


Name Strings



Benj Lipchak, Apple (lipchak 'at' apple.com)


Francisco Jerez, Intel




Last Modified Date: September 6, 2018
Author Revision: 8


OpenGL ES Extension #122
OpenGL Extension #520


OpenGL 2.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0 is required.

This specification is written against the OpenGL ES 2.0.24 and OpenGL ES
3.0.4 specifications.  This extension is written against the OpenGL ES
Shading Language 1.0.17 and OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00.3

OpenGL 2.0, OpenGL 3.0, OpenGL 4.0, OpenGL 4.5, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES
3.0, OpenGL ES 3.1 and OpenGL ES 3.2 affect the definition of this

ARB_sample_shading and OES_sample_shading interact with this extension.


Conventional OpenGL blending provides a configurable series of operations
that can be used to combine the output values from a fragment shader with
the values already in the framebuffer. While these operations are
suitable for basic image compositing, other compositing operations or
operations that treat fragment output as something other than a color
(normals, for instance) may not be expressible without multiple passes or
render-to-texture operations.

This extension provides a mechanism whereby a fragment shader may read
existing framebuffer data as input. This can be used to implement
compositing operations that would have been inconvenient or impossible with
fixed-function blending. It can also be used to apply a function to the
framebuffer color, by writing a shader which uses the existing framebuffer
color as its only input.

This extension provides two alternative name strings:

 - GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch guarantees full coherency between
   framebuffer reads and writes.  If this extension string is exposed, the
   result of reading from the framebuffer from a fragment shader invocation
   is guaranteed to reflect values written by any previous overlapping
   samples in API primitive order, unless requested otherwise in the shader
   source using the noncoherent layout qualifier.

 - GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent provides limited implicit
   coherency guarantees.  Instead, the application is expected to call the
   FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT command for previous framebuffer writes to
   become visible to subsequent fragment shader invocations.  For this
   extension to give well-defined results applications may have to split
   rendering into multiple passes separated with FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT
   calls.  The functionality provided by this extension is requested in the
   shader source using the noncoherent layout qualifier.


1. How is framebuffer data treated during multisample rendering?

RESOLVED: Reading the value of gl_LastFragData produces a different
result for each sample. This implies that all or part of the shader be
run once for each sample, but has no additional implications on fragment
shader input variables which may still be interpolated per pixel by the

2. How does the use of gl_LastFragData interact with fragment discard?

RESOLVED: Hardware may not necessarily support discarding on sample
granularity depending on API version and extension support. Therefore,
three options were considered for this functionality:

    A) Allow discard based on variables calculated using the framebuffer
       color when multisample rasterization is disabled, but disallow
       discard in this manner when multisample rasterization is enabled.
    B) Restrict usage of the framebuffer color until it is known whether
       or not the pixel will be discarded.
    C) Allow undefined results for fragment shaders that discard on a
       per-sample basis on hardware that doesn't support it.

This extension has chosen option C where support for per-sample discard
is not provided by the GL.  Restricting orthogonality of fragment shaders
between single-sample and multisample rendering is undesirable, as is
restricting usage of the framebuffer color, which can generally only be
done with detailed flow-control analysis.

If an overlapping specification guarantees well-defined results for
shaders that execute discard with sample granularity (e.g.
ARB_sample_shading), this extension won't reverse that guarantee, instead
the boolean query FRAGMENT_SHADER_DISCARDS_SAMPLES_EXT defined by this
extension will return TRUE for consistency with current specifications.

3. What is the precision of gl_LastFragData in practice?

RESOLVED: Three options were considered for this functionality:

    A) gl_LastFragData is always mediump.
    B) gl_LastFragData takes the precision most closely matching the
       actual storage format of the framebuffer.
    C) Allow redeclaration of gl_LastFragData in order to change its

This extension has chosen option C. A fixed precision per option A
increases the likelihood of redundant conversion operations in the shader,
and option B does not provide for clear behavior with regard to the
precision of intermediate results from calculations using the
framebuffer color.

4. How does this extension iteract with conventional blending?

RESOLVED: There is no interaction.  The two remain orthogonal.  The rest
of the pipeline continues as usual after the fragment shader stage.

5. How does this extension work in ES 3.0?

RESOLVED: Differently than in ES 2.0.

