


Name Strings



Matt Collins, Apple Inc
Alex Eddy, Apple Inc
Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA
Chris Niederauer, Apple Inc
Richard Schreyer, Apple Inc
Henri Verbeet, CodeWeavers
Brent Wilson, NVIDIA
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
Dan Omachi, Apple Inc
Jason Green, TransGaming
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Mathias Heyer, NVIDIA


Matt Collins, Apple Inc (matthew.collins 'at' apple.com)


Shipping on OS X 10.7


Date: November 8, 2017
Revision: 0.91


OpenGL Extension #402
OpenGL ES Extension #152


OpenGL 2.1 or EXT_texture_sRGB requried for OpenGL

OpenGL ES 3.0 or EXT_sRGB are required for OpenGL ES

OpenGL 3.0 or later interacts with this extension.

OpenGL ES 2.0 interacts with this extension.

OpenGL ES 3.0 interacts with this extension.

ARB_bindless_texture interacts with this extension.

ARB_sampler_objects interacts with this extension.

ARB_framebuffer_object interacts with this extension.

EXT_direct_state_access interacts with this extension.

EXT_texture_compression_s3tc interacts with this extension.

EXT_texture_integer interacts with this extension.

EXT_sRGB interacts with this extension.

NV_sRGB_formats interacts with this extension.

NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB interacts with this extension.

KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr interacts with this extension.

ETC2 texure compression formats interact with this extension.

This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1 (December 1, 2006)


The EXT_texture_sRGB extension (promoted to core in OpenGL 2.1)
provides a texture format stored in the sRGB color space. Sampling one
of these textures will always return the color value decoded into a
linear color space. However, an application may wish to sample and
retrieve the undecoded sRGB data from the texture and manipulate
that directly.

This extension adds a Texture Parameter and Sampler Object parameter to
allow sRGB textures to be read directly, without decoding.

The new parameter, TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT controls whether the
decoding happens at sample time. It only applies to textures with an
internal format that is sRGB and is ignored for all other textures.
This value defaults to DECODE_EXT, which indicates the texture
should be decoded to linear color space.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted by the <pname> parameter of TexParameterf, TexParameteri,
TexParameterfv, TexParameteriv, TexParameterIiv, TexParameterIuiv,
TexParameterIivEXT, TexParameterIuivEXT, TextureParameterfEXT,
TextureParameterfvEXT, TextureParameteriEXT, TextureParameterivEXT,
TextureParameterIivEXT, TextureParameterIuivEXT,
MultiTexParameterfEXT, MultiTexParameterfvEXT, MultiTexParameteriEXT,
MultiTexParameterivEXT, MultiTexParameterIivEXT,
MultiTexParameterIuivEXT, GetTexParameterfv, GetTexParameteriv,
GetTexParameterIiv, GetTexParameterIuiv, GetTexParameterIivEXT,
GetTexParameterIuivEXT, GetTextureParameterfEXT,
GetTextureParameterfvEXT, GetTextureParameteriEXT,
GetTextureParameterivEXT, GetTextureParameterIivEXT,
GetTextureParameterIuivEXT, GetMultiTexParameterfEXT,
GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT, GetMultiTexParameteriEXT,
GetMultiTexParameterivEXT, GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT,
GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT, SamplerParameteri, SamplerParameterf,
SamplerParameteriv, SamplerParameterfv, SamplerParameterIiv,
SamplerParameterIuiv, GetSamplerParameteriv, GetSamplerParameterfv,
GetSamplerParameterIiv, and GetSamplerParameterIuiv:


Accepted by the <param> parameter of TexParameterf, TexParameteri,
TexParameterfv, TexParameteriv, TexParameterIiv, TexParameterIuiv,
TexParameterIivEXT, TexParameterIuivEXT, TextureParameterfEXT,
TextureParameterfvEXT, TextureParameteriEXT, TextureParameterivEXT,
TextureParameterIivEXT, TextureParameterIuivEXT,
MultiTexParameterfEXT, MultiTexParameterfvEXT, MultiTexParameteriEXT,
MultiTexParameterivEXT, MultiTexParameterIivEXT,
MultiTexParameterIuivEXT, SamplerParameteri, SamplerParameterf,
SamplerParameteriv, SamplerParameterfv, SamplerParameterIiv, and

    DECODE_EXT             0x8A49
    SKIP_DECODE_EXT        0x8A4A

Additions to Chapter 3 of the 2.1 Specification (Rasterization)

Add 1 new row to Table 3.18 (page 169).

