referenced by the /value/ pointer. Assuming no error is generated, 16
coefficients are written no matter what the path texture generation
mode is though coefficients not accessed by the indicated path
texture generation mode are returned as zero.
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
Path objects are shared between AGL/GLX/WGL rendering contexts if
and only if the rendering contexts share display lists. No change
is made to the AGL/GLX/WGL API.
Changes to path objects shared between multiple rendering contexts
will be serialized (i.e., the changes, queries, deletions, and
stencil/cover operations will occur in a specific order).
Additions to the OpenGL Shading Language
GLX Protocol
Dependencies on ARB_program_interface_query.
When ARB_program_interface_query is not supported, all references to
FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV and ProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV should be ignored.
Dependencies on Core Profile and OpenGL ES
When NV_path_rendering is advertised, the following functionality
must be supported...
References to the following commands should be ignored:
including the state set and queried by these commands.
References to the following tokens should be ignored:
References to the following GLSL built-in variables should be ignored:
The following types are defined as alias to the GL tokens:
2_BYTES_NV 0x1407 // from GL compat
3_BYTES_NV 0x1408 // from GL compat
4_BYTES_NV 0x1409 // from GL compat
EYE_LINEAR_NV 0x2400 // from GL compat
OBJECT_LINEAR_NV 0x2401 // from GL compat
CONSTANT_NV 0x8576 // from GL compat
The following entry points (specified by the EXT_direct_state_access
extension) MUST be supported:
void MatrixLoadfEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoaddEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixMultfEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultdEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixLoadTransposefEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoadTransposedEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultTransposefEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultTransposedEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoadIdentityEXT(enum matrixMode);
void MatrixRotatefEXT(enum matrixMode, float angle,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixRotatedEXT(enum matrixMode, double angle,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixScalefEXT(enum matrixMode,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixScaledEXT(enum matrixMode,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixTranslatefEXT(enum matrixMode,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixTranslatedEXT(enum matrixMode,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixOrthoEXT(enum matrixMode, double l, double r,
double b, double t, double n, double f);
void MatrixFrustumEXT(enum matrixMode, double l, double r,
double b, double t, double n, double f);
void MatrixPushEXT(enum matrixMode);
void MatrixPopEXT(enum matrixMode);
These commands must support the PATH_PROJECTION_NV and PATH_MODELVIEW_NV
tokens for matrixMode. The associated modelview and projection matrix
state, including matrix stacks, MUST be supported. These token values
for matrices are supported:
The last 8 tokens are supported by GetFloatv, GetIntegerv, GetDoublev
to query associated path modelview and projection state.
The values of sc, tc, rc, and qc discussed in section 5.X.2.2 "Path
Covering" are always zero in a Core profile context as these values
involve deprecated state.
New State
– NEW table 6.X, "Path (state per context)" following Table 6.33, "Renderbuffer"
Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Section Attribute
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------- -------------- ------------------------ ------------ --------------
PATH_GEN_MODE_NV 2xZ4 GetPathColorGenivNV NONE path's color 6.X.5 lighting
generation mode
PATH_GEN_COLOR_FORMAT_NV 2xZ6 GetPathColorGenivNV NONE path's color 6.X.5 lighting
generation color format
PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV 2x16xR GetPathColorGenfvNV all 0's path's color gen mode 6.X.5 lighting
generation coefficients
PATH_GEN_MODE_NV nxZ4 GetPathTexGenivNV NONE path's texture 6.X.5 texture
generation mode
PATH_GEN_COMPONENTS_NV nxZ5 GetPathTexGenivNV 0 path's texture 6.X.5 texture
generation number of
PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV nx16xR GetPathTexGenfvNV all 0's path's texture 6.X.5 texture
generation coefficients
PATH_FOG_GEN_MODE_NV Z2 GetIntegerv FRAGMENT_DEPTH path's fog generation 5.X.2.1 fog
PATH_ERROR_POSITION_NV Z GetIntegerv -1 last path string 5.X.1.2 -
error position
PATH_STENCIL_FUNC_NV Z8 GetIntegerv ALWAYS path stenciling function 5.X.2.1 stencil-buffer
PATH_STENCIL_REF_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 0 path stenciling 5.X.2.1 stencil-buffer
reference value
PATH_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 1's path stencil read mask 5.X.2.1 stencil-buffer
PATH_STENCIL_DEPTH_OFFSET_FACTOR_NV R GetFloatv 0 path stencil depth 5.X.2.1 polygon
offset factor
PATH_STENCIL_DEPTH_OFFSET_UNITS_NV R GetFloatv 0 path stencil depth 5.X.2.1 polygon
units factor
PATH_COVER_DEPTH_FUNC_NV Z8 GetIntegerv LESS path covering depth 5.X.2.2 depth-buffer
where n is the implementation-dependent number of texture coordinate
– NEW table 6.Y, "Path (state per path object)" following Table 6.X
Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Section Attribute
------------------------------- ------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- ------------ ---------
- nxZ8* GetPathCommandsNV - path's sequence of path commands 6.X.1 -
- mxR GetPathCoordsNV - path's sequence of path 6.X.1 -
- cxR GetPathDashArrayNV - dash array contents 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_COMMAND_COUNT_NV Z+ GetPathParameterivNV - path's count of path commands 6.X.1 -
PATH_COORD_COUNT_NV Z+ GetPathParameterivNV - path's count of path coordinates 6.X.1 -
PATH_COMPUTED_LENGTH_NV R+ GetPathParameterfvNV - GL's calculation of the path's 6.X.1 -
PATH_STROKE_WIDTH_NV R+ GetPathParameterfvNV 1.0 stroke width 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_INITIAL_END_CAP_NV Z4 GetPathParameterivNV FLAT path's initial end cap style 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_TERMINAL_END_CAP_NV Z4 GetPathParameterivNV FLAT path's terminal end cap style 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_JOIN_STYLE_NV Z4 GetPathParameterivNV MITER_REVERT_NV path's join style 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_MITER_LIMIT_NV R+ GetPathParameterfvNV 4 path's miter limit 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_DASH_ARRAY_COUNT_NV Z+ GetPathParameterivNV 0 path's count of dashes in the 5.X.1.5 -
path's dash array 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_DASH_OFFSET_NV R GetPathParameterfvNV 0.0 path's dash offset 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_DASH_OFFSET_RESET_NV Z2 GetPathParameterivNV MOVE_TO_CONTINUES_NV path's dash offset reset 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_CLIENT_LENGTH_NV R+ GetPathParameterfvNV 0.0 the client-supplied calculation 5.X.1.5 -
of the path's length
PATH_INITIAL_DASH_CAP_NV Z4 GetPathParameterivNV FLAT path's initial dash cap style 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_TERMINAL_DASH_CAP_NV Z4 GetPathParameterivNV FLAT path's terminal dash cap style 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_FILL_MODE_NV Z3 GetPathParameterivNV COUNT_UP_NV path's default fill mode 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_FILL_MASK_NV Z+ GetPathParameterivNV all 1's path's default fill mask 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_FILL_COVER_MODE_NV Z4 GetPathParameterivNV CONVEX_HULL_NV path's default fill cover mode 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_STROKE_COVER_MODE_NV Z4 GetPathParameterivNV CONVEX_HULL_NV path's default stroke cover mode 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_STROKE_MASK_NV Z+ GetPathParameterivNV all 1's path's default stroke mask 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_STROKE_BOUND_NV R[0,1] GetPathParameterfvNV 0.2 (20%) path's stroke approximation 5.X.1.5 -
PATH_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX_NV R4 GetPathParameterfvNV - path's outline bounding box 6.X.1 -
PATH_FILL_BOUNDING_BOX_NV R4 GetPathParameterfvNV - path's fill bounding box 6.X.1 -
PATH_STROKE_BOUNDING_BOX_NV R4 GetPathParameterfvNV - path's stroke bounding box 6.X.1 -
where n is the number of commands in a path object, m is the number
of coordinates in a path object, and c is the dash array count of
a path object.
– NEW table 6.Z, "Path Glyph Metrics (state per path object)" following Table 6.Z
Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Section Attribute
--------------------------------------- ------- --------------------- ------------- --------------------------- ------------ ---------
GLYPH_WIDTH_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph width 6.X.3 -
GLYPH_HEIGHT_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph height 6.X.3 -
GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_X_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph left side bearing 6.X.3 -
for horizontal layout
GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_Y_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph top side bearing 6.X.3 -
for horizontal layout
GLYPH_HORIZONTAL_BEARING_ADVANCE_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph advance width 6.X.3 -
for horizontal layout
GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_X_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph left side bearing 6.X.3 -
for vertical layout
GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_Y_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph top side bearing 6.X.3 -
for vertical layout
GLYPH_VERTICAL_BEARING_ADVANCE_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's glyph advance width 6.X.3 -
for vertical layout
GLYPH_HAS_KERNING_BIT_NV B GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 whether or not glyph has kerning 6.X.3 -
– NEW table 6.W, "Path Font Metrics (state per path object though identical for glyphs from the same font face)" following Table 6.Z
Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Section Attribute
------------------------------- ------- ---------------- ------------- --------------------------------------- ------------ ---------
FONT_X_MIN_BOUNDS_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's horizontal minimum (left-most) 6.X.3 -
of the font bounding box
FONT_Y_MIN_BOUNDS_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's vertical minimum (bottom-most) 6.X.3 -
of the font bounding box
FONT_X_MAX_BOUNDS_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's horizontal maximum (right-most) 6.X.3 -
of the font bounding box
FONT_Y_MAX_BOUNDS_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's vertical maximum (top-most) 6.X.3 -
of the font bounding box
FONT_UNITS_PER_EM_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's number of units in path space 6.X.3 -
(font units) per Em square for font
FONT_ASCENDER_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's typographical ascender (in font 6.X.3 -
units) of the font face
FONT_DESCENDER_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's typographical descender (in font 6.X.3 -
units) of the font face
FONT_HEIGHT_BIT_NV R+ GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's font face vertical distance 6.X.3 -
between two consecutive baselines
(in font units)
FONT_MAX_ADVANCE_WIDTH_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's maximal advance width (in font 6.X.3 -
units) for all glyphs in font face
FONT_MAX_ADVANCE_HEIGHT_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's maximal advance height (in font 6.X.3 -
units) for all glyphs in font face
for vertical layout
FONT_UNDERLINE_POSITION_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 path's position (in font units) of the 6.X.3 -
center of underline line for font face
FONT_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS_BIT_NV R GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 thickness (in font units) of the 6.X.3 -
underline for font face
FONT_HAS_KERNING_BIT_NV B GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 whether or not glyph has kerning 6.X.3 -
FONT_NUM_GLYPH_INDICES_BIT_NV Z+ GetPathMetricsNV see 5.X.1.3 number of glyph indices in font face 6.X.3 -
Increment "n" in the Type field of the "Program Interface State"
table by 1 to correspond to the FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV program interface.
Add the following rows to the table labeled "Program Object Resource
State" (only fragment input resources support this state):
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec.
---------------------- ---- -------------------- --------- ------------------------------------------- -----
PATH_GEN_MODE_NV Z4 GetProgramResourceiv NONE Path fragment input generation mode
PATH_GEN_COMPONENTS_NV Z5 GetProgramResourceiv 0 Number of path fragment input components
PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV 16*R GetProgramResourceiv all zeros Path fragment input generation coefficients
New Implementation Dependent State
NVIDIA Implementation Details
– API revision 1.0
Released in NVIDIA Driver Release 275.33 (June 2011).
– API revision 1.1
Follow-on release (circa September 2011) adds these path
commands for ISO PDF 32000 support:
These path commands are not operational (generate GL_INVALID_ENUM
errors) if used in 275.xx or 280.xx drivers.
Follow-on release (circa September 2011) adds these transformType
These transformType tokens are not operational (generate
GL_INVALID_ENUM errors) if used in 275.xx or 280.xx drivers.
– API revision 1.2
Follow-on release (circa December 2013) adding these commands:
void glMatrixLoad3x2fNV(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat *m);
void glMatrixLoad3x3fNV(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat *m);
void glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat *m);
void glMatrixMult3x2fNV(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat *m);
void glMatrixMult3x3fNV(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat *m);
void glMatrixMultTranspose3x3fNV(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat *m);
void glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV(GLuint path, GLenum fillMode,
GLuint mask, GLenum coverMode);
void glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV(GLuint path, GLint reference,
GLuint mask, GLenum coverMode);
void glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV(GLsizei numPaths,
GLenum pathNameType,
const void *paths,
GLuint pathBase,
GLenum fillMode, uint mask,
GLenum coverMode,
GLenum transformType,
const GLfloat *transformValues);
void glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV(GLsizei numPaths,
GLenum pathNameType,
const void *paths,
GLuint pathBase,
GLint reference, uint mask,
GLenum coverMode,
GLenum transformType,
const GLfloat *transformValues);
enum glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV(GLenum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
GLbitfield fontStyle,
GLuint pathParameterTemplate,
GLfloat emScale,
GLuint baseAndCount[2]);
If the window system's GetProcAddress mechanism for GL commands returns
NULL for these function names, these API revision 1.2 features are
not available. Likewise the these tokens are not supported either.
These tokens may be returned by glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV:
– API revision 1.3
Follow-on release (circa May 2014, first appearing in the 337.88
drivers) adding these commands:
These new path commands:
New path glyph metric query:
New return values from glyph index path specification commands:
New programInferface token:
New (aliased) matrix tokens for ES support:
New glyph index path specification commands:
enum glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV(GLuint firstPathName,
GLenum fontTarget,
const void *fontName,
GLbitfield fontStyle,
GLuint firstGlyphIndex,
GLsizei numGlyphs,
GLuint pathParameterTemplate,
GLfloat emScale);
enum glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV(GLuint firstPathName,
GLenum fontTarget,
GLsizeiptr fontSize,
const void *fontData,
GLsizei faceIndex,
GLuint firstGlyphIndex,
GLsizei numGlyphs,
GLuint pathParameterTemplate,
GLfloat emScale);
GLSL-related commands:
void glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV(GLuint program,
GLint location,
GLenum genMode,
GLint components,
const GLfloat *coeffs);
void glGetProgramResourcefvNV(GLuint program, GLenum programInterface,
GLuint index, GLsizei propCount,
const GLenum *props, GLsizei bufSize,
GLsizei *length, GLfloat *params);
If the window system's GetProcAddress mechanism for GL commands returns
NULL for these function names, these API revision 1.3 features are
not available. Likewise the these tokens are not supported either.
– Performance improvements:
Release 304.xx and on substantially improves the performance of
path rendering stencil and cover operations on NVIDIA Fermi- and
Kepler-based GPUs (GeForce 400 Series and on).
Release 314.xx improves the performance of initially specifying or
modifying a path object prior to stenciling or covering the paths.
