


Name Strings



Slawomir Grajewski, Intel Corporation (slawomir.grajewski 'at'


Petrik Clarberg, Intel Corporation
Jon Kennedy, Intel Corporation
Slawomir Cygan, Intel Corporation




Last Modified Date:         11/2/2016
Intel Revision:             2


OpenGL Extension #491
OpenGL ES Extension #265


This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile)
Specification (May 28, 2015)

This extension is written against Version 4.50.5 of the OpenGL Shading
Language Specification.

OpenGL 4.2 and GLSL 4.2 are required.

This extension is written against the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification
(August 10, 2015)

This extension is written against Version 3.20.2 of the OpenGL ES Shading
Language Specification (August 6, 2015)

This extension interacts with ARB_post_depth_coverage.


Regular rasterization includes fragments with at least one
sample covered by a polygon. Conservative rasterization includes all
fragments that are at least partially covered by the polygon.

In some use cases, it is also important to know if a fragment is fully
covered by a polygon, i.e. if all parts of the fragment are within the
polygon. An application may, for example, want to process fully covered
fragments different from the "edge" pixels. This extension adds an option
for the fragment shader to receive this information via gl_SampleMaskIn[].

This extension affects only polygons in FILL mode and specifically does not
imply any changes in processing of lines or points.

Conservative rasterization automatically disables polygon antialiasing
rasterization if enabled by POLYGON_SMOOTH.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted by the <target> parameter of Enable, Disable, IsEnabled:


Additions to Chapter 14.6, Polygons of the OpenGL 4.5 Specification

Modify Section 14.6.1, Basic Polygon Rasterization

(insert before the paragraph starting with "As for the data associated...")

The determination of which fragments are produced by polygon rasterization
can be modified by the conservative rasterization option (as described in
section 14.6.4).

Modify Section 14.6.3, Antialiasing

(add a new paragraph to the end of the section)

Conservative rasterization automatically disables polygon antialiasing
rasterization if enabled by POLYGON_SMOOTH.

Modify Section 14.6.4, Options Controlling Polygon Rasterization

(add a new paragraph to the end of the section)

The determination of which fragments are produced as a result of polygon
rasterization in FILL state can be modified by enabling the conservative
rasterization option. Conservative rasterization is enabled or disabled
with the generic Enable and Disable commands using the symbolic constant
CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_INTEL. When disabled, the fragments are
determined as described in section 14.6.1. When enabled the polygon
rasterization produces all fragments for which any part of their squares
are inside the polygon, after expanding the polygon by 1/512th of a pixel
in both x and y dimensions. Polygons with an area of zero do generate

The conservative rasterization option applies only to polygons with
PolygonMode state set to FILL. Draw requests for polygons with different
PolygonMode setting or for other primitive types (points/lines) generate

Modify Section 14.6.6, Polygon Multisample Rasterization

(modify the first paragraph)

If MULTISAMPLE is enabled, and the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one, then
polygons are rasterized using the following algorithm, regardless of
whether polygon antialiasing (POLYGON_SMOOTH) is enabled or disabled. When
conservative rasterization is disabled as described in section 14.6.4,
polygon rasterization produces a fragment for each framebuffer pixel with
one or more sample points that satisfy the point sampling criteria
described in section 14.6.1. When conservative rasterization is
enabled, polygon rasterization produces exactly the same fragments as with
MULTISAMPLE disabled and the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS set to zero. If a
polygon is culled, based on its orientation and the CullFace mode, then no
fragments are produced during rasterization. When conservative
rasterization is disabled, coverage bits that correspond to sample points
that satisfy the point sampling criteria are 1, other coverage bits are
0. When conservative rasterization is enabled all sample coverage bits for
fragments produced by rasterization are 1, other coverage bits are 0.

Additions to Chapter 15.2.2, Shader Inputs of the OpenGL 4.5 Specification

(replace the sentence starting with "Bit<n> of element<w> in the array...")