Name                       Type       Initial value     Legal values
----                       ----       -------------     ------------

– OpenGL: Section 3.8.8, Texture Minification

Add to the end of the "Automatic Mipmap Generation" subsection:

If the automatic mipmap generation is applied to a texture
whose internal format is one of SRGB_EXT, SRGB8_EXT,
parameter for the current texture unit is DECODE_EXT, the RGB
texel components are decoded to a linear components as described
in section 3.8.15 prior to downsampling; then after downsampling,
the linear components are re-encoded as sRGB in the following manner:

If cl is the linear color component, then the corresponding sRGB
encoded component is encoded as follows

         {  cl * 12.92,                  cl < 0.0031308
    cs = {
         {  1.055 * cl^0.41666 - 0.055,  cl >= 0.0031308

If the automatic mipmap generation is applied to a texture whose
internal format is one of the sRGB formats listed previously and
the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter for the texture object is
SKIP_DECODE_EXT, the sRGB decode and encode steps are skipped during
mipmap generation.

– OpenGL: Section 3.8.15, sRGB Color Decoding

(section was previously titled sRGB Color Conversion)

Replace current text with the following:

If the currently bound texture's internal format is one
parameter for the current texture unit is DECODE_EXT, the red, green, and blue
components are decoded from an sRGB color space to a linear color
space as part of filtering described in sections 3.8.8 and 3.8.9.
Any alpha component is left unchanged. Ideally, implementations
should perform this color decoding on each sample prior to filtering
but implementations are allowed to perform this decoding after
filtering (though this post-filtering approach is inferior to
decoding from sRGB prior to filtering).

The decoding from an sRGB encoded component, cs, to a linear
component, cl, is as follows

        {  0,                          cs <= 0
        {  cs / 12.92,                 0 < cs <= 0.04045
   cl = {
        {  ((cs + 0.055)/1.055)^2.4,   0.04045 < cs < 1
        {  1,                          cs >= 1

Assume cs is the sRGB component in the range [0,1].

If the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter is SKIP_DECODE_EXT, the value
is returned without decoding. The TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT
parameter state is ignored for any texture with an internal format
not explicitly listed above, as no decoding needs to be done.

— OpenGL ES 3.2: Section 8.21, sRGB Texture Color Conversion — OpenGL ES 3.0: Section 3.8.16, sRGB Texture Color Conversion — OpenGL ES 2.0: Section 3.7.14, sRGB Texture Color Conversion

Add after the first paragraph of the section:

"The conversion of sRGB color space components to linear color space is always applied if the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter is DECODE_EXT. Table X.1 describes whether the conversion is skipped if the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter is SKIP_DECODE_EXT, depending on the function used for the access, whether the access occurs through a bindless sampler, and whether the texture is statically accessed elsewhere with a texelFetch function."

Add a new table X.1, Whether the conversion of sRGB color space
components to linear color space is skipped when the

                                   texelFetch       other builtin
  non-bindless sampler,            n/a              yes
  no accesses with

  non-bindless sampler,            no               undefined
  statically accessed with

  bindless sampler                 undefined        yes

Dependencies on ARB_bindless_texture

If ARB_bindless_texture is NOT supported, delete all references to
bindless samplers.

Dependencies on ARB_sampler_objects or OpenGL 3.3 or later

If ARB_sampler_objects or OpenGL 3.3 or later is NOT supported,
delete all references to SamplerParameter* and GetSamplerParameter*.

Dependencies on ARB_framebuffer_object or OpenGL 3.0 or later

If ARB_framebuffer_object or OpenGL 3.0 or later is supported, the
explanation in the "Automatic Mipmap Generation" section applies to
the GenerateMipmap command as well.