– Bugs:
Due to NVIDIA driver bug 1315267, path objects were not actually
shared among contexts prior to Driver release 320.xx (July 2013).
1. What should this extension be called?
RESOLVED: NV_path_rendering
The extension adds an entirely new rendering paradigm for filled
and stroked paths, hence "path rendering".
"path" alone was considered but deemed to vague.
2. Should this extension support specifying paths based on glyphs in fonts?
There are several problems solved by including first-class path
specification via glyphs in fonts.
1) Support for glyphs from fonts are an expected part of nearly
all path rendering systems. Not including glyph support will force
all path rendering applications to build their own glyph system.
2) Fonts, particularly for Asian languages, can be large.
By putting glyph specification from fonts directly into
the extension, implementations will have the opportunity to
cache commonly loaded font glyphs, including shared on-GPU
3) Also because fonts have many glyphs, first-pass specification
of a range of glyphs allows the GL implementation to load glyphs
sparsely in response to use. It isn't appropriate to burden
applications with the burden of properly caching large sets of
glyphs from fonts. So while Unicode glyphs 0 through 2^21-1
might be loaded for an entire Unicode font, the GL implementation
could only actually load queried and used path objects.
4) Locating font files tends to be very system-specific. To the
extent OpenGL supports cross-platform rendering, minimizing
system-specific aspects of rendering increases the cross-platform
nature of OpenGL applications.
5) I still feel bad about glutBitmapCharacter and
glutStrokeCharacter being so lame; I thought something better
would take their place but nothing has.
3. Should this extension provide a one-shot (single-pass) way to fill
and stroke path objects?
The two-pass decoupling of path rendering into stenciling and
covering operations has lots of advantages.
Some of the advantages are:
1) The cover step has complete control over how the fragment
shader is configured. GLSL, assembly, or fixed-function
(glTexEnv, glFog, etc.) fragment shading can all be used
without conflating the path's coverage determination with
the shading.
1a) If shading resources are used to implement the path coverage
determination such as interpolants or textures, these
resources aren't over-subscribed as could occur in a
one-step API.
2) GPUs can accelerate stencil-only rendering during the stencil
step in ways that are rasterization and bandwidth efficient.
3) Path rendering standards all allow a rendered path to be clipped
by another arbitrary (clipping) path. This can even be
done recursively sometimes. When the stencil coverage
determination is a separate step from the shading, such
clipping operations are easy to accomplish as simply multiple
stenciled stencil steps. Otherwise clipping a path to another
path is a complex intersection and re-tessellation task.
4) A two-step stencil, then cover" approach makes it
straightforward to guarantee that pixels and samples are
only visited once per path rendering as path rendering
standards require.
5) Unconventional but efficient algorithms such as reverse
Painter's algorithm are straightforward to implement when
stencil and covering steps are decoupled. In this case,
the stencil buffer simply never allows a pixel to be shaded
a second time once covered.
6) Dilations and erosions can be performed with the two-step
approach. You can fill a shape and then stroke the shape
to dilate the shape. Then cover with both fill and stroking.
7) Novel stroking effects such as pin-striping are easy to
accomplish. You can stroke a path with a stroke width of 7.5
to write stencil to 1 and then stroke the same curve with
a stroke width of 3.1 to write a stencil of 0. Then cover
stroked path with a stroke width of 7.5 and accomplish the
4. What string formats should be supported for paths?
UNRESOLVED: Definitely SVG and PostScript. Perhaps Silverlight?
Silverlight's path syntax is very similar to SVG but allows
infinity values and the specification of the fill mode.
Adobe's Type 2 charstring format, part of Adobe's Compact
Font Format (CFF) standard, provides yet another encoding
of a path outline. This is a binary, rather than textual,
format that exists within OpenType and Type 2 font formats.
It includes glyph hinting information. The utility of accepting
the Type 2 charstring format is not sufficient for inclusion for
a number of reasons. Content creation tools don't target this
format for arbitrary path descriptions. This extension already
provides commands (glPathGlyphsNV and glPathGlyphRangeNV) for
specifying path objects from font glyphs. And the font hinting
information the format provides would just be ignored.
5. Should there be a query to return a path as a string?
RESOLVED: No, returning dynamic strings of variable length is too hard.
Unlike parsing which is straightforward but slightly difficult,
building a string from the results of glGetPathCommandsNV and
glGetPathCoordsNV is not hard. But there's no one "right"
way to build a string for a given path.
There are various string encodings of varying compactness and
readability. How much precision is really required for converting
a floating-point coordinate to a string representation varies?
6. Should path rendering allow per-vertex specification of attributes?
There is no allowance for the specification of interpolants
(colors, texture coordinates, etc.) specified per control point.
Assigning per-vertex values to control points doesn't really
make sense in the context of path rendering. Instead a mechanism
for generating color, texture coordinate, and fog generation as
a linear function of object space.
The glPathTexGenNV, glPathColorGenNV, and glPathFogGenNV commands
provide this mechanism.
glPathColorGenNV, glPathTexGenNV, and glPathFogGenNV
provide a way to specify coefficients for plane equations based
on the object-space or eye-space (x,y,1) position of a fragment
generating by covering a filled or stroked path.
For those used to conventional 3D graphics where geometry is
defined by meshes of triangles, not having per-vertex attributes
sounds really strange. But this is the natural situation for
path rendering. Paths do not really have vertices but rather
control points.
7. Should path rendering use the existing texture coordinate
generation state (glTexGen)?
RESOLVED: No, this extension should have its own path-specific
texture coordinate generation state controlled by glPathColorGenNV
and glPathTexGenNV.
The existing texture coordinate generation state has modes such
as sphere, normal, and reflection mapping that make no sense for
path rendering (since there are no per-vertex normals).
Also it is very desirable to keep the per-vertex attribute
computations (normal transformation, lighting, texture coordinate
generation) completely separate from the varying computations
for path rendering. This means the vertex processing program
needed for path rendering isn't changed by state updates intended
to control geometric and image primitives.
8. How does path rendering work if all the fixed-function state,
particularly the modelview and projection matrices and named vertex
attributes (primary color, etc.) have been deprecated?
RESOLVED: ARB_compatibility (for OpenGL 3.1) or the Compatibility
profile (for OpenGL 3.2 and up) is useful and supports the
glPathColorGenNV, glPathTexGenNV, and glPathFogGenNV commands
to interact properly with fixed-function OpenGL.
NV_path_rendering assumes that the modelview and projection
matrices combine to transform the path into clip space.
Without these matrices, there's no way to get the path
transformed. Therefore these matrices are introduced through
EXT_direct_state_access commands when only the Core profile is
Without ARB_compatibility or the Compatibility profile, there is
no way for GLSL to access built-in varyings as these have been
deprecated. This means generated or passed-through colors and
texture coordinate sets are inaccessible. There's also no longer
a way to compile a fragment shader that doesn't have a vertex
shader. The ARB_separate_shader_objects extension (core in OpenGL
4.1) now allows a fragment shader to be specified in a program
object with a vertex shader. The ARB_program_interface_query
extension (core in OpenGL 4.3) allows queries to specific program
object resources. The glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV provides
a means, in combination with the ARB_separate_shader_objects and
ARB_program_interface_query extensions, to configure fragment
input generation for GLSL fragment shaders use during the "cover"
step of path rendering without reference to fixed-function
See the "Dependencies on Core Profile and OpenGL ES" section
and issue 133 for more details about the Core profile support.
9. How does a GLSL fragment shader processing fragment generated by
covering path access fragment varyings?
RESOLVED: The obvious way is to used the gl_TexCoord[], gl_Color,
and gl_SecondaryColor built-in varyings for texture coordinate
sets, primary color, and secondary color respectively.
Any user-specified varyings will be undefined since there is no
upstream geometry or vertex shader to write them.
10. How should the command token values be assigned?
RESOLVED: Consistent with OpenVG's enumeration values but ALSO using
the SVG command characters too.
The two token addition (missing from OpenVG's supported commands)
are relative and absolute 7-component partial elliptical arc
tokens (GL_ARC_TO_NV and GL_RELATIVE_ARC_TO_NV) that include the
large/small and sweep flags as coordinates. These corresponds
to the SVG 'arcto' commands.
Using character codes, in addition to tokens, allows simpler
path descriptions coded with C character arrays (strings) such
as "MLLCz" instead of the equivalent verbose aggregate array
Also note there are NO character codes for the eight 5-component
partial elliptical arc commands because these commands lack
exact analogues in the SVG path command syntax.
There are also commands corresponding to PostScript's circular arc
commands (arc, arcn, and arct), also without character aliases.
Unfortunately the path command token values do NOT match the
SVGPathSeg interface path segment type values because these
values overlap with the OpenVG enumeration values.
Excepting the printable ASCII character command tokens, absolute
command token values should always be even, while relative
command token values should always be odd.
11. Why are the glyph metric bits in the order they are specified?
RESOLVED: The glyph metric order matches the FreeType 2 library's
FT_Glyph_Metrics structure for the per-glyph metrics. The
per-font metric order matches the FreeType 2 library's FT_FaceRec
Kerning information for a font face can be queried with the
separate query glGetPathSpacingNV because the kerning displacement
is not per-glyph, but rather dependent on a sequence of two
12. What glyph metric information is beyond the scope of this extension?
RESOLVED: Metrics for vertical kerning, bi-directional layout,
ligatures, etc. are beyond the scope of this extension.
Kerning information for horizontal layout is available.
The scope of the metrics provided by this extension are sufficient
for basic kerned and non-kerned horizontal and non-kerned vertical
text layout.
Applications that want more sophisticated metric information
should either query the metrics from the corresponding system
font directly or load the glyph outline data entirely from the
13. What glyph outline information is beyond the scope of this
RESOLVED: For now, normal (indicated by GL_NONE), italic,
bold, and bold/italic font faces are supported. Other styles
(small caps, etc.) may be added with future extensions to this
extension, but the four supported font styles are sufficient.
This is consistent with FreeType 2's support for the
14. Should horizontal kerning information always be available?
RESOLVED: Yes, if the font provides this kerning information.
15. Why is the horizontal kerning information for a pair of path
objects returned as a 2D (x,y) displacement?
RESOLVED: TrueType fonts always return kerning information
as a sequence of horizontal displacements in x, but not y (the
displacement is assumed to be zero in y). However PostScript
fonts can support a 2D displacement.
This matches the behavior of FreeType 2's FT_Get_Kerning function.
Note that the returned (x,y) float pairs are NOT immediately
suitable to be used as values for the /transformValues/
array parameter to StencilFillPathInstancedNV,
StencilStrokePathInstancedNV, CoverFillPathInstancedNV, or
CoverStrokePathInstancedNV with a /transformType/ parameter
of TRANSLATE_2D_NV. The application would be responsible for
accumulating the various translates to provide proper horizontal
layout. When all the y values are zero (as will often be the
case), GL_TRANSLATE_1D_NV could be used instead.
16. Should the path name zero be treated specially?
RESOLVED: No. There's no need for specially handling the zero
name for a path object.
17. What tokens for color should glPathColorGenNV accept?
(from NV_register_combiners), and GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_NV (from
GL_PRIMARY_COLOR and GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_NV have different token
values; to avoid an API pitfall, both are accepted.
(There is no core GL_SECONDARY_COLOR token.)
18. Should two-sided color be supported for path rendering?
RESOLVED: No. No path rendering standards support this concept.
Two-sided lighting could be simulated with two passes and face
19. How do PostScript's user path operators correspond to
NV_path_rendering's path command tokens?
PostScript path
operator Path command token
--------------- -----------------------------
closepath GL_CLOSE_PATH_NV
lineto GL_LINE_TO_NV
moveto GL_MOVE_TO_NV
setbbox /ignored/
ucache /ignored/
The setbbox (set bounding box) operator "establishes a bounding
box for the current path, within which the coordinates of all
subsequent path construction operators must fall." There is
no such requirement in this extension so this bounding box
information is parsed but ignored.
The ucache (user cache) operator "notifies the PostScript
interpreter that the enclosing user path is to be retained in
the cache if the path is not already there." This notion that
paths are expensive and so must be cached is not particularly
applicable to this extension because all path object are in
some sense cached. Therefore the ucache operator is parsed
but ignored.
20. How do OpenVG 1.1's commands (as enumerated by the VGPathCommand
and VGPathCommand enumerations) correspond to NV_path_rendering's
path command tokens?
OpenVG path
segment command Path command token
----------------- ----------------------------------------
21. What should the initial GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV state be?
RESOLVED: GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV should initially be
This is consistent with SVG default non-zero fill rule and the
typical usage of PostScript.
However this is the opposite of Silverlight's default fill rule
which is even-odd.
22. Should we support a GL_PATH_FORMAT_SL3_NV for Silverlight 3.0 be
UNRESOLVED: Silverlight 3.0's path markup syntax includes
support for two extensions of the SVG 1.1 path grammar: 1)
specification of a fill rule ("F0" is even-odd, "F1" is non-zero)
at the beginning of the string; and 2) allowing "Infinity",
"-Infinity" and "NaN" (all case-sensitive) as special values
allowed instead of standard numerical values.
Seems like a reasonable thing to support.
The fill rule specification is straightforward. This would
simply allow the path object's GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV parameter to
be specified as part of the path string specification. The "F0"
or "F1" would not be treated as an actual path command however.
Note that Silverlight's default fill rule if none is specified is
EvenOdd whereas NV_path_rendering's default GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV
is GL_COUNT_UP_NV (essentially a non-zero rule). So specifying a
path with the Silverlight format would have a different initial
value for GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV if "F0" or no initial F
command is specified.
What exactly would it mean to allow infinite and not-a-number
values for the coordinate values of a path object? Infinite is
probably representable today by simply writing a number with a
sufficiently large enough magnitude. Allowing not-a-number is
probably more
23. Should there be some maximum specified limit for the number of
command (and hence coordinates) in a path object?
RESOLVED: No. The standards for path rendering do no generally
have limits on path command lengths.
For extreme cases, the OUT_OF_MEMORY error would be generated but
that is considered an exceptional case due to memory exhaustion,
not simply the specification of a huge path.
24. Should there be some maximum specified limit for the dash array?
RESOLVED: No. The standards for path rendering do not generally
have a limit on the dash array length.
25. How do the client-defined clip planes and the clip volume interact
with path rendering?
RESOLVED: Stenciled and covered paths are affected by both the
clip volume and client-defined clip planes.
Clip planes affect the set of accessible pixels for stenciling
and covering operations (see the "ACCESSIBLE SAMPLES WITH RESPECT
TO A TRANSFORMED PATH" subsection of section 5.X.2.1).
26. What should the end cap style be called that adds no additional
cap region to a stroked path?
