Name Strings
Carsten Rohde, NVIDIA
Dave Airlie, Red Hat
James Jones, NVIDIA
Jan-Harald Fredriksen, ARM
Jeff Juliano, NVIDIA
Michael Worcester, Imagination Technologies
James Jones, NVIDIA (jajones 'at' nvidia.com)
Last Modified Date: July 18, 2018
Revision: 14
OpenGL ES Extension #280
Written against the OpenGL 4.5 and OpenGL ES 3.2 specifications.
GL_EXT_memory_object requires ARB_texture_storage or a version of
OpenGL or OpenGL ES that incorporates it.
GL_EXT_semaphore requires OpenGL 1.0.
ARB_direct_state_access (OpenGL) interacts with GL_EXT_memory_object
when OpenGL < 4.5 is used.
ARB_sparse_texture (OpenGL) interacts with GL_EXT_memory_object
EXT_sparse_texture (OpenGL ES) interacts with GL_EXT_memory_object
EXT_protected_textures (OpenGL ES) interacts with GL_EXT_memory_object
The Vulkan API introduces the concept of explicit memory objects and
reusable synchronization objects. This extension brings those
concepts to the OpenGL API via two new object types:
Memory objects
Rather than allocating memory as a response to object allocation,
memory allocation and binding are two separate operations in Vulkan.
This extension allows an OpenGL application to import a Vulkan
memory object, and to bind textures and/or buffer objects to it.
No methods to import memory objects are defined here. Separate
platform-specific extensions are defined for this purpose.
Semaphores are synchronization primitives that can be waited on and
signaled only by the GPU, or in GL terms, in the GL server. They
are similar in concept to GL's "sync" objects and EGL's "EGLSync"
objects, but different enough that compatibilities between the two
are difficult to derive.
Rather than attempt to map Vulkan semaphores on to GL/EGL sync
objects to achieve interoperability, this extension introduces a new
object, GL semaphores, that map directly to the semantics of Vulkan
semaphores. To achieve full image and buffer memory coherence with
a Vulkan driver, the commands that manipulate semaphores also allow
external usage information to be imported and exported.
New Procedures and Functions
The following commands are added if either of the GL_EXT_memory_object
or GL_EXT_semaphore strings are reported:
void GetUnsignedBytevEXT(enum pname,
ubyte *data);
void GetUnsignedBytei_vEXT(enum target,
uint index,
ubyte *data);
If the GL_EXT_memory_object string is reported, the following
commands are added:
void DeleteMemoryObjectsEXT(sizei n,
const uint *memoryObjects);
boolean IsMemoryObjectEXT(uint memoryObject);
void CreateMemoryObjectsEXT(sizei n,
uint *memoryObjects);
void MemoryObjectParameterivEXT(uint memoryObject,
enum pname,
const int *params);
void GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(uint memoryObject
enum pname,
int *params);
void TexStorageMem2DEXT(enum target,
sizei levels,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void TexStorageMem2DMultisampleEXT(enum target,
sizei samples,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
boolean fixedSampleLocations,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void TexStorageMem3DEXT(enum target,
sizei levels,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
sizei depth,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void TexStorageMem3DMultisampleEXT(enum target,
sizei samples,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
sizei depth,
boolean fixedSampleLocations,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void BufferStorageMemEXT(enum target,
sizeiptr size,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
[[ The following are added if direct state access is supported ]]
void TextureStorageMem2DEXT(uint texture,
sizei levels,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void TextureStorageMem2DMultisampleEXT(uint texture,
sizei samples,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
boolean fixedSampleLocations,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void TextureStorageMem3DEXT(uint texture,
sizei levels,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
sizei depth,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void TextureStorageMem3DMultisampleEXT(uint texture,
sizei samples,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
sizei height,
sizei depth,
boolean fixedSampleLocations,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void NamedBufferStorageMemEXT(uint buffer,
sizeiptr size,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
[[ The following are available in OpenGL only ]]
void TexStorageMem1DEXT(enum target,
sizei levels,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
