Name Strings
Mathias Heyer, NVIDIA Corporation (mheyer 'at' nvidia.com)
From ARB_copy_buffer:
Rob Barris, Blizzard Entertainment
Bruce Merry, ARM
Eric Werness, NVIDIA
Greg Roth, NVIDIA
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Shipping on Tegra
Last Modified Date: September 20, 2013
Author Revision: 3
OpenGL ES Extension #158
Written based on the wording of the OpenGL ES 2.0.25 (Nov, 2010)
OES_mapbuffer extension affects the definition of this extension.
This extension provides a mechanism to do an accelerated copy from one
buffer object to another. This may be useful to load buffer objects
in a "loading thread" while minimizing cost and synchronization effort
in the "rendering thread."
New Tokens
Accepted by the target parameters of BindBuffer, BufferData,
BufferSubData, MapBufferOES, UnmapBufferOES,
GetBufferPointervOES, GetBufferParameteriv and CopyBufferSubDataNV:
New Procedures and Functions
void CopyBufferSubDataNV(enum readtarget, enum writetarget,
intptr readoffset, intptr writeoffset,
sizeiptr size);
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Add a new subsection "Copying Between Buffers" to section 2.9:
All or part of one buffer object's data store may be copied to the
data store of another buffer object by calling
void CopyBufferSubDataNV(enum readtarget, enum writetarget,
intptr readoffset, intptr writeoffset,
sizeiptr size);
with readtarget and writetarget each set to one of the targets
ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. While any of these targets may be used,
provided specifically for copies, so that they can be done without
affecting other buffer binding targets that may be in use.
writeoffset and size specify the range of data in the buffer object
bound to writetarget that is to be replaced, in terms of basic machine
units. readoffset and size specify the range of data in the buffer
object bound to readtarget that is to be copied to the corresponding
region of writetarget.
A buffer object is bound to COPY_READ_BUFFER_NV or COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_NV
by calling BindBuffer with target set to COPY_READ_BUFFER_NV or
COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_NV and buffer set to the name of the buffer object.
If no corresponding buffer object exists, one is initialized as
defined in section 2.9.
The commands BufferData, BufferSubData, MapBufferOES, UnmapBufferOES,
GetBufferPointervOES, GetBufferParameteriv (section 6.1.3) may be used
with target set to COPY_READ_BUFFER_NV or COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_NV. In such
event, these commands operate in the same fashion as described in section
2.9 and 6.3.1 but on the buffer currently bound to target
An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if any of readoffset,
writeoffset, or size are negative, if readoffset+size exceeds the
size of the buffer object bound to readtarget, or if
writeoffset+size exceeds the size of the buffer object bound to
An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if the same buffer object is
bound to both readtarget and writetarget, and the ranges
[readoffset, readoffset+size) and [writeoffset, writeoffset+size)
An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if zero is bound to
readtarget or writetarget.
An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the buffer objects
bound to either readtarget or writetarget are mapped.
Additions to the AGL/EGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by CopyBufferSubDataNV if
readoffset, writeoffset, or size are less than zero, or if
readoffset+size is greater than the value of BUFFER_SIZE of
readtarget/readBuffer, or if writeoffset+size is greater than the
value of BUFFER_SIZE of writetarget/writeBuffer.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by CopyBufferSubDataNV if
either readtarget/readBuffer or writetarget/writeBuffer are mapped.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by CopyBufferSubDataNV if
readtarget/readBuffer and writetarget/writeBuffer are the same
buffer object, and the ranges [readoffset, readoffset+size) and
[writeoffset, writeoffset+size) overlap.
New State
(add to table 6.2, Vertex Array State)
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec.
---------------- ---- ----------- ------- --------------------------- ------
COPY_READ_BUFFER_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Buffer object bound to the 2.9
copy buffer "read" binding
COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Buffer object bound to the 2.9
copy buffer "write"
binding point
1) How is this extension useful?
This can be a desirable replacement to BufferSubData if there are
large updates that will pollute the CPU cache. If generating the data
can be offloaded to another thread, then the CPU cost of the update
in the rendering thread can be very small.
Finally, if an implementation supports concurrent data transfers in
one context/thread while doing rendering in another context/thread,
this extension may be used to move data from system memory to video
memory in preparation for copying it into another buffer in the
rendering thread.
Dependencies on OES_mapbuffer
If OES_mapbuffer is not present, references to MapBufferOES and
UnmapBufferOES should be ignored and language referring to mapped
buffer objects should be removed.
Revision History
Revision 3, 2013/08/20
- minor edits for publishing
Revision 2, 2012/04/19
- Added explicit interaction with BufferData, BufferSubData, MapBufferOES,
UnmapBufferOES, GetBufferPointervOES and GetBufferParameteriv
Revision 1, 2012/04/18
- Initial draft by starting with a copy of ARB_copy_buffer and stripping
it to ES