Name Strings
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Corporation (jbolz 'at' nvidia.com)
Pat Brown, NVIDIA Coproration (pbrown 'at' nvidia.com)
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Last Modified Date: June 13, 2014
Author Revision: 3
OpenGL Extension #418
OpenGL ES Extension #197
This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.0 (Compatibility Profile)
and OpenGL Shading Language 4.00 Specifications.
OpenGL 4.0 or later is required for an OpenGL implementation.
The GLSL portion of this extension requires NV_gpu_shader5, or a similar
extension providing 64-bit integer support in the shading language.
This extension interacts with OpenGL 4.0 (Core Profile).
This extension interacts with OpenGL 3.3 and ARB_sampler_objects.
This extension interacts with OpenGL 4.2, ARB_shader_image_load_store, and
This extension interacts with NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit.
This extension interacts with NV_gpu_shader5.
This extension interacts with EXT_direct_state_access.
This extension interacts with ARB_seamless_cube_map and
This extension interacts with NV_gpu_program4, NV_gpu_program5, and
This extension interacts with GLSL 4.20.
OpenGL ES 3.0 or later is required for an OpenGL ES implementation.
This extension interacts with OpenGL ES 3.1.
This extension interacts with OES_shader_image_atomic.
This extension interacts with EXT_texture_cube_map_array.
This extension interacts with EXT_texture_buffer.
This extension interacts with EXT_shader_io_blocks.
This extension allows OpenGL applications to access texture objects in
shaders without first binding each texture to one of a limited number of
texture image units. Using this extension, an application can query a
64-bit unsigned integer texture handle for each texture that it wants to
access and then use that handle directly in GLSL or assembly-based
shaders. The ability to access textures without having to bind and/or
re-bind them is similar to the capability provided by the
NV_shader_buffer_load extension that allows shaders to access buffer
objects without binding them. In both cases, these extensions
significantly reduce the amount of API and internal GL driver overhead
needed to manage resource bindings.
This extension also provides similar capability for the image load, store,
and atomic functionality provided by OpenGL 4.2, OpenGL ES 3.1 and the
ARB_shader_image_load_store and EXT_shader_image_load_store extensions,
where a texture can be accessed without first binding it to an image unit.
An image handle can be extracted from a texture object using an API with a
set of parameters similar to those for BindImageTextureEXT.
This extension adds no new data types to GLSL. Instead, it uses existing
sampler and image data types and allows them to be populated with texture
and image handles. This extension does permit sampler and image data
types to be used in more contexts than in unextended GLSL 4.00. In
particular, sampler and image types may be used as shader inputs/outputs,
temporary variables, and uniform block members, and may be assigned to by
shader code. Constructors are provided to convert 64-bit unsigned integer
values to and from sampler and image data types. Additionally, new APIs
are provided to load values for sampler and image uniforms with 64-bit
handle inputs. The use of existing integer-based Uniform* APIs is still
permitted, in which case the integer specified will identify a texture
image or image unit. For samplers and images with values specified as
texture image or image units, the GL implemenation will translate the unit
number to an internal handle as required.
To access texture or image resources using handles, the handles must first
be made resident. Accessing a texture or image by handle without first
making it resident can result in undefined results, including program
termination. Since the amount of texture memory required by an
application may exceed the amount of memory available to the system, this
extension provides API calls allowing applications to manage overall
texture memory consumption by making a texture resident and non-resident
as required.
New Procedures and Functions
uint64 GetTextureHandleNV(uint texture);
uint64 GetTextureSamplerHandleNV(uint texture, uint sampler);
void MakeTextureHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle);
void MakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV(uint64 handle);
uint64 GetImageHandleNV(uint texture, int level, boolean layered,
int layer, enum format);
void MakeImageHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle, enum access);
void MakeImageHandleNonResidentNV(uint64 handle);
void UniformHandleui64NV(int location, uint64 value);
void UniformHandleui64vNV(int location, sizei count, const uint64 *value);
void ProgramUniformHandleui64NV(uint program, int location,
uint64 value);
void ProgramUniformHandleui64vNV(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint64 *values);
boolean IsTextureHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle);
boolean IsImageHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle);
New Tokens
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.0 (Compatibility Profile) Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Modify Section 2.7, Vertex Specification, p. 30
Replace the paragraph from NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit describing the
behavior of VertexAttribL*:
These commands specify one, two, three or four values. Note that attribute
variables declared with "double" types must be loaded with
VertexAttribL*d{v}EXT; loading attributes with VertexAttrib*d{v} will
produce undefined results. Similarly, attributes declared with 64-bit
integer types, sampler types, or image types must be loaded with
The full set of VertexAttrib* commands specify generic attributes with
components one of eight data types:
* floating-point values (VertexAttrib*),
* signed or unsigned integers (VertexAttribI*),
* double-precision floating-point values (VertexAttribL*d*), and
* 64-bit signed or unsigned integers, images, or samplers
Modify Section 2.14.3, Vertex Attributes, p. 94
Edit Table X.1 of NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit (Scalar and vector
vertex attribute types and VertexAttrib* commands used to set the values
of the corresponding generic attribute.). Change the line describing
VertexAttribL1ui64NV to allow it for sampler and image types.
Data type Command
------------------------------- ----------------------------------
uint64_t VertexAttribL1ui64NV
sampler* isampler* usampler*
image* iimage* uimage*
Modify Section 2.14.4, Uniform Variables, p. 97
(Modify second paragraph, p. 98) ... uniform components, respectively. A
scalar or vector uniform with double-precision or 64-bit integer
components will consume no more than 2n components, where n is 1 for
scalars, and the component count for vectors. A sampler or image uniform
will consume no more than two components. A link error is generated...
(Edit Table 2.15, "OpenGL Shading Language type tokens returned by
GetActiveUniform and GetActiveUniformsiv...", pp. 104-106. In particular,
add dots to the "Attrib" and "Xfb" columns for all SAMPLER and IMAGE
(Edit the subsection "Loading Uniform Variables In The Default Uniform
Block", p. 108)
(Add the following commands to the list of uniform functions on p. 108.)
void UniformHandleui64NV(int location, uint64 value);
void UniformHandleui64vNV(int location, sizei count,
const uint64 *value);
void ProgramUniformHandleui64NV(uint program, int location,
uint64 value);
void ProgramUniformHandleui64vNV(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint64 *values);
(Delete the sentence: "Only the Uniform1i{v} commands can be used to load
sampler values (see below)." from p. 108.)
(Insert a new paragarph after the second paragraph, p. 109)
The UniformHandleui64{v}NV commands will load <count> 64-bit unsigned
integer handles into a uniform location corresponding to sampler or image
variable types. Only the UniformHandleui64{v}NV and Uniform1i{v} commands
can be used to load sampler and image values as described in Section
2.14.6 (Samplers).