[[ The following are availble in OpenGL only, and only when
direct state access is available ]]
void TextureStorageMem1DEXT(uint texture,
sizei levels,
enum internalFormat,
sizei width,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
If the GL_EXT_semaphore string is reported, the following
commands are added:
void GenSemaphoresEXT(sizei n,
uint *semaphores);
void DeleteSemaphoresEXT(sizei n,
const uint *semaphores);
boolean IsSemaphoreEXT(uint semaphore);
void SemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(uint semaphore,
enum pname,
const uint64 *params);
void GetSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(uint semaphore,
enum pname,
uint64 *params);
void WaitSemaphoreEXT(uint semaphore,
uint numBufferBarriers,
const uint *buffers,
uint numTextureBarriers,
const uint *textures,
const GLenum *srcLayouts);
void SignalSemaphoreEXT(uint semaphore,
uint numBufferBarriers,
const uint *buffers,
uint numTextureBarriers,
const uint *textures,
const GLenum *dstLayouts);
New Tokens
If the GL_EXT_memory_object string is reported, the following tokens are
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of TexParameter{ifx}{v},
TexParameterI{i ui}v, TextureParameter{if}{v}, TextureParameterI{i ui}v,
GetTexParameter{if}v, GetTexParameterI{i ui}v, GetTextureParameter{if}v,
and GetTextureParameterI{i ui}v:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of MemoryObjectParameterivEXT, and
[[ The following are available when GL_EXT_protected_textures is
available ]]
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetInternalFormativ or
Returned in the <params> parameter of GetInternalFormativ or
GetInternalFormati64v when the <pname> parameter is TILING_TYPES_EXT,
returned in the <params> parameter of GetTexParameter{if}v,
GetTexParameterI{i ui}v, GetTextureParameter{if}v, and
GetTextureParameterI{i ui}v when the <pname> parameter is
TEXTURE_TILING_EXT, and accepted by the <params> parameter of
TexParameter{ifx}{v}, TexParameterI{i ui}v, TextureParameter{if}{v},
TextureParameterI{i ui}v when the <pname> parameter is
The following tokens are added if either of the GL_EXT_memory_object or
GL_EXT_semaphore strings are reported:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetFloatv,
GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetUnsignedBytevEXT, and the <target>
parameter of GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v,GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v,
GetInteger64i_v, and GetUnsignedBytei_vEXT:
Constant values:
If the GL_EXT_semaphore string is reported, the following tokens are
Accepted by the <dstLayouts> parameter of SignalSemaphoreEXT and the
<srcLayouts> parameter of WaitSemaphoreEXT:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (OpenGL Fundamentals)
Add two new sections after 2.6.13 (Sync Objects)
2.6.14 Semaphore Objects
A /semaphore object/ is a synchronization primitive similar to a
/sync object/, but with semantics based on Vulkan semaphores.
Semaphore objects may be shared. They are described in detail in
section 4.2.
2.6.15 Memory Objects
Many GL objects have some associated data stored in GL server
memory. /Memory objects/ are an abstract representation of GL
server memory suitable for use as the backing store of a
/buffer object/, a /texture object/, or both, depending on how
the memory referred to by the object was allocated. Memory
objects can not be created directly within the GL. They must be
imported from an API capable of allocating abstract memory, such
as Vulkan.
Memory objects may be shared. They are described in detail in
Chapter 6 (Memory Objects).
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Event Model)
Add a new section between sections 4.1, "Sync Objects and Fences"
and section 4.2, "Query Objects and Asynchronous Queries"
4.2 Semaphore Objects
Like sync objects, a semaphore object acts as a /synchronization
primitive/. However, semaphore objects differ from sync objects
in several ways:
* They may only be created by importing an external semaphore
handle into the GL.
* They are reusable.
* As a corollary to the above behavior, separate commands are
provided to create and signal semaphore objects.
* Their state is reset upon completion of a wait operation.
* As a corollary to the above behavior, only a single waiter may
be associated with a unique signal command.
* There is no way to wait for a semaphore to become signaled in
the GL client. All waits operations execute in the GL server,
and semaphores have no queryable state.
The command
void GenSemaphoresEXT(sizei n,
uint *semaphores);
returns <n> previous unused semaphore names in <semaphores>.