The built-in fragment outputs of ES 2.0 are replaced in #version 300 es
shaders by user-declared outputs, to accomodate integer and MRT 
framebuffers.  Three options were considered:

    A) Add built-ins similar to gl_LastFragData.
    B) Add a layout to mark user-declared fragment outputs as having
    defined content on entry to fragment shader.
    C) Allow marking user-declared fragment outputs as "inout".

This extension has chosen option C.  Adding built-ins per option A is
unwieldy for MRT framebuffers with mixed attachment types and precisions.  
Options B and C are semantically identical, but C requires fewer 
modifications to the specification and to user shaders.  Note that the 
inout qualifier is not allowed for re-declaring existing fragment outputs 
such as gl_FragDepth.

6. How does this extension interact with sRGB rendering?

RESOLVED: If the current GL state would cause the corresponding destination
color to be converted from sRGB to linear at input to blending,
gl_LastFragData or fragment outputs with the inout storage qualifier will
contain framebuffer values converted from sRGB to linear upon entry to the
fragment shader.

7. How does this extension interact with derivative built-in functions?

RESOLVED: There is no direct interaction in principle, but because the
result of framebuffer fetch is undefined for helper invocations, derivative
functions may give non-deterministic results when the argument is dependent
on values read from the framebuffer.

To overcome this limitation the application may be able to calculate the
derivative of gl_HelperInvocation in order to determine whether any of the
invocations involved in the calculation are helper invocations, which
would invalidate the result of the same derivative applied to any
expression dependent on values read from the framebuffer.  In particular,
if either dFdx(float(gl_HelperInvocation)) or
dFdy(float(gl_HelperInvocation)) is zero, the corresponding derivative of
a value read from the framebuffer should be well-defined.

8. Should we require the behavior of framebuffer fetch to be well-defined
   for helper invocations in order to support calculating derivatives of
   color outputs without restrictions?

RESOLVED: Not in this extension.  It would be compelling from the
perspective of the API, and likely more consistent with the current
behavior of texture sampling and image loads for helper invocations, but
hardware support may be limited.  With the non-coherent variant of this
extension there is the additional difficulty that derivatives could still
give non-deterministic results, because there is no way for the application
to determine whether there will be overlap between helper invocations and
previous rendering done in the same pass, since the set of helper
invocations executed during rendering is fully defined by the

9. How should the implementation behave where framebuffer fetch coherency
   cannot be enabled selectively for each fragment output due to hardware
   or software limitations?

RESOLVED: Because the behavior specified for coherent framebuffer fetch
outputs is a strict subset of the behavior of non-coherent outputs, the
implementation is free to ignore any noncoherent layout qualifiers and
enable coherency globally when the fragment shader bound to the pipeline
has any color outputs requiring framebuffer fetch coherency.

10. Should the current coherent memory qualifier be reused to indicate
    whether the application requires framebuffer fetch coherency for a given
    fragment output?

RESOLVED: No, because that would imply breaking GLSL source-level
compatibility with earlier versions of the EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch
extension.  That said, it may make sense to reconsider this syntactic
compromise if this extension is used as starting point for another
specification text (e.g. a derived ARB/KHR extension).

New Procedures and Functions

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

void FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT(void);

New Tokens

Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv,
and GetDoublev:


New Builtin Variables

[[ The following applies to OpenGL Shading Language 1.1 and 1.2 only. ]]

vec4 gl_LastFragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];

[[ The following applies to OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0 only. ]]

mediump vec4 gl_LastFragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers]

Changes to the OpenGL ES 2.0.24 Specification, Chapter 3

Remove the last sentence of Paragraph 2 of Section 3.8.1, page 84 ("These
built-in varying variables include [...]" and add:

These built-in varying variables include the fragment's position, eye z
coordinate, and front-facing flag, as well as the last data or color value
written to the framebuffer. When the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 1 and the 
current framebuffer color is accessed in the fragment shader, the fragment
shader will be invoked separately for each covered sample and a separate 
value for the previous framebuffer color will be provided for each sample."