Bit <n> of element <w> in the array is set if and only if the sample
numbered <32w + n> is considered covered for this fragment shader
invocation. If the fragment shader specifies the "early_fragment_tests" and
"post_depth_coverage" layout qualifiers, then the sample is considered
covered if and only if the sample is covered by the primitive and the
sample passes the early fragment tests (as described in Section 15.2.4). If
these layout qualifiers are not specified, then the sample is considered
covered if the sample is covered by the primitive, regardless of the result
of the fragment tests. If the fragment shader specifies the
"inner_coverage" layout qualifier the sample is considered covered only if
the sample is covered by the primitive and passes the inner coverage
test. Layout qualifier "inner_coverage" is in effect only if conservative
is enabled and is mutually exclusive with "post_depth_coverage".

During the conservative rasterization process (section 14.6.4) for the
purpose of the inner coverage test the determination is made if the
fragment is entirely contained within the polygon. This determination is
made by shrinking the polygon by 1/512th of pixel along the x and y
dimensions. The result of the inner coverage test is available in
gl_SampleMaskIn if "inner_coverage" layout qualifier is present.

(replace the paragraph starting with "When per-sample shading is active due
to the use of a fragment input qualified...")

In the case of per-sample shading the information delivered via
gl_SampleMaskIn depends on the conservative rasterization state and
possibly on the layout qualifier. Regardless of the conservative
rasterization state, samples killed due to SAMPLE_COVERAGE or SAMPLE_MASK
are never reported in gl_SampleMaskIn regardless of the qualifier.

With conservative rasterization disabled, when per-sample shading is active
due to the use of a fragment input qualified by sample or due to the use of
the gl_SampleID or gl_SamplePosition variables, only the bit for the
current sample is set in gl_SampleMaskIn. When state specifies multiple
fragment shader invocations for a given fragment, the sample mask for any
single fragment shader invocation may specify a subset of the covered
samples for the fragment. In this case, the bit corresponding to each
covered sample will be set in exactly one fragment shader invocation.

With conservative rasterization enabled, regardless of whether per-sample
shading is active due to fragment input qualified by sample or by state,
the meaning of the gl_SampleMaskIn depends on layout qualifier and is the
same for both per-sample triggering conditions. Moreover as a consequence
of rasterization rules described in section 14.6.6, when conservative
rasterization is enabled and MULITISAMPLE is enabled and the value of
SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one, either all samples of a given fragment are covered,
or none.

* No layout qualifier present:
  The sample mask for any single fragment shader invocation specifies all
  samples covered by a conservatively rasterized fragment.

* Layout qualifier "inner_coverage":
  The sample mask for any single fragment shader invocation specifies all
  samples covered by a conservatively rasterized fragment that passed inner
  coverage test.

* Layout qualifier "post_depth_coverage":
  The sample mask for any single fragment shader invocation specifies all
  samples covered by a conservatively rasterized fragment that passed early
  depth/stencil tests if enforced by early_fragment_tests layout qualifier
  as described in section 15.2.4.

If MULTISAMPLE is enabled and the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one, and per
sample shading is not active, the meaning of gl_SampleMaskIn[] and its
modifications due to layout qualifier are exactly the same as described

Additions to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, version 4.50.5

Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the
language features described in this extension:

  #extension GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization : <behavior>

where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.3.

A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL Shading Language:

  #define GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization 1

Modify section, Fragment Shader Inputs

(replace the discussion of early_fragment_tests)

Fragment shaders also allow the following layout qualifiers on "in" only (not
with variable declarations)


For example,

    layout(early_fragment_tests) in;
    layout(post_depth_coverage) in;
    layout(inner_coverage) in;

"early_fragment_tests" requests that fragment tests be performed before
fragment shader execution, as described in section 15.2.4 "Early Fragment
Tests" of the OpenGL Specification. If neither this nor post_depth_coverage
are declared, per-fragment tests will be performed after fragment shader

"post_depth_coverage" requests that the built-in "gl_SampleMaskIn[]" will
reflect the result of the early fragment tests, as described in section
15.2.2 "Shader Inputs" of the OpenGL Specification. Use of this
qualifier implicitly requests that fragment tests be performed before
fragment shader execution.

"inner_coverage" requests that the built-in "gl_SampleMaskIn[]" will
reflect the result of the inner coverage test as described in section
15.2.2 "Shader Inputs" of the OpenGL Specification. It has an effect on
"gl_SampleMaskIn[]" only if conservative rasterization is enabled.

