


Name Strings



Gokhan Avkarogullari, Apple
Ben Bowman, Imagination Technologies
Benj Lipchak, Apple
John Rosasco, Apple
Richard Schreyer, Apple
Anthony Tai, Apple


Benj Lipchak, Apple Inc., (lipchak 'at' apple.com)




Last Modified Date:     June 26, 2013
Revision:               3


OpenGL ES Extension #155


OpenGL ES 2.0 is required.

IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc is required.

This extension extends the OpenGL ES 2.0.25 (Full Specification) and
the OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification v1.00 revision 16.

This extension follows precedent and issue resolution of the following
specifications except where otherwise noted:

For single-reference completeness, some of the issues from the issues lists 
of these specifications have been copied into this extension.

This extension follows the conventions of and extends the EXT_sRGB
extension at:

EXT_texture_storage affects the definition of this extension.

IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2 affects the definition of this extension.


The response from electronic display systems given RGB tristimulus values 
for each pixel is non-linear.  Gamma correction is the process of encoding 
or decoding images in a manner that will correct for non-linear response 
profiles of output devices.  The displayed results of gamma-corrected pixel 
data are more consistent and predictable for the author of such pixel data 
than it would otherwise be with linearly encoded pixel data.

This EXT_pvrtc_sRGB extension specifies additional tokens for gamma 
corrected PVRTC compressed sRGB data.  

Texture assets are developed and evaluated for use in OpenGL applications 
using electronic displays with non-linear responses.  This extension 
provides a better measure of consistency between textures developed within 
an asset toolchain and their final rendered result with an OpenGL 
application that uses those textures.

Conventional OpenGL texture tristimulus values as well as their alpha 
component are encoded linearly.  The textures introduced by this extension 
are encoded with gamma correction in the tristimulus components but 
linearly in the alpha component.

When gamma corrected texture samples are fetched and operated on by ALU 
operations in an OpenGL shading program those samples will be converted 
from gamma corrected space to linear space for logical simplicity and 
performance of the shader.

Texture filtering operations as well as mipmap generation are carried out 
in linear space.

IP Status

No known IP issues outstanding.


(1) What must be specified as far as how do you convert to and from
    sRGB and linear RGB color spaces?

    RESOLVED:  The specification language needs to only supply the
    sRGB to linear RGB conversion.

    For completeness, the accepted linear RGB to sRGB conversion
    is as follows:

    Given a linear RGB component, cl, convert it to an sRGB component,
    cs, in the range [0,1], with this pseudo-code:

        if (isnan(cl)) {
            /* Map IEEE-754 Not-a-number to zero. */
            cs = 0.0;
        } else if (cl > 1.0) {
            cs = 1.0;
        } else if (cl < 0.0) {
            cs = 0.0;
        } else if (cl < 0.0031308) {
            cs = 12.92 * cl;
        } else {
            cs = 1.055 * pow(cl, 0.41666) - 0.055;

     sRGB components are typically stored as unsigned 8-bit
     fixed-point values.  If cs is computed with the above
     pseudo-code, cs can be converted to a [0,255] integer with this

        csi = floor(255.0 * cs + 0.5)

(2) Does this extension guarantee images rendered with sRGB textures will
    "look good" when output to a device supporting an sRGB color space?

    RESOLVED:  No.

    With this extension, artists can author content in an sRGB color
    space and provide that sRGB content for use as texture imagery
    that can be properly converted to linear RGB and filtered as part
    of texturing in a way that preserves the sRGB distribution of
    precision, but that does NOT mean sRGB pixels are output
    to the framebuffer.  Indeed, this extension provides texture
    formats that convert sRGB to linear RGB as part of filtering.

    With programmable shading, an application could perform a
    linear RGB to sRGB conversion just prior to emitting color
    values from the shader.  Even so, OpenGL blending (other than
    simple modulation) will perform linear math operations on values
    stored in a non-linear space which is technically incorrect for
    sRGB-encoded colors.

    One way to think about these sRGB texture formats is that they
    simply provide color components with a distribution of values
    distributed to favor precision towards 0 rather than evenly
    distributing the precision with conventional non-sRGB formats
    such as GL_RGB8.

 (3) Should the square compressed texture restriction be applied to this
     extension given the current state of hardware on which compressed
     sRGB textures are expected to be implemented ?

