


Name Strings



Graham Sellers (graham.sellers 'at'


Graham Sellers, AMD
Jon Leech


Copyright (c) 2014 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at

Specification Update Policy

Khronos-approved extension specifications are updated in response to
issues and bugs prioritized by the Khronos OpenGL and OpenGL ES Working Groups. For
extensions which have been promoted to a core Specification, fixes will
first appear in the latest version of that core Specification, and will
eventually be backported to the extension document. This policy is
described in more detail at


Approved by the ARB on June 26, 2014.
Approved by the OpenGL ES Working Group on August 6, 2014.
Ratified by the Khronos Board of Promoters on August 7, 2014 (non-EGL
extensions, and on September 26, 2014 (EGL extension).


Last Modified Date:         9/28/2016
Author Revision:            8


ARB Extension #168
OpenGL ES Extension #191 (for GL_KHR_context_flush_control only)
EGL Extension #102 (for EGL_KHR_context_flush_control only)


GL_KHR_context_flush_control is written against the OpenGL 4.4 (Core
Profile) specification, but can be implemented against any version of
OpenGL or OpenGL ES.

EGL_KHR_context_flush_control is written against the EGL 1.5
Specification, but can be implemented against any version of EGL.

GLX_ARB_context_flush_control is written against the GLX 1.4 and
GLX_ARB_create_context specifications. Both are required.

WGL_ARB_context_flush_control is written against the
WGL_ARB_create_context specification, which is required.


OpenGL and OpenGL ES have long supported multiple contexts. The
semantics of switching contexts is generally left to window system
binding APIs such as WGL, GLX and EGL. Most of these APIs (if not all)
specify that when the current context for a thread is changed, the
outgoing context performs an implicit flush of any commands that have
been issued to that point. OpenGL and OpenGL ES define a flush as
sending any pending commands for execution and that this action will
result in their completion in finite time.

This behavior has subtle consequences. For example, if an application is
rendering to the front buffer and switches contexts, it may assume that
any rendering performed thus far will eventually be visible to the user.
With recent introduction of shared memory buffers, there become inumerable
ways in which applications may observe side effects of an implicit flush
(or lack thereof).

In general, a full flush is not the desired behavior of the application.
Nonetheless, applications that switch contexts frequently suffer the
performance consequences of this unless implementations make special
considerations for them, which is generally untenable.

The EGL, GLX, and WGL extensions add new context creation parameters
that allow an application to specify the behavior that is desired when a
context is made non-current, and specifically to opt out of the implicit
flush behavior. The GL extension allows querying the context flush

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens (GL)

NOTE: when implemented in an OpenGL ES context, all tokens defined by
this extension must have a "_KHR" suffix. When implemented in an OpenGL
context, all tokens must have NO suffix, as described below.

Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, GetBooleanv
GetDoublev and GetInteger64v:

    GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR                         0x82FB

Returned in <data> by GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, GetBooleanv
GetDoublev and GetInteger64v when <pname> is

    GL_NONE                                             0x0000
    GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH                   0x82FC

New Tokens (EGL)

Accepted as an attribute name in the <*attrib_list> argument to

    EGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_KHR                    0x2097

Accepted as an attribute value for EGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_KHR in
the <*attrib_list> argument to eglCreateContext:


New Tokens (GLX)

Accepted as an attribute name in the <*attrib_list> argument to

    GLX_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_ARB                    0x2097

Accepted as an attribute value for GLX_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_ARB in
the <*attrib_list> argument to glXCreateContextAttribsARB:


New Tokens (WGL)

Accepted as an attribute name in the <*attrib_list> argument to

    WGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_ARB                    0x2097

Accepted as an attribute value for WGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_ARB in
the <*attrib_list> argument to wglCreateContextAttribsARB:


Additions to Chapter 22 of the OpenGL 4.4 Core Pofile Specification (Context State Queries)

In Subsection 22.2, "String Queries", after the description of
CONTEXT_FLAGS, insert the following:

The behavior of the context when it is made no longer current (released)
by the platform binding may be queried by calling GetIntegerv with
<value> CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR. If the behavior is
CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH, any pending commands on the context will
be flushed. If the behavior is NONE, pending commands are not flushed.

The default value is CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH, and may in some
cases be changed using platform-specific context creation extensions.

Additions to the EGL 1.5 Specification

Add a new subsection to the description of eglCreateContext,
following section "OpenGL and OpenGL ES Reset Notification

" OpenGL and OpenGL ES Context Flush Behavior

The attribute name EGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_KHR specifies the
behavior of the rendering context when it is made non-current, as
described in section 3.7.3. The attribute value may be one of

Modify section 3.7.3 "Binding Contexts and Drawables", on p. 58:

Replace the fourth paragraph in the description of eglMakeCurrent,
starting "If the calling thread already has a current context...":

"If the calling thread already has a current context of the same client API type as , behavior is determined as follows:

The current context is flushed if any of the following conditions
are true:

- The client API type of the current context is not OpenGL or OpenGL
- The client API type of the current context is OpenGL or OpenGL ES,
  and the context does not support the GL_KHR_context_flush_control
- The client API type of the current context is OpenGL or OpenGL ES,
  the context supports the GL_KHR_context_flush_control extension,
  and the <release behavior> (the value of the
  EGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_KHR parameter) of the current context

The only remaining case is treated differently. In this case, the client
API type of the current context must be OpenGL or OpenGL ES; the context
must support the GL_KHR_context_flush_control extension; and the release
behavior must be EGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_NONE_KHR. In this case no
action is taken, and it is as if the application simply stops making GL
commands on the current context.

After flushing (if appropriate) is performed, the current context is
marked as no longer current. <ctx> is then made the current context
for the calling thread. For purposes of ..."

