


Name Strings



Kedarnath Thangudu, NVIDIA Corporation (kthangudu 'at' nvidia.com)


Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA Corporation


Shipping in Pascal GPUs, June 2016.


Last Modified Date:         July 15, 2016
NVIDIA Revision:            2


OpenGL Extension #492
OpenGL ES Extension #266


This extension is written against NV_blend_equation_advanced as 
applied to OpenGL 4.1 Specification (Compatibility Profile).

This extension requires either NV_blend_equation_advanced or


This extension adds support for using advanced blend equations
introduced with NV_blend_equation_advanced (and standardized
by KHR_blend_equation_advanced) in conjunction with multiple
draw buffers.  The NV_blend_equation_advanced extension supports
advanced blending equations only when rending to a single color
buffer using fragment color zero and throws and INVALID_OPERATION
error when multiple draw buffers are used. This extension removes
this restriction.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens


Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)


Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 4.1 Specification (Rasterization)


Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 4.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)

[[In the "Advanced Blend Equations" subsection added in 
  NV_blend_equation_advanced, delete the paragraph beginning "If any 
  non-NONE draw buffer uses a blend equation..." and replace it with the
  following paragraph. Advanced blend equations are now allowed with 
  multiple draw buffers as long as they use they use identical blend 

If any non-NONE draw buffer uses a blend equation found in table X.2, X.3, 
or X.4, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by [[Compatibility 
Profile:  Begin or any operation that implicitly calls Begin (such as 
DrawElements)]] [[Core Profile:  DrawArrays and the other drawing commands 
defined in section 2.8.3]] if any other non-NONE draw buffer uses a 
different blend equation.

Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 4.1 Specification (Special Functions)


Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.1 Specification (State and State Requests)


Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 4.1 Specification (Invariance)


Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL/EGL Specifications


GLX Protocol

None (since adds no API).

Dependencies on OpenGL 4.1 (Core Profile)

[[Delete the paragraph beginning "This extension throws an 
  INVALID_OPERATION..." and replace it with the following paragraph]]

This extension throws an INVALID_OPERATION when Begin is called if advanced
blend equations are used and the blend equations for all the non-NONE draw 
buffers are not identical.  For the core profile of OpenGL 4.1 (and other 
versions of OpenGL), there is no Begin command; instead, the error is 
thrown by other rendering commands such as DrawArrays.  The language in 
this specification documenting the error has separate versions for the 
core and compatibility profiles.


[[Delete the paragraph beginning "If any non-NONE draw buffer uses a blend 
  equation..." and replace with the following.]]

If any non-NONE draw buffer uses a blend equation found in table X.2, X.3,
or X.4, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Begin or any operation
that implicitly calls Begin (such as DrawElements) if any other non-NONE 
draw buffer uses a different blend equation.

New State


New Implementation Dependent State



1)  Why does this extension have no functions or tokens?

    RESOLVED:  This extension only relaxes error conditions
    specified by the KHR_blend_equation_advanced and

2)  Does this extension support ES 2.x and ES 3.x?

    RESOLVED:  Yes, if the extension is advertised in an ES 2.x or
    3.x context, the extension is supported.

Revision History

Rev.    Date    Author      Changes
----  --------  ---------   -----------------------------------------
 1              kthangudu   Internal revisions.
 2    7/16/16   mjk         typo + no GLX protocol needed