Edit Subsection "Uniform Buffer Object Storage", p. 110:
(Add rules for sampler and image types to the list at the beginning of
p. 111.)
* Members of sampler types are extracted from a buffer object by
reading a single uint64-typed value at the specified offset.
* Members of image types are extracted from a buffer object by reading
a single uint64-typed value at the specified offset.
Modify Section 2.14.6, Samplers, p. 117
(Replace the section with the following, adding the ability to use
samplers in new places as well as describing the behavior of the new
UniformHandleui64{v}NV APIs.)
Samplers are special data types used by the OpenGL Shading Language to
identify the texture object used for each texture lookup. Sampler
variables may be used as shader inputs and outputs, uniforms in the
default block or in user-defined blocks, or as temporaries.
When used as uniforms in the default block, the value of sampler
variables may be specified with either Uniform1i{v} or
UniformHandleui64{v}NV. If a sampler uniform value is specified by
Uniform1i{v}, the value passed to Uniform1i{v} indicates a texture image
unit that will be accessed, and the value must be in the range from zero
to the implementation-dependent maximum supported number of texture image
units. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if a Uniform1i{v} call is
used to set a sampler uniform to a value less than zero or greater than or
equal to the value of MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS. If a sampler uniform value
is specified by UniformHandleui64{v}NV, the value passed to
UniformHandleui64NV{v} directly specifies a texture object by handle, as
defined in Section 3.9.X (Bindless Textures). When a program is linked,
all sampler uniforms are initialized to zero and considered to be
references to texture image units. When used as shader inputs, outputs,
uniform block members, or temporaries, the value of the sampler is a 64-
bit unsigned integer handle and never refers to a texture image unit.
When the value of a sampler indicates a texture image unit, the type of
the sampler identifies the target on the texture image unit. The texture
object bound to that texture image unit's target is used for any texture
accesses using that sampler. For example, a variable of type sampler2D
selects the target TEXTURE_2D on its texture image unit. Binding of
texture objects to targets is done as usual with BindTexture. Selecting
the texture image unit to bind to is done as usual with ActiveTexture.
When the value of a sampler indicates a texture handle, the target of the
texture referred to by the handle must match the type of the sampler. For
example, a variable of type sampler2D must be used in conjunction with a
handle of a texture of target TEXTURE_2D. If the value of a sampler
variable is not a valid texture handle or is not resident (section 3.9.X),
the results of using that sampler during shader execution are undefined
and may lead to program termination. If the value of a sampler variable
is a valid handle of a texture with a target different from the variable
type, the results of using that handle are undefined but may not include
program termination.
It is not allowed to have uniform variables of different sampler types
pointing to the same texture image unit within a program object. This
situation can only be detected at the next rendering command issued, and
an INVALID_OPERATION error will then be generated. Sampler uniforms
specified using handles do not count as using any texture image unit, even
if a texture referred to by a handle is currently bound to one or more
texture image units.
Active samplers are those samplers actually being used in a program
object. When a program is linked by LinkProgram, the GL determines
whether each sampler is active or not. There is no limit on the number of
active sampler variables that may be used by a program or by any
particular shader. However, restrictions on the use of texture image
units imposes an effective limit on the number of non-handle sampler
uniforms. Active samplers used as shader inputs, shader outputs, or
uniforms in the default uniform block are counted toward
implementation-dependent limits on the total number of input, output, or
uniform components supported by the program. Each active sampler variable
may count as two components against such limits.
Modify Section 2.14.X, Images, from EXT_shader_image_load_store
(Replace the section with the following, adding the ability to use images
in new places as well as describing the behavior of the new
UniformHandleui64{v}NV APIs.)
Images are special data types used in the OpenGL Shading Language to
identify a level of a texture to be read or written using image load,
store, and atomic built-in functions in the manner described in Section
3.9.X of the EXT_shader_image_load_store specification. Image variables
may be used as shader inputs and outputs, uniforms in the default block or
in user-defined blocks, or as temporaries.
When used as uniforms in the default block, the value of image variables
may be specified with either Uniform1i{v} or UniformHandleui64{v}NV. If
an image uniform value is specified by Uniform1i{v}, the value passed to
Uniform1i{v} indicates an image unit that will be accessed, and the value
must be in the range from zero to the implementation-dependent maximum
supported number of image units. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if
a Uniform1i{v} call is used to set an image uniform to a value less than
zero or greater than or equal to the value of MAX_IMAGE_UNITS_EXT. Note
that image units used for image variables are independent from the texture
image units used for sampler variables; the number of units provided by the
implementation may differ. Textures are bound independently and
separately to image and texture image units. If an image uniform value is
specified by UniformHandleui64{v}NV, the value provided directly specifies
a texture object by handle, as defined in Section 3.9.X (Bindless
Textures). When a program is linked, all image uniforms are initialized
to zero and considered to be references to image units. When used as
shader inputs, outputs, uniform block members, or temporaries, the value
of an image variable is a 64-bit unsigned integer handle and never refers
to an image unit.
The type of an image variable must match the texture target of the image
currently bound to the image unit or referenced by the image handle.
Otherwise, the results of load, store, or atomic operations using the
image variable are undefined (see Section 4.1.X of the OpenGL Shading
Language specification edits in EXT_shader_image_load_store for more
detail) but may not include program termination. Additionally, if the
value of an image variable is not a valid image handle or is not resident
(section 3.9.X), the results of using that image variable during shader
execution are undefined and may lead to program termination.
Active image variables are those variables actually being used in a
program object. When a program is linked by LinkProgram, the GL
determines whether each image variable is active or not. There is no
limit on the number of active image variables that may be used by a
program or by any particular shader. However, the limited number of image
units imposes an effective limit on the number of unique non-handle image
variables. Active image variables used as shader inputs, shader outputs,
or uniforms in the default uniform block are counted toward
implementation-dependent limits on the total number of input, output, or
uniform components supported by the program. Each active image variable
may count as two components against such limits.
Modify Section 2.14.7, Varying Variables, p. 118
(modify first paragraph, p. 119) ... Each component of variables declared
as double-precision floating-point scalars, vectors, or matrices, as
64-bit integer scalars or vectors, or as samplers or images may be counted
as consuming two components.
(replace second paragraph, p. 121) For the purposes of counting the total
number of components to capture, each component of outputs declared as
double-precision floating-point scalars, vectors, or matrices, as 64-bit
integer scalars or vectors, or as samplers or images may be counted as
consuming two components.
Modify Section 2.14.8, Shader Execution, p. 122
(modify second paragraph, p. 126) ... against the
MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS limit. Samplers accessed using texture
handles (section 3.9.X) are not counted against this limit.
(modify last paragraph of "Texture Access", p. 127) Using a sampler in a
shader will return (R,G,B,A) = (0,0,0,1) if the sampler's associated
texture is not complete, as defined in section 3.9.14. Textures referred
to by valid texture handles (section 3.9.X) will always be complete.