These names are marked as used, for the purposes of
GenSemaphoresEXT only, but they are associated with semaphore
state only when an external semaphore handle is imported to
Semaphore objects are deleted by calling
void DeleteSemaphoresEXT(sizei n,
const uint *semaphores);
<semaphores> contains <n> names of semaphores to be deleted.
After a semaphore is deleted, it unreferences any external
semaphore state it referenced, and its name is again unused.
Unused names in <semaphores> are silently ignored, as is the
value zero.
The command
boolean IsSemaphoreEXT(uint semaphore);
returns TRUE if <semaphore> is the name of a semaphore. If
<semaphore> is zero, or if <semaphore> is a non-zero value that
is not the name of a semaphore, IsSemaphore returns FALSE.
4.2.1 Importing External Semaphore Handles into Semaphores
A semaphore is created by importing an external semaphore object
via a reference to its associated external handle. The
supported set of external handle types and associated import
functions are listed in table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Commands for importing external semaphore handles.
| Handle Type | Import command |
Applications must only import external semaphore handles exported
from the same device or set of devices used by the current context,
and from compatible driver versions. To determine which devices are
used by the current context, first call GetIntegerv with <pname> set
to NUM_DEVICE_UUIDS_EXT, then call GetUnsignedBytei_vEXT with <target>
set to DEVICE_UUID_EXT, <index> set to a value in the range [0,
<number of device UUIDs>), and <data> set to point to an array of
UUID_SIZE_EXT unsigned bytes. To determine the driver ID of the
current context, call GetUnsignedBytevEXT with <pname> set to
DRIVER_UUID_EXT and <data> set to point to an array of UUID_SIZE_EXT
unsigned bytes.
These device and driver ID values can be used to correlate devices
and determine driver compatibility across process and API boundaries.
External handles are often defined using platform-specific
types. Therefore, the base GL specification defines no methods
to import an external handle.
4.2.2 Semaphore Parameters
Semaphore parameters control how semaphore wait and signal
operations behave. Table 4.3 defines which parameters are available
for a semaphore based on the external handle type from which it was
imported. Semaphore parameters are set using the command
void SemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(uint semaphore,
enum pname,
const uint64 *params);
<semaphore> is the name of the semaphore object on which the
parameter <pname> will be set to the value(s) in <pname>.
Table 4.3: Semaphore parameters
| Name | External Handle Types | Legal Values |
Parameters of a semaphore object may be queried with the command
void GetSemaphoreParameterui64EXT(uint semaphore,
enum pname,
uint64 *params);
<semaphore> is the semaphore object from with the parameter <pname>
is queried. The value(s) of the parameter are returned in <params>.
<pname> may be any value in table 4.3.
4.2.3 Waiting for Semaphores
The command
void WaitSemaphoreEXT(uint semaphore,
uint numBufferBarriers,
const uint *buffers,
uint numTextureBarriers,
const uint *textures,
const GLenum *srcLayouts);
Returns immediately but causes GL server to block until
<semaphore> is signaled. If an error occurs, WaitSemaphore
generates a GL error as specified below, and does not cause the
GL server to block.
After completion of the semaphore wait operation, the semaphore
will be returned to the unsignaled state. Calling WaitSemaphore on
a semaphore that has not previously had a signal operation flushed
to the GL server or submitted by an external semaphore signaler
since the semaphore was created or last waited on results in
undefined behavior.
Following completion of the semaphore wait operation, memory will
also be made visible in the specified buffer and texture objects.
Since texture layout state is managed internally by the GL, but may
have been modified by an external API, the current layout of the
textures must be specified to initialize internal GL state prior to
using the textures after an external access. The valid layouts
correspond to those specified by the Vulkan API, as described in
table 4.4. However, the layouts do not necessarily correspond to an
optimal state for any particular GL operation. The GL will simply
perform appropriate transitions internally as necessary based on the
specified current layout of the texture.