FLAT is already an existing OpenGL token name. Silverlight and
the OpenXML Paper Specification (XPS) calls this end cap style
"flat". However PostScript, Flash, OpenVG, SVG, Quartz 2D,
and Cairo Graphics all call this end cap style "butt".
Using FLAT also avoids verbalizing the awkward phrase "butt
stroking" (not that there's anything wrong with that).
27. Should the PostScript grammar for user-defined paths be supported?
RESOLVED: Yes. PostScript has commands (arc, arcn, arct) that
do not correspond to precisely to SVG command. This is
particularly true of arct.
Applications have been generating paths according to the syntax
of Level 2 PostScript for a long time.
Level 2 PostScript also has support for binary encoding that
makes it significantly more compact and less expensive to parse
than the SVG grammar.
The binary encoding allows precise floating-point (and compact
fixed-point) values to be specified.
28. Should the PostScript grammar support big-endian, little-endian,
and native numeric encodings?
RESOLVED: Yes, yes, yes.
29. Should the PostScript grammar support encoded user paths?
30. How should the PostScript grammar support strings?
UNRESOLVED: Hexadecimal encoded data, that is strings enclosed
in < and >, are supported.
Strings for ASCII base-85 encoded data, that is strings enclosed
in <~ and ~>, are supported for the data-array and operator-string
Also the short-binary-string, be-long-binary-string, and
le-long-binary-string productions allow very compact and precise
encoding of operator strings through binary encoding.
Strings for literal text, that is strings enclosed in ( and ),
are NOT supported.
The rationale for not supporting literal text is this format
is awkward for encoding the operator-string production (though
PostScript does technically allow it) and is not compact.
31. Should the PostScript grammar support Binary Object Sequences?
Binary Object Sequences are intended to support complex
(potentially nested) data structures and are over-kill for
user paths.
32. Why are the binary tokens in the PS grammar assigned the values
they are assigned?
RESOLVED: These values are from the "Binary Tokens" section of
the PostScript Language Reference Manual.
33. Why are the binary encodings for the path commands in the PS
grammar assigned the specified values?
RESOLVED: These values match PostScript's system name table
values. These are documented in the "System Name Encodings"
appendix of the PostScript Language Reference Manual.
Specifically (in decimal):
Index Name
----- ---------
22 closepath
99 lineto
107 moveto
133 rlineto
134 rmoveto
143 setbbox
43 curveto
122 rcurveto
5 arc
6 arcn
7 arct
177 ucache
34. Why do glGetPathCommandsNV, glGetPathCoordsNV, and
glGetPathDashArrayNV have their own queries? Could there not
simply be a token for glGetPathParameteriv/glGetPathParameterfvNV
to return this state?
RESOLVED: These queries for path commands, coordinates, and
the path's dash array return a variable payload of data so are
more like glGetTexImage than glGetIntegerv/glGetFloatv which
return a static amount of data.
APIs that return variable amounts of data are prone to buffer
overflows. It is somewhat more obvious these commands return
a variable amount of data if they have their own API calls, than
simply having certain token values to a multi-purpose glGet* call
that mysteriously returns varying amounts of data for these token
values while all the other tokens return static amounts of data.
This resolution follows the existing precedent from
core OpenGL where glGetColorTable is distinct from
glGetColorTableParameter{fv,iv}. Same with glGetConvolutionFilter
and glGetHistogram relative to glGetConvolutionParameter{fv,iv}
and glGetHistogramParameter{fv,iv}.
(There is a poor precedent for having an OpenGL query return both
static and varying amounts of data based on a pname parameter.
glGetMap{dv,fv,iv} returns varying data when GL_COEFF is queried
while GL_ORDER and GL_DOMAIN return n and 2*n values respectively
where n is the dimensionality of the map target. This isn't a
good precedent and is obscure.)
35. How should the GL_PATH_*_BOUNDING_BOX_NV path parameters be
RESOLVED: In (x1,y1,x2,y2) order where (x1,y1) is the minimum
bounds of the bounding box and (x2,y2) is the maximum bounds.
This is contrary to the precedent of GL_SCISSOR_BOX query
which returns the scissor as an (x,y,width,height) 4-tuple.
While that makes sense for a scissor box, particularly given how
the scissor is specified with glScissor, it is not a convenient
way to specify a bounding box.
The (x1,y1,x2,y2) format also makes the
glCover{Fill|Stroke}PathInstancedNV pseudo-code work nicely
with glRectf. See the renderBoundingBox pseudo-code.
The (x1,y1,x2,y2) format is also consistent with the way
FreeType 2 provides per-font face bounds information through
metric queries.
36. Why is font loading part of this extension? Shouldn't OpenGL
stick with just rendering and not involved itself with fonts?
RESOLVED: An explicit goal of this extension is to provide
GPU-accelerated path rendering that INCLUDES excellent support
for glyphs and their associated metrics.
The fact is all the major existing standards for path rendering
(PostScript, SVG, OpenVG, Java 2D, Quartz 2D, Flash) include
first-class font and glyph support.
Not including font and glyph support would be a glaring omission
that would make this extension much less useful to simple OpenGL
applications that don't want to incorporate large font libraries.
Additionally font loading is notoriously platform dependent.
This extension provides a simple platform-independent mechanism to
rendezvous with standard font names. However an implementation of
this extension can make use of whatever platform-specific font
services the platform provides (such as through DirectWrite,
Fonts, particularly for Asian languages or designed to support a
large portion of Unicode, are large. Populating their complete
outlines can consume substantial amounts of system and video
memory. Many applications on a system are likely to access
the same collections of fonts. Having fonts loaded by name
allows GL implementations to coordinate the efficient sharing
of font outline data among multiple GL application instances.
This font sharing can have a substantial reduction in the total
system resources devoted to font data which is not possible if
the GL is unable to be aware of duplicated font outline data
within the system.
Font formats change and evolve over time. Building font format
knowledge into applications will ultimately be limiting long-term.
Fonts are really properly thought of as system resources.
They represent intellectual property that is typically licensed
on a per-system basis. Building font access into the GL promotes
use of the system's properly licensed fonts. Most applications
do not want to be encumbered by licensing issues associated with
fonts so to the extent that the API makes access to system fonts
easier, that promotes properly licensed use of fonts.
37. What is the typographical philosophy for this extension?
RESOLVED: This extension relies on other standards to provide
its typographic backbone and philosophy.
The character set supported depends on the Unicode standard.
Specific font formats supported depend on the system but the
expectation is that standard TrueType, PostScript, and OpenType
fonts can be used through this extension. The metrics from such
fonts will generally be "passed through" the glGetPathMetricsNV
The naming of fonts is consistent with the underlying system
with the expectation that the system's naming is consistent with
modern web standards for identifying fonts in web content.
While the specific set of supported fonts may vary from system to
system based on the available installed fonts, the expectation is
that standard TrueType fonts such as Arial, New Courier, Georgia,
etc. will be available on systems that support this extension.
For applications that demand a set of glyphs that are guaranteed
to be available, the GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME font target is
available for the names "Sans", "Serif", and "Mono" and these
fonts are understood to match a set of glyphs consistent with the
DejaVu font set populated with at least the Latin-1 character set.
The underlying font engine is likely to be FreeType 2 or the
system's native font engine (such as DirectWrite for newer
Windows versions).
38. What is the path rendering philosophy for this extension?
RESOLVED: Two-step stencil-based GPU-acceleration + broad-tent
support for the accepted functionality of path rendering.
This extension assumes that the two-step "stencil, then cover"
stencil-based approach to GPU-accelerating path rendering.
Both stenciling and stroking are supported. Strokes are
first-class representations and not treated as fills that
approximate the stroked region. For pragmatic reasons, cubic
Bezier segments, conic segments, and partial elliptical
(non-circular) arcs path segments are assumed to be approximated
by a sequence of quadratic Bezier path segments that guarantee
G1 continuity.
The contrapositive of this approach is an avoidance of schemes
based on tessellation of path outlines.
Paths are defined using both cubic and quadratic Bezier curves.
This broadly allows path content from TrueType (based on quadratic
Bezier curves) and PostScript and its font families (based on
cubic Bezier curves) to be supported.
Arcs are drawn consistent with both SVG (partial elliptical arcs)
and PostScript (circular arcs and circular tangent arcs).
The set of stroking options is a union of the stroking features
of OpenVG, SVG, XML Paper Specification (XPS), PostScript, and
other standards. For example, XPS supports dash caps that other
standards lack.
The path queries support the key path queries supported by OpenVG.
39. Should there be an API for assigning path metric information to
a path object?
Path metrics are available when a path object is created with
glPathGlyphsNV or glPathGlyphRangeNV. In these cases, the font
supplies the metric data for these path objects.
It might be useful to allow these metrics to be specified for an
arbitrary path object. This way user-defined path objects could
appear to have metrics available as if they had been specified
by glPathGlyphsNV or glPathGlyphRangeNV.
Supporting the specification of path metrics would require new
API. Something like glPathMetricsNV perhaps? Or having parameter
names for the font metrics supported by glPathParameter{f,i}v?
The later approach would probably require new tokens and would
mean glGetPathParameter{f,i}v should support these tokens too.
Since the metrics are for information purposes only, meaning
the rendering functionality for paths never involves the metrics
(unlike other path parameters), it seems odd to allow information
to be specified just so it can be queried by the application.
This doesn't feel like essential functionality though its
absence may be missed by library developers that want to "fake"
font loaders.
40. What happens when an input path object to glWeightPathsNV,
glInterpolatePathsNV contains an arc command when there are two
or more path objects involved?
RESOLVED: An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.
In general, arc commands are not "closed" under linear
combination. Said another way, the linear combination of two
or more arcs is not, in general, itself an arc of the same form.
glCopyPathNV copies outlines for path objects containing any
valid commands including arc commands.
41. When a path object is created from other existing path objects
through the glWeightPathsNV, glInterpolatePathsNV, or glCopyPathNV
commands, where does the new path's parameters come from?
RESOLVED: While the path commands are interpolated on a
command-by-command basis with these commands, the path parameters
should be copied from the first path object specified.
So for glWeightPathsNV, glInterpolatePathsNV, and glCopyPathNV,
the path parameters from the path[0], pathA, and srcPath
parameters respectively.
42. How is the glyph metric and kerning information specified for
a path object created from other existing path objects through the
glWeightPathsNV, glInterpolatePathsNV, or glCopyPathNV commands,
where does the new path's parameters come from?
RESOLVED: The path metric information is set to negative one
for glWeightPathsNV and glInterpolatePathsNV.
There's no reasonable way to weight the metric information.
Metric information is tuned to a particular glyph.
More explicitly, the path metric information from the first path
object to be combined is NOT copied (as the parameters are).
However glCopyPathNV does copy the glyph metric and kerning
information (since only one path object is involved so there's
no combination of outlines).
43. Should there be a way to specify different stroking parameters
(stroke width, end caps, etc.) within the command sequence of
a path?
Existing path rendering standards keep the stroking parameters
constant for a given path's outline. For example, there's not
support for a dashed stroked segment of width 5.0 as well as a
non-dashed stroked segment with width 9.4 in the same path.
This wouldn't be impossible to support; commands that changed
stroking parameters could be supported within the command
sequence. However it would complicate the meaning of the path
parameters for stroking; these parameters could be considered
defaults for stroking parameters if stroking parameters are not
otherwise specified. There's also the complication of when
new stroking parameters would latch into place. Would it be
immediately (mid path?) or not latch until the next "moveto"
command? And how would such commands be weighted/interpolated?
Attempting to support changing stroking parameters within a path
appears to open up a complicated can of worms.
The same rendering effect can be achieved with the
gl{Stencil,Cover}StrokePathInstancedNV commands using multiple
path object, each with the appropriate stroking parameters for
the appropriate path segments.
44. What should the query token for the path color and texture
coordinate generation coefficients be named?
Alternatively this could be GL_PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV (plural),
but that doesn't match the precedent set by GL_COEFF used by
glGetMap{f,d}v. These existing queries return a plurality of
coefficients too.
45. What should the number of coefficients returned when querying the
path color and texture coordinate generation coefficients depend
on the current path color or texture coordinate generation mode or
should a fixed maximum number of coefficients always be returned?
RESOLVED: A fixed maximum of 16 coefficients should always
be returned.
It is error-prone and likely to result in obscure buffer
overflow cases if the number of coefficients returned depends
on the respective current path generation mode. It is better
to simply always return 16 values. Unused coefficients by the
current generation mode should always be returned as zero.
46. How does glGetPathLengthNV compare to OpenVG's vgPathLength?
RESOLVED: glGetPathLengthNV and vgPathLength compute
essentially the same result except glGetPathLengthNV returns
0 when /numSegments/ is 0 whereas vgPathLength considers this
case an error.
47. Where does all the discussion of partial elliptical arc
parameterization come from?
RESOLVED: This discussion is based on and fully consistent with:
48. Where does the parameterization of the
PostScript arct command (which is based on arcto) for user paths.
See the gs_arcto routine in:
49. How should fog coordinate generation work for path rendering?
RESOLVED: The glPathFogGenNV command controls how generation
of the fog coordinate operates for path rendering commands.
The GL_FOG enable is tricky because it controls both per-vertex and
per-fragment processing state (unlike per-vertex lighting and texture
coordinate generation).
Simply using the existing fixed-function fog coordinate state is
undesirable because that 1) entangles fog coordinate generation
with conventional vertex processing and path vertex processing,
and 2) the NV_fog_distance extension allows a non-linear fog
coordinate to be generated through the GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV mode.
The fog coordinate generation for path rendering can either
use the fog coordinate "as is" for the entire covered path or
have the fog coordinate be the negated perspective-divided
eye-space Z component (which can vary, but only linearly).
50. What should glyph metrics return for path objects not specified
by glPathGlyphsNV or glPathGlyphRangeNV?
RESOLVED: All queried metrics should return the value -1.
Negative values are out-of-range for many of the metric values so
negative values provide a reliable indicator that a path object
was not specified from a glyph.
51. How should the fill mode state of path objects created from
glyphs be initialized?
RESOLVED: The initial GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV for path objects
created from glyphs depends on the source font's convention.
Typically TrueType and newer (all?) PostScript fonts depend on the
non-zero fill rule. TrueType fonts assume a clockwise outline
winding (hence will use GL_COUNT_DOWN_NV) while PostScript
fonts assume a counterclockwise outline winding (hence will
It's unlikely an actual font will use GL_INVERT as its
GL_PATH_FILL_MODE_NV but the possibility is allowed.
52. Should other path object parameters other than the fill mode be
initialized specially when path objects are specified from glyphs?
In theory, other path parameters such as stroke width, join style,
etc. could all be specified from the font. In practice, most
font forms don't provide such parameters.
At least one font format, Bitstream's PFA format, does provide
such information though how applicable these parameters are to
a path object is unclear. The availability of these parameters
appears to be intended as a way to bold or otherwise dilate the
glyph's outline rather than being intended for stroking.