Dependencies on EXT_texture_compression_s3tc

If EXT_texture_compression_s3tc is NOT supported, delete

Dependencies on EXT_texture_integer

If EXT_texture_integer is NOT supported, delete references to
TexParameterIivEXT, TexParameterIuivEXT, GetTexParameterIivEXT,
and GetTexParameterIuivEXT.

Dependencies on EXT_direct_state_access

If EXT_direct_state_access is NOT supported, delete
references to TextureParameterfEXT, TextureParameterfvEXT,
TextureParameteriEXT, TextureParameterivEXT, TextureParameterIivEXT,
TextureParameterIuivEXT, MultiTexParameterfEXT,
MultiTexParameterfvEXT, MultiTexParameteriEXT, MultiTexParameterivEXT,
MultiTexParameterIivEXT, MultiTexParameterIuivEXT,
GetTextureParameterfEXT, GetTextureParameterfvEXT,
GetTextureParameteriEXT, GetTextureParameterivEXT,
GetTextureParameterIivEXT, GetTextureParameterIuivEXT,
GetMultiTexParameterfEXT, GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT,
GetMultiTexParameteriEXT, GetMultiTexParameterivEXT,
GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT, and GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT.

Dependencies on OpenGL 3.0

If OpenGL 3.0 or later is NOT supported, delete references
to TexParameterIiv, TexParameterIuiv, GetTexParameterIiv,
and GetTexParameterIuiv.

Interactions with OpenGL ES

If OpenGL ES 3.0 is NOT supported, delete references
to TexParameterIiv, TexParameterIuiv, GetTexParameterIiv,
and GetTexParameterIuiv, GetTexParameterfv, GetTexParameteriv.

If OpenGL ES 3.0 or NV_generate_mipmap_sRGB is supported,
TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT will control the linearization of sRGB
texture levels while generating the mipmap levels. The section
"Automatic Mipmap Generation" applies to glGenerateMipmap instead.

If neither OpenGL ES 3.0 nor NV_sampler_objects is supported,
delete all references to SamplerParameter* and GetSamplerParameter*.

If NV_sampler_objects is supported, substitue the ARB_sampler_objects
references with corresponding commands of NV_sampler_objects.

Interactions with KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr

If KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr is supported, the
TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT texture and/or sampler parameter affects the
COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_*_KHR formats as described in the Section
3.8.16 edits.

Interactions with ETC2 compressed texture formats

If the ETC2 texture compression formats (part of OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenGL
4.3) are supported, the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT texture and/or sampler
parameter affects the COMPRESSED_SRGB8_*ETC2* formats as described in the
Section 3.8.16 edits.

Interactions with NV_sRGB_formats

If NV_sRGB_formats is supported, the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT texture and/or
sampler parameter affects the new SRGB and SLUMINANCE formats as described
in the Section 3.7.14 edits.


INVALID_ENUM is generated if the <pname> parameter of
TexParameter[i,f,Ii,Iui][v][EXT], MultiTexParameter[i,f,Ii,Iui][v]EXT,
TextureParameter[i,f,Ii,Iui][v]EXT, SamplerParameter[i,f,Ii,Iui][v]
is TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT when the <param> parameter is not one of

New State

In table 6.20, Texture Objects, p. 384, add the following:

Get Value                     Type  Get Command           Initial Value  Description       Sec.   Attribute
----------------------------  ----  --------------------  -------------  ----------------  -----  ---------
TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT       Z_2   GetTexParameter[if]v  DECODE_EXT     indicates when    3.8.15 texture
                                                                         sRGB textures
                                                                         are decoded from
                                                                         sRGB or the
                                                                         decoding step is

Add to Table 6.23 of ARB_sampler_objects, "Textures (state per sampler object)":

Get Value                     Type  Get Command               Initial Value  Description       Sec.   Attribute
----------------------------  ----  ------------------------  -------------  ----------------  -----  ---------
TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT       Z_2   GetSamplerParameter[if]v  DECODE_EXT     indicates when    3.8.15 texture
                                                                             sRGB textures
                                                                             are decoded from
                                                                             sRGB or the
                                                                             decoding step is


1) What should this extension be called?