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 4.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Insert new section after Section 3.9.2, Sampler Objects, p. 257
Section 3.9.X, Bindless Textures
The previous sections describe mechanisms to make texture and sampler
objects available to shaders or fixed-function fragment processing by
binding the objects to texture image units. Additionally, texture objects
may be accessed by shader using texture handles, which are 64-bit unsigned
integers identifying the state of a texture and/or sampler object. The
handle zero is reserved and will never be assigned to a valid texture
handle. To obtain a texture handle, use the commands:
uint64 GetTextureHandleNV(uint texture);
uint64 GetTextureSamplerHandleNV(uint texture, uint sampler);
GetTextureHandleNV will create a texture handle using the current state of
the texture named <texture>, including any embedded sampler state.
GetTextureSamplerHandleNV will create a texture handle using the current
non-sampler state from the texture named <texture> and the sampler state
from the sampler object <sampler>. In both cases, a 64-bit unsigned
integer handle is returned. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if
<texture> is zero or is not the name of an existing texture object or if
<sampler> is zero or is not the name of an existing sampler object. The
error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the texture object <texture> is
not complete (section 3.9.14). If an error occurs, a handle of zero is
The handle for each texture or texture/sampler pair is unique; the same
handle will be returned if GetTextureHandleNV is called multiple times for
the same texture or if GetTextureSamplerHandleNV is called multple times
for the same texture/sampler pair.
When a texture object is referenced by one or more texture handles, the
texture parameters of the object (Section 3.9.8) may not be changed, and
the size and format of the images in the texture object (Section 3.9.3)
may not be re-specified. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the
functions TexImage*, CopyTexImage*, CompressedTexImage*, TexBuffer*, or
TexParameter* are called to modify a texture object referenced by one or
more texture handles. The contents of the images in a texture object may
still be updated via commands such as TexSubImage*, CopyTexSubImage*, and
CompressedTexSubImage*, and by rendering to a framebuffer object, even if
the texture object is referenced by one or more texture handles.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BufferData if it is called to
modify a buffer object bound to a buffer texture while that texture object
is referenced by one or more texture handles. The contents of the buffer
object may still be updated via buffer update commands such as
BufferSubData and MapBuffer*, or via the texture update commands, even if
the buffer is bound to a texture while that buffer texture object is
referenced by one or more texture handles.
When a sampler object is referenced by one or more texture handles, the
sampler parameters of the object may not be changed. The error
INVALID_OPERATION is generated when calling SamplerParameter* functions to
modify a sampler object referenced by one or more texture handles.
To make a texture handle accessible to shaders for texture mapping
operations, a texture handle must first be made resident by calling:
void MakeTextureHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle);
While the texture handle is resident, it may be used in texture mapping
operations. If a shader attempts to perform a texture mapping operation
using a handle that is not resident, the results of that operation are
undefined and may lead to application termination. When a texture handle
is resident, the texture it references is also considered resident for the
purposes of the AreTexturesResident command. The error INVALID_OPERATION
is generated if <handle> is not a valid texture handle, or if <handle> is
already resident in the current GL context.
A texture handle may be made inaccessible to shaders by calling:
void MakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV(uint64 handle);
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <handle> is not a valid
texture handle, or if <handle> is not resident in the current GL context.
Modify Section 3.9.10, Cube Map Texture Selection, p. 291
(insert new paragraph before last paragraph of section, p. 293)
When accessing cube map textures using texture handles, the seamless cube
map enable is ignored and treated as disabled.
Modify Section 3.9.11, Texture Minification, p. 293
[[Compatibility profile-only]]
(modify last paragraph, p. 293) ... <bias_texunit> is zero for textures
referred to by handle, and is otherwise the value of TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS for
the current texture unit (as described in section 3.9.16). ...
Add to Section 3.9.X (Texture Image Loads and Stores) of
While texture levels may be made available to shaders by binding them to
image units using BindImageTextureEXT, they may also be accessed using
image handles. Image handles are 64-bit integers that identify a level of
a texture object, layer information for array and cube map textures, and
an associated image format. The handle zero is reserved and will never be
assigned to a valid image handle. The command
uint64 GetImageHandleNV(uint texture, int level, boolean layered,
int layer, enum format);
creates and returns an image handle for level <level> of the texture
named <texture>. If <layered> is TRUE, a handle is created for the
entire texture level. If <layered> is FALSE, a handle is created for
only the layer <layer> of the texture level. <format> specifies a
format used to interpret the texels of the image when used for image
loads, stores, and atomics, and has the same meaning as the <format>
parameter of BindImageTextureEXT(). A 64-bit unsigned integer handle
is returned if the command succeeds; otherwise, zero is returned.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetImageHandleNV if:
* <texture> is zero or not the name of an existing texture object;
* the image for the texture level <level> doesn't exist (i.e., has a
size of zero in <texture>); or
* <layered> is FALSE and <layer> is greater than or equal to
the number of layers in the image at level <level>.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetImageHandleNV if:
* the texture object <texture> is not complete (section 3.9.14);
* <layered> is TRUE and the texture is not a three-dimensional,
one-dimensional array, two dimensional array, cube map, or cube map
array texture.
When a texture object is referenced by one or more image handles, the
texture parameters of the object (Section 3.9.8) may not be changed, and
the size and format of the images in the texture object (Section 3.9.3)
may not be re-specified. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated when
calling TexImage*, CopyTexImage*, CompressedTexImage*, TexBuffer*, or
TexParameter* functions while a texture object is referenced by one or
more image handles. The contents of the images in a texture object may
still be updated via commands such as TexSubImage*, CopyTexSubImage*, and
CompressedTexSubImage*, and by rendering to a framebuffer object, even if
the texture object is referenced by one or more image handles.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BufferData if it is called to
modify a buffer object bound to a buffer texture while that texture object
is referenced by one or more image handles. The contents of the buffer
object may still be updated via buffer update commands such as
BufferSubData and MapBuffer*, or via the texture update commands, even if
the buffer is bound to a texture while that buffer texture object is
referenced by one or more image handles.
The handle returned for each combination of <texture>, <level>, <layered>,
<layer>, and <format> is unique; the same handle will be returned if
GetImageHandleNV is called multiple times with the same parameters.
To make an image handle accessible to shaders for image loads, stores, and
atomic operations, the handle must be made resident by calling:
void MakeImageHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle, enum access);
<access> specifies whether the texture bound to the image handle will be
treated as READ_ONLY, WRITE_ONLY, or READ_WRITE. If a shader reads from
an image handle made resident as WRITE_ONLY, or writes to an image handle
made resident as READ_ONLY, the results of that shader operation are
undefined and may lead to application termination. The error
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <handle> is not a valid image handle, or
if <handle> is already resident in the current GL context.