SVG supports stroking of fonts but the stroke-width tag is
specified in the current user coordinate system rather than
depending on the particular font or its glyphs.
53. How should the integers passed to glPathGlyphsNV and
glPathGlyphRangeNV be mapped to actual glyph outlines for a font?
RESOLVED: The integers that come from the charcode array or
the firstGlyph to firstGlyph+numGlyphs-1 range are treated as
Unicode character codes if the font has a meaningful mapping of
Unicode to its glyphs.
The existence of a meaningful mapping from Unicode to glyph
outlines is the expected situation. For fonts without a
meaningful mapping to Unicode character codes (such as custom
symbol fonts), the font's standard mapping of character codes to
glyphs should be used. This situation should be rare, probably
due to a font that is poorly authored, very old, or custom built.
54. How are typographical situations such as ligatures, composite
characters, glyph substitution, and language-dependent character
sequence conversion handled?
RESOLVED: If a particular behavior is desired for how such
situations are handled, that is up to the application software
using this extension.
For example, in the case of ligatures, multiple Unicode characters
may map to a single ligature glyph. Support for ligatures is
a stylistic typographic decision and the application is free to
handle this in any of a number of ways; this extension neither
forces nor precludes specific approaches to handle ligatures.
The application can overlap existing glyphs to create the
appearance of a path object by rendering the individual multiple
Unicode characters overlapped; a ligature character that is
part of the Unicode character set could be selected; or the
application could create its own custom path object in this
situation and render it.
For composite characters, the underlying font engine used to
implement this extension may construct composite characters.
Or this may be a situation where, due to limitations of the
font or font engine, possibly in combination, this is treated as
an unknown or missing character where implementation-dependent
handling is possible. Such a situation could also exist for a
ligature character specified by Unicode.
In general, higher level details of text presentation such
as ligatures, composite characters, glyph substitution, and
language-dependent character sequence conversion are beyond the
scope of this extension.
See the Unicode FAQ on "Ligatures, Digraphs and Presentation
In complicated typographical situations, the assumption is that
the application will construct the appropriate inter-glyph
transformation values (the transformValues and transformType
for glStencilFillPathInstancedNV and glCoverFillPathInstancedNV)
and build digraphs or other presentation forms.
55. Are relative path commands converted to absolute commands upon
path specification?
RESOLVED: No, relative commands are first-class and are
maintained as relative commands.
This includes when relative commands are created by copying,
interpolating, or weighting existing path objects. Relative path
commands must match identical relative path commands and their
relatively control points are weighted as relative position
Another implication if this is that if an application modifying
the control points with glPathSubCoordsNV, those edits can effect
the outline of subsequent relative commands that depend on the
modified coordinates.
The same applies to changing commands. Editing commands with
glPathSubCommandsNV can change how coordinates are interpreted
for the edited commands and subsequent relative commands.
In other words, if a path object is modified or edited, the
outline of the path is the same as if the path object had been
specified from scratch with the same command and coordinate
56. What does this extension do with so-called "hinting" in outline
font glyphs?
RESOLVED: When a path object is specified from the glyph of a
font, the path object's outline is specified from the "ideal"
resolution-independent form of the glyph.
This is because a path object is rendered (stenciled or covered)
from a resolution-independent form. There is an implicit
assumption in the specified transformation and rendering process
that the process is unaware of the device coordinate grid.
This means there's not the knowledge of device coordinate space
necessary to apply hinting information.
In TrueType terms, this amounts to the path object's outline for
a TrueType glyph being the glyph's "master outline". This means
the TrueType instructions associated with the glyph are ignored
and not executed.
While it is beyond the scope of this extension, there's nothing
in this extension that keeps an application in decoding itself the
TrueType master outline of a glyph and performing the grid-fitted
outline generation at a given arbitrary device resolution.
Then this fitted outline could be specified for a path object.
The key observation is that doing so makes the resulting outline
resolution-dependent which obviates much of the advantage of
this extension's ability to render from a resolution-independent
Rather than relying on hinting for legibility, applications using
this extension are likely to rely on multisampling or multiple
jittered rendering passes for antialiasing and assume a certain
amount of grayscale appearance as a consequence.
57. If a font format has bitmap font data, is that used?
RESOLVED: No, only resolution-independent outline data is used;
bitmap data is ignored. Bitmap-only font formats won't be loaded.
In the FreeType 2 API, the information available is comparable
to calling FT_Load_Glyph with the FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE and
FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP flags specified.
58. How is antialiasing of path object rendering accomplished?
RESOLVED: Multisampling is the expected way that antialiasing
will be accomplished when rendering path objects.
Recall in multisampling that the stencil buffer is maintained
at per-sample resolution. This means the coverage determined
by stenciling path objects should be accurate to the sample
If a multisampled framebuffer provides N samples per pixel, that
means that there are N+1 possible coverage weightings of a given
path with respect to that pixel, assuming a single "stencil, then
cover step", equal weighting of samples in the final pixel color,
and the samples for a given pixel belonging to a single pixel.
One explicit goal of this extension is to maintain a separation
between coverage and opacity. The two concepts are often
conflated treating both as percentages and then modulating
opacity with coverage. Conflating the two leads to coverage
bleeding at what should be sharp, though transparent, edges and
In this extension, the stencil buffer maintains coverage and
the alpha channel for RGBA colors, which is per-sample when the
framebuffer format supports multisampling, maintains opacity.
Philosophically this extension provides a robust and accurate
mechanism for determining point-sampled coverage for arbitrary
filled and stroked paths. The extension does not rely on, nor
does it even attempt, to compute or approximate a path's area
coverage with respect to a pixel. For practical reasons, such
analytical computations are inevitably approximations for
arbitrary paths and are difficult to make robust.
Point sampling of path object rasterization can offer more
robustness and precision. Point sampling also allows this
extension's rendering results to seamlessly co-exist with OpenGL's
conventional point, line, and polygon rasterization approaches
which are point-sampled.
The implication of this observation is path rendered content can
be mixed with arbitrary OpenGL 3D content, whether rendered with
depth testing or not. This provides the very powerful ability to
mix path rendered and 3D rendered content in the same framebuffer
in predictable ways with negligible overhead for doing so.
Keep in mind that 2D path rendered content is transformed by the
projective modelview-projection transform, just like other OpenGL
rendering primitives, so fragments generated with path rendering
have varying depth values that can be depth tested, fogged, etc.
Point sampling is prone to missing coverage but avoids indicating
coverage where no actual coverage exists.
This extension implicitly assumes that GPUs have some maximum
sample location precision while rasterizing. This is an artifact
of subpixel precision. This concept is built into OpenGL; see
the GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS implementation-dependent limit. Developers
should not expect any additional sampling precision beyond this
limit. To get beyond this limit, applications would be expected
to render at a larger framebuffer resolution and downsample to
the appropriate resolution or render in some tiled fashion.
If multisampling provides insufficient antialiasing, further
antialiasing is possible by rendering with multiple passes.
For example, applications can use accumulation buffer techniques
with sub-pixel jittered re-rendering of the entire scene
to improve the overall quality. This provides full-scene
Alternatively, a path object itself needing extra antialiasing,
perhaps because the application has determined the path object
maps to a small region of the framebuffer in window space, can
be rendered multiple times, each time with subpixel jittering.
By writing just into the non-visible alpha component of the
framebuffer, a coverage percentage at each color sample can
be accumulated. Then a final cover operation can blend this
coverage information into the visible RGB color channels.
Despite the multiple passes involved, this approach can still
be several times faster than CPU path rendering methods because
of the rendering rate possible through GPU acceleration.
59. How do the multisample fragment operations interact with path
RESOLVED: They are ignored for the "stencil" path rendering
operations (since only the stencil buffer is updated), and they
work as specified for the "cover" path rendering operation.
The coverage determination made during the "cover" path
rendering operation doesn't reflect the path itself but rather
the conservative coverage provide by the covering operation.
For this reason, the coverage mask is conservative, meaning
samples may be covered that don't actually belong to the filled
or stenciled region of the path being covered. And exactly how
conservative this coverage is depends on the implementation.
Still the coverage is available and can be used as specified in
section 4.1.3 ("Multisample Fragment Operations").
The GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE mode would be more useful if the stencil
testing was performed prior to the shading of the covered geometry
and the covered sample mask reflected any discards performed by
the stencil (or depth) tests.
The NV_explicit_multisample extension and its
ARB_texture_multisample functionality (standard with OpenGL 3.2)
provide explicit control of the multisample mask. This mask is
respected for path rendering.
60. Does creating multiple instances of path objects from the same
glyph in the same font face "waste memory"? What about copies
of objects created with glCopyPathNV?
RESOLVED: This is an implementation issue, but it is reasonable
to expect that copies of path objects created with glCopyPathNV
will share their outline data on a copy-on-write basis. This is
true even if a path object is copied and its path parameters
are modified (but not the path commands and coordinates).
It is also reasonable to expect that path objects created with
glPathGlyphsNV may use copies if there are replicated character
codes. While glPathGlyphRangeNV isn't subject to replicated
character codes, if two or more character codes share the same
glyph, it would be reasonable to expect the implementation might
share the outline data.
It's always possible to use glPathSubCommandsNV or
glPathSubCoordsNV to modify the path commands and/or coordinate
data so then sharing will have to be broken.
61. Why does glPathGlyphsNV (and hence glPathGlyphRangeNV as well)
not disturb path objects that already exist in the range of path
objects to be created?
RESOLVED: This facilitates a strategy for supporting multiple
font names specified in preferential order.
An application can do something like:
GLint firstPathName = glGenPathsNV(256);
const GLfloat emScale = 2048;
glPathGlyphRangeNV(firstPathName, GL_SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV,
"Helvetica", GL_NONE, 0, 256, emScale);
glPathGlyphRangeNV(firstPathName, GL_SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV,
"Arial", GL_NONE, 0, 256, emScale);
glPathGlyphRangeNV(firstPathName, GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV,
"Sans", GL_NONE, 0, 256, emScale);
This ensures that path object names /firstPathName/ through
/firstPathName/+255 will be loaded with the glyphs from Helvetica,
Arial, or the guaranteed-present Sans font face, in that order
of preference.
This is consistent with the CSS font-family property used in
web standards, including SVG.
62. Why are the angles for the arc path commands specified with
degrees (instead of radians)?
RESOLVED: Using degrees is consistent with OpenGL's existing
glRotatef, glRotated, and gluPerspective commands.
Using degrees for angles is also consistent with the conventions
of the PostScript, SVG, and OpenVG commands upon which the arc
path commands are based.
Using degrees (90 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees) also allows
important angles be represented exactly with integer values.
This is relevant for compact coordinate formats and paths defined
by strings.
63. Should UTF-8 and UTF-16 be supported for arrays of path names?
64. What order should the arguments be listed when a array of
path objects with typed elements and a base are specified?
1) sizei count,
2) enum pathNameType,
3) const void *paths,
4) uint pathBase
The standard OpenGL parameter pattern is count/type/array.
Examples of this are glDrawElements and glCallLists.
(More generally the pattern is count/format/type/array.)
Having the pathBase parameter last matches the precedent set by.
glDrawElementsBaseVertex where the base vertex value follows
the list of element indices. Hence the pattern
The basevertex parameter to glDrawElementsBaseVertex is typed
GLint; the pathBase parameter is typed GLuint. GLuint makes
sense to avoid useless signed/unsigned mismatch warnings from
C compilers when most values passed to pathBase parameters are
likely to be from GLuint variables. When GLuint and GLint are
both 32-bit data types, the choice is not consequential.
Commands that use this order are glStencilFillPathInstancedNV,
glStencilStrokePathInstancedNV, glCoverFillPathInstancedNV,
glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV, glGetPathMetricsNV, and
65. What order should the arguments be listed when a range of
path objects is specified?
1) uint firstPath,
2) sizei count
The glDeletePathsNV command and GetPathMetricRangeNV query use
this order.
glDeleteLists uses this same order.
66. Where does the UTF-8 and UTF-16 specification language come from?
See the RFC "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646":
See the RFC "UTF-16, an encoding of ISO 10646":
The intent of the specification language is to match these RFCs.
67. How does the GL_BOUNDING_BOX_OF_BOUNDING_BOXES_NV cover mode
work for glCoverFillPathInstancedNV and glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV?
RESOLVED: The command computes the bounding box of all the
path's bounding boxes. (This can be too conservative for an
arbitrarily arranged collection of path objects but works well
enough for glyphs in line of text.)
This bounding box has a consistent counterclockwise winding
order no matter what path objects are listed. This property
is a combination of how glRectf works and how the parameters to
glRectf are computed.
The object-space z (depth) is always zero. (This behavior is
a consequence of the primitive being emitted by glRectf.) The
matrix elements in the Z row (if such a row exists) of the
transforms specified for glCoverFillPathInstancedNV and
glCoverStrokePathInstancedNV is ignored.
Programmers are cautioned that this could result in the
covering geometry being view-frustum culled if the programmer
is not careful when using 3D transformTypes (GL_TRANSLATE_3D_NV,
this mishap, consider something such as the following:
This essentially forces the clip-space Z to be zero which will
never be clipped by the near or far view-frustum clip planes.
If depth testing is desired, perform the depth testing during the
"stenciling" step so that depth testing is unnecessary during the
"covering" step done by the glCoverFillPathInstancedNV command.
68. What happens when the radius of a circular arc command is
UNRESOLVED: The intent is to match the behavior of the PostScript
circular arc commands (arc, arcn, arct). Unfortunately the
PostScript specification is not entirely clear about how negative
radius is handled.
Table 5.arcParameterSpecialization has absolute values (abs)
computed for the rv and rh columns.
However, the points A and B (used for arc and arcn) are computed
with c[2] directly (without an absolute value).
This computation looks consistent with Ghostscript's behavior
for arct:
dist = abs(c[4] * num/denom)
l0 = dist/sqrt(dot(d0,d0)) * c[4]/abs(c[4])
l2 = dist/sqrt(dot(d2,d2)) * c[4]/abs(c[4])
Could this simply be:
dist = c[4] * num/denom
l0 = dist/sqrt(dot(d0,d0))
l2 = dist/sqrt(dot(d2,d2))
This really needs testing and comparison with a PostScript
implementation to make sure the specified equations really match
PostScript's implemented behavior.
69. What happens when the two angles (c[2] and c[3]) for a circular
arc command (GL_CIRCULAR_CCW_ARC_TO_NV or
GL_CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV) create 1 or more full revolutions?
UNRESOLVED: The intent is to match the behavior of the PostScript
circular arc commands (arc and arcn).
PostScript specifies that "If angle2 is less than angle1, it is
increased by multiples of 360 [degrees] until it becomes greater
than or equal to angle1. No other adjustments are made to the
two angles. In particular, if the difference angle2-angle1
exceeds 360 [degrees], the resulting path will trace portions
of the circle more than once."