    RESOLVED: EXT_texture_sRGB_decode

    The purpose of this extension is to allow developers to skip
    the sRGB-to-linear decoding detailed in Section 3.8.15.
    Since this is a decoding of the sRGB value into linear space, we
    use that word to describe the pname. The enum indicating this
    decoding is to happen is DECODE, as that is what the GL will do.
    The enum that indicates this decoding is to be skipped is then
    appropriately, SKIP_DECODE.

2) Should this allow for filters other than NEAREST on undecoded
   sRGB values?


    Hardware supports this, and it is left up to the programmer.

3) Do we generate an error if TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT is changed for normal


    This is similar to the ARB_shadow and ARB_framebuffer_sRGB extensions - the flag
    is ignored for non-sRGB texture internal formats.

4) Should we add forward-looking support for ARB_sampler_objects?


    If ARB_sampler_objects exists in the implementation, the sampler
    objects should also include this parameter per sampler.

5) What is the expense of changing the sRGB-ness of a texture without
   this extension?

    RESOLVED:  If an application wants to use a texture with sRGB
    texels and then switch to using it with linear filtering (or vice
    versa), OpenGL without this extension requires the application
    to read back all the texels in all the mipmap levels of all the
    images, and respecify a different texture object with a different
    texture format.  This is very expensive.

    With this extension, the driver can simply change the underlying
    hardware texture format associated with the texture to perform
    sRGB conversion on filtering or not.  This is very inexpensive.

    However, note that the functionality of this extension can also
    be obtained using the more modern approach provided by
    ARB_texture_view (added to OpenGL 4.3) and OES_texture_view.

6) Do any major games or game engines depend on the ability to
   change the sRGB-ness of textures?

    RESOLVED:  Yes, Valve's Source engine used by Half-Life 2,
    Counter-Strike: Source, and Left 4 Dead; and Unreal Engine 3
    games including Unreal Tournament 3 and BioShock.

    These games and their underlying engines repeatedly render linear
    color values into textures and then texture from the rendered
    textures with sRGB texture filtering.

7) Why not simply allow changing whether a standard GL_RGBA8
   can perform an sRGB color space conversion for filtering?

    RESOLVED:  Allowing this would create a consistency problem.
    Why would the GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter not
    apply to GL_RGB4 or GL_RGB12 textures too?  In practice,
    sRGB color conversion for texture filtering is only typically
    supported in hardware for a small subset of texture formats
    (corresponding to the sized internal formats introduced by the
    EXT_texture_sRGB specification).  It's essentially only 8-bit
    fixed-point unsigned textures where sRGB color conversion makes
    sense.  And the initial value of the parameter (GL_DECODE_EXT) would be
    appropriate for sRGB texture formats but not conventional linear
    texture formats (as no decoding needs to be done). Having the

    texture parameter apply just to sRGB texture eliminates the ambiguity
    of which conventional texture formats can and cannot have sRGB decoding
    applied to them. This also eliminates the burden of having every future

    texture format extension specify whether or not the sRGB decoding parameter
    applies to them.

    Direct3D 9 handles this situation by advertising for each surface
    format (which double as texture formats) a D3DUSAGE_QUERY_SRGBREAD
    parameter.  In practice, Direct3D 9 implementation only advertise
    the D3DUSAGE_QUERY_SRGBREAD parameter for 8-bit fixed-point
    unsigned RGB or luminance formats, corresponding to the formats
    available from EXT_texture_sRGB.

8) Does there need to be a control for whether to update (and
   possibly blend) framebuffer pixels in sRGB or linear color space?

    RESOLVED:  The EXT_framebuffer_sRGB extension (made core in OpenGL
    3.0) already has this capability with the GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_EXT

    roughly corresponds to Direct3D 9's D3DUSAGE_QUERY_SRGBWRITE

9) How is the border color handled when toggling sRGB color
   conversion for blending of sRGB textures?

    RESOLVED:  Consistent with the EXT_texture_sRGB specification, the
    border color is always specified as a linear value (never sRGB).
    So changing the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter will
    not affect the resulting sampled border color.