While the image handle is resident, it may be used in image load, store,
and atomic operations. If a shader attempts to perform an image operation
using a handle that is not resident, the results of that operation are
undefined and may lead to application termination. When an image handle
is resident, the texture it references is not necessarily considered
resident for the purposes of the AreTexturesResident command.
An image handle may be made inaccessible to shaders by calling:
void MakeImageHandleNonResidentNV(uint64 handle);
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <handle> is not a valid image
handle, or if <handle> is not resident in the current GL context.
Modify Section 3.12.2, Shader Execution, p. 323
(replace second-to-last paragraph of "Texture Access", p. 324) Using a
sampler in a shader will return (R,G,B,A) = (0,0,0,1) if the sampler's
associated texture is not complete, as defined in section 3.9.14.
Textures referred to by valid texture handles will always be complete.
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 4.0 Specification (Special Functions)
Modify Section 5.5.1, Commands Not Usable In Display Lists, p. 413
(add a new category to the list on pp. 413-414)
Handle residency management: MakeTextureHandleResidentNV,
MakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV, MakeImageHandleResidentNV,
(note: GetTextureHandleNV, GetTextureSamplerHandleNV, GetImageHandleNV,
IsTextureHandleResidentNV, and IsImageHandleResidentNV are also
non-listable, but are covered by the blanket rules for Get* and Is*
commands in "Other queries")
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.0 Specification (Queries)
Modify Section 6.1.4, Texture Queries, p. 427
(add to the end of the section) The commands:
boolean IsTextureHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle);
boolean IsImageHandleResidentNV(uint64 handle);
return TRUE if the specified texture or image handle is resident in the
current context. The error INVALID_OPERATION will be generated by
IsTextureHandleResidentNV or IsImageHandleResidentNV if <handle> is not
a valid texture or image handle, respectively. In the case of an error,
FALSE is returned.
Additions to Appendix D of the OpenGL 4.0 Specification (Shared Objects and Multiple Contexts)
Modify Section D.1.2, Deleted Object and Object Name Lifetimes
(modify first paragraph, p. 534) ... A buffer, texture, sampler, or
renderbuffer object is in use while it is attached to any container object
or bound to a context bind point in any context. A texture or sampler
object is also in use if any texture or image handle referencing the
object is resident for any context. Texture and image handles are not
deleted until either the underlying texture or sampler object used to
create the handle are deleted. A sync object ...
Modify/replace Section D.X of NV_shader_buffer_load
Object Use by GPU Address or Handle
The GPU address of a buffer object is valid in all contexts in the share
group that the buffer belongs to. Similarly, texture and image handles
extracted from texture and/or sampler objects are also valid in all
contexts in the share group. Buffers, texture handles, and image handles
must be made resident separately in each context referencing them by GPU
address or handle to allow the GL to determine which resources may be used
in each command stream. If a GPU address or handle is used by a given
context where the buffer or handle has not been made resident in that
context, undefined results including program termination may occur. Such
undefined results may occur even if the buffer or handle in question has
been made resident for other contexts belonging to the context's share
Modifications to The OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.00
Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the
language features described in this extension:
#extension GL_NV_bindless_texture : <behavior>
where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.3.
New preprocessor #defines are added to the OpenGL Shading Language:
#define GL_NV_bindless_texture 1
Replace Section 4.1.7 (Samplers), p. 25
Sampler types (e.g., sampler2D) are effectively opaque handles to texture
and sampler objects. They are used with the built-in texture functions
(described in section 8.9 "Texture Lookup Functions") to specify which
texture to access and how it is to be filtered. Samplers are represented
using 64-bit integer handles, and may be converted to and from 64-bit
integers using constructors. Samplers may not be implicitly converted to
and from 64-bit integers, and may not be used in arithmetic expressions.
Samplers may be declared as shader inputs and outputs, as uniform
variables, as temporary variables, and as function parameters. Samplers
aggregated into arrays within a shader (using square brackets []) can be
indexed with arbitrary integer expressions. Samplers can be used as
l-values, so can be assigned into and used as "out" and "inout" function
parameters. As function parameters, samplers may be only passed to
samplers of matching type. As uniforms in the default uniform block,
samplers may be initialized only with the OpenGL API; they cannot be
declared with an initializer in a shader.
The OpenGL API allows default block sampler uniforms to be assigned values
referencing either a texture image unit number or a texture handle,
depending on the API function used. All other sampler variables must be
assigned a texture handle. When a sampler uniform is assigned to a
texture image unit, texture functions using it will reference the texture
bound to the corresponding target of the selected texture image unit.
When a texture function uses a sampler variable assigned to a texture
handle, the value of the handle must be a valid handle returned by the
OpenGL API (Section 3.9.X, Bindless Textures) that has been made resident,
and that texture must have a target matching the sampler variable type.
Using a sampler whose the texture target does not match that sampler type
produces undefined results but not program termination. Using a sampler
that is not a texture image unit reference and is not a valid and resident
texture handle produces undefined results including possible program
Replace Section 4.1.X, (Images)
Like samplers, images are effectively handles to one-, two-, or three-
dimensional images corresponding to all or a portion of a single level of
a texture image. Images are represented using 64-bit integer handles, and
may be converted to and from 64-bit integers using constructors. Samplers
may not be implicitly converted to and from 64-bit integers, and may not
be used in arithmetic expressions. There are distinct image variable
types for each texture target, and for each of float, integer, and
unsigned integer data types. Image accesses should use an image type that
matches the target of the texture whose level is being accessed, or for
non-layered bindings of 3D or array images should use the image type that
matches the dimensionality of the layer of the image (i.e. a layer of 3D,
2DArray, Cube, or CubeArray should use image2D, a layer of 1DArray should
use image1D, and a layer of 2DMSArray should use image2DMS). If the image
target type does not match the image being accessed in this manner, if the
data type does not match the bound image, or if the "size" layout
qualifier does not match the image format as described in Section 3.9.X of
the OpenGL Specification, the results of image accesses are undefined but
may not include program termination.
Image variables are used in the image load, store, and atomic functions
described in Section 8.X, "Image Functions" to specify an image to access.
Images may be declared as shader inputs and outputs, as uniform variables,
as temporary variables, and as function parameters. Images may be
aggregated into arrays within a shader (using square brackets []) and can
be indexed with general integer expressions. Images can be used as
l-values, so can be assigned into and used as "out" and "inout" function
parameters. As uniforms in the default uniform block, images may be
initialized only with the OpenGL API; they cannot be declared with an
initializer in a shader. As function parameters, images may be only
passed to images of matching type.
