


Name Strings



Jan-Harald Fredriksen, ARM
Tom Olson, ARM


Jan-Harald Fredriksen (jan-harald.fredriksen 'at'


Shipping as of August 2012.


Last Modified Date: June 26, 2015


OpenGL ES Extension #120


OpenGL ES 2.0 is required.
OES_get_program_binary is required.

This extension is written based on the wording of the OpenGL ES 2.0.25
specification and the OES_get_program_binary extension.


The OES_get_program_binary extension enables applications to retrieve program
binaries using GetProgramBinaryOES and reload them using ProgramBinaryOES.

The mechanism for retrieval and reloading of program binaries is vendor
agnostic, but the binary format itself is vendor specific.

This extension adds a token to identify program binaries that are
compatible with the ARM Mali family of GPUs.


1. When should applications recompile and relink program binaries?

UNRESOLVED: ProgramBinaryOES may fail after a driver update. In this
case, it may be useful for applications to know whether all program
binaries need to be recompiled and/or relinked. There is no language
mechanism other than the program object info log to provide this
information to the application. However, it is expected that if any
binary fails to load after a driver update, then all programs binaries
retrieved prior to the driver update will fail to load.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted by the <binaryFormat> parameter of ProgramBinaryOES:

    MALI_PROGRAM_BINARY_ARM              0x8F61

Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification (OpenGL ES Operation)

At the end of the section called Program Binaries, add:

"The format MALI_PROGRAM_BINARY_ARM will be present in the list of
program binary formats returned when querying PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS_OES.
This format will be returned in <binaryFormat> by GetProgramBinaryOES, and
may be used as the <binaryFormat> in calls to ProgramBinaryOES.

ProgramBinaryOES may reject a MALI_PROGRAM_BINARY_ARM program binary. This
can happen if <binary> is not a valid Mali program binary, if <binary> has
been compiled for an incompatible Mali GPU, if <binary> has been compiled
for a different API version, or if <binary> has been produced by an
incompatible version of the shader compiler or driver. If <binary> is
rejected for any of these reasons, the LINK_STATUS will be set to FALSE
and the program object's info log will be updated with a reason for the

If <binary> was rejected because it was produced by an incompatible version
of the shader compiler or driver, applications should recompile and relink
all programs produced with the previous version of the shader compiler and

Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)


Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification (Special Functions)


Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification (State and State Requests)




New State


New Implementation Dependent State


Revision History

#1  21/03/2012   Jan-Harald Fredriksen    First draft.
#2  26/03/2012   Jan-Harald Fredriksen    Completed internal review.
#3  24/06/2012   Jan-Harald Fredriksen    Clarified behavior for incompatible binaries.
#4  01/09/2012   Jan-Harald Fredriksen    Updated status.
#5  25/06/2015   Jan-Harald Fredriksen    Fixed typo.