


Name Strings



Debalina Bhattacharjee
Michael Chock
James Jones
Daniel Kartch


Michael Chock (mchock 'at' nvidia.com)




Version 2, June 28, 2018


EGL Extension #75

Extension Type

EGL display extension


This extension is written against the language of EGL 1.5 and the
EGL_EXT_sync_reuse extension.

Either EGL_KHR_fence_sync and the EGLAttrib type or EGL 1.5 are

This extension interacts with, but does not require,

This extension interacts with EGL_NV_device_cuda.


This extension allows creating an EGL sync object linked to a CUDA
event object, potentially improving efficiency of sharing images and
compute results between the two APIs.

IP Status

No known claims.

New Types

A pointer to type cudaEvent_t, defined in the CUDA header files, may
be included in the attribute list passed to eglCreateSync.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

Accepted as attribute names in the <attrib_list> argument
of eglCreateSync:

    EGL_CUDA_EVENT_HANDLE_NV        0x323B

Returned in <values> for eglGetSyncAttrib <attribute>

    EGL_SYNC_CUDA_EVENT_NV          0x323C

Returned in <values> for eglGetSyncAttrib <attribute>


Add to section 3.8.1 (Sync Objects) of the EGL 1.5 specification, after the sixth paragraph:

Likewise, a <CUDA event sync object> reflects the status of a
corresponding CUDA object. Waiting on this type of sync object is
equivalent to waiting for completion of the corresponding linked
CUDA event object.

Add a new section following section (Creating and Signaling OpenCL Event Sync Objects):

Section 3.8.1.X Creating and Signaling CUDA Event Sync Objects

If <type> is EGL_SYNC_CUDA_EVENT_NV, a CUDA event sync object is
created. The <attrib_list> may contain the attribute
EGL_CUDA_EVENT_HANDLE_NV, set to a pointer to a cudaEvent_t object.
If it does not contain this attribute, the sync object will start in
the signaled state, and an event attribute must be provided the
first time eglUnsignalSyncEXT is called. Otherwise, a call to
eglUnsignalSyncEXT may replace this event attribute or leave it
unspecified, causing the previous object to be reused.

A cudaEvent_t object provided to eglCreateSync or eglUnsignalSyncEXT
must be properly initialized and recorded by the CUDA API (using
cudaEventCreate and cudaEventRecord), and the CUDA device
used to create the event must correspond to <dpy>[fn1]. Note that
EGL_CUDA_EVENT_HANDLE_NV is not a queryable property of a sync

[fn1] If EGL_NV_device_cuda is supported, it is sufficient that the
      CUDA device used to create the CUDA event matches the
      EGL_CUDA_DEVICE_NV attribute of <dpy>'s underlying EGL

Attributes of the CUDA event sync object are set as follows:

    Attribute Name          Initial Attribute Value(s)
    -------------           --------------------------
    EGL_SYNC_STATUS         Depends on status of <event>

If an <event> is linked to the sync object, the status of this type
of sync object depends on the state of <event> evaluated at the time
of the most recent call to eglCreateSync or eglUnsignalSyncEXT. If
all device work preceding the most recent call to cudaEventRecord on
the event has not yet completed, the status of the linked sync
object will be EGL_UNSIGNALED. If all such work has completed, the
status of the linked sync object will be EGL_SIGNALED. Calling
cudaEventRecord to modify an event has no effect on the sync object
while its status is EGL_UNSIGNALED, but will have an effect if the
event is reevaluated at a subsequent eglUnsignalSyncEXT call.

The only condition supported for CUDA event sync objects is
EGL_SYNC_CUDA_EVENT_COMPLETE_NV. It is satisfied when all device
work prior to the most recent call to cudaEventRecord at sync
unsignaling time has completed.

If EGL_EXT_sync_reuse is not present, then change the second sentence of 3.8.1.X above to "The must contain ..." and omit the remaining sentences in the paragraph. Omit all references to eglUnsignalSyncEXT.

In 3.8.1 (Sync Objects), if EGL_EXT_sync_reuse is present, then add the following to the error list for eglUnsignalSyncEXT. Otherwise add it to the error list for eglCreateSync:

is not linked to the sync object, then an EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE error is
generated. If its attribute value is not a valid CUDA event pointer
or has not been initialized as described above, then
EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE may be generated, but the results are undefined
and may include program termination.

Modify the third paragraph of section (Querying Sync Object Attributes):

If any eglClientWaitSync or eglWaitSync commands are blocking on
<sync> when eglDestroySync is called, <sync> is flagged for deletion
and will be deleted when the associated fence command, OpenCL event
object, or CUDA event object has completed, and <sync> is no longer
blocking any such egl*WaitSync command. Otherwise, the sync object
is destroyed immediately.

Replace the EGL_SYNC_CONDITION row of table 3.9 with:

Attribute           Description              Supported Sync Objects
------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------
EGL_SYNC_CONDITION  Signaling condition      EGL_SYNC_FENCE,
                                             EGL_SYNC_CL_EVENT, or

Table 3.9  Attributes Accepted by eglGetSyncAttrib

Interactions with EGL versions prior to 1.5

This extension may be used with earlier versions of EGL, provided
that the EGL_KHR_fence_sync extension is supported. In this case,
replace all references to sync functions and tokens with
corresponding KHR-suffixed versions (e.g., replace eglCreateSync
with eglCreateSyncKHR).

Additionally, this extension may be used with the 64-bit types and
functions added to EGL_KHR_fence_sync introduced by
EGL_KHR_cl_event2 (EGLAttribKHR and eglCreateSync64KHR). Support
for OpenCL events is not required.



Revision History

Version 2, 2018/06/28 (Daniel Kartch)
    - Rewritten to clearly define interactions with
      EGL_EXT_sync_reuse, without requiring it
    - Fixed incorrect CUDA function name
    - Fixed table spacing

Version 1, 2014/06/20 (Michael Chock)
    - initial version.