Table 4.4: Texture layouts and corresponding Vulkan Image Layouts
| Texture Layout | Equivalent Vulkan Image Layout |
4.2.4 Signaling Semaphores
The command
void SignalSemaphoreEXT(uint semaphore,
uint numBufferBarriers,
const uint *buffers,
uint numTextureBarriers,
const uint *textures,
const GLenum *dstLayouts);
will insert a semaphore signaling operation in the GL command
Prior to signaling the semaphore, memory used by the specified
buffer objects and textures will be made visible, and textures
can be transitioned to a specified internal layout to allow
applications to access the textures using a consistent layout in
an external API or process. Possible layouts are specified in
table 4.3, along with their corresponding layout in the Vulkan
Add a new Chapter, "Memory Objects", between Chapter 5 (Shared Objects and Multiple Contexts) and Chapter 6 (Buffer Objects)
Memory objects reference a fixed-size allocation of abstract server
memory. The memory may not be accessed directly, but may be bound
to other objects that require a data store in server memory. The
memory itself is allocated outside the scope of the GL, and is
merely referenced by a memory object.
The command
void CreateMemoryObjectsEXT(sizei n, uint *memoryObjects);
returns <n> previously unused memory object names in <memoryObjects>.
The memory objects named contain default state, but initially have no
external memory associated with them.
Memory objects are deleted by calling
void DeleteMemoryObjectsEXT(sizei n, const uint *memoryObjects);
<memoryObjects> contains <n> names of memory objects to be deleted.
After a memory object is deleted, it references no server memory,
and its name is again unused.
Unused names in <memoryObjects> are silently ignored, as is the
value zero.
The command
boolean IsMemoryObjectEXT(uint memoryObject);
returns TRUE if <memoryObject> is the name of a memory object. If
<memoryObject> is zero, or if <memoryObject> is a non-zero value
that is not the name of a memory object, IsMemoryObjectEXT returns
6.1 Importing Abstract Memory into a Memory Object
A memory object is associated with external memory by importing an
externally-allocated abstract memory region via a reference to an
associated external handle. The supported set of external handle types
and their corresponding import functions are listed in table 6.1.
Table 6.1: Commands for importing external memory handles.
| Handle Type | Import command |
Applications must only import external memory handles exported
from the same device or set of devices used by the current context.
Refer to section 4.2.1 for methods to determine which devices are
used by the current context.
External handles are often defined using platform-specific types.
Therefore, the base GL specification defines no methods to import an
external handle.
6.2 Memory object parameters
Memory object parameters are set using the command
void MemoryObjectParameterivEXT(uint memoryObject,
enum pname,
const int *params);
<memoryObject> is the name of the memory object on which the parameter
<pname> will be set to the value(s) in <params>. The possible values for
<pname> are specified in table 6.2.
Table 6.2: Memory Object Parameters.
| Name | Legal Values |
The parameter DEDICATED_MEMORY_OBJECT_EXT must be set to TRUE when the
external memory handle from which the object's memory will be imported
was created as a dedicated allocation.
The parameter PROTECTED_MEMORY_OBJECT_EXT must be set to TRUE when the
external memory handle from which the object's memory will be imported
refers to a protected resource. The definition of a protected resource
is outside the scope of this extension.
Memory object parameters become immutable once the object is associated
with external memory by an import operation. An INVALID_OPERATION error
is generated if <memoryObject> is immutable.
The parameters of a memory object may be queried with the command:
void GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(uint memoryObject
enum pname,
int *params);
The value(s) of the parameter <pname> from the memory object
<memoryObject> are returned in <params>.
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Buffer Objects)
Modify the list of commands described in 6.2 "Creating and Modifying
Buffer Object Data Stores" to add the following:
void BufferStorageMemEXT(enum target,
sizeiptr size,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void NamedBufferStorageMemEXT(uint buffer,
sizeiptr size,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
Replace the two paragraphs after the above list of commands with the
"For BufferStorage and BufferStorageMemEXT, the buffer object is
that bound to <target>, which must be one of the values listed
in table 6.1. For NamedBufferStorage and
NamedBufferStorageMemEXT, <buffer> is the name of the buffer
object. For all the above commands, <size> is the size of the
data store in basic machine units. For BufferStorageMemEXT and
NamedBufferStorageMemEXT, <memory> and <offset> define a region
of abstract memory that will be used as the data store for
<buffer>. The implementation may restrict which values of
<offset> are valid for a given memory object and buffer
parameter combination. These restrictions are outside the scope
of this extension and must be determined by querying the API or
mechanism which created the resource which <memory> refers to.