The OpenGL API allows default block image uniforms to be assigned to
reference either an image unit number or an image handle, depending on the
API function used. All other image variables must be assigned an image
handle. When an image uniform is assigned to an image unit, image
functions using it will reference the texture and image state
corresponding to the selected image unit. When an image function uses a
variable assigned to an image handle, the value of the handle must be a
valid handle returned by the OpenGL API (Section 3.9.X of
EXT_shader_image_load_store, Texture Image Loads and Stores, as modified
by this extension) that has been made resident, and that contains image
data compatible with the variable type as described above. Using an image
variable that is not an image unit reference and is not a valid and
resident image handle produces undefined results including possible
program termination.
Modify Section 4.3.4, Inputs, p. 34
(modify third paragraph of the section to allow sampler and image types)
... Vertex shader inputs can only be float, single-precision
floating-point scalars, single-precision floating-point vectors, matrices,
signed and unsigned integers and integer vectors, sampler and image types.
(modify last paragraph, p. 35, allowing samplers and images as fragment
shader inputs) ... Fragment inputs can only be signed and unsigned
integers and integer vectors, floating point scalars, floating-point
vectors, matrices, sampler and image types, or arrays or structures of
these. Fragment shader inputs that are signed or unsigned integers,
integer vectors, or any double-precision floating- point type, or any
sampler or image type must be qualified with the interpolation qualifier
Modify Section 4.3.6, Outputs, p. 36
(modify second paragraph, p. 37, to allow sampler and image outputs)
... Output variables can only be floating-point scalars, floating-point
vectors, matrices, signed or unsigned integers or integer vectors, sampler
or image types, or arrays or structures of any these.
(do not modify the last paragraph, p. 38; samplers and images are not
allowed as fragment shader outputs)
Modify Section 4.3.7, Interface Blocks, p. 38
(remove the following bullet from the last list on p. 39, thereby
permitting sampler types in interface blocks; image types are also
permitted in blocks by this extension)
* sampler types are not allowed
Modify Section 5.4.1, Conversion and Scalar Constructors, p. 60
(add the following constructors:)
uint64_t(any sampler type) // Converts a sampler type to a
// 64-bit unsigned integer
any sampler type(uint64_t) // Converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to
// a sampler type
uint64_t(any image type) // Converts an image type to a
// 64-bit unsigned integer
any image type(uint64_t) // Converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to
// an image type
Additions to the AGL/EGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
Interactions with OpenGL 4.0 (Core Profile)
If the core profile of OpenGL 4.0 (or any version since 3.0) is supported,
references to fixed-function fragment processing and display lists should
be removed. References to the TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS for the current texture
unit should also be removed.
Interactions with OpenGL 3.3 and ARB_sampler_objects
If neither OpenGL 3.3 nor ARB_sampler_objects is supported, the portion of
this extension referring to the sampler object type introduced in OpenGL
3.3 should be removed. In particular, the GetTextureSamplerHandleNV API
will not be supported.
Interactions with OpenGL 4.2, OpenGL ES 3.1, ARB_shader_image_load_store, and EXT_shader_image_load_store
If OpenGL 4.2, OpenGL ES 3.1, ARB_shader_image_load_store, and
EXT_shader_image_load_store are not supported, the portion of this
extension supporting image handles and image loads, stores, and atomics
should be removed. In particular, the functions GetImageHandleNV,
MakeImageHandleResidentNV, MakeImageHandleNonResidentNV should be removed.
Portions of this extension have been written against the
EXT_shader_image_load_store, since OpenGL 4.2 and the ARB extension did
not exist when the specification was first written. Similar edits would
apply to the OpenGL 4.2 and ARB_shader_image_load_store specifications.
Interactions with NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit
If NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit is not supported, sampler and image
variables (which take 64-bit integer handles) are not allowed to be used
as vertex shader inputs. Additionally, portions of this extension
modifying NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit should be ignored.
Interactions with NV_gpu_shader5
If NV_gpu_shader5 or similar functionality providing 64-bit integer types
in the shading language is not supported, the GLSL portion of this
extension should be modified. In particular, references to 64-bit integer
scalars, vectors or other 64-bit types should be deleted, and the
constructors to convert 64-bit unsigned integer handles to and from sampler
and image data types (as added in Section 5.4.1), should be removed.
Default block sampler and image uniforms can still be assigned handles via
the UniformHandleui64*NV and ProgramUniformHandleui64*NV functions, and
sampler and image types can continue to be used as shader inputs and
outputs, uniforms in user-defined blocks, and temporaries. Such uses of
these types may consume two components against any relevant limits.
Extracting these types from memory locations will be done as if reading
a uvec2-typed value at the specified location.
Additionally, edits to Section 4.1.7 of the GLSL Specification describing
sampler indexing should be changed to read "Samplers aggregated into
arrays within a shader (using square brackets [ ]) can only be indexed
with a dynamically uniform integral expression, otherwise results are
undefined." This is the language found in unextended OpenGL 4.0;
NV_gpu_shader5 extends it to allow indexing with arbitrary integer
Interactions with EXT_direct_state_access
In this extension, INVALID_OPERATION is generated when calling various
functions to modify the state of a texture object from which handles have
been extracted. If EXT_direct_state_access is suported, this error
behavior is further extended to cover similar functions provided by
EXT_direct_state access. In particular, this error will be generated by:
TextureImage*EXT, CopyTextureImage*EXT, CompressedTextureImage*EXT,
TextureBufferEXT, TextureParameterEXT, MultiTexImage*EXT,
CopyMultiTexImage*EXT, CompressedMultiTexImage*EXT, MultiTexBufferEXT, and
Interactions with ARB_seamless_cubemap and AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
If ARB_seamless_cubemap (or OpenGL 4.0, which includes it) is supported,
the per-context seamless cubemap enable is ignored and treated as disabled
when using texture handles.
If AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture is supported, the seamless cube map
texture parameter of the underlying texture does apply when texture
handles are used.
Interactions with NV_gpu_program4, NV_gpu_program5, and EXT_shader_image_load_store
If NV_gpu_program5 is supported, the following edits are made to the
NV_gpu_program4, NV_gpu_program5, and EXT_shader_image_load_store
Modify Section 2.X.2, Program Grammar of NV_gpu_program5
(add new grammar rules allowing textures to be referred to by handles,
e.g., "TEX result, coords, handle(texHandle.x), 2D")
<textureUseV> ::= "handle" "(" <addrUseS> ")"
<imageUnit> ::= "handle" "(" <addrUseS> ")"
Modify Section 2.X.4.4, Program Texture Access, of NV_gpu_program4
(modify the paragraph beginning with "The texture used by TextureSample"
to permit the use of handles) The texture used by TextureSample() is
identified according to the <textureUseV> grammar rule. If <textureUseV>
expands to the grammar rule containing "handle", the texture used is
identified by taking the scalar value specified in that rule as a texture
handle. Otherwise, the texture corresponding to the texture image unit
specified by <textureUseV> is used. The texture target...