     RESOLVED: Yes

     This extension does not relax any constraint established by the
     IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc specification upon which it is
     dependent.  The compressed gamma-corrected formats provided in this
     extension have the same characteristics and constraints as their
     non-gamma-corrected counterparts in the IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc

 (4) If hardware doesn't support rendering to sRGB textures to levels
     other than the base level 0 how is this expressed through the API?
      RESOLVED: Yes

     N/A.  This specification only includes compressed formats which are
     not color-renderable per the ES 2.0 specification.
 (5) Can PVRTC gamma corrected textures, as described in this
     specification, cannot be used as a framebuffer-attachable image and
     thus cannot be rendered to:


     Rendering to PVRTC textures is not usually supported by embedded
     hardware and this specification makes no exceptions to that effect.

 (6) The desktop extension EXT_texture_sRGB_decode to allow toggling
     texel fetch gamma decoding on and off.  Is this capability 
     warranted for this OpenGL ES specification ?

     RESOLVED: Yes

     Decode will not be included in this specification.  This feature
     can be added as an amendment / separate extension if sufficient
     demand warrants it.

 (7) Generating mipmaps without hardware support for linearizing,
     processing then re-applying gamma is a costly operation and
     brings into question having sRGB support for GenerateMipmaps().
     Evaluate hardware aspects to this issue and update this 
     specification accordingly.


 (8) Should there be an interaction with IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2?
     RESOLVED: Yes

     If PVRTC2 is supported, then further enums are added to enable 
     sRGB decode of those formats.  Note that these formats are not
     available on all implementations (namely iOS), so be sure to 
     check for the extension string.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted by the <internalformat> parameter of CompressedTexImage2D and 
TexStorage2DEXT and the <format> parameter of CompressedTexSubImage2D:

    COMPRESSED_SRGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_EXT               0x8A54
    COMPRESSED_SRGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_EXT               0x8A55

Additions to Chapter 3 of the 2.0.25 Specification (Rasterization)

-- Section 3.7.3, Compressed Texture Images

Add Table 3.9.1 "Gamma Corrected Compressed Texture Formats"


-- Section 3.8, Texture Access, Add paragraph after first paragraph 
   (page 85):

When a texture, of formats included in table 3.9.1, sample is performed
from a bound texture that is gamma corrected the sample will be implicitly
converted to its corresponding linear value.

Additions to Chapter 8 "Built-in Functions" of the OpenGL ES Shading Language document version 1.00, document revision 16:

-- Section 8.7 "Texture Lookup Functions", add paragraph after 2nd
   paragraph (page 71):

Then the 2D texture currently bound to "sampler" in the texture lookup
functions is a gamma corrected 2D texture (as listed in Table 3.9.1
of the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification) the vec4 return value of the
sampler functions will be converted into its linear space equivalent value
in accordance with the parameters established by the EXT_pvrtc_sRGB 

Dependencies on IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2

If IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2 is supported, then 

are accepted by the <internalformat> parameter of CompressedTexImage2D and 
TexStorage2DEXT and the <format> parameter of CompressedTexSubImage2D, and 
are added to table 3.9.1 "Gamma Corrected Compressed Texture Formats".


Modify the errors introduced by IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2 as below:

INVALID_OPERATION is generated by CompressedTexSubImage2D if
COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_PVRTC_2BPPV2_IMG and any of the following apply:

    * <xoffset> is not a multiple of eight.
    * <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.
    * <width> is not a multiple of eight, except when the sum of <width>
      and <xoffset> is equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH.
    * <height> is not a multiple of four, except when the sum of <height>
      and <yoffset> is equal to TEXTURE_HEIGHT.
    * <format> does not match the internal format of the texture image
      being modified.

INVALID_OPERATION is generated by CompressedTexSubImage2D if
COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_PVRTC_4BPPV2_IMG and any of the following apply:

    * <xoffset> is not a multiple of four.
    * <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.
    * <width> is not a multiple of four, except when the sum of <width>
      and <xoffset> is equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH.
    * <height> is not a multiple of four, except when the sum of <height>
      and <yoffset> is equal to TEXTURE_HEIGHT.
    * <format> does not match the internal format of the texture image
      being modified.

Dependencies on EXT_texture_storage

If EXT_texture_storage is not supported, then all references to
TexStorage2DEXT should be ignored.


Relax INVALID_ENUM errors for the new <internalformat> and <format>
parameters for CompressedTexImage2D and CompressedTexSubImage2D introduced
by this specification.

INVALID_OPERATION is generated by CompressedTexSubImage2D if <format>
COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_EXT and any of the following apply: 
<width> is not equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH; <height> is not equal to 
TEXTURE_HEIGHT; <xoffset> and <yoffset> are not zero.

Revision History

#1 February 6 2013, Benj Lipchak
    - initial version
#2 June 26 2013, Benj Lipchak
    - promotion from APPLE to EXT
#3 June 28 2013, Ben Bowman
    - Added issue 8 and interaction with IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2