If an invalid offset is specified an INVALID_VALUE error is
"The data store of the buffer object is allocated or referenced
as a result of these commands, and cannot be de-allocated or
unreferenced until the buffer is deleted with a call to
Replace the paragraph that beings "BufferStorage and
NamedBufferStorage delete..." with the following:
"BufferStorage, BufferStorageMemEXT, NamedBufferStorage, and
NamedBufferStorageMemEXT delete any existing data store, and set
the values of the buffer object's state variables as shown in
table 6.3."
Add the following to the list of errors for the BufferStorage
"An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by BufferStorageMemEXT and
NamedBufferStorageMemEXT if <memory> is 0, or if <offset> +
<size> is greater than the size of the specified
memory object.
"An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <offset> is not a valid
value for <memory> or the texture."
"An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <memory> names a valid
memory object which has no associated memory."
Modify the header for the third column in table 6.2 to read
"Value for *BufferStorage*", and update the table description to
include the new memory object buffer storage commands.
Modify the first sentence of section 6.3, "Mapping and Unmapping
Buffer Data", to read as follows:
"If the data store for a buffer object is not a reference to a
memory object, all or part of the data store may be mapped into
the client's address space with the commands:"
Add the following to the list of errors for the MapBufferRange and
MapNamedBufferRange commands:
An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by Map*BufferRange if
the specified buffer is referencing a memory object as its data
Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Textures and Samplers)
For each list of TexStorage* commands in the 1D, 2D, 3D,
2DMultisample, and 3DMultisample families, add the following
void TexStorageMem*EXT(<existing parameters>,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
void TextureStorageMem*EXT(<existing parameters>,
uint memory,
uint64 offset);
For each family of TexStorage* commands, add appropriate language to
the description based on the following template:
"Calling TexStorageMem*EXT or TextureStorageMem*EXT is
equivalent to calling TexStorage* or TextureStorage*
except that rather than allocating new memory for the texture's
image data, the memory at <offset> in the memory object
specified by <memory> will be used. The implementation may
restrict which values of <offset> are valid for a given memory
object and texture parameter combination. These restrictions are
outside the scope of this extension and must be determined by
querying the API or mechanism which created the resource which
<memory> refers to. If an invalid offset is specified an
INVALID_VALUE error is generated."
Add errors based on the following template for each family of
TexStorage* commands:
"An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <memory> is 0, or if
the memory object is not large enough to contain the specified
texture's image data."
"An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <offset> is not a valid
value for <memory> or the texture."
"An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <memory> names a valid
memory object which has no associated memory."
"An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <memory> is a protected
memory object and the texture parameter TEXTURE_PROTECTED_EXT is not
Insert the following before Table 8.17:
"If <pname> is TEXTURE_TILING_EXT then the state is stored in the
texture, but only takes effect the next time storage is allocated
from a memory object for the texture object using TexStorageMem*EXT
or TextureStorageMem*EXT. If the value of TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT
is TRUE, then TEXTURE_TILING_EXT cannot be changed and an
INVALID_OPERATION error is generated."
Add the following to table 8.17: Texture parameters and their values.
| Name | Type | Legal values |
Additions to Chapter 22 of the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Context state Queries)
Add the following to the end of the first list of functions in section
22.1, Simple Queries:
void GetUnsignedBytevEXT(enum pname,
ubyte *data);
Replace the sentence following that list with:
The commands obtain boolean, integer, 64-bit integer, floating-
point, double-precision, or unsigned byte state variables.
Add the following to the end of the list of indexed simple state query
void GetUnsignedBytei_vEXT(enum target,
uint index,
ubyte *data);
Add the following to section 22.3.2, Other Internal Format Queries:
NUM_TILING_TYPES_EXT: The number of tiling types that would be
returned by querying TILING_TYPES_EXT is returned in <params>.
TILING_TYPES_EXT: The tiling type supported when using memory
objects to create textures with <internalFormat> and <target>
are written to <params>, in the order in which they occur in
table 22.3. Possible values are those listed in table 22.3.
Table 22.3: Possible tiling types supported by textures using
memory objects.
| Tiling Type |
New State
1) Should only DSA-style texture and buffer object binding
functions be added to keep the number of new functions
to a minimum?