If the instruction uses a named texture variable, the <nvTexImageUnit>
grammar rule, or the "texture" grammar rule, then the texture used by
TextureSample() is one of the textures bound to the texture image unit
whose number is specified in the instruction according to the
<texImageUnit> grammar rule, and the texture target accessed is specified
according to the <texTarget> grammar rule and Table X.17. If the
instruction uses the "handle" grammar rule, then the specified texture
handle will select which texture is used, and the target of that texture
must match the target specified by the <texTarget> grammar rule or else
the result is undefined. Fixed-function texture enables are always ignored
when determining which texture to access in a program.
Section 2.X.5.Y, Program Options
If a program (in any shader stage) specifies the option
"NV_bindless_texture", the grammar edits described in section 2.X.2
will apply.
Modify Section 2.X.8.Z, LOADIM: Image Load, of EXT_shader_image_load_store
(modify the first paragraph) The LOADIM instruction ... from the texture
specified by <imageUnit>. If <imageUnit> expands to the grammar rule
containing "handle", the texture used is identified by taking the scalar
value specified in that rule as an image handle. Otherwise, the texture
corresponding to the image unit specified by <imageUnit> is used.
Unformatted loads read...
Modify Section 2.X.8.Z, STOREIM: Image Store, of
(modify the first paragraph) The STOREIM instruction ... to the texture
specified by <imageUnit> using the data specified in the first vector
operand. If <imageUnit> expands to the grammar rule containing "handle",
the texture used is identified by taking the scalar value specified in
that rule as an image handle. Otherwise, the texture corresponding to the
image unit specified by <imageUnit> is used. The store is performed in
the manner described in Section 3.9.X.
Modify Section 2.X.8.Z, ATOMIM: Image Atomic Memory Operation, of
(modify the first paragraph) The ATOMIM instruction takes ...image load
from the texture specified by <imageUnit>, performs ... returns the loaded
value in the vector result. If <imageUnit> expands to the grammar rule
containing "handle", the texture used is identified by taking the scalar
value specified in that rule as an image handle. Otherwise, the texture
corresponding to the image unit specified by <imageUnit> is used. The
atomic operation is performed in the manner described in Section 3.9.X.
Interactions with GLSL 4.20 and GLSL ES 3.10
Without GLSL 4.20 or GLSL ES 3.10 support, sampler and image uniforms
may only be initialized through the OpenGL API. With GLSL 4.20 and GLSL
ES 3.1, sampler and image uniforms may be initialized in the shader using
layout(binding = integer-constant)
as described in section 4.4.4 "Opaque-Uniform Layout Qualifiers". When
NV_bindless_texture is supported, these initial binding values are always
taken to mean a texture image or image unit number, not a bindless handle.
Interactions with OpenGL ES
If implemented in an OpenGL ES context, references to the following
should be removed:
- assembly-based shaders,
- display lists,
- fixed-function fragment processing,
- double-precision floating-point values,
- 1D and 1D-array textures and images,
- TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS for the current texture unit,
- the AreTexturesResident command,
unless subsequently added by a later extension or version.
Modify the edits to Section to 3.9.10 to state that when accessing cube
map textures using texture handles in an OpenGL ES context, the cube maps
are always treated as seamless.
Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.1
If OpenGL ES 3.1 is supported, replace references to EXT_image_load_store
and BindImageTextureEXT with appropriate references to OpenGL ES 3.1
functionality and BindImageTexture. References to assigning a default
block image uniform an image unit number from the OpenGL API with the
Uniform* commands (but not the UniformHandle* commands) should be
removed since OpenGL ES only supports assigning image unit numbers
with the 'binding' layout qualifier in the shading language.
Ignore references to 2DMSArray and 2DMS images as they are not supported
in OpenGL ES.
Interactions with OES_shader_image_atomic
If OES_shader_image_atomic or equivalent functionality is not supported,
ignore all references to atomic image operations.
Interactions with EXT_texture_cube_map_array
If EXT_texture_cube_map_array or equivalent functionality is not supported,
ignore all references to cube map array textures.
Interactions with EXT_texture_buffer
If EXT_texture_buffer or equivalent functionality is not supported,
ignore all references to buffer textures and related buffer functionality.
Interactions with EXT_shader_io_blocks
If EXT_shader_io_blocks or equivalent functionality is supported, sampler
and image types are allowed in interface blocks. Otherwise ignore all
references to interface blocks.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetTextureHandleNV or
GetTextureSamplerHandleNV if <texture> is zero or not the name of an
existing texture object.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetTextureSamplerHandleNV if
<sampler> is zero or is not the name of an existing sampler object.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetTextureHandleNV or
GetTextureSamplerHandleNV if thetexture object specified by <texture> is
not complete.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by TexImage*, CopyTexImage*,
CompressedTexImage*, TexBuffer*, TexParameter*, as well as other functions
defined in terms of these, if the texture object to be modified is
referenced by one or more texture or image handles.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BufferData, or any function
defined in terms of this, if the buffer object to be modified is bound
to a buffer texture that is referenced by one or more texture or image
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by SamplerParameter* if <sampler>
identifies a sampler object referenced by one or more texture handles.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by MakeTextureHandleResidentNV if
<handle> is not a valid texture handle, or if <handle> is already resident
in the current GL context.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by MakeTextureHandleNonResidentNV
if <handle> is not a valid texture handle, or if <handle> is not resident
in the current GL context.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by GetImageHandleNV if <texture> is
zero or not the name of an existing texture object, if the image for
<level> does not existing in <texture>, or if <layered> is FALSE and
<layer> is greater than or equal to the number of layers in the image at
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetImageHandleNV if the
texture object <texture> is not complete or if <layered> is TRUE and
<texture> is not a three-dimensional, one-dimensional array, two
dimensional array, cube map, or cube map array texture.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by MakeImageHandleResidentNV if
<handle> is not a valid image handle, or if <handle> is already resident
in the current GL context.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by MakeImageHandleNonResidentNV
if <handle> is not a valid image handle, or if <handle> is not resident in
the current GL context.
The error INVALID_OPERATION will be generated by IsTextureHandleResidentNV
and IsImageHandleResidentNV if <handle> is not a valid texture or image
handle, respectively.
To loop through a collection of 256 textures in the OpenGL API using a
conventional GLSL shader and without calling glBindTexture, one might do:
#define NUM_TEXTURES 256
GLuint textures[NUM_TEXTURES];
GLuint64 texHandles[NUM_TEXTURES];
// Initialize the texture objects and handles.
glGenTextures(NUM_TEXTURES, textures);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TEXTURES; i++) {
// Initialize the texture images with glTexImage/glTexStorage.
// Initialize the texture parameters as required.
// Get a handle for the texture.
texHandles[i] = glGetTextureHandleNV(textures[i]);
// At this point, it's no longer possible to resize/reallocate
// texture images or modify texture parameters for "textures[i]".