The current equations based on an end-point partial elliptical arc
parameterization achieve this. Extra parametric behavior would be
necessary to trace a circle multiple times. The current equations
in Table 5.pathEquations do not capture this (but should).
This needs to be thought through carefully to make sure stroking,
particularly when dashed, is handled correctly.
70. PostScript generates a limitcheck error when numbers are
encountered that exceed the implementation limit for real numbers.
Should the PostScript grammar treat such situations as a parsing
RESOLVED: No, it's not a parsing error, but the results in
such a situation are likely to be undefined.
This paragraph in Section 5.X.1 ("Path Specification") applies
which begins "If a value specified for a coordinate (however
the coordinate is specified) or a value computed from these
coordinates (as specified in the discussion that follows)
exceeds the implementation's maximum representable value for a
single-precision floating-point number, ..."
The PostScript's notion of a limitcheck error doesn't nicely
correspond to a parsing error. And PostScript's notion of "the
implementation limit for real numbers" (likely double precision)
might not correspond to the GL's notion of floating-point
(typically single precision).
The PostScript notion of a limitcheck on numeric range is
particularly hard to enforce with relative commands where the
limitcheck might not occur until all the relative offsets are
applied, something which isn't really part of parsing.
What an actual implementation does may vary but a likely
implementation approach is generate an IEEE infinity value when
single-precision floating-point range is exceeded. This will
generate undefined rendering behavior.
SVG doesn't offer guidance in its specification when coordinate
values exceed the representable range of floating-point.
Presumably such range overflows result in implementation-dependent
undefined rendering behavior too.
71. What happens when the radius of a OpenVG-style partial elliptical
arc commands is negative?
RESOLVED: The absolute value of the radius is used for
the OpenVG-style arc commands GL_SMALL_CCW_ARC_TO_NV,
Table 5.arcParameterSpecialization specifies an absolute value
(abs) in the rh and rv entries of all these commands.
The OpenVG specification is clear on this point in section 8.4
("Elliptical Arcs") saying "Negative values of [radii] rh and
rv are replaced with their absolute values."
72. What should happen for a stroked subpath that is zero length?
UNRESOLVED: Not sure yet.
SVG gives this advice:
Probably need to check what other path renders, particularly
PostScript do in this situation. Requires testing actual
implementations because the specifications are not clear.
73. Why have the GL_PATH_CLIENT_LENGTH_NV path parameter?
RESOLVED: This supports SVG's pathLength attribute used to
calibrate distance-along-a-path computations.
This applies to dashing a stroked segment, but does NOT
apply to the lengths returned by the glGetPathLengthNV and
glPointAlongPathNV queries.
The client length just applies to dashing because having a
client length that is different from the GL's computed length
for a path may greatly affect the dashing pattern. The client
knows the path's client length, but the GL doesn't unless the
client state is available to the GL when dashing a stroked path.
It's better to have the client send the client path length
unconditionally than require the client to query the GL's computed
path length ahead of any sending of a rescaled version of the
dash offset or dash array.
For the queries, presumably the client can perform the necessary
scaling by the client length itself if that's desirable.
74. Should there be a query for GL_PATH_END_CAPS_NV and
RESOLVED: No. You have to query GL_PATH_INTIAL_END_CAP_NV or
GL_PATH_TERMINAL_END_CAP_NV for the each respective end cap; or
for each respective dash cap.
for most path rendering systems that have identical initial
and terminal end and dash caps, but are NOT supported by
glGetPathParameteriv or glGetPathParameterfv.
75. What should the path format tokens for SVG and PostScript tokens
be named?
RESOLVED: Use the abbreviated names SVG and PS respectively:
are shorter and avoid putting an Adobe trademark in a token name.
Future extensions might want to add version numbers to these
abbreviated names (another reason to stick with short abbreviated
76. In what content (GL client or GL server) are font file names
and system font names interpreted?
font targets map their respective font names to a font within
the GL server. The GL_FILE_NAME_NV font target does the file
reading in the GL client; for GLX, there needs to be GLX protocol
to transfer glyphs including their kerning and metric data to
the GL server.
77. How can the glPathSubCommandsNV command be used to append to
the end of an existing path object?
RESOLVED: If you set the /commandStart/ parameter to
glPathSubCommandsNV to be sufficiently large (greater or equal
to the number of path commands in the path object suffices),
that works to append commands.
78. Does depth offset (a.k.a. polygon offset) work when using the
"stencil" and "cover" path operations?
RESOLVED: Yes with caveats.
The "stencil" path operations use the
glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV. There is no specific enable; instead
set the scale and units to zero if no depth offset is desired.
The "cover" path operations use the polygon depth offset state if
the GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL enable is enabled, using the polygon
offset factor and units specified for glPolygonOffset. This is
because the "cover" operation (unlike the stencil operation)
does rasterize a polygon primitive.
Depth offset is useful when a path rendered decal is applied
on depth tested 3D geometry and the path rendered geometry has
to be biased forward (negative bias) by polygon offset to avoid
depth ambiguities. See issue #120 for details.
This is also useful when putting path rendered primitives into
shadow maps with a positive depth bias to avoid shadow acne
There is NOT a guarantee that the depth offset computed for a
"stencil" operation will exactly match the depth offset for a
"cover" operation given identical path object and transformations.
The two offsets will be close but not generally exact for all
generated samples.
79. Can fragment shaders access the facingness state during a cover
RESOLVED: Yes, the gl_FrontFacing special variable in GLSL
is available. So is the fragment.facing fragment attribute
binding in NV_fragment_program2 and subsequent NVIDIA shader
assembly extensions.
In cases where the path rendered primitive is "very edge" on the
facingness fragment state may be ambiguous in extreme situations.
80. When are various computed path parameters re-computed?
RESOLVED: If the computed parameter parameters
PATH_STROKE_BOUNDING_BOX_NV) are queried, the values returned
always reflect the most up-to-date state of the path object.
This also includes when path object parameters are used in
contexts such as instanced "cover" operations.
81. Should projective 2D path coordinates be supported?
RESOLVED: No. Major path rendering standards don't support
projective 2D path coordinates.
Moreover, projective 2D path coordinates create technical
problems because the projective transformation of projective
2D path coordinates for cubic Bezier curves do not necessarily
retain their topology (serpentine, cusp, or loop).
82. Should a non-dashed stroked path's coverage be the same
independent of how its control points are specified?
RESOLVED: Yes, this is a symmetry rule mandated by the OpenXML
Paper Specification. This applies to lines and Bezier curves.
So a cubic Bezier curve defined by control points cp0, cp1, cp2,
and cp3 should generate the same stroked coverage (assuming the
same stroke parameters and requiring the dash array count to be
zero) as a cubic Bezier curve with control points cp3, cp2, cp1,
and cp0 (so the reversed control point order).
XXX Unresolved if it applies to arcs.
83. Should character aliases used to specify path commands be returned
as their character alias values or remapped to the actual token
name of the command?
RESOLVED: Remapped. Any path commands specified with a
character alias value (from Table 5.pathCommands) is returned
as the command's token value instead.
This avoids applications calling glGetPathCommandsNV from having
bugs where they handle token names but not character aliases.
This also makes it simpler to say "identical" when saying command
sequences must match for glWeightPathsNV. Character aliases
remapped to command token values makes it unambiguous that
GL_LINE_TO and 'L" are the identical command.
84. Is there a way to use this extension to trade-off rendering performance
for more effective samples per pixel to improve coverage quality?
This code demonstrates how multiple passes could accumulate
coverage information in the alpha channel of the framebuffer and
then a final cover pass could blend the incoming color with the
accumulated coverage from the framebuffer's alpha channel.
// assume stencil is cleared to zero and framebuffer alpha is clear to zero
const int coveragePassesToAccumulate = 4;
glStencilFunc(GL_NOT_EQUAL, 0x80, 0x7F);
glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); // tricky: zero 0x7F mask stencil on covers, but set 0x80
glColorMask(0,0,0,1); // just update alpha
// M STENCIL+COVER PASSES to accumulate jittered path coverage into framebuffer's alpha channel
glStencilFillPathNV(path, GL_COUNT_UP_NV, 0x7F);
glCoverFillPathNV(path, GL_PATH_FILL_COVER_MODE_NV);
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); // sum up alpha
glColor4f(0,0,0, 1.0/coveragePassesToAccumulate );
static const GLfloat jitters[4][2] = {
{0,0}, /* various small subpixel jitter X & Y values */
for (i=1; i<coveragePassesToAccumulate ; i++) {
glMatrixPushEXT(GL_MODELVIEW); {
glMatrixTranslatef(GL_MODELVIEW, jitters[i][0], jitters[i][1], 0);
glStencilFillPathNV(path, GL_COUNT_UP_NV, 0x7F);
glCoverFillPathNV(path, GL_PATH_FILL_COVER_MODE_NV);
// FINAL COVER PASS uses accumulated coverage stashed in destination alpha
// modulate RGB with destination alpha and then zero destination alpha
glColor4f(red, green, blue, dontcare); // some color
glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 0x80, 0xFF); // update any sample touched in earlier passes
glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_ZERO); // now set stencil back to zero (clearing 0x80)
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "\0\0\0\0", // tricky: draw path objects path+0,path+0,path+0,path+0
path, // this is that path object that is added to zero four times
Assuming N passes and M samples per pixel, this approach
accumulates coverage for N*M+1 grayscale levels doing N stencil
operations and N+1 cover operations.
85. Why do the commands glGenPathsNV and glDeletePathsNV allocate
contiguous ranges of path objects instead of returning an array of
(possibly scattered) names and deleting an array of names?
RESOLVED: The expectation that path objects will be arranged
as characters mapping to glyphs warrants adopting the object
model of display lists.
glPathGlyphRangeNV, the instanced commands, and the metric and
kerning queries all rely on this assumption.
86. What do the stencil and cover commands do if the specified path
name does not refer to an existing path object?
RESOLVED: Do nothing (and generate no error).
This is useful to avoid rendering unpopulated path objects.
This "do nothing" behavior also applies to the instanced
stencil and cover routines that are expressed in terms of
glStencilFillPathNV, glStencilStrokePathNV, glCoverFillPathNV,
and glCoverStrokePathNV.
Applications that want some "glyph is missing" for non-existent
path objects can use glCopyPathNV to copy some existing path
object's "glyph is missing" outline to non-existent paths.
Alternatively, glPathGlyphRangeNV (or glPathGlyphsNV) can be used
with the GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME of "Missing" to populate a range
(or sequence) of path objects with a standard missing glyph
(typically a rectangle). (See issue #89.)
Queries (glGetPathParameteriv, etc.) allowing only a single path
object to be specified, generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error
if the path name does not exist.
glWeightPaths, glInterpolatePathsNV, and glCopyPathNV generate
a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error if any of the named source paths
do not exist.
Path commands that modify the commands, coordinates, or parameters
of existing path objects (as opposed to specifying a path object
completely) generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error if the path
name does not exist.
87. What of this extension's per-context state should apply to
glPushAttrib and glPopAttrib?
RESOLVED: Apply the existing conventions; see new table 6.X,
"Path (state per context)".
The path fog generation mode applies to GL_FOG_BIT.
The path color generation mode and coefficients apply to
The path texture coordinate set generation modes and coefficients
apply to GL_TEXTURE_BIT.
The path error position is not pushed or popped, following the
convention of the ARB_vertex_program extension.
88. How should the numCoords parameter to the various path
specification commands work?
RESOLVED: When there is also a /numCoords/ parameter,
the GL_INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the number of
coordinates is not equal to the number of coordinates needed by
the command's specified path command sequence. This provides
a sanity check.
For the glPathSubCoordsNV command, there's no requirement that
the range of coordinates "match up" with path command boundaries
for coordinates.
Some consideration was given to specifically treating a value of
zero for /numCoords/ by allowing the number of coordinates to
be based on the command's corresponding path command sequence.
This would allow an application to bypass the sanity check if
the application didn't exactly know how many coordinates a path
command sequence required. This was rejected because it is likely
error-prone and it means when such commands are compiled into
a display list or packed into GLX protocol, the path command
sequence would then have the be scanned. This would make the
GL client unnecessarily knowledgeable about the supported path
commands. So for both "safety" and implementation reasons,
the /numCoords/ value of zero is not specially interpreted;
it means that the path command sequence really is expected to
require zero coordinates (not generally the case except for the
GL_CLOSE_PATH_NV command).
89. How can an application guarantee that every glyph in a range
of Unicode character codes has /some/ default outline defined?
RESOLVED: The "Missing" name with the GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV
target populates the entire sequence or range of path objects
with a default outlines.
const int allOfUnicode = 1<<21; // Entire 21-bit Unicode range!
const GLfloat emScale = 2048;
GLuint glyphBase = glGenPathsNV(allOfUnicode);
0, allOfUnicode, emScale);
90. Does the "Missing" font name used for GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV
skip or avoid character codes that Unicode designates as white
space, line terminators, etc.
RESOLVED: The "Missing" font name populates these with a path
object with the missing outline (a box) and corresponding metrics
for such spacing characters and all other characters.
The assumption is that Unicode fonts will populate various
blank space, line and paragraph terminators, and other blank
or ignorable character points with appropriate null outlines
and zero-width metrics. Because glPathGlyphRangeNV and
glPathGlyphsNV don't re-specify existing path objects, these
will be left along if the "Missing" standard font is the last
font used to specify a given range of path objects. All white
space and separator character codes less than 256 (the Latin-1)
range will be populated by the "Serif", "Sans", and "Mono"
standard fonts if specified because these guarantee the Latin-1
range is populated. These are specifically U+0009..000D, U+0020,
U+0085, 0x00A0 but also other blank or ignorable character points
such as control characters.
For more information:
91. What is the /emScale/ parameter to glPathGlyphRangeNV and
glPathGlyphsNV for and how should it be used?
RESOLVED: /emScale/ exists to ensure multiple fonts, potentially
with distinct font unit scales, can be scaled to a consistent
Typically TrueType fonts are authored for 2048 font units per
Em while Type1 fonts have been historically authored to 1000
font units per Em.
Typically a good value for /emScale/ is 2048 to match the
convention of TrueType. This avoid TrueType font metrics from
being rescaled.
Setting /emScale/ to zero allows the native font units per Em
to be used. Be careful because outlines of path objects for
glyphs from fonts with different font units per Em will have
different scales.
92. Should glWeightPathsNV work for a single path object?
RESOLVED: No, two or more paths are required to generate a
weighted path.
Use glCopyPathNV if copying a single path object is desired.
glCopyPathNV copies glyph metrics and kerning information and
allows arc commands while glWeightPathsNV does not.