    If an implementation were to store the texture border color in a
    format consistent with the texel format (including the sRGB color
    space), this would require such implementations to convert the
    (linear) texture border RGB components to sRGB space.
    In this case, this would mean an implementation to re-specify
    the texture border color state in the hardware when the
    TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter for an sRGB texture

    Alternatively, if the implementation stored the texture
    border color in texture formant-independent format (say 4
    floating-point values) and always treated this as a linear RGB
    color for purposes of texture filtering, no sRGB conversion
    of the texture border color would ever occur.  In this case,
    this would mean an implementation would NOT need to re-specify
    the texture border color state in the hardware when the
    TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter for an sRGB texture

10) How is mipmap generation of sRGB textures affected by the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter?

    for an sRGB texture, mipmap generation should decode sRGB texels
    to a linear RGB color space, perform downsampling, then encode
    back to an sRGB color space.  (Issue 24 in the EXT_texture_sRGB
    specification provides a rationale for why.)  When the parameter
    is SKIP_DECODE_EXT instead, mipmap generation skips the encode
    and decode steps during mipmap generation.  By skipping the
    encode and decode steps, sRGB mipmap generation should match
    the mipmap generation for a non-sRGB texture.

    The TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT texture parameter has no effect on
    mipmap generation of non-sRGB textures.

    Direct3D 10 and Direct3D 11 expect mipmap generation for sRGB
    textures to be "correctly done" (meaning sRGB decode samples,
    perform weighted average in linear space, then sRGB encode
    the result).

    Direct3D 9 expects to NOT perform sRGB-correct mipmap generation.
    Hence the ability to generate mipmaps from an sRGB texture
    where you skip the decode (and encode) during mipmap generation
    is important.

11) Does automatic mipmap generation change the smaller mipmap levels when the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE texture parameter changes?

    RESOLVED:  No, automatic mipmap generation only happens when the
    base level is changed.

    This means if the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE parameter is changed from
    DECODE_EXT to SKIP_DECODE_EXT (or vice versa), the texels in the
    smaller mipmap levels are not modified.

    Use the glGenerateMipmap command to regenerate mipmaps explicitly
    to reflect a change in the TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE parameter.

12) How is this extension expected to be used for Direct3D 9 emulation?

    RESOLVED: Direct3D texture resources that are created with a
    format supporting either the SRGBREAD or SRGBWRITE capabilities
    should be created as an OpenGL texture object with an sRGB
    internal format.

    This means that normal "linear" RGBA8 textures for Direct3D 9
    should be created as GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 textures so they can be used
    with samplers where the GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT parameter of
    the sampler (assuming ARB_sampler_objects) determines whether
    they operate as linear textures (the GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT) state
    or sRGB textures (the GL_DECODE_EXT state).

    Example for a Direct3D9 CreateTexture with a D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 format:

      glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8,
        width, height, border, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_RGBA, texels);

    Notice the texture is created with a GL_SRGB_ALPHA8 format but
    immediately switched to GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT.  This is because:

    1a) The format needs to be GL_SRGBA_ALPHA so that when used with
        a sampler configured with the (initial) value of zero (false)
        for D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE, the texture will be filtered without
        sRGB decode.

    1b) Likewise, when D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE is true for a sampler, the
        texture needs to be decoded to sRGB for filtering.  In this case,
        the OpenGL translation would use:

          glSamplerParameteri(sampler, GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT, GL_DECODE_EXT);

    2)  Direct3D9's D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP does not generate mipmaps
        in sRGB space (but rather in linear space).

    When rendering into a surface in Direct3D 9 with the
    D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE render state (set by SetRenderState) set to false,
    the pixel updates (including blending) need to operate with
    GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB disabled.  So:


    Likewise when the D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE render state is true,
    OpenGL should operate


    Any texture with an sRGB internal format (for example,
    GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 for the internal format) will perform sRGB decode
    before blending and encode after blending.  This matches the Direct3D9
    semantics when D3DUSAGE_QUERY_SRGBWRITE is true of the resource format.

13) How is this extension expected to be used for Direct3D 10 and 11 emulation?