// However, it's still possible to update texture data via
// glTexSubImage.
// Make the handle resident before using it.
// Compile GLSL shader using sampler uniform <u>. The shader itself
// needs no special #extension directive as long as <u> is a uniform in
// the default partition. Link the program, and query the location of
// <u>, which we will store in <location>.
// Render a little bit using each of the texture handles in turn.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TEXTURES; i++) {
// Update the single sampler uniform <u> to point at "texHandles[i]".
glUniformHandleui64NV(location, texHandles[i]);
// If the application doesn't need to use texHandles[10] for a while, it
// can make it non-resident to reduce the overall memory footprint.
// After this point, the texture data associated with texHandles[10] is
// not guaranteed to be resident, and using it in a draw call could
// result in exceptions. Use glMakeTextureHandleResidentNV() to make it
// resident again before it's needed for rendering.
The GLSL portion of this extension removes the restriction that sampler
variables must be uniforms in the default block. You can store a large
collection of samplers in a uniform block, pass them through the pipeline
as 64-bit integers.
To use a "dictionary" of samplers in a uniform block, you could use a
shader like:
#version 400
#extension GL_NV_bindless_texture : require
#define NUM_TEXTURES 256
flat in int whichSampler;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 finalColor;
uniform Samplers {
sampler2D allTheSamplers[NUM_TEXTURES];
void main()
finalColor = texture(allTheSamplers[whichSampler], texCoord);
In the following example, the sampler to use is selected in a vertex
shader, passed to the fragment shader as a (flat) input, and then used for
a texture lookup.
#version 400
#extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : require // for 64-bit integer types
#extension GL_NV_bindless_texture : require
flat in sampler2D theSampler;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 finalColor;
void main()
finalColor = texture(theSampler, texCoord);
New State
Add new table, Bindless Texture Handles
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
------------ ---- -------------------- ------- ------------------------- ------ -------
- Z64 GetTextureHandleNV n/a texture handle 3.9.X -
or GetTextureSampler-
- Z+ - n/a texture object used 3.9.X -
- Z+ - n/a sampler object used 3.9.X -
- nxB IsTextureHandle- FALSE is bindless texture handle 3.9.X -
ResidentNV resident for the current
context (separate state per
context/handle pair)
Add new table, Bindless Image Handles
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
------------ ---- -------------------- ------- ------------------------- ------ -------
- Z64 GetImageHandleNV n/a image handle 3.9.X -
- Z+ - n/a texture object used 3.9.X -
- Z+ - n/a texture object level 3.9.X -
- B - n/a is image handle layered? 3.9.X -
- Z+ - n/a selected layer for non- 3.9.X -
layered images
- Z_<n> - n/a image internal format enum 3.9.X -
- nxB IsImageHandle- FALSE is bindless image handle 3.9.X -
ResidentNV resident for the current
context (separate state
per context/handle pair)
(1) Could this have been specified as simply making the maximum number of
texture image units and image units arbitrarily large and then
indexing into an array of samplers or images?
RESOLVED: Perhaps, but this approach doesn't involve any arbitrarily
limits. Allowing the implementation to choose the GPU handle can avoid
the need for some kind of unit->address translation. It's also
beneficial for the GPU handles to be static.
(2) Should we add commands to allow prioritizing which allocations belong
in dedicated video memory?
RESOLVED: Defer to a future extension.
(3) How should we handle separate samplers?
RESOLVED: OpenGL 3.3 created separate sampler objects, and provided
separate binding points in a texture image unit. When referencing a
texture image unit with a sampler object bound, the state of that object
is used; otherwise, sampler state embedded in the texture is used. In
either case, each texture image unit consists of a texture/sampler pair,
and no capability is provided to mix the texture from one unit with
samplers from another.
This extension provides support for use of OpenGL 3.3-style sampler
objects via the GetTextureSamplerHandleNV entry point, which can be used
to create a handle for each pair of texture/sampler objects the
application wishes to use. GLSL samplers can be used with texture
handles in the same way that they can be used with the texture/sampler
object pair associated with a texture image unit.
It's possible that some future extension to OpenGL might allow shaders
to mix and match texture and sampler objects within a shader instead of
using pre-defined pairs. Such shaders would use two different shader
variable types -- one encapsulating texture object state and the other
encapsulating sampler state. To allow bindless texture support in this
mode, we would expect to add a new handle type (sampler handles) and to
provide new APIs to extract sampler handles from sampler objects and to
manage sampler handle residency. (It's not immediately clear whether it
would even be necessary to manage sampler handle residency, since
sampler objects only have a small number of state variables.)
(4) Can texture or sampler objects be modified while they are used by a
texture or image handle?
RESOLVED: No. If such changes were permitted, each modification to the
texture object would require potential synchronization with one or more
texture/image handles extracted from the texture. This seems like a lot
of bookkeeping with little benefit. One exception to this rule is that
individual texels of such texture objects may still be updated with APIs
such as TexSubImage* and by rendering to a framebuffer object to which
the texture is attached.
(5) Is there a way to release a texture or image handle after it is
RESOLVED: No API is provided to release or delete handles once they are
created. Texture and image handles are automatically reclaimed when the
underlying texture or sampler objects are finally deleted. This
deletion will happen only when no handle using the texture or sampler
object is resident on any context. This decision is similar to that of
NV_shader_buffer_load, which didn't provide any mechanism to release the
address of a buffer object.
One consequence of this decision is that structural changes (e.g., image
size and format and parameter changes) to textures from which handles
are extracted are not possible for the lifetime of the texture.
(6) How do texture and image handles work with multiple contexts sharing a
set of texture and sampler objects?
RESOLVED: Texture and image handles are shared by all contexts in a
share group, in the same way that GPU addresses are shared in
NV_shader_buffer_load. Once a handle has been extracted from a texture
or texture/sampler pair in any context, that handle may be used by all
other contexts in the share group.
However, texture and image handle residency is managed per-context. If
a texture or image handle is used in multiple contexts in a share group,
the handle must be made resident in all such contexts.
(7) What happens if you try to delete a texture or sampler object with a
handle that is resident in another context?
RESOLVED: Deleting the texture will remove the texture from the name
space and make all handles using the texture non-resident in the current
context. However, texture or image handles for a deleted texture are
not deleted until the underlying texture or sampler object itself is
deleted. That deletion won't happen until the object is not bound
anywhere and there are no handles using the object that are resident in
any context.
(8) Can you get a handle from a default texture object (numbered zero)?
RESOLVED: No, for several reasons. First, the APIs to extract a
texture handle only take a texture object number, with no target. Since
there is a separate default texture object for each texture target, the
texture object number zero does not identify a unique texture.
Additionally, since the spec forbids modification of textures used with
handles, extracting a handle from a default texture would leave the
texture in a state where it could be neither modified nor deleted.