RESOLVED: No. Both DSA and traditional entry points will be added.
2) Should the type of the memory <size> and <offset> parameters be
GLsizeiptr, GLintptr, GLint64, or GLuint64?
RESOLVED: GLuint64. This matches the VkDeviceSize semantics.
3) Should there be a way to allocate memory within OpenGL in
addition to importing it?
RESOLVED: No. This could be covered in a separate extension, but
this would involve building up all the memory property
infrastructure Vulkan already has. Applications wishing to use
memory objects in OpenGL will need to leverage the allocation and
memory capability querying mechanisms present in Vulkan to perform
the actual allocations, and then map the capabilities to GL
equivalents when using them.
4) How are sparse textures handled?
RESOLVED: Sparse texture support is deferred to a later extension.
Late in the development of this specification, it was discovered
that naively extending TexPageCommitmentARB to accept an offset
and memory object parameter results in a subtly awkward interface
when used to build GL sparse textures equivalent to those of Vulkan
sparse images, due to the lack of a defined memory layout ordering
for array textures. Developing a better interface would have
further delayed release of the basic functionality defined here,
which is in higher demand.
5) Do memory objects created as dedicated allocations need special
RESOLVED: No. Like other memory regions, these allocations must be
bound to GL objects compatible with those they are bound to in
Vulkan to avoid aliasing issues, but otherwise no special handling
is required.
6) Should the BufferStorage functions still take a flags parameter?
RESOLVED: No. The flags are not relevant when the memory has
already been allocated externally.
7) Should the Buffer commands be called BufferStorage or BufferData?
RESOLVED: BufferStorage. GL has both commands, while GL ES has only
BufferData. The difference between the two GL commands is
immutability. The naming of the BufferStorage seems more consistent
with the usage, since data is not specified with these commands, but
a backing store is, and immutability for Vulkan memory-backed buffer
objects seems desirable. However, if GLES implementations can not
support immutable buffers, BufferData() support can be added in a
future extension with some added driver complexity.
8) Can semaphore commands be issued inside of Begin/End, or be
included in display lists?
9) Do ownership transfer and memory barrier commands need to be
included in the semaphore operations?
RESOLVED: Yes, these are needed for proper synchronization on some
implementations. Presumably only the source side of the barriers
needs to be specified when transitioning from external to GL usage,
and only the destination side needs to be specified when
transitioning from GL to external usage. That should give the
OpenGL driver sufficient knowledge to perform any needed automatic
transitions based on subsequent usage within the GL API.
Still, it is unclear how much of the Vulkan pipeline barrier API
should be explicitly exposed in the GL API:
* Should queue ownership be included? There is no equivalent
idiom to define this on top of in GL. However, since the
external side is the only portion specified by the
application, it could be described in Vulkan terms.
* Should image layout be included? Similar to the above, there
is no GL concept of this, but Vulkan terms could be leveraged.
* Should access type be included? This maps relatively well to
OpenGL memory barrier bits, but there is not a 1-1
* Should the pipeline stage be included? This could be mapped
to stages defined in the GL state machine, but such explicit
references to the stages are not thus far included in GL
language or tokens.
Another option is to require the Vulkan driver to put images,
buffers, and their memory in a particular state before sharing
them with OpenGL. For example, require applications to
transition to the GENERAL image layout, dstStageMask of
TOP_OF_PIPE or ALL_COMMANDS, dstAccessMask will include
MEMORY_WRITE_BIT | MEMORY_READ_BIT or some new "more external"
version of these, and the dstQueueFamilyIndex must be IGNORED
while srcQueueFamilyIndex must be a valid queue family (a
currently illegal situation).
10) Should the barrier functionality be included in the semaphore
operation commands?
RESOLVED: Yes. The only time such barriers are required in GL is
when synchronizing with external memory accesses, which is also the
only time semaphores should be used. For internal synchronization,
existing GL and EGL commands should be used. Since the use cases
align, it makes sense to make them a single command to cut down on
the potential for misuse and keep the API footprint as small as
11) Must both Gen[MemoryObjects,Semaphores]EXT commands and
Create[MemoryObjects,Semaphores]EXT commands be defined, or is
one or the other sufficient?