While glInterpolatePathsNV can be expressed in terms of
glWeightPathsNV, glCopyPathNV cannot.
94. What should the initial join style of a path object be?
RESOLVED: GL_MITER_REVERT_NV. This is consistent with the join
style used by SVG, PostScript, PDF, and Cairo.
Note that Flash, XPS, and Qt use GL_MITER_TRUNCATE_NV instead.
Arguably GL_MITER_TRUNCATE_NV is a "nicer" join style because
the miter does not "pop" from miter to bevel when the miter limit
is exceeded; instead when the miter limit is approached and then
exceeded, the miter stops growing further and simply loses its
sharp tip.
95. What type of triangle should the GL_TRIANGULAR cap be?
RESOLVED: A right triangle.
This is consistent with the XPS specification. Other standards
don't support triangular caps.
96. Can NV_path_rendering be implemented without *any* dependencies
on system specific fonts?
Say a platform had poor or unstable interfaces for accessing
system specific fonts (e.g. Linux). In the case of Linux,
resolution-independent fonts are typically accessed through a
combination of freetype2 and fontconfig.
One or both of these standards may be missing from the platform
or be unreliable or misconfigured.
In such a case, NV_path_rendering could be implemented so
that the GL_SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV usage for glPathGlyphsNV and
glPathGlyphRangeNV would never populate path object names with
However the GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV usage would still be
guaranteed. The GL_STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV usage by providing
the required set of pre-compiled font outlines built-in into the
driver directly (using IP unencumbered font outlines such as
the DejaVu fonts).
This design means that applications that use the approach
(copied from the Overview) will work:
0, numChars, emScale);
0, numChars, emScale);
0, numChars, emScale);
In this case, the two initial glPathGlyphRangeNV calls
will fail to populate the range of path objects from
[glyphBase,glyphBase+numChars-1] but the third call will populate
the range.
This allows NV_path_rendering to be implemented with ZERO
dependencies on the system to provide glyphs from system fonts while
applications can still utilize fonts in their path rendering.
While this is an allowed implementation approach, actual
implementations should make reasonable efforts to provide access
to system fonts if possible.
96. What is GL_DASH_OFFSET_RESET_NV for?
RESOLVED: OpenVG supports the concept of a "dash phase reset"
(see VG_DASH_PHASE_RESET) that controls whether or not the dash
pattern (with its offset) resets at "move to" command boundaries
within a path's command sequence.
Rather than use a boolean value (as OpenVG does), the
GL_DASH_OFFSET_RESET_NV path parameter takes an enumeration
to be more explicit about how the dash offset reset parameter
affects the dash pattern.
Technically, what this specification calls the "dash offset"
is what OpenVG calls its "dash phase". This specification
uses "dash phase" to mean what OpenVG calls "dash phase reset"
because the word "reset" is built into the GL token values.
When there is a dash phase reset, the dash offset is set to the
value of the path's GL_DASH_OFFSET_NV parameter (consistent with
97. What APIs say "dash offset" and what APIs say "dash phase" and
why does this extension use "dash offset"?
RESOLVED: PostScript, PDF, Cairo, Qt, XPS, SVG, and Silverlight
use the "dash offset" for the offset to the dash pattern, same
as this extension.
OpenVG, Quartz 2D, Java 2D, Illustrator, and Skia use the term
"dash phase" for the identical functionality.
OFFSET makes more sense in the OpenGL context because lots of
OpenGL tokens already use OFFSET in their token names. Core
OpenGL 4.0 has 16 such tokens already.
98. What is the motivation for glTransformPathNV?
RESOLVED: Sometimes a path should be stroked with a stroke width
that is constant in a particular space (such as window space).
Once example of this is SVG 1.2 Tiny's "non-scaling stroke"
property. The stroke width is supposed to be maintained after
transformation into pixel space.
This could be implemented with this extension by transforming
the path object into the appropriate space so that the user-space
stroke width will match the transformed space.
99. Should the specification say more about how arcs are transformed?
UNRESOLVED: Certainly yes, but I'm not sure exactly how to
specify how arcs are transformed with a suitable level of
I'm not clear if partial elliptical arcs can be subjected to
projective transformations and remain partial elliptical arcs.
I believe they can.
How is glTransformPathNV different from OpenVG's vgTransformPath?
RESOLVED: The two commands are similar.
The OpenVG 1.1 version always converts vertical and horizontal line commands to generic line to commands where as glTransformPathNV does that only if the resulting transformed line segment is no longer either vertical or horizontal in the new coordinate system. This allows cases such as 90 degree rotations or scaling without rotation to preserve the compactness of vertical and horizontal line segments.
In OpenVG 1.1, the VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE matrix used by vgTransformPath is a 3x3 projective matrix where as glTransformPathNV supports up to 4x4 projective matrices. Note that the z component of any transformed coordinate is effectively discarded by glTransformPathNV so the z row and column is not consequential to the resulting transformed path. The rationale for this is to allow the same 4x4 transform matrix array used by 3D to be used by glTransformPathNV.
In OpenVG 1.1, the matrix is implicitly supplied by the VG_MATRIX_PATH_UER_TO_SURFACE matrix whereas in glTransformPathNV, the matrix is explicitly specified.
XXX Perhaps there should be a special mode that uses the modelview-projection-viewport transform implicitly?
Can you provide an example of non-scaling strokes implemented with glTransformPathNV?
UNRESOLVED: To be written.
What happens if a command that creates a path from existing path objects has the result path name as one of the inputs?
RESOLVED: This is expected to just work. The new path object is created from the existing ones, then the new path object replaces any path object with the resulting path object name.
Should glTransformPathNV support projective transformations?
RESOLVED: No, such projective transformations could result in path commands transitioning from non-rational to rational boundaries.
If points on the path boundary are generated by non-rational boundaries, the resulting transformation, assuming a non-projective transformation, also results in non-rational boundaries.
Should there be a distinct stencil function state for path stenciling?
RESOLVED: YES. glPathStencilFunc sets the state. How the stencil state needs to be configured for path covering is different than how the stencil function is configured typically for path stenciling.
For example, stencil covering might use glStencilFunc(GL_NOT_EQUAL,0,~0) while path stenciling would use GL_ALWAYS for the path stenciling stencil test.
However there are other situations such as path clipping where it is useful to have the path stencil function configured differently such as glPathStencilFunc(GL_NOT_EQUAL, 0x00, 0x80) or other similar path clipping test.
Is there back- and front-facing path stencil function state?
RESOLVED: NO. There is a single stencil function, reference value, and read mask. The path stenciling operation doesn't have a sense of front- and back-facing.
Does the path stencil function state apply always or only if stencil testing is enabled?
RESOLVED: Always. If you want to avoid discarding samples from this test, use the GL_ALWAYS path stencil function (which is the initial context state).
Does the glPathStencilFuncNV state affect the operation of the stencil test during path cover operations?
RESOLVED: NO, the path stencil state updated by glPathStencilFuncNV only affects the path stencil (not cover) operations.
For the path cover operations, the normal stencil test applies. For the stencil test to apply to path cover operations, the stencil test (GL_STENCIL_TEST) must be enabled.
Should path objects be shared among rendering contexts in the same manner as display lists and texture objects?
See the "Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications" section.
Because path objects are not "bound" there are stricter serialization requirements than for "bindable" objects such as programs and textures.
Due to NVIDIA driver bug 1315267, path objects were not actually shared among contexts prior to Driver release 320.xx (July 2013).
Should the kerning separations be 2D offsets or 1D horizontal translations?
UNRESOLVED: The specification is currently written for 1D horizontal translations.
TrueType fonts appears to provide 1D horizontal translations for kerning.
However a PostScript font can contain 2D offsets for kerning.
Are 2D offsets really used? 2D offsets seem like an unnecessary complication when they are unlikely to be common.
XXX Need to study this situation further.
If 99.99% of fonts never use 2D offsets, it is annoying to have them for the ultra minority that might. Not sure what the real situation is…
Perhaps we could provide tokens to query either 1D horizontal translations or the more general 2D offsets. But how would an application know whether a font actually specified 2D offsets or not??
What is the initial miter limit of a path object?
RESOLVED: 4 to match the SVG specification. See:
There is a lot of variability in initial miter limit values among path rendering APIs. The SVG initial miter limit is chosen because SVG is an open, web-based standard.
For Cairo, the initial miter limit is 10.
For Direct2D, the initial miter limit is 10.
For Flash, the initial miter limit is 3.
For PostScript, the initial miter limit is 10.
For Qt, the initial miter limit is 2 units of the stroke width.
For Skia, the initial miter limit is 4.
Should initial path object state such as miter limit, stroke width, etc. be determined by "latching" per-context initial value state for these parameters?
Possibly. That would make it easier for a particular path rendering API's conventions initial conventions be consistently used to initialize path object parameters.
Should glPathFogGenNV's GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH mode provide a perspective-divided value?
RESOLVED: No, -ze is provided rather than -ze/we.
Providing -ze/we would not interpolate properly over the path. Typically the modelview matrix used to compute ze is affine so we will be 1.0 in such cases and the lack of division won't matter.
If the modelview matrix is projective, the application can choose to interpolate we as a texture coordinate with glPathTexGenNV's GL_EYE_LINEAR mode and perform the division -ze/we during fragment coloring.
How should path color and texture coordinate generation be disabled?
RESOLVED: For color:
glPathColorGenNV(colorFormat, GL_NONE, GL_NONE/colorFormat/, NULL);
For texture coordinate generation:
glPathTexGenNV(GL_TEXTURE_0+i, GL_NONE, 0/components/, NULL);
The coeffs array could be an arbitrary pointer because it will only be dereferenced if the genMode is GL_NONE, but NULL is a suitable value to document this fact.
Querying the respective coefficients after path color or texture coordinate disabling commands above should return 16 zeros.
How should path color and texture coordinate generation interact with the GL_BOUNDING_BOX_OF_BOUNDING_BOXES_NV instanced cover mode?
RESOLVED: The effective bounding box is the union of all the instanced bounding boxes.
This is useful for something such as a line of text rendered as sequence of glyph path objects where the line of text should share a common gradient tied to the bounding box of the line of text.
How do I ignore kerning when using glGetPathSpacingNV?
RESOLVED: Pass in 0.0 for the kerningScale parameter.
How do I query the raw kerning parameters?
RESOLVED: Pass in 0.0 for the advanceScale parameter and 1.0 for the kerningScale parameter.
Do I need to use GL_TRANSLATE_2D_NV when getting spacing information from glGetPathSpacingNV?
RESOLVED: Typically GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV is fine.
Typically most kerned fonts (particularly TrueType fonts) using kerning offsets that are horizontal only. PostScript technically allows 2D (x,y) kerning offsets and FreeType 2's FT_Get_Kerning API also returns 2D kerning vectors.
To support 2D kerning vectors, glGetPathSpacingNV accepts GL_TRANSLATE_2D_NV as well as GL_TRANSLATE_X_NV.
For most fonts, the Y offset can be expected to be zero.
Why have the /pathParameterTemplate/ parameter to glPathGlyphRangeNV and glPathGlyphsNV?
RESOLVED: Path object specified from glyphs often need parameters specified on a per-font basis that are distinct from the initial path object parameters in table 6.Y.
Rather than force an application to respecify the path parameters of all the path objects in a range of path objects for glyphs, it is more efficient for such glyph-initialized path objects to simply use parameters from another existing path object as a template.
For example, the default stroke width of 1.0 might need to be respecified for every path object corresponding to a range of glyphs for rendering stroked glyphs. If the emScale for a glyph is 2048 (typical of TrueType fonts), then 1.0 is too thin to be a discernable stroke width. A value such as 10% of the Em scale (so 10% of 2048 would be 20.48) is likely to be a more useful value.
Similarly, GL_ROUND_NV or GL_BEVEL_NV are better join styles for stroking glyphs than the standard join style initial value GL_MITER_REVERT_NV.
A shared dash pattern for all path objects belonging to a single set of glyphs is much easier to specify from a template path object.
Are system font names and file names for fonts case-sensitive?
RESOLVED: Standard font names (such as "Mono" and "Missing" are case-sensitive). System font name names and file names for fonts should match the system's policy for case-sensitivity of font names and file names respectively.
Linux and other Unix-like operating systems have case-sensitive file names. Windows has case-insensitive file names. Windows and FontConfig-based systems have case-insensitive system font names.
Why have PathStencilDepthOffsetNV and PathCoverDepthFuncNV?
RESOLVED: These functions minimize the state changes needed to depth test path rendering consisting of several co-planar path layers (as is typical of path rendering content) against conventional depth-tested 3D rendering.
To properly depth test path rendering against conventional 3D rendering and other path rendering, particularly when a set of paths layer upon themselves, it is necessary to pull forward slightly the depth values generated during the stenciling step. This avoids Z-fighting when drawing path rendered layers that are logically co-planar. However when covering pixels (assuming the stencil test passed during covering), we unconditionally write un-offset depth values.
To depth-test path rendered content in this manner, follow the following pattern:
Perform the following initialization:
// Conventional initialization for depth testing and using path rendering glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_NOT_EQUAL, 0, 0xFF); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_ZERO); // The additional calls for depth testing of path-rendering... glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV(-0.05, -1); // push stenciled path depth values slightly closer glPathCoverDepthFuncNV(GL_ALWAYS);
Clear the framebuffer, including the depth buffer:
For each rendered path object…
0) Make sure stencil testing is enabled (in case it was disabled to draw prior conventional 3D objects). glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); 1) Stencil step: glStencilFillPathNV(pathObj, GL_COUNT_UP_NV, 0xFF); 2) Cover step: glCoverFillPathNV(pathObj, GL_COUNT_UP_NV, 0xFF);
For conventional 3D objects…
0) Make sure stencil testing is disabled (in case it was enabled to draw prior path rendered objects). glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); 1) Draw normally: draw_3d_object_normally();
With this pattern, conventional and path rendered objects can be rendered in arbitrary order.
The above pattern shows path filling, but path stroking works the same.
Notice only the initialization calls to glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV and glPathCoverDepthFuncNV are actually "different" than conventional 3D or path rendering.
One potential disadvantage of this approach is that other objects with nearly identical depth values to the depth values of the path rendering content may be judged to pass the depth test when technically the other object's depth values are slightly closer. This is because the path stencil depth offset is pushing path rendering depth values slightly closer. While this is possible, this occurs in situations where the proper occlusion was nearly ambiguous because the depth values between the other object and the path rendering are so close.
What if the disadvantage of depth values having to be offset closer is deemed unacceptable (this will be rare).