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

Append new paragraph at the end of section 3.8.2, page 197 ("Shader

"The command

    void FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT(void);

specifies a boundary between passes when reading existing framebuffer data
from fragment shaders via the gl_LastFragData built-in variable.  Previous
framebuffer object writes regardless of the mechanism (including clears,
blits and primitive rendering) are guaranteed to be visible to subsequent
fragment shader invocations that read from the framebuffer once
FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT is executed."

[[ The following applies if both EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch and
   EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent are supported. ]]

"Because the implementation guarantees coherency of framebuffer reads and
writes for color outputs not explicitly marked with the noncoherent layout
qualifier, calling the FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT command is not required
unless the application wishes to manage memory ordering of framebuffer
reads and writes explicitly, which may provide better performance on some
implementations in cases where rendering can be split into multiple passes
with non-self-overlapping geometry."

[[ The following applies to either variant of the extension unless
   specified otherwise in the interactions sections. ]]

Add a new subsection to section 3.8.2, page 87 ("Shader Execution"):


Fragment shaders may conditionally abandon operations using the discard
keyword. However, the ability of hardware to support abandoning operations
on a single sample when the shader is invoked once for each covered sample
is implementation-dependent. This capability can be determined by calling
GetBooleanv with the symbolic constant 
shaders which discard based on per-sample logic are undefined."

Changes to the OpenGL ES 2.0.24 Specification, Chapter 4

Replace first element of Figure 4.1, page 90 ("Fragment + Associated Data"):

    "Fragment (or sample) + Associated Data"

Add a new section 4.1.lastfragcolor (Fragment Data Input) - immediately before section 4.1.4 (Stencil Test):

    Prior to fragment shading, if GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch is enabled,
    gl_LastFragData[] is populated with the value last written to the
    framebuffer at the same (x,y,sample) position.
    If the framebuffer attachment corresponding to a given element of
    gl_LastFragData[] has a fixed-point format, each color component undergoes a
    conversion to floating-point first. This conversion must leave the values 0
    and 1 invariant.

    [[If GL_EXT_sRGB is supported]]

    framebuffer attachment corresponding to a given element of gl_LastFragData[]
    is SRGB,

    [[If GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control is supported]]

    and FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_EXT is enabled,

    [[End GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control]]

    the R, G, and B destination color values
    (after conversion from fixedpoint to floating-point) are considered to be
    encoded for the sRGB color space and hence must be linearized first.
    Each R, G, and B component is converted in the same fashion described for
    sRGB texture components in section 3.8.16.

    [[End GL_EXT_sRGB]]

New Implementation Dependent State

Add to table 6.19 (Implementation Dependent Values (cont.)):

Get Value                             Type  Get Command  Minimum Value  Description        Section
---------                             ----  -----------  -------------  --------------     -------
FRAGMENT_SHADER_DISCARDS_SAMPLES_EXT  B     GetBooleanv  -              Samples may be     3.8.2

Changes to the OpenGL ES 3.0.4 Specification, Chapter 3

Append new paragraphs at the end of the "Shader Outputs" subsection under
section 3.9.2, Shader Execution, page 171:

"Prior to fragment shading, fragment outputs declared inout are populated
with the value last written to the framebuffer at the same (x,y,sample)
position.  If the framebuffer attachment corresponding to an inout fragment
output has a fixed-point format, each color component undergoes a
conversion to floating-point first.  This conversion must leave the values
0 and 1 invariant.

Reading from a user-defined fragment output declared inout causes the
shader to be evaluated per-sample, since the framebuffer potentially
contains different color values for each sample.

framebuffer attachment corresponding to a given inout fragment output is
SRGB (see section 6.1.13),"

[[If GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control is supported]]

"and FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_EXT is enabled,"

[[End GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control]]

"the R, G, and B destination color values (after conversion from
fixed-point to floating-point) are considered to be encoded for the sRGB
color space and hence must be linearized first.  Each R, G, and B component
is converted in the same fashion described for sRGB texture components in
section 3.8.16."

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

"The command

    void FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT(void);

specifies a boundary between passes when reading existing framebuffer data
from fragment shaders via inout fragment outputs.  Previous framebuffer
object writes regardless of the mechanism (including clears, blits and
primitive rendering) are guaranteed to be visible to subsequent fragment
shader invocations that read from the framebuffer once
FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT is executed."