RESOLVED: One variant is sufficient for each object type.
12) Should buffer objects backed by memory objects be mappable?
RESOLVED: No. This would complicate the API as interactions between
GL and Vulkan cache flushing semantics would need to be defined.
13) Does the usage information provided when creating Vulkan images
need to be specified when creating textures on memory objects?
If so, how is it specified?
RESOLVED: There are a few options for specifying the usage in
* Have some sort of GLX/EGL-like attrib list that allows users
to specify an arbitrary set of usage parameters.
* Allow applications to re-use the Vulkan usage flags directly
in GL.
* Re-define all the Vulkan image usage flags in GL, and update
the list via new GL interop extensions as new Vulkan usage
flags are added by Vulkan extensions.
None of these are very compelling. They all complicate the OpenGL
API significantly and have a high spec maintenance burden as new
extensions are added.
Other options for resolving the overall issue of GL knowing the
usage include:
* Disallow Vulkan implementations from utilizing the usage
information as input when determining the internal parameters of a
Vulkan image used with external memory.
* Only allow Vulkan implementations to utilize the usage information
when using the dedicated allocation path where it can be stored as
a form of metadata along with the memory.
* Require applications to specify all supported usage flags at image
creation time on the Vulkan side for images that are intended to
alias with OpenGL textures.
The first two options have the downside of potentially limiting the
ability of implementations to fully optimize external images
regardless of their use case. The last option constrains the
limitations to the case of interoperation with OpenGL, making it a
less onerous requirement for implementations while still keeping the
OpenGL side of the API relatively simple compared to the options
involving re-specification of image usage on the OpenGL side.
The agreed resolution is to use the final option: Require all
supported usage flags be specified by the application on the Vulkan
side if the image is intended to alias with an OpenGL texture.
14) Are memory barriers for textures and buffer objects needed with
semaphore signal/wait operations, or should a blanket availability/
visibility rule be applied like in Vulkan<->Vulkan semaphore
RESOLVED: Perhaps extra availability/visibility operations need to
be performed to enable external accesses, so it is safest to require
explicit specification of the resources that need to be made
available and visible as part of a semaphore synchronization
15) Are OpenGL equivalents of the Vulkan image creation flags related to
sparse properties needed?
RESOLVED: Sparse support is not included in this extension.
Prior to this resolution, the proposed resolution was as follows:
No. For the purposes of OpenGL, the functionality of all the Vulkan
sparse image creation flags is contained in the existing
TEXTURE_SPARSE texture parameter. Because OpenGL does not have the
same sparse feature granularity as Vulkan, applications wishing to
create a sparse image that will alias with an OpenGL sparse texture
will be required to set all of the sparse bits. Images not intended
to alias with an OpenGL texture without the TEXTURE_SPARSE flag set
must have none of the Vulkan sparse bits set.
16) How do Vulkan sparse block sizes and OpenGL virtual page sizes
RESOLVED: Sparse support is not included in this extension.
Prior to this resolution, the proposed resolution was as follows:
The application must use an OpenGL virtual page size with dimensions
matching those of the Vulkan sparse block size for any Vulkan images
aliasing OpenGL sparse textures. If no such virtual page size exists,
such aliasing is not supported.
17) Is an OpenGL equivalent of the mutable format Vulkan image creation
parameter needed?
RESOLVED: No. However, Vulkan applications will be required to set
the mutable format bit when creating an image that will alias with
an OpenGL texture on an OpenGL implementation that supports
ARB_texture_view, OES_texture_view, EXT_texture_view, or OpenGL 4.3
and above.
18) Is an OpenGL equivalent of the tiling Vulkan image creation
parameter needed?
RESOLVED: Yes. Further, OpenGL implementations may not support
creating textures from Vulkan images using certain tiling types, so
a query is needed to determine the types supported.
19) Is a way to specify dedicated allocation semantics needed?
