


Name Strings



Tobias Hector, Imagination Technologies (tobias.hector 'at' imgtec.com)


Contributors to the original ARB_clear_texture
Ian Romanick
Daniel Koch


Copyright (c) 2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at




Last Modified Date: September 16, 2016
Revision: 2


OpenGL ES Extension #269


OpenGL ES 3.1 is required.

This extension is written against the OpenGL ES 3.1 API specification.

This extension interacts with EXT/OES_texture_buffer or OpenGL ES 3.2.

This extension interacts with EXT/OES_texture_cube_map_array or
OpenGL ES 3.2.

This extension interacts with OES_texture_stencil8 or OpenGL ES 3.2.


Texture objects are fundamental to the operation of OpenGL. They are
used as a source for texture sampling and destination for rendering
as well as being accessed in shaders for image load/store operations
It is also possible to invalidate the contents of a texture. It is
currently only possible to set texture image data to known values by
uploading some or all of a image array from application memory or by
attaching it to a framebuffer object and using the Clear or ClearBuffer

Both uploading initial texture data and clearing by attaching to a
framebuffer have potential disadvantages when one simply wants to
initialize texture data to a known value. Uploading initial data
requires the application to allocate a (potentially large) chunk
of memory and transferring that to the GL.  This can be a costly
operation both in terms of memory bandwidth and power usage.
Alternatively, attaching a texture level to a framebuffer to clear it
may not be possible if the texture format isn't supported for
rendering, or even if it is, attaching the image to a framebuffer object
may cause the texture to be allocated in certain types of memory, which
it may otherwise not need to be placed in.

This extension solves these problems by providing a mechanism whereby
the contents of a texture image array can be set to known values by
using the ClearTexImageEXT or ClearTexSubImageEXT commands.  These commands
can also be useful for initializing an image that will be used for
atomic shader operations.

IP Status

No known IP claims.

New Procedures and Functions

void ClearTexImageEXT(uint texture, int level,
                      enum format, enum type,
                      const void * data);

void ClearTexSubImageEXT(uint texture, int level,
                         int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
                         sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
                         enum format, enum type,
                         const void * data);

New Types


New Tokens


Additions to Chapter 7 of the OpenGL ES 3.1 API Specification (Programs and Shaders)

In section 7.11.2 (Shader Memory Access Synchronization) edit the
description of the TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT to add ClearTexImageEXT
and ClearTexSubImageEXT to the list of commands that can write to
texture images.

Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL ES 3.1 API Specification (Textures and Samplers)

Add a new Section 8.x (Clearing Texture Image Data) after
Section 8.17 (Immutable-Format Texture Images):

"All or part of a texture image may be filled with a constant value
by calling the command

  void ClearTexSubImageEXT(uint texture, int level,
                           int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
                           sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
                           enum format, enum type,
                           const void * data);

with <texture> and <level> indicating which texture array image is being
cleared.  It is an error if <texture> is zero or not the name of a texture
object, if <texture> is a buffer texture, or if the texture image has
a compressed internal format.

Arguments <xoffset>, <yoffset>, and <zoffset> specify the lower left
texel coordinates of a <width>-wide by <height>-high by <depth>-deep
rectangular subregion of the texel array and are interpreted as they
are in TexSubImage3D as described in section 8.6 (Alternate Texture
Image Specification Commands). The subregion must lie within the bounds
of the texture image, as described in that section.

For 2D array textures, <zoffset> is interpreted as the first layer to be
cleared and <depth> is the number of layers to clear. Cube map textures are
treated as an array of six slices in the z-dimension, where the value
of <zoffset> is interpreted as specifying the cube map face for the
corresponding <layer> in table 8.25 (Layer numbers for cube map texture
faces) and <depth> is the number of faces to clear. For cube map array
textures, <zoffset> is the first layer-face to clear, and <depth> is the
number of layer-faces to clear. Each layer-face is translated into an
array layer and a cube map face as described for layer-face numbers in
section 8.5.3 [in OpenGL ES 3.2].

For texture types that do not have certain dimensions, this
command treats those dimensions as having a size of 1.  For example,
to clear a portion of a two-dimensional texture, the application would
use <zoffset> equal to zero and <depth> equal to one.