[[ The following applies if both EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch and
   EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent are supported. ]]

"Because the implementation guarantees coherency of framebuffer reads and
writes for color outputs not explicitly marked with the noncoherent layout
qualifier, calling the FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT command is not required
unless the application wishes to manage memory ordering of framebuffer
reads and writes explicitly, which may provide better performance on some
implementations in cases where rendering can be split into multiple passes
with non-self-overlapping geometry."

Changes to the OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0.17 Specification, Chapter 3

Remove Paragraph 2 of section 3.8, page 17, Identifiers ("Identifiers
starting with "gl_" are reserved [...]") and add:

"Identifiers starting with "gl_" are reserved for use by the Shading
Language, and may not be declared in a shader as either a variable or a
function.  However, as noted in the specification, certain predeclared
"gl_" names are allowed to be redeclared in a shader for the specific
purpose of changing their precision or layout qualifier."

Changes to the OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0.17 Specification, Chapter 4

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

Add a new Section 4.x (Layout Qualifiers) as follows:

"4.x Layout Qualifiers

Layout qualifiers can appear with an individual variable declaration:

    <layout-qualifier> <declaration>;

        layout( <layout-qualifier-id-list> )

        comma separated list of <layout-qualifier-id>

Declarations of layouts can only be made at global scope, and only where
indicated in the following subsection; their details are specific to what
the declaration interface is, and are discussed individually.

The tokens in any <layout-qualifier-id-list> are identifiers, not
keywords. Generally they can be listed in any order. Order-dependent
meanings exist only if explicitly called out below. Similarly, these
identifiers are not case-sensitive, unless explicitly noted otherwise.

4.x.1 Output Layout Qualifiers

Fragment shaders may specify the following layout qualifier only for
redeclaring the built-in gl_LastFragData array.  The allowed layout
qualifier identifiers for gl_LastFragData are:


Non-coherent framebuffer fetch outputs have relaxed memory ordering
requirements and may provide better performance on some implementations,
but they require FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT to be called explicitly for the
contents rendered to a color attachment to be visible to subsequent
fragment shader invocations.  Redeclarations are done as follows:

  layout(noncoherent) mediump vec4 gl_LastFragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];"

Changes to the OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0.17 Specification, Chapter 7

Add after the last sentence of Paragraph 2 of Section 7.2, page 60,
Fragment Shader Special Variables ("These variables may be written to
more [...]"):

"... To access the existing framebuffer values (e.g., to implement a
complex blend operation inside the shader), fragment shaders should use
the read-only input array gl_LastFragData."

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch is supported. ]]

"Unless it has been redeclared with the noncoherent layout qualifier,
gl_LastFragData contains the most recent value written to the attachments
bound to each color output at the current sample location.  Access to
gl_LastFragData is optional and can be enabled by

 #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch : <behavior>

Where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.4.  A new preprocessor
define is added to the Shading Language:

 #define GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch                     1"

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

"If it has been redeclared with the noncoherent layout qualifier,
gl_LastFragData contains the most recent value written to the attachments
bound to each color output at the current sample location as long as
FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT has been executed between the last command that
updated the same location of the framebuffer attachment and the current
draw call.  Its value is undefined for any outputs whose contents at the
current sample location have been modified since the last
FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT call.  Access to gl_LastFragData and the ability
to use the layout(noncoherent) qualifier are optional and can be enabled by

 #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent : <behavior>

Where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.4.  A new preprocessor
define is added to the Shading Language:

 #define GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent        1"

[[ The following applies to either variant of the extension but shall be
   omitted where precision qualifiers are not supported. ]]

"By default, gl_LastFragData is declared with the mediump precision
qualifier. This can be changed by redeclaring the corresponding variables
with the desired precision qualifier.

Redeclarations are done as follows

// Redeclaration that changes nothing is allowed
mediump vec4 gl_LastFragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers]; 

// All the following are allowed redeclaration that change behavior
lowp vec4 gl_LastFragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];
highp vec4 gl_LastFragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];

Redeclarations must not otherwise alter the declared type or array size of

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

"Unless the GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch extension has been enabled in
addition, it's an error to use gl_LastFragData if it hasn't been
explicitly redeclared with layout(noncoherent)."