RESOLVED: If 100% exact depth occlusion is crucial to the application, this can be achieved at some cost be stenciling a planar conservative bounding region for the path object into the stencil buffer, depth testing the rendering of this plane. This depth-tested plane region should not perform color writes but should set the most-significant bit of the stencil buffer (for an 8-bit stencil buffer, done with GL_REPLACE of 128). Then path rendering, with depth testing DISABLED, can use the glPathStencilFunc to discard stencil values without the most-significant bit set. Finally the plane region must be redrawn again to clear any stencil values left with the most-significant bit set. This approach essentially uses the depth plane region as a depth-tested proxy for the proper depth values for the path rendering.
How should the path stencil depth offset be described?
RESOLVED: The function is named glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV and the query tokens are GL_PATH_STENCIL_DEPTH_OFFSET_FACTOR and GL_PATH_DEPTH_OFFSET_UNITS.
Note that "polygon offset" does not appear in the name. Polygon offset isn't appropriate in the context of path rendering because paths aren't technically polygon primitives. The term "depth offset" is the actual name of the functionality that offsets depth values of polygons (the name of section 3.6.4 specifying glPolygonOffset is actually titled "Depth Offset").
There's no perfect attribute category of state for path stencil depth offset factor and units to belong so the "polygon" category just like the polygon offset state.
Does glPointAlongPathNV have anything to do with the path's dashing state?
The arc length computation necessary for glPointAlongPathNV computes the arc length along the path (really a subpath) but ignores any gaps created by the dash pattern.
Knowing the dash count, pattern, offset, and reset state, you could adjust the distance passed to glPointAlongPathNV to account for dashing gaps, but this is something the application must do.
Should PostScript user path parser enforce the same error conditions as PostScript?
Section 4.6.1 (User Path Construction) in the PostScript Language Reference Manual explains user paths.
The section includes some restrictions. The "ucache" operator is optional but must be the first operator in a user path. The "setbbox" operator is required. The next operator must be an "absolute positioning operator (moveto, arc, or arcn)."
The grammar in 5.X.1.2.2 (PostScript Path Grammar) does not enforce these restrictions. In particular, the operators can appear in any order and none are required.
The rationale for this relaxed behavior is: 1) to make the parser easier to specify, 2) make the specification of a path object through a PostScript path grammar more consistent with specifying a path using glPathCommandsNV, and 3) not require specification of a user path bounding box that isn't relevant in the context of OpenGL rendering.
If a path command is used without a prior absolute positioning command, the initial position is assumed to be (0,0). So a string such as "40 50 lineto" would draw a line from (0,0) to (40,50).
The ISO PDF 32000 standard has additional path construction operators for rectangles and cubic Bezier curves with duplicated first or last control points. Should this extension have first-class path commands for these operators?
RESOLVED: Yes. These PDF operators correspond to the path commands GL_DUP_FIRST_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV, GL_DUP_LAST_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV, and GL_RECT_NV, corresponding to the operators "v", "y", and "r" respectively.
See Table 59 (Path Construction Operators) in the PDF 32000-1:2008 specification (page 133). See:
http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf [[ free version ]] http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_ics/catalogue_detail_ics.htm?csnumber=51502
These additional operators make path specification and storage more compact, help editing, and better semantically match the important PDF standard. PDF supports just absolute versions of these commands so relative versions are NOT provided.
The "m", "l'", "c", and "h" operators correspond to GL_MOVE_TO_NV, GL_LINE_TO_NV, GL_CUBIC_CURVE_TO_NV, and GL_CLOSE_PATH_NV respectively.
There is not a string grammar for glPathStringNV to encode PDF commands.
What is the GL_RESTART_PATH_NV path command for?
RESOLVED: It is useful to be able to concatenate path command sequences as if they are independent from each other. The GL_RESTART_PATH_NV provides a way to reset the state of path command processing back to its initial state when the first command of a path's command sequence is processed.
So you could use glPathSubCommandsNV to append a path sequence to an existing path object's sequence. By first appending a GL_RESTART_PATH_NV command, you make sure the result is consistent with drawing the path sequences independently.
Specifically, /sp/, /cp/ and /pep/ are re-initialized to (0,0) when a GL_RESTART_PATH_NV path command is encountered.
Additionally, this restart also has the effect of causing CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV to NOT draw an initial tangent line segment. So if you want to draw multiple independent circular arcs using the GL_CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV parameterization, you need a GL_RESTART_PATH_NV command just prior to each GL_CIRCULAR_TANGENT_ARC_TO_NV command. In this respect, GL_RESTART_PATH_NV is different from a GL_MOVE_TO_NV command to (0,0).
The GL_RESTART_PATH_NV does not by itself reset the dash offset, but if the path's GL_PATH_DASH_OFFSET_RESET_NV is set to GL_MOVE_TO_RESETS_NV, GL_RESTART_PATH_NV (as with any command that updates /sp/) will reset the dash offset.
«Bogus issue removed.»
How does the "stencil" and "cover" steps operate on a multisample framebuffer when the GL_MULTISAMPLE enabled is disabled?
RESOLVED: The "stencil" step respects the disabled GL_MULTISAMPLE enable and rendered aliased stencil coverage.
When MULTISAMPLE is disabled, "stencil" step coverage determinations are made at the pixel center. (This will result in an aliased appearance for the determined path coverage so stenciling and covering paths with GL_MULTISAMPLE disabled isn't recommended.)
All the (non-masked) stencil samples for the pixel are considered covered or not based on the pixel center's coverage determination. For example, if MULTISAMPLE is disabled for a multisample buffer and the pixel center is determined covered during glStencilFillPathNV or glStencilStrokePathNV (or instanced versions), all the samples are updated (INCR/DECR/INVERT for filling or REPLACE for stroking).
"non-masked" means that the glSampleMaskIndexedNV state applies.
The "cover" step also respects the disabled GL_MULTISAMPLE enable.
To maintain rendering invariances in order to guarantee conservative covering, both the "stencil" and "cover" step should be rendered with the same GL_MULTISAMPLE enable state.
What happens when a command or query takes a sequence of path object names and a named path object does not exist?
RESOLVED: The non-existent path is "skipped" in instanced commands such as glStencilFillPathInstancedNV (and the transform for the particular path name is skipped over). Notice the pseudo-code for these instanced path commands uses glIsPathNV to test if each path name exists.
Queries cannot simply ignore the invalid name as they return information. glGetPathSpacingNV treats the non-existent name as having zero space. glGetPathMetricRangeNV and GetPathMetricsNV return metric values of -1 for the metrics of non-existent path objects (as also occurs if the path object lacks metrics information).
No GL error is generated due to a non-existent path name.
(Early implementation prior to NVIDIA's OpenGL 4.3 implementation might crash or generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error. The behavior was a bug.)
Should glCallLists be extended to take the GL_UTF8_NV and GL_UTF16_NV date types?
RESOLVED: No. That might make sense in another extension since it would allow complex Unicode text to be rendered by glCallLists.
(An early version of this specification did call for supporting UTF sequences for glCallLists, but that behavior was never implemented and is now purged from the specification.)
Should glPathTexGenNV and glPathColorGenNV transform the plane equations for GL_EYE_LINEAR by the inverse transpose modelview matrix?
This matches the way glTexGenfv operates with GL_EYE_LINEAR texgen planes. This allows the eye plane equations to be specified in the current object-space.
(Early specifications, prior to revision 9, incorrectly failed to specify this transformation.)
Should new commands and queries be used to support generating GLSL fragment inputs?
RESOLVED: Add a new command to specify the path fragment input generation state but use the API introduced by the ARB_program_interface_query extension specification to query back the path fragment input generation state.
The new command is glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV. Given a GLSL program object and a GL_FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV resource location, this command provides the linear function state with which to generate the specified interpolated fragment input.
The new GL_FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV token names the path fragment input resource.
The new program resource properties GL_PATH_GEN_MODE_NV, GL_PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV, and GL_PATH_GEN_COMPONENTS_NV name the path fragment input generation resources.
How should this specification interact with a Core profile context?
RESOLVED: See "Dependencies on Core Profile and OpenGL ES" section.
In summary:
Enough modelview and projection functionality from EXT_direct_state_access is required to make transformations of paths possible.
Fragment varyings of GLSL programs can be interrogated and these can be generated.
Exclude fixed-function fragment varying commands, queries, and GLSL built-in variables.
Existing path rendering systems typically specify 2D transforms. Such transforms are cheaper to load, concatenate, and render with. How are 2D transforms specified?
RESOLVED: Add new matrix commands.
Driver implementations can exploit these more compact matrix representations to accelerate path rendering where often matrix changes are frequent relative to the amount of rendering. The concatenation of two 3x2 matrices is 24 multiply-add operations; while the concatenation of two 4x4 matrices is 64 multiply-add operations, so requiring over 2.5x more math operations.
This table shows the correspondence between other path rendering APIs and the corresponding matrix routine so we need only populate the range of matrix representations used by major path rendering standards.
Standard Type Component order Corresponding GL load command ————— —————- ————— —————————– Direct2D D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F [0,2,4] glMatrixLoad3x2fNV [1,3,5] Cairo cairo_matrix_t [0,2,4] glMatrixLoad3x2fNV [1,3,5] Skia SkMatrix [0,1,2] glMatrixLoadTranspose3x3fNV [3,4,5] [6,7,8] SkScalar [6] [0,2,4] glMatrixLoad3x2fNV [1,3,5] Qt QMatrix [0,2,4] glMatrixLoad3x2fNV [1,3,5] OpenVG VGfloat [9] [0,3,6] glMatrixLoad3x3fNV [1,4,7] [2,5,8] AGM BRVCoordMatrix [0,2,4] glMatrixLoad3x2fNV [1,3,5] Ghostscript gs_matrix [0,2,4] glMatrixLoad3x2fNV [1,3,5]
Along with the glMatrixLoadNV commands, there are corresponding glMatrixMultNV commands.
Queries should be rare so the existing queries returning all 16 values of a current matrix are sufficient.
Does the "layout(location=2)", etc. syntax work for fragment inputs?
RESOLVED: Yes, assuming separate shader objects support. The ARB_separate_shader_objects functionality (made core in OpenGL 4.1) supports layout qualifiers to annotate locations on arbitrary fragment shader inputs.
Example: A fragment shader could include the statement:
layout(location=4) in vec4 eye_space;
This would ensure that the location queried with GetProgramResourceLocation(program, GL_FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV, "eye_space") will return 4.
What data types work with glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV?
RESOLVED: Just floating-point scalars and vectors.
Half-precision and double-precision varyings considered floating-point, and hence are allowed, but implementations may interpolate double-precision at single-precision.
Matrix, array, structure, boolean, and integer data types are not supported.
Generated values are intrinsically floating-point (they are basically interpolants) hence the floating-point restriction.
Restricting the generation to floating-point scalars and vectors shouldn't be a hardship.
How can a fragment varying (or fragment input for GLSL) be driven to a constant value?
RESOLVED: Use the GL_CONSTANT genMode for this.
Example: This command:
GLfloat float4_constant[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; glPathTexGenNV(GL_TEXTURE0, GL_CONSTANT, 4, float4_constant);
is equivalent to:
GLfloat coefficients[3*4] = { 0,0,1, 0,0,2, 0,0,3, 0,0,4 }; glPathTexGenNV(GL_TEXTURE0, GL_OBJECT_LINEAR, 4, coefficients);
In the latter form, the zeros in the coefficients array would be multiplied by the object-space X and Y so would always evaluate (s,t,r,q) to (1,2,3,4) just as the former GL_CONSTANT version would.
GL_CONSTANT also works with glPathColorGenNV and glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV.
What happens to fragment inputs that are not configured by glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV?
RESOLVED: Such variables are forced to constant zero.
The default genMode is GL_NONE and this results in a fragment input outputting sc, tc, rc, and qc for its first, second, third, and fourth components respectively. These values are all zero in the case of fragment input generation with glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV (whereas with glPathTexGenNV, they take on the value of the respective texture coordinate set's current values).
The fragment input generation state includes floating-point coefficients but the ARB_program_interface_query extension provides no way to query floating-point state so how can this state be queried?
RESOLVED: This extension adds glProgramResourceIndexfvNV to allow floating-point program resource state to be queried.
Can a program object with a vertex shader be used to cover paths?
Is there a technical explanation of this extension beyond the specification itself?
RESOLVED: Yes, check out the SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 paper "GPU-accelerated Path Rendering":
https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2366145.2366191 http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/gamegraphics/files/opengl/gpupathrender.pdf
There is an accompanying annex to this paper titled "Programming NV_path_rendering":
Should conic sections (rational quadratic Bezier segments) be supported?
RESOLVED: Yes, Skia supports these.
The GL_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV and GL_RELATIVE_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV path commands take five path coordinates:
x1,y1, x2,y2, w
The first two pairs of coordinates are control points similar to the GL_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV and GL_RELATIVE_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV path commands. The fifth coordinate "w" is a homogeneous coordinate that applies to the middle (extrapolating) control point.
Skia parameterizes its SkPath::kConic_Verb conic curve path command in the same manner. (See Skia's SkConic class in skia/include/core/SkGeometry.h for details.)
When the "w" is 1.0, the behavior of the GL_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV and GL_RELATIVE_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV commands behave identically to the GL_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV and GL_RELATIVE_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV commands respectively; this case corresponds to a parabolic segment.
When "w" is less than 1.0, the resulting conic is a partial elliptical arc. When "w" is greater than 1.0, the resulting conic is a hyperbolic arc.
See Table 5.pathEquations (Path Equations) for the specific rational quadratic Bezier equations for the GL_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV and GL_RELATIVE_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV path commands.
The GL_RELATIVE_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV path command is not supported by Skia but is trivial to support and maintains a symmetry that general-purpose path commands should have relative versions.
What happens when the "w" (5th coordinate) of a conic section path command is non-positive?
RESOLVED: Match Skia's behavior and treat the path command as a line segment from the current control point to the interpolating control point (x2,y2).
At the limit when w nears zero, partial elliptical arcs would become a line segment.
Should "smooth" conic sections be supported similar to GL_SMOOTH_QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_NV?
RESOLVED: No. Conceptually, there's no problem supporting smooth conic sections, however no standard supports smooth conic sections to justify the feature.
Should there be a "Character alias" for the absolute and relative conic curve commands?
RESOLVED: Yes, "W" for GL_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV and "w" for GL_RELATIVE_CONIC_CURVE_TO_NV are appropriate.
Should there be a rational cubic path command?
Rational cubic segments are subject to topological transitions when transformed projectively (as is possible when a path is transformed by the–potentially projective–modelview-projection transform!).
Why are rounded rectangles supported?
RESOLVED: Rounded rectangles are popular in web content. The W3C's "CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3" candidate recommendation specifies rounded rectangles and they are popular in web content.
Native paths commands for rounded rectangles allow such content to be specified and rasterized with less overhead than comparable specification of the same path with multiple line and arc (or conic) commands.
Should multiple parameterization for rounded rectangles be supported?
Both circular and elliptical corners are supported with either uniform (all corners have the same x- and y-axis radii) or per-corner radii.
