


Name Strings



Sam Holmes
Maurice Ribble
Tobias Hector
Jan-Harald Fredriksen
Dylan Perks
Contributors to EXT_texture_sRGB_R8, on which this is based.


Tobias Hector (tobias.hector 'at' imgtec.com)




Last Modified Date: December 11, 2020
Revision: 4


OpenGL ES Extension #223
OpenGL Extension #555


OpenGL ES 3.0 or OpenGL 1.2 is required.

This extension is written against the OpenGL ES 3.1 and
OpenGL 4.6 (Core Profile) specifications.

This extension interacts with ARB_texture_view.

This extension interacts with EXT_texture_view.

This extension interacts with OES_texture_view.

This extension interacts with ARB_direct_state_access.


This extension introduces SRG8_EXT as an acceptable internal format.
This allows efficient sRGB sampling for source images stored with 2

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted by the <internalformat> parameters of TexImage3D, TexImage2D,
TexImage1D, TexStorage3D, TexStorage2D, TexStorage1D, TextureStorage3D,
TextureStorage2D, and TextureStorage1D:

    SRG8_EXT    0x8FBE

Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL ES 3.1 Specification (Textures and Samplers)

The following table entry is added to Table 8.2 (Valid combinations of
format, type and sized internalformat):

    Format    Type             External Bytes per Pixel    Internal Format
    ------    ----             ------------------------    ---------------
    RG        UNSIGNED_BYTE    2                           SRG8_EXT

The following table entry is added to Table 8.13 (Correspondence of sized
internal color formats to base internal formats):

    Sized Internal Format    Base Internal Format    R    G    B    A    S    CR    TF    Req. rend.    Req. tex.
    ---------------------    --------------------    -    -    -    -    -    --    --    ----------    ---------
    SRG8_EXT                 RG                      8    8                         X                   X

The following table entry is added to Table 8.24 (sRGB texture internal

    Internal Format

Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL 4.6 (Core Profile) Specification (Textures and Samplers)

The following table entry is added to Table 8.2 (Valid combinations of
format, type and sized internalformat):

    Format    Type             External Bytes per Pixel    Internal Format
    ------    ----             ------------------------    ---------------
    RG        UNSIGNED_BYTE    2                           SRG8_EXT

The following table entry is added to Table 8.12 (Correspondence of sized
internal color formats to base internal formats):

    Sized Internal Format    Base Internal Format    R    G    B    A    S    CR    TF    Req. rend.    Req. tex.
    ---------------------    --------------------    -    -    -    -    -    --    --    ----------    ---------
    SRG8_EXT                 RG                      8    8                         X                   X

The following table entry is added to Table 8.22 (Compatible internal
formats for TextureView):

    Class              Internal formats
    ---------------    ----------------

The following table entry is added to Table 8.24 (sRGB texture internal

    Internal Format

Dependencies on OpenGL

If OpenGL is not supported, ignore all references to 1D textures,
including TexImage1D, TexStorage1D, and TextureStorage1D.

Dependencies on OpenGL 4.5 and ARB_direct_state_access

If neither OpenGL 4.5 nor ARB_direct_state_access are supported,
ignore all references to TextureStorage3D, TextureStorage2D, and

Dependencies on ARB_texture_view

If ARB_texture_view is supported, add SRG8_EXT to the Internal formats
column of the VIEW_CLASS_16_BITS row in Table 3.X.2.

Dependencies on EXT_texture_view

If EXT_texture_view is supported, add SRG8_EXT to the Internal formats
column of the VIEW_CLASS_16_BITS row in Table 8.X.2.

Dependencies on OES_texture_view

If OES_texture_view is supported, add SRG8_EXT to the Internal formats
column of the VIEW_CLASS_16_BITS row in Table 8.X.2.



New State


Revision History

#01    2/5/2015    Tobias Hector      Initial revision.
#02    2/5/2015    Tobias Hector      Fixed Table 8.13 entry and whitespace issues.
#03    2/17/2015   Tobias Hector      Fixed Table 8.2 entry to correctly say 2 bytes.
#04    12/11/2020  Dylan Perks        Add GL interactions and register for GL