Changes to the OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0.17 Specification, Chapter 8

Add after paragraph 2 of section 8.7, Texture Lookup Functions,
page 57 ("Functions containing the bias parameter [...]"):

"Results are undefined if the coordinates passed to any of the built-in
functions below that compute an implicit LOD value are calculated based on
the result of reading from gl_LastFragData, and the texture bound to the
specified sampler is mip-mapped."

Changes to the OpenGL Shading Language 1.10 Specification, Chapter 8

[[ The following applies in addition to the changes given above for the
   same chapter of the OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0.17 Specification. ]]

Append at the end of section 8.8, Fragment Processing Functions,
page 59:

"The result of the built-in derivative functions dFdx, dFdy and
fwidth is undefined if the value passed as argument was calculated
based on the result of reading from gl_LastFragData."

Changes to the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00.3 Specification, Chapter 4

Modify Paragraph 2 of section 4.3.6:
"Except in the fragment stage, there is not an inout storage qualifier at
global scope for declaring a single variable name as both input and output

Modify Paragraph 7 of section 4.3.6:

"Fragment outputs output per-fragment data and are declared using the out
or inout storage qualifier.  It is a compile-time error to use auxiliary
storage qualifiers or interpolation qualifiers on an output in a fragment
shader [...]" and append new paragraphs at the end of the same section:

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

"Fragment outputs declared inout may specify the following layout


Non-coherent framebuffer fetch outputs have relaxed memory ordering
requirements and may provide better performance on some implementations,
but they require FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT to be called explicitly for the
contents rendered to a color attachment to be visible to subsequent
fragment shader invocations."

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch is supported. ]]

"Upon entry to the fragment shader, fragment outputs declared inout not
qualified with the noncoherent layout qualifier will contain the most
recent value written to the same framebuffer attachment at the current
sample location.  This behavior and the ability to use the inout qualifier
at global scope in a fragment shader is optional and can be enabled by

 #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch : <behavior>

Where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.4.  A new preprocessor
define is added to the Shading Language:

 #define GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch                     1"

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

"Upon entry to the fragment shader, fragment outputs declared inout
qualified with the noncoherent layout qualifier will contain the most
recent value written to the same framebuffer attachment at the current
sample location, as long as FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT has been executed
between the last command that updated the framebuffer location and the
current draw call.  The initial value is undefined for any fragment outputs
declared inout whose contents at the current sample location have been
modified since the last FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT call.  This behavior and
the ability to use the inout and layout(noncoherent) qualifiers at global
scope in a fragment shader are optional and can be enabled by

 #extension GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent : <behavior>

Where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.4.  A new preprocessor
define is added to the Shading Language:

 #define GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent        1"

[[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent is
   supported. ]]

"It is an error to declare an inout fragment output not qualified with
layout(noncoherent) if the GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch extension hasn't
been enabled."

Changes to the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00.3 Specification, Chapter 7

[[ The following shall be omitted if the changes given below for the same
   chapter of the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.10.4 Specification apply. ]]

Append at the end of section 7.2, Fragment Shader Special Variables, page

"A helper invocation is a fragment shader invocation that is created solely
for the purposes of evaluating derivatives for the built-in functions
texture() (section 8.9 "Texture Functions"), dFdx(), dFdy(), and fwidth()
for other non-helper fragment shader invocations.

Fragment shader helper invocations execute the same shader code as
non-helper invocations, but will not have side effects that modify the
framebuffer or other shader-accessible memory.  In particular fragments
corresponding to helper invocations are discarded when shader execution is
complete, without updating the framebuffer.  The values returned when
reading from the framebuffer via inout fragment outputs are undefined for
helper invocations.

Helper invocations may be generated for pixels not covered by a primitive
being rendered. While fragment shader inputs qualified with "centroid" are
normally required to be sampled in the intersection of the pixel and the
primitive, the requirement is ignored for such pixels since there is no
intersection between the pixel and primitive.

Helper invocations may also be generated for fragments that are covered by
a primitive being rendered when the fragment is killed by early fragment
tests or where the implementation is able to determine that executing the
fragment shader would have no effect other than assisting in computing
derivatives for other fragment shader invocations.  The set of helper
invocations generated when processing any set of primitives is

Changes to the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.10.4 Specification, Chapter 7

Modify the first bullet point of paragraph 11 of section 7.1.2, Fragment
Shader Special Variables, page 96:

"* Fragments corresponding to helper invocations are discarded when shader
   execution is complete, without updating the framebuffer.  The values
   returned when reading from the framebuffer via inout fragment outputs
   are undefined for helper invocations."