RESOLVED: Yes. Importing dedicated allocation-style memory may
require the driver to use different paths than importing purely
abstract memory. Additionally, textures and buffer objects may need to derive meta-data from their associated memory object if
it is a dedicated allocation. Therefore, a dedicated allocation
parameter should be added to the memory objects. Additional
parameters for textures and buffer objects are not required because
unlike Vulkan, OpenGL exposes no application-visible texture or
buffer state that would vary depending on whether a dedicated
allocation will be used for their storage. Therefore, they can
inherit the state from the memory object associated with them at
storage specification time. Note that allowing parameters to be
specified on a memory object prior to the import operation requires
separate memory import from memory object instantiation commands.
20) How should devices be correlated between OpenGL Vulkan, and other
RESOLVED: Device UUID, LUID, and node mask queries are introduced,
corresponding to those added to the Vulkan API for external memory/
semaphore purposes. Because contexts may be associated with
multiple physical GPUs in some cases, multiple values are returned
for device UUIDs and multiple bits are set in the device node masks.
It is not expected that a single context will be associated with
multiple DXGI adapters, so only one LUID is returned.
When sharing with Vulkan device groups, the device UUIDs used by the
context must match those of the Vulkan physical devices in the
Vulkan device group. Future extensions could relax this
21) How do applications determine valid values for the <offset>
parameter of the new storage allocation/binding functions?
RESOLVED: This is outside the scope of this extension. The API or
mechanism which allocated the memory must provide this information.
However, the GL will generate an error if an invalid offset is used.
22) Are there any interactions with the EXT_protected_textures
RESOLVED: Yes. Memory objects can be marked as protected or not
protected before import. This state must match that of the
imported resource. For all textures bound to a given memory object,
the value of the TEXTURE_PROTECTED_EXT parameter of the textures
must match the PROTECTED_MEMORY_OBJECT_EXT parameter of the memory
23) How do applications detect when the new texture layouts
corresponding to the image layouts in VK_KHR_maintenance2 are
supported in OpenGL?
RESOLVED: OpenGL contexts that report the GL_EXT_semaphore extension
string and have a DRIVER_UUID_EXT and DEVICE_UUID_EXT corresponding
to a Vulkan driver that supports VK_KHR_maintenance2 must support
the new OpenGL texture layouts.
Revision History
Revision 14, 2018-07-18 (James Jones)
- Fixed a typo: Replace NamedBufferStroage with NamedBufferStorage
Revision 13, 2017-09-26 (James Jones)
- Added new image layouts corresponding to those from
- Added issue 23 and resolution.
Revision 12, 2017-06-08 (Andres Rodriguez)
- Fixed parameter name in MemoryObjectParameterivEXT's description.
- Fixed missing EXT suffix in some mentions of GetUnsignedByte*
Revision 11, 2017-06-02 (James Jones)
- Added extension numbers.
- Fixed the name of GetSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT.
- Clarified which extensions each command and token belongs to.
- Marked complete.
Revision 10, 2017-05-24 (James Jones)
- Added issue 21 and resolution.
- Added issue 22 and resolution.
- Removed sparse texture support.
- Filled in real token values
- Further documented the new LAYOUT tokens.
Revision 9, 2017-04-05 (James Jones)
- Added context device UUID queries.
Revision 8, 2017-04-04 (James Jones)
- Clarified semaphore semantics
Revision 7, 2017-03-28 (James Jones)
- Fixed various typos.
Revision 6, 2017-03-17 (James Jones)
- Renamed from KHR to EXT.
- Added texture tiling parameters.
- Added semaphore parameter manipulation functions.
- Replaced GenMemoryObjectsEXT with CreateMemoryObjectsEXT
- Added memory object parameter manipulation functions.
- Updated issue 13 with a proposed resolution.
- Added issues 15-19 and proposed resolutions.
Revision 5, 2016-10-22 (James Jones)
- Added proposed memory barrier semantics to the semaphore commands.
- Added issue 14.
- Added some clarifications to issue 13
Revision 4, 2016-09-28 (James Jones)
- Merged in GL_KHR_semaphore to reduce number of specs.
- Added spec body describing the new commands.
- Added issues 9-13.
Revision 3, 2016-08-15 (James Jones and Jeff Juliano)
- Clarified overview text.
Revision 2, 2016-08-07 (James Jones)
- Added non-contiguous sparse binding support via
Revision 1, 2016-08-05 (James Jones)
- Initial draft.