Also relative and absolute versions are supported (including adding an absolute version of GL_RECT_NV for completeness).
Should negative x, y, width, height, and radii parameters be allowed for rectangles and rounded rectangles?
RESOLVED: Yes. The formulas operate reasonably with negative values.
Negative values allow the winding order to be reversed.
GL_RECT_NV already allowed negative values.
Should the "stencil" and "cover" path operations be combined into a single command?
RESOLVED: Yes, these commands are commonly used in sequence and profiling shows combining the commands can provide a small but measurable CPU efficiency benefit by reducing name translation, object locking overhead, and error checking. See the commands:
glStencilThenCoverFillPathNV glStencilThenCoverStrokePathNV
These commands are specified to behave like a "stencil" command on a path followed immediately by a "cover" command on the same path.
There are also instanced versions:
glStencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedNV glStencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedNV
These commands can be display listed.
Indeed, one advantage of the Instanced versions of the glStencilThenCover* commands is the instanced array can be copied into the display list once. While a display list optimizer could recognize this same benefit, it is simpler to be explicit that there is a single set of transform values used by both the instanced "stencil" and "cover" operations.
Should there be a way to get glyph indices for a particular font face to perform advanced text shaping?
RESOLVED: Yes, see glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV, glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV, and glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV.
Advanced text shaping APIs such as HarfBuzz and Pango generate combine text with a font face and provide a sequence of glyph indices with corresponding positions to render the text.
Mozilla and Google have both confirmed the requirement for this.
Advanced text shaping requires more knowledge of scripts and font metrics than can be expressed through NV_path_rendering. There is no interest to attempt, or even try to attempt, exposing sufficient font metrics for advanced text shaping. Instead the presumption is that one or more higher-level libraries (e.g. HarfBuzz + FreeType 2) are used to perform text shaping.
While glGetPathSpacingNV is useful and sufficient for providing basic kerning of Latin and other common scripts, but is well-understood to be insufficient for advanced text shaping.
Should glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV take the range of path objects as a parameter or return the base & count of path names created from the specified font's glyph indices?
RESOLVED: glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV operates like glGenPathsNV to first get an unassigned range of path object names based on the number of glyph indices in the font face. Then specifies the path object for every glyph index.
This requires returning a pair of GLuint values for the base and count. Additionally there is a return value to indicate whether and, if not why not, the path objects for the glyphs are assigned and specified.
Why were glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV and glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV added?
RESOLVED: Web browsers such as Chrome and other applications relying on glyph indices rely on arranging glyph indices of several fonts together so controlling the order of glyph index arrangement proves important. glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV returns a dynamically allocated range (implicitly using glGenPathsNV) and this proved not well-suited for actual use of glyph indices.
Why glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV added?
RESOLVED: Also web sites today very often provide server-supplied fonts via the Web Open Font Format (WOFF) standard. This means fonts are provided by font representations in system memory rather than accessed by file name or system font name.
RESOLVED: This is a relevant per-font parameter that is useful to ensure that glyphs used by glyph index know the proper bounds on the glyph indices.
This per-font parameter is an integer so is not scaled by the emScale.
Why does glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV take a face index?
RESOLVED: Implementations are likely to use FreeType 2's FT_New_Memory_Face to implement this functionality. The first face index is zero so normally zero should be passed for the face index.
If a face index for glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV corresponds to a bitmap font or otherwise isn't suitable for providing path objects, what happens?
UNRESOLVED: Probably GL_FONT_UNINTELLIGIBLE_NV should be returned.
Is glyph index zero special?
RESOLVED: According to SNFT conventions, glyph index zero corresponds to the font face's missing glyph. Therefore at least once glyph outline should always exist.
RESOLVED: Because it is hard to distinguish between a font being corrupt and simply not being supported by the implementation. Unintelligible is less misleading and more honest about the situation.
Are there alternatives to STANDARD_FONT_FORMAT_NV?
RESOLVED: Not currently. There might be a need in the future to identify fonts or glyph outlines with some other token if the font does use the SNFT format. PostScript, TrueType, and OpenType font formats are all SNFT formats. The Web Open Font Format should be supportable too because it contains a magic number with which to identify the format of the binary data.
Is the memory provided by glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV referenced after the command is issued?
RESOLVED: No. The GL implementation is responsible for copying from the system memory buffer provided. This likely requires copying the entire buffer.
(Perhaps another font target to allowed referenced access to the font data may be a good idea though it would likely require all path objects specified by glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV to be deleted before freeing the memory. Referencing client system memory is generally considered taboo for GL implementations beyond the duration of a GL command or query's execution however. Copying the buffer avoids any ambiguity and provides for reliable operation, tracing, and network extensibility.)
What if glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV or glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV attempt to specify more path objects than the font supports glyph indices?
RESOLVED: Path objects that would correspond to glyph indices that are beyond the maximum glyph index in the font face are not disturbed.
For example, if a font face contains 258 glyph indices, but the numGlyphs parameter to glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV is 300, the command silently acts as if 258 glyph indices were requested. No GL error is generated in this case. Also the path objects named firstPathName+258 and beyond are not disturbed.
The rationale for this behavior is to avoid needless errors or complexity if an application overestimates the number of glyph indices a font has.
What concrete reasons might GL_FONT_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE_NV be generated?
RESOLVED: Here are some situations…
The Win32 API lacks a way to load a font from a file name. If FreeType 2 is unavailable (say its DLL is missing or the GL implementation simply does not support it), this would cause use of the GL_FILE_NAME_NV target to return GL_FONT_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE_NV.
Linux implementations for the X Window System are likely to use FontConfig to map system font names (such as "Arial") to some font file. If the FontConfig shared library is unavailable, cannot be initialized, is a very old version, or its configuration files are missing or corrupt, the GL_SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV font target could return GL_FONT_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE_NV.
These situations are possible and so applications should anticipate that GL_FONT_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE_NV might be returned but properly configured systems should not be returning this value. Developers debugging this condition should check ARB_debug_output messages for an explanation.
What path glyph specification commands support which font targets?
The FILE_NAME_NV, SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV, and STANDARD_FONT_NAME_NV font targets are for glPathGlyphsNV and glPathGlyphRangeNV.
The FILE_NAME_NV and SYSTEM_FONT_NAME_NV font targets are for glPathGlyphsNV, glPathGlyphRangeNV, glPathGlyphIndexArrayNV, and glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV. STANARD_FONT_NAME_NV does not apply to these commands because standard font name support Unicode character point access to glyphs but not glyph indices.
The STANDARD_FONT_FORMAT_NV font target is just for the glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV command.
Why is the GL_PATH_STROKE_BOUND_NV parameter supported?
RESOLVED: The path's stroke approximation bound helps the GL implementation and an application bound the amount of approximation error allowed when cubic Bezier path segments or partial elliptical arcs are stenciled.
Theory for offset curves indicates determining if a point is within a given offset of a cubic Bezier curve (the generating curve for the offset curve) amounts to solving a 5th degree polynomial equation. That is not tractable in real-time graphics so some approximation of the actual offset curve is assumed.
By comparison solve the point containment problem for a sample position with respect to the offset curve of a quadratic Bezier segment requires solving only a 3rd degree polynomial which is tractable for modern GPUs. The assumption here is that stroke point containment with respect to quadratic Bezier segments and linear segments, as well as capping and join geometry, can be tractably solved without analytical approximation (though numerical issues may still limit the accuracy at the limits of available numerical precision).
With this in mind, there should be some intuitive bound on the approximation error allowed. The GL_PATH_STROKE_BOUND_NV path parameter provides such an intuitive limit expressed as a percentage of the path's stroke width.
Should the radii passed to the GL_ROUNDED_RECT_NV and GL_RELATIVE_ROUNDED_RECT_NV support negative values?
However, the x or y radii are negated if the width or height respectively is negative. This behavior ensures that a rectangle with reversed winding can be specified (useful for cutting out rounded rectangular "holes" in paths) by simply flipping the width or height sign while leaving the radii values positive.
The use of the /sign/ function in the specification of the /rrect/ function enforces this behavior.
This is important because the GL_ROUNDED_RECT_NV and GL_ROUNDED_RECT4_NV (and relative versions) specify a single circular radius per-rectangle or per-corner respectively without providing an x & y radii. Without the /sign/ terms, it would not be possible to use the these commands and specify a reverse winding rounded rectangle.
Still negative values are allowed for the radii and the formula should be applied as specified. Negative radii permit "fins" and "crossed roundings" to be added rounded rectangles.
Should CLOSE_PATH_NV count as specifying the start position (sp) for the purposes of determining if the PostScript path commands CIRCULAR_CCW_ARC_TO_NV or CIRCULAR_CW_ARC_TO_NV should change sp to ncp?
RESOLVED: No. The PostScript semantic appears to be that a CLOSE_PATH_NV does not set the "current point" to valid. This is based on inspection of Ghostscript behavior.
For this reason, the "other than CLOSE_PATH_NV" phrase is placed in the paragraph describing how when these PostScript arc commands change sp.
What is the initial glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV state for all fragment inputs?
RESOLVED: See the "Program Object Resource State" table.
The GL_PATH_GEN_MODE_NV initial state for every fragment program resource is GL_NONE.
The GL_PATH_GEN_COMPONENTS_NV initial state is zero for the number of path fragment input components.
The sixteen PATH_GEN_COEFF_NV coefficient values are initially all zero.
If glGetProgramResourceiv or glGetProgramResourcefvNV are used on fragment program resources that are not floating-point scalars are vectors, what happens?
RESOLVED: While glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV cannot be used to change such program resources, their state can be queried but simply always returns the intial values.
The rationale for this is that implementations already have to return the initial state for fragment inputs that have not yet been specified. Also the ARB_program_interface_query specification specifies returning innocuous or invalid information in preference to generating errors when the query does not apply to the program resource.
Always writing back some data in the absence of an error also makes it easier to notice buffer overflow errors since they are not skipped when GL errors are generated.
Note that an error should be generated by glGetProgramResourceiv and glGetProgramResourcefvNV if GL_PATH_GEN_*_NV queries are performed on a programInterface other than GL_FRAGMENT_INPUT_NV.
Should we allow fragment input generation on half and double precision GLSL attributes?
RESOLVED: No, just single-precision fragment inputs can be generated.
Double-precision attributes only support flat interpolation and that makes no sense for paths.
Half-precision attributes could be supported but have no particular advantage on NVIDIA GPUs as half-precision interpolation actually happens in single-precision anyway.
glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV generates GL_INVALID_OPERATION when passed a double-precision or half-precision fragment input (just as it does for any other inappropriate program resource such as a matrix).
With glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV, what fragment input values are generated when the component would normally be the texture coordinate set component for glPathTexGenNV?
glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV is specified in terms of PathTexGenNV but there are no fixed-function way to drive varyings. But this specification language says such under-specified varyings will be zero: "Because there is no associated texture coordinate set, the sc, tc, rc, and qc values when discussing PathTexGenNV are always zero when generating fragment input variables."
Should glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV be able to control the path generation of "gl_" prefixed built-in variables?
glProgramPathFragmentInputGenNV operates on only fragment inputs that are user-defined, scalar/vector (not matrices, structures, arrays, or opaque types such as samplers), and single-precsion.
Built-ins such as gl_TexCoord[0], gl_Color, gl_FogFragCoord are generated with glPathTexGenNV, glPathColorGenNV, and glPathFogGenNV respectively.
How does this extension interact with OpenGL ES 2 and 3?
RESOLVED: Same as the Core Profile in complete OpenGL. See Issue 133 and the "Dependencies on Core Profile and OpenGL ES" section.
OpenGL ES normally does not use or require double-precision floating-point. Does the OpenGL ES version of this extension support the double-precision entry points MatrixLoaddEXT, etc.)?
RESOLVED: Yes. This is a conscious choice, and only double-precision support for CPU-side operations is required. See https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenGL-Registry/pull/119#issuecomment-341121022 for background.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- --------- --------------------------------------------
2 08/26/11 mjk Initial version
3 05/31/12 mjk Fix glPathStencilDepthOffsetNV to accept
a GLfloat second parameter; add _BIT to the
FONT_*_NV metric token names
4 07/06/12 mjk Issue #128
5 07/27/12 mjk Fix getPathName return value sense;
Issue #129 and #130; UTF-8 and UTF-16
decoding fixes.
6 05/23/13 mjk Fix typo in Table 5.pathEquations
7 06/25/13 mjk Fix token names missing _BIT_NV suffix
8 08/01/13 mjk Bad argument order in instanced example
9 08/22/13 mjk Fix GL_EYE_LINEAR behavior
10 09/09/13 mjk Add core profile + smaller matrix support
11 09/10/13 mjk Add conic segment path commands
12 09/18/13 mjk Add rounded rectangles, GL_RELATIVE_RECT_NV,
missing new matrix language, fix typos
13 10/21/13 mjk <fontStyle> parameter for PathGlyphsNV
and PathGlyphRangeNV
14 11/05/13 dsn Use consistent argument names
15 11/08/13 mjk Add StencilThenCover* commands
16 11/11/13 mjk Add PathGlyphIndexRange command
17 01/07/14 mjk Fix typos
18 01/07/14 mjk Add PathGlyphIndexArray and
PathMemoryGlyphIndexArray commands and
19 02/12/14 mjk Document GL_PATH_STROKE_BOUND_NV
20 02/14/14 mjk Fix rounded rectangle radii sign behavior
(see issue 166)
21 02/19/14 mjk Refashion the rrect function
22 02/22/14 mjk PostScript arc behavior; see issue 167
23 03/06/14 mjk Document FONT_NUM_GLYPH_INDICES_BIT_NV
interactions; STANDARD_FONT_FORMAT_NV only
for glPathMemoryGlyphIndexArrayNV
24 03/18/14 mjk Update glPathFragmentInputGenNV state
and query specification; issues 168-171
25 03/19/14 mjk Better NVpr 1.3 explanation
26 03/20/14 mjk Issue 172
27 04/15/14 mjk ES interactions same as Core Profile
28 05/02/14 mjk Updated status
29 05/15/14 mjk Matrix*Tranpose to Matrix*Transpose
30 05/29/14 mjk Release 1.3 driver details
31 07/02/14 dkoch Fix a variety of typos and inconsistencies
Update ES interactions
Fix pseudocode (float vs double, renderBoundingBox)
32 07/24/14 mjk Fix Equation 5.generalParametricArc typos,
thanks to Chris Hebert
33 08/19/14 mjk Add missing 1.3 additions to revisions section
34 08/27/14 mjk Remove bogus polygon offset issue 127; my mistake
35 09/09/14 mjk Intro: fix translate mode, add StencilThenCover
36 11/01/17 Jon Leech Add issue 174 on double-precision ES support