Interactions with OpenGL 2.0

If OpenGL 2.0 is supported, all changes given above for the OpenGL ES
2.0.24 and OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0.17 specifications shall be
applied, in addition to any changes given specifically for the OpenGL
Shading Language 1.10 Specification.  References to precision qualifiers
shall be omitted.

Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 and later

If OpenGL 3.0 is supported, all changes given above for the OpenGL ES 3.0.4
and OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00.3 specifications shall be applied.
Changes given for earlier OpenGL ES and OpenGL ES Shading Language versions
shall be ignored.  References to auxiliary storage qualifiers shall be
omitted if they are not supported by the Shading Language.

Interactions with OpenGL 4.0 and later

The interaction described below with ARB_sample_shading applies in
addition to any interactions enumerated for OpenGL 3.0 and above.

Interactions with OpenGL 4.5 and later

The changes given above for the OpenGL Shading Language 3.10.4
Specification shall be applied in addition to any interactions enumerated
for OpenGL 4.0 and above.

Interactions with OpenGL ES 2.0

If OpenGL ES 2.0 is supported, apply all changes given above for the OpenGL
ES 2.0.24 and OpenGL ES Shading Language 1.0.17 specifications.

Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.0 and later

If OpenGL ES 3.0 is supported, all changes given above for the OpenGL ES
3.0.4 and OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00.3 specifications shall be
applied.  Changes given for earlier OpenGL ES and OpenGL ES Shading
Language versions shall be ignored.  References to auxiliary storage
qualifiers shall be omitted if they are not supported by the Shading

Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.1 and later

The changes given above for the OpenGL Shading Language 3.10.4
Specification shall be applied in addition to any interactions enumerated
for OpenGL ES 3.0 and above.

Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.2 and later

The interaction described below with OES_sample_shading applies in
addition to any interactions enumerated for OpenGL ES 3.1 and above.

Interactions with OES_standard_derivatives

Results from shaders which use the built-in derivative functions dFdx,
dFdy, and fwidth on variables calculated using the current framebuffer 
color are undefined.

Interactions with ARB_sample_shading and OES_sample_shading

The FRAGMENT_SHADER_DISCARDS_SAMPLES_EXT query defined above is guaranteed
to return TRUE if any of these extensions is supported, since they
already provide well-defined behavior for discard jumps with sample

Revision History

Version 8, 2018/09/06 - Replace non-ASCII quote characters.
Version 7, 2017/11/13 - Specify interactions with desktop OpenGL APIs.
                      - Specify interaction with ARB/OES_sample_shading
                        and unextended GL versions that provide the same
                        functionality.  Clarify resolution of
                        multisampling-related issues to avoid
                        contradicting recent versions of the spec.
                      - Explicitly require per-sample evaluation of the
                        fragment shader when an inout output is read in
                        OpenGL ES 3.0 and above.
                      - Specify undefined behavior of helper invocations
                        in OpenGL ES 3.0 and above.  Add discussion
                        related to derivative computations in the issues
                      - Specify undefined behavior of texture lookup
                        functions that compute implicit derivatives in
                        OpenGL (ES) 2.0.
                      - Define EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent
                        variant of the extension.  Add
                        FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT command.  Define
                        noncoherent layout qualifier for finer-grained
                        control of framebuffer fetch coherency.
Version 6, 2017/10/04 - Clarified how gl_LastFragData is populated.
Version 5, 2016/09/08 - Added preprocessor defines.
Version 4, 2013/05/28 - Added ES3 interaction as requested in Bug 10236
Version 3, 2012/09/24 - Remove obsolete issue 3 about derivatives
Version 2, 2012/06/21 - Fix MULTISAMPLE enabled -> SAMPLE_BUFFERS = 1,
                        recast from APPLE to multivendor EXT, clarify that
                        gl_LastFragData reflects value written by previous
                        pixel at same coordinates.
Version 1, 2012/06/01 - Conversion from ARB_sync to APPLE_sync for ES.