"post_depth_coverage" and "inner_coverage" are mutually
exclusive. Declaring both for fragment shader will result in compile or
link error.

Only one fragment shader (compilation unit) need declare these, though
more than one can. If at least one fragment shader declares one of these,
then it is enabled.

Additions to Chapter 13.7, Polygons of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification

Modify Section 13.7.1, Basic Polygon Rasterization

(insert before the paragraph starting with "As for the data associated...")

The determination of which fragments are produced by polygon rasterization
can be modified by the conservative rasterization option (as described in
section 13.7.1).

Modify Section 13.7.1, Basic Polygon Rasterization

(add at the end)

The determination of which fragments are produced as a result of polygon
rasterization can be modified by enabling the conservative rasterization
option. Conservative rasterization is enabled or disabled with the generic
Enable and Disable commands using the symbolic constant
CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_INTEL. When disabled, the fragments are
determined as described in this section. When enabled the polygon
rasterization produces all fragments for which any part of their squares
are inside the polygon, after expanding the polygon by 1/512th of pixel in
both x and y dimensions. Polygons with an area of zero do generate

The conservative rasterization option applies only to polygons. Draw
requests for other primitive types (points/lines) generate

Modify Section 13.7.3, Polygon Multisample Rasterization

(modify the first paragraph)

If the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one, then polygons are rasterized using
the following algorithm. When conservative rasterization is disabled,
polygon rasterization produces a fragment for each framebuffer pixel with
one or more sample points that satisfy the point sampling criteria
described in section 13.7.1. If a polygon is culled, based on its
orientation and the CullFace mode, then no fragments are produced during

If conservative rasterization is enabled, polygon rasterization produces
exactly the same fragments as with the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS set to
zero. Also, all sample coverage bits for fragments produced by
rasterization are 1, other coverage bits are 0. If a polygon is culled,
based on its orientation and the CullFace mode, then no fragments are
produced during rasterization.

Additions to Chapter 14.2.2, Shader Inputs of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification

(replace the sentence starting with "Bit<n> of element<w> in the array...")

Bit <n> of element <w> in the array is set if and only if the sample
numbered <32w + n> is considered covered for this fragment shader
invocation. If the fragment shader specifies the "early_fragment_tests" and
"post_depth_coverage" layout qualifiers, then the sample is considered
covered if and only if the sample is covered by the primitive and the
sample passes the early fragment tests (as described in Section 15.2.4). If
these layout qualifiers are not specified, then the sample is considered
covered if the sample is covered by the primitive, regardless of the result
of the fragment tests. If the fragment shader specifies the
"inner_coverage" layout qualifier the sample is considered covered only if
the sample is covered by the primitive and passes the inner coverage
test. Layout qualifier "inner_coverage" is in effect only if conservative
is enabled and is mutually exclusive with "post_depth_coverage".

During the conservative rasterization process (section 13.7.2) for the
purpose of the inner coverage test the determination is made if the
fragment is entirely contained within the polygon. This determination is
made by shrinking the polygon by 1/512th of pixel along the x and y
dimensions. The result of the inner coverage test is available in
gl_SampleMaskIn if "inner_coverage" layout qualifier is present.

(replace the paragraph starting with "When per-sample shading is active due
to the use of a fragment input qualified...")

In the case of per-sample shading the information delivered via
gl_SampleMaskIn depends on the conservative rasterization state and
possibly on the layout qualifier. Regardless of the conservative
rasterization state, samples killed due to SAMPLE_COVERAGE or SAMPLE_MASK
are never reported in gl_SampleMaskIn regardless of the qualifier.

With conservative rasterization disabled, when per-sample shading is active
due to the use of a fragment input qualified by sample or due to the use of
the gl_SampleID or gl_SamplePosition variables, only the bit for the
current sample is set in gl_SampleMaskIn. When state specifies multiple
fragment shader invocations for a given fragment, the sample mask for any
single fragment shader invocation may specify a subset of the covered
samples for the fragment. In this case, the bit corresponding to each
covered sample will be set in exactly one fragment shader invocation.