Additions to WGL_ARB_create_context and wglMakeCurrent

Add a new paragraph to the description of wglCreateContextAttribsARB, as
defined by WGL_ARB_create_context:

"The attribute name WGL_MAKE_NON_CONTEXT_BEHAVIOR_ARB specifies the
behavior of the rendering context when it is made non-current. The
attribute value may be one of WGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH_ARB or

Define flushing behavior for wglMakeCurrent (there is no WGL
specification; this language replaces the sentence "Before switching to
the new rendering context, OpenGL flushes any previous rendering context
that was current to the calling thread." in the Microsoft wglMakeCurrent
reference page):

"If the calling thread already has a current rendering context, behavior
is determined by the <release behavior> (the value of the
WGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_ARB parameter) of the current context. If
the release behavior is WGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH_ARB, pending
commands to the previous context are flushed; if the release behavior is
WGL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_NONE_ARB, then no action is taken, and it
is as if the application simply stops making GL commands on that
context. That context is marked as no longer current, and <ctx> is made
the current context for the calling thread."

Additions to the GLX 1.4 Specification and GLX_ARB_create_context

Add a new paragraph to the description of glXCreateContextAttribsARB,
as defined by GLX_ARB_create_context:

"The attribute name GLX_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_ARB specifies the
behavior of the rendering context when it is made non-current. The
attribute value may be one of GLX_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH_ARB or

Modify section 3.3.7 "Rendering Contexts" on p. 27:

Replace the third paragraph in the description of glXMakeContextCurrent,
starting "If the calling thread already has a current rendering

"If the calling thread already has a current rendering context, behavior
is determined by the <release behavior> (the value of the
GLX_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_ARB parameter) of the current context. If
the release behavior is GLX_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_FLUSH_ARB, pending
commands to the previous context are flushed; if the release behavior is
GLX_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR_NONE_ARB, then no action is taken, and it
is as if the application simply stops making GL commands on that
context. That context is marked as no longer current, and <ctx> is made
the current context for the calling thread."

GLX Protocol



The errors defined for eglCreateContext, glXCreateContextAttribsARB, and
wglCreateContextAttribsARB already describe the situations where invalid
attribute values for the context release behavior are specified, and
where no context can be created satisfying the specified behavior, so no
new errors are added.

New State


New Implementation Dependent State

Append to Table 23.54, "Implementation Dependent State" of the OpenGL 4.4 Specification:

| Get Value                     | Type  | Get Command        | Initial Value                            | Description                        | Sec.    |
| CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR      | E     | GetIntegerv        | See sec. 2.22                            | Specifies flush behavior when      | 22.2    |
|                               |       |                    |                                          | the context is released.           |         |

Usage Examples



1) What happens when you switch between contexts that have the new

   Nothing. It is as if the thread simply stopped calling functions on
   one context and started calling functions on another. If, for
   example, an application is rendering to multiple windows or multiple
   framebuffer objects, it may not care what order commands are executed
   across the contexts. This extension allows the application to rapidly
   switch between contexts that may or may not share objects without any
   implied flushes.

2) Does this extension affect or change sharing semantics?

   RESOLVED: No. There is no intention to do so. From the client's
   perspective, at least, changes made to objects on one context should
   be visible to other contexts whenever they would have before.
   However, there may be some subtle interaction here that we haven't
   thought of yet.

3) Do we need to be able to query the context behavior?

   RESOLVED. Yes. Added a state query for GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR.

4) Should EGL/GLX/WGL/GL enum values for similar tokens be shared?

   RESOLVED: the developing tradition is for window system binding enums
   for context creation to share the same values, but GL to have its own
   values lying in the traditional GL enum ranges.

5) Should there be a GL extension string corresponding to
   the window system binding extension strings?

   RESOLVED: Yes. This is how we've always done it. Added
   GL_KHR_context_flush_control to Name Strings in revision 3.

6) Should there be an EGL equivalent of this functionality? Should the
   GL extension be KHR or ARB?

   RESOLVED: Yes, there should be an EGL extension, but it will be
   approved on a different schedule by EGL and GL WGs. The GL extension
   should be KHR, since ES is also interested in this functionality.

7) When the release behavior of an OpenGL compatibility profile context
   or an OpenGL ES 1.x context is to not flush, should it be possible to
   make a context non-current within a glBegin/glEnd pair?

   RESOLVED: No. Only GLX (not EGL or WGL) specifies this constraint,
   and hypothetical immediate-mode paths would have difficulty
   supporting MakeCurrent between Begin and End whether or not a flush
   is done.

Revision History

Rev. Date Author Changes —- ——— ——– ——————————————— 8 9/28/2016 Jon Leech Merge EGL_KHR_context_flush_control language, which was ratified more than two years ago but which we forgot to post until now. 7 8/11/2014 Jon Leech Add issue 7, minor wording tweaks to include GL and ES as peer APIs. 6 8/06/2014 Jon Leech Change GL extension to KHR instead of ARB. 5 6/26/2014 Jon Leech Remove ARB suffixes from GL tokens (only, Bug 12299) and clarify the initial value of the GL flush behavior query. 4 6/25/2014 Jon Leech Rewrite spec changes to be against the actual GLX/WGL API and extension specification documents, where possible. 3 6/24/2014 Jon Leech Assign enum values, add issues 4/5. 2 6/05/2014 gsellers Add state query for retrieving context behavior. Rename "lose-context" to "context release". This is the terminology in the existing GLX spec. The WGL spec doesn't appear to use a concrete term. Update state table. Renumbered issues to be contiguous. 1 4/17/2014 gsellers Initial revision based on earlier extension.