    RESOLVED:  Direct3D 10 and 11 support non-mutable formats for sRGB
    textures (matching the original behavior of EXT_texture_sRGB,
    unextended by this extension).  So the DXGI_FORMAT_*_SRGB
    formats are always decoded from sRGB to linear (and vice versa)
    as necessary.  Formats not suffixed with _SRGB are never decoded
    or encoded to sRGB.

    Direct3D 10 and 11 support "typeless" resources with resource views
    that can have different formats.  So you can create a texture
    with a format of DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS and then create
    shader resource views with the DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM and
    DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB formats on that. This is a much
    more generic approach to decoupling storage and interpretation in
    Direct3D 10 and 11.  However support for "typeless" resources
    and resource views is beyond the scope of this extension.

    These two questions from Microsoft's Direct3D 10 Frequently Asked
    Questions list provide helpful context:

        "Q:  Where did the D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE state go?

        A: SRGB was removed as part of the sampler state and now
        is tied to the texture format. Binding an SRGB texture will
        result in the same sampling you would get if you specified
        D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE in Direct3D 9.

        Q:  What are these new SRGB formats?

        A:  SRGB was removed as part of the sampler state and is
        now tied to the texture format. Binding an SRGB texture will
        result in the same sampling you would get if you specified
        D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE in Direct3D 9."

    This means that normal "linear" textures, such as
    DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, would be created as GL_RGBA8 textures
    (not sRGB), so that they will always behave as linear textures
    (never sRGB-decoded).

    On the other hand, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB would be
    created as GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8.  Its texture sRGB decode parameter
    would be left with the initial value of GL_DECODE_EXT.  Mipmap
    generation for a texture using DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB
    (GL_RGB8_ALPHA8 in OpenGL) would perform the proper sRGB decode
    and encode needed for automatic mipmap generation.

    In Direct3D 10 and 11 emulation, the GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT
    parameter of sampler objects would simply be left at its initial
    value of GL_DECODE_EXT.  Unlike Direct3D 9 where the sampler
    controlled sRGB decode (via the D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE), that parameter
    is not present in Direct3D 10 and 11 (see the FAQ questions above).

    The conclusion of this issue's discussion is that Direct3D
    10 and 11 emulation software should simply ignore the
    EXT_texture_sRGB_decode extension.  This is to be expected
    because the EXT_texture_sRGB_decode extension is meant to match
    the legacy functionality of Direct3D 9.

14) Why does Table X.1 show "Undefined", and why does it appear in different columns depending on whether bindless samplers are used or not?

    RESOLVED: Conceptually, TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT is part of the
    sampler state and should therefore not apply to texelFetch. However,
    not all hardware has the required bit in the sampler state.

    With bindless samplers, texture handles are *always* statically
    accessed by texelFetch (because an application could choose to do so
    at any time), so applying the same rules as for non-bindless
    samplers would make the functionality provided in this extension

Revision History

    Rev.    Date    Author    Changes
    ----  --------  --------  -------------------------------------
    0.91  11/08/17  nhaehnle  Add interaction with bindless textures
                              (API issue #51)
    0.90  04/27/16  Jon Leech Add interaction with texelFetch builtins
                              (Bug 14934)
    0.89  08/14/13  dkoch     Add interactions with ASTC/ETC2/NV_sRGB_formats
    0.88  07/24/13  mheyer    Add OpenGL ES interactions
    0.87  08/22/11  mjk       correction to issue #8 from Jason
    0.86  08/22/11  mjk       corrections from Daniel + more interactions
    0.85  08/13/11  mjk       corrections to issues from Jason and Henri
    0.84  08/05/11  mjk       New issues to explain Direct3D interactions;
                              fix table Get Command.
    0.83  07/15/11  mjk       "current texture unit" -> "texture
                              object" for mipmap generation
    0.82  04/12/11  mjk       Mipmap generation interactions.
    0.81  11/18/10  mattc     Fixed language in error section.
                              Cleaned up which functions take which tokens.
    0.8   11/18/10  mattc     Added issues from EXT_texture_sRGB_decode

                              for background info. Cleaned up layout.
    0.71  11/18/10  mattc     Adapted apple_texture_linearize_srgb into
                              this specification.