With conservative rasterization enabled, regardless of whether per-sample
shading is active due to fragment input qualified by sample or by state,
the meaning of the gl_SampleMaskIn depends on layout qualifier and is the
same for both per-sample triggering conditions. Moreover as a consequence
of rasterization rules described in section 13.7.3, when conservative
rasterization is enabled and MULITISAMPLE is enabled and the value of
SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one, either all samples of a given fragment are covered, or

* No layout qualifier present:
  The sample mask for any single fragment shader invocation specifies all
  samples covered by a conservatively rasterized fragment.

* Layout qualifier "inner_coverage":
  The sample mask for any single fragment shader invocation specifies all
  samples covered by a conservatively rasterized fragment that passed inner
  coverage test.

* Layout qualifier "post_depth_coverage":
  The sample mask for any single fragment shader invocation specifies all
  samples covered by a conservatively rasterized fragment that passed early
  depth/stencil tests if enforced by early_fragment_tests layout qualifier.

If the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one, and per sample shading is not
active, the meaning of gl_SampleMaskIn[] and its modifications due to
layout qualifier are exactly the same as described above.

Additions to the OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification, version 3.20.2

Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the
language features described in this extension:

  #extension GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization : <behavior>

where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.3.

A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL Shading Language:

  #define GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization 1

Modify section, Fragment Shader Inputs

(replace the discussion of early_fragment_tests)

Fragment shaders also allow the following layout qualifiers on "in" only (not
with variable declarations)


For example,

    layout(early_fragment_tests) in;
    layout(post_depth_coverage) in;
    layout(inner_coverage) in;

"early_fragment_tests" requests that fragment tests be performed before
fragment shader execution, as described in section 13.8 "Early Fragment
Tests" of the OpenGL ES Specification. If neither this nor post_depth_coverage
are declared, per-fragment tests will be performed after fragment shader

"post_depth_coverage" requests that the built-in "gl_SampleMaskIn[]" will
reflect the result of the early fragment tests, as described in section
14.2.2 "Shader Inputs" of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification. Use of this
qualifier implicitly requests that fragment tests be performed before
fragment shader execution.

"inner_coverage" requests that the built-in
"gl_SampleMaskIn[]" will reflect the result of the inner coverage test
as described in section 14.2.2 "Shader Inputs" of the OpenGL ES 3.2
Specification. It has an effect on "gl_SampleMaskIn[]" only if conservative
rasterization is enabled.

"post_depth_coverage" and "inner_coverage" are mutually
exclusive. Declaring both for a fragment shader will result in compile or
link error.

Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications


GLX Protocol


Interactions with ARB_post_depth_coverage

This extension is a fully compatible superset of ARB_post_depth_coverage
extension. Implementations supporting INTEL_conservative_rasterization may
or may not advertise ARB_post_depth_coverage without any changes in



New State in OpenGL 4.5 Core Profile

(add new row to the Table 23.10, Rasterization (cont.)

Get Value      Type  Get Command  Value  Description                 Sec.
-------------  ----  ----------- ------- -------------------------   ------
CONSERVATIVE_  B     IsEnabled()  FALSE  Conservative Rasterization  14.6.4
RASTERIZATION_                           setting

New State in OpenGL ES 3.2

(add new row to the Table 21.7, Rasterization)

Get Value      Type  Get Command  Value  Description                 Sec.
-------------  ----  ----------- ------- -------------------------   ------
CONSERVATIVE_  B     IsEnabled()  FALSE  Conservative Rasterization  3.6
RASTERIZATION_                           setting


(1) Why in per-sample shading case, when conservative rasterization is
    disabled, each sample is reported exactly once in gl_SampleMaskIn
    across all invocations of fragment shader for given fragment, while
    when conservative rasterization is enabled, all eligible samples from
    the given fragment are reported for each fragment shader invocation for
    this fragment?

    Resolved. The former behavior is enforced by existing OpenGL
    spec. The latter, provided by this extension, gives more information to
    the user about neighboring samples. In the extended version, the
    information about current sample can be obtained in the
    gl_SampleMaskIn[] as indicated by gl_SampleID.

Revision History

Rev.     Date       Author       Changes
----  ----------  ----------  -----------------------------------------
  2    11/2/2016  sgrajewski  Updated to OpenGL 4.5 and OpenGL ES 3.2.
                              Aligned with ARB_post_dept_coverage extension.

  1    10/1/2013  sgrajewski  Initial revision.