<format> and <type> specify the format and type of the source
data and are interpreted as they are for TexImage3D, as described in
section 8.4.2 (Transfer of Pixel Rectangles). Textures with a base
require depth component, stencil, or depth/stencil component data
respectively. Textures with other base internal formats require RGBA
formats. Textures with integer internal formats (see table 8.13) require
integer data.

<data> is a pointer to an array of between one and four components of
texel data that will be used as the source for the constant fill value.
The elements of <data> are converted by the GL into the
<internalformat> of the texture image (that was specified when the level
was defined by any of the TexImage, TexStorage or CopyTexImage
commands) in the manner described in section 8.4.2 (Transfer of Pixel
Rectangles), and then used to fill the specified range of the
destination texture level.  If <data> is NULL, then the pointer is
ignored and the sub-range of the texture image is filled with zeros.
If <texture> is a multisample texture, all the samples in a texel
are cleared to the value specified by <data>.


    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <texture> is zero or not the
    name of a texture object.

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <texture> is a buffer

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <texture> has a compressed
    internal format.

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the base internal format is
    DEPTH_COMPONENT and <format> is not DEPTH_COMPONENT.

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the base internal format is
    DEPTH_STENCIL and <format> is not DEPTH_STENCIL.

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the base internal format is
    STENCIL_INDEX and <format> is not STENCIL_INDEX.

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the base internal format is
    RGBA and the <format> is DEPTH_COMPONENT, STENCIL_INDEX, or

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the internal format is
    integer and <format> does not specify integer data.

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the internal format is
    not integer and <format> does specify integer data.

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the specified subregion
    does not lie within the bounds of the texture image, as described
    for TexSubImage3D in section 8.6.

The command

  void ClearTexImageEXT(uint texture, int level,
                        enum format, enum type,
                        const void * data);

is equivalent to calling ClearTexSubImageEXT with <xoffset>, <yoffset>,
and <zoffset> equal to 0 and <width>, <height>, and <depth> equal
to the dimensions of the texture image (or zero and one for dimensions
the texture doesn't have).


    In addition to the errors generated by ClearTexSubImageEXT:

    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the image array identified by
    <level> has not previously been defined by a TexImage* or TexStorage*

Interactions with EXT/OES_texture_buffer or OpenGL ES 3.2

If EXT_texture_buffer or equivalent functionality is not supported,
ignore all references to buffer textures.

Interactions with EXT/OES_texture_cube_map_array or OpenGL ES 3.2

If EXT_texture_cube_map_array or equivalent functionality is not supported,
ignore all references to cube map array textures.

Interactions with OES_texture_stencil8 or OpenGL ES 3.2

If OES_texture_stencil8 or equivalent functionality is not supported,
ignore all references to stencil textures.


An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if <texture> is zero or not the name of a texture object.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if <texture> is a buffer texture.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if <texture> has a compressed internal format.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if the base internal format is DEPTH_COMPONENT and
<format> is not DEPTH_COMPONENT.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if the base internal format is STENCIL_INDEX and
<format> is not STENCIL_INDEX.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if the base internal format is DEPTH_STENCIL and
<format> is not DEPTH_STENCIL.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if the base internal format is RGBA and the <format>

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if the internal format is integer and <format> does not
specify integer data.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT or
ClearTexSubImageEXT if the internal format is not integer and <format>
does specify integer data.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the specified subregion
does not lie within the bouds of the texture image, as described
for TexSubImage3D in section 8.6.

An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by ClearTexImageEXT if the
image array identified by <level> has not previously been defined.

New State


New Implementation Dependent State



See ARB_clear_texture for relevant issues.

1) How does this differ from ARB_clear_texture?

  - Removed interactions with features not present in OpenGL ES:
    - 1D arrays
    - border texels
  - Removed CLEAR_TEXTURE token for GetInternalFormat* which relies
    on the ARB_internalformat_query2 extension which does not have
    equivalent functionality in OpenGL ES.
  - minor language updates to sync with OpenGL 4.5 language.

Revision History

Revision 1, 2015/08/15, thector
  - Initial revision
Revision 2, 2016/09/16, dgkoch
  - added interactions with texture cube map arrays and stencil textures
  - added missing suffixes on commands
  - removed CLEAR_TEXTURE, which relies on functionality not in ES.
  - minor language updates to sync with OpenGL 4.5 core language.
  - updated some section references.