(9) Can you have multiple handles for the same texture or texture/sampler
RESOLVED: Any texture object can have at most one handle extracted from
the texture object via GetTextureHandleNV; calling that function
multiple times on a single texture will always return the same handle.
A texture or sampler object may have multiple texture handles extracted
from it via GetTextureSamplerHandleNV, since such handles correspond to
a texture/sampler pair and a single texture or sampler object may be
paired with multiple objects of the other type. However, calling that
function multiple times on a single texture/sampler pair will always
return the same handle.
A texture object may have multiple image handles extracted from it via
GetImageHandleNV; however, each such handle must represent a different
"view" of the texture. If that function is called multiple times with
the same <texture>, <level>, <layered>, <layer>, and <format>
parameters, the same handle will always be returned.
(10) Should we provide <access> parameters for MakeTextureHandleResidentNV
and MakeImageHandleResidentNV?
RESOLVED: For MakeImageHandleResidentNV, yes. It may be useful to be
able to make a given texture resident only for reading or writing. For
MakeTextureHandleResidentNV, no. Texture mapping is a read-only
operation; texture handles can really only be used for reading. So all
calls to MakeTextureHandleResidentNV are considered to use an access
mode of READ_ONLY.
(11) Should implicit conversions be supported for converting uint64-typed
handles to sampler and image types?
RESOLVED: No. An explicit constructor is provided to build a handle
from 64-bit unsigned integer or vice versa.
(12) How do we handle backwards compatibility for sampler uniforms in the
default uniform block, which have historically been set to point at a
texture image unit?
RESOLVED: We allow sampler uniforms to be set either using handles (via
the UniformHandle* APIs) or texture image units (via the previously used
Uniform1i* APIs). If the uniform was last set with a handle, the
specified handle will be used for texture access. Otherwise, the value
of the uniform is treated as a texture image unit when the texture is
accessed, and is resolved to refer to the appropriate texture bound to
that unit.
We expect that implementations will distinguish between the two types of
uniform values either by a per-uniform flag or by reserving a subset of
the 2^64 possible handle values to be used to refer to texture image
We impose no limit on the mixing and matching of texture image unit and
handle-based uniform values; an application is permitted to set some
uniforms via UniformHandle*NV and others via Uniform1i. We don't expect
such mixing and matching to be common.
When a sampler or image uniform's value is queried via any of the
GetUniform* commands, the returned value will reflect the most recently
set value through either UniformHandle* or Uniform1i*, converted to the
requested type.
(13) Should UniformHandleui64{v}NV check the provided uniform value(s) to
determine if they are valid handles?
RESOLVED: No; passing in proper texture or image handles is the
responsibility of the application. Note that even if we did verify that
handles were valid at the time sampler or image uniforms were specified,
there is no guarantee that they would still be valid for texture or
image accesses when they are used. In particular, the texture referred
to by the handle may have be deleted, or may exist without being made
resident for the context in question.
(14) With this extension, GLSL sampler and image variables may be
specified using 64-bit handles and are permitted to count as two
components toward implementation-dependent limits on uniforms, shader
inputs, and shader outputs. Is there a backward compatibility
problem here?
RESOLVED: If there is one, we don't expect it to be very serious.
Prior to this extension, samplers or images could not be used as shader
inputs or outputs, so there is no compatibility problem there. Samplers
and images could be used as uniforms, however. While there is no
explicit spec language describing the amount of storage required for
samplers and images, one might construe this lack of language to mean
that only a single component was previously required. Allowing for
64-bit handles in this extension could double the requirement and cause
shaders that previously just barely fit to exceed implementation
Implementations that consider this issue serious could increase their
uniform limit slightly to compensate. Note that the number of sampler
variables used prior to this extension was quite limited, so the amount
of extra storage required for 64-bit handles should be small.
(15) What happens if you try to access a texture or image handle that is
(a) invalid, (b) non-resident, or (c) corresponds to a texture of a
target different from the target used for the access (e.g., doing a
3D lookup with a handle referring to a 2D texture)?
RESOLVED: For (a), we specify undefined behavior including possible
program termination. Such accesses are effectively equivalent to
chasing an invalid pointer.
For (b), we treat non-resident handles as invalid. Note that this
extension doesn't require that accesses to non-resident handles fail.
For (c), we specify that loads/stores to textures of the "wrong" type
may have undefined results but should not result in program termination.
This same situation could arise in EXT_shader_image_load_store, where
each image unit has a single attachment point shared by all targets, and
the same behavior was specified there. Similar situations could also
arise for indexed texture accesses in OpenGL 4.0, where out-of-bounds
array indices could cause a shader to use a texture unit whose "active"
target was the wrong kind.
(16) Prior to this extension, there were limits on the number of different
textures that could be accessed at once -- the number of texture
image units and image units were limited by implementation-dependent
constants. What limits apply with this extension?
RESOLVED: Since texture image units and image units need not be used
with this extension, those limits no longer apply to shaders that use
bindless textures. With this extension, there is no longer any direct
limit on the number of textures/images that may be used in any shader
There may still be indirect limits based on the total amount of storage
* Limits on the total amount of uniform memory imply a limit on the
total number of texture handles stored as uniforms.
* Limits on the number of shader input/output components imply a limit
on the number of texture handles passed as shader inputs and
* Limits on the total amount of addressable texture memory imply a
limit on the total number of resident texture handles.
* Implementations may have (high) limits on the total number of
texture handles available in the system.
(17) Should we provide any queries to extract information from texture or
image handles?
(18) Texture and image handles may be made resident or non-resident. How
does handle residency interact with texture residency queries from
OpenGL 1.1 (AreTexturesResident or TEXTURE_RESIDENT)?
RESOLVED: The residency state for texture and image handles in this
extension is completely independent from OpenGL 1.1's TEXTURE_RESIDENT
query. Residency for texture handles is a function of whether the
MakeTextureHandleResidentNV has been called for the handle. OpenGL 1.1
residency is typically a function of whether the texture data are
resident in GPU-accessible memory.
When a texture handle is not made resident, the texture that it refers
to may or may not be stored in GPU-accessible memory. The
TEXTURE_RESIDENT query may return TRUE in this case. However, it does
not guarantee that the texture handle may be used safely.
When a texture handle is made resident, the texture that it refers to is
also considered resident for the purposes of the old TEXTURE_RESIDENT
query. When an image handle is resident, the texture that it refers to
may or may not be considered resident for the query -- the resident
image handle may refer only to a single layer of a single mipmap level
of the full texture.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------
3 06/12/14 dkoch Add interactions with OpenGL ES.
Define better functionality when NV_gpu_shader5
is not supported.
Fix a variety of typos and missing words.
Merge in typo fixes from v3 of the ARB extn.
Add missing error condition for BufferData and
buffer textures.
2 05/16/13 pbrown Fix typo in spec language.
1 